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  1. Salam alaykum Brothers and Sisters, Inshallah you’re all well. Can locals to Dearborn give me some advice about where to live and what are the best elementary schools? Also generally, I’m wondering are the public schools a positive environment for Muslim children because the cohort is majority Muslim? Or are the secular values and culture an issue in the Dearborn/dearborn heights/canton etc schools like everywhere else? I found three Islamic schools (Maya, Wise and Great Revelations). Am I missing any? Any feedback on these? I found Wise/Maya expensive compared to the Sunni Islamic school we currently attend in another state, and there are no caps on fees for big families or financial aid applications etc. If we go public I’m planning on enrolling the children into a Saturday Islamic school so any advice on those would be appreciated too. Many thanks and dua in Advance **background info** We are moving to the area purely for the sake of our children in the hopes that they follow the path of Ahlul bayt (عليه السلام). Currently we live very comfortably and financially better off in another state so it’s a bit scary to leave this place for a lower paying job in Detroit. Given this the budget will be tight and I really need local feedback on schools as we might not be able to afford the private schools.
  3. yo yo yo what do all people study and where do you guys live? What do you want work with? Lemme start: I live in Denmark and I study for law. I guess I want to be a lawyer. your turn xx
  4. Salam Alaykum brothers and sisters, I feel like a failure. I did not get into university with the marks I have and feel extremely saddened and like a failure and a disappointment. I have another chance, but I have been trying my best and really feel burnt out at this point. I kindly ask that you all make duaa for me to get into this university, as this is the most important thing for me right now. Please make duaa for me. May Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) reward and bless you all insha’Allah. Thank you.
  5. Should Muslims Teach Their Kids Art?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVwbeQjafuA Any artistic Muslims in the house ? Muslim Artists say I! Aren't we so.... under rated .... Like if you agree ^_^ I was given a few questions to ponder over by a fellow hijabi artist, writer! sister Na'ima B Robert- Do You Agree? Anything To Add?
  6. salaam-u-alaikum, would someone please give me a basic structure that I could use for a khutba as I have recently signed up to give them at school and want to paint a posative image for Shi'as in the eyes of my Sunni friends. Some ideas as to what I would speak about aswell would be much appreciated
  7. Salam guys, maybe I'm asking for too much, but could you please make dua for me? I have my entry test for med school next week and in mid april they'll tell me if I got accepted to med school or not. So could you guys pleas make dua for me that I'll inshallah get accepted ? Thankyou in advance
  8. Salaam people so I have a question and it's quite important. I just finished school, but when I was in grade 6 or 7 I don't exactly remember I used to take food from my canteen, the school tuck shop and tell the person who was handling that tuck shop that I'll pay him later. Now, the problem here is that I didn't repay the money, also I was young then so I didn't think much about it. Now when I was thinking about school(my school ended this year) I remembered about this, but the tuck shop person has changed and there are new people there so what should I do? How do I get rid of this burden I have been carrying for 3/4 years now? Cause I don't know where the old people are. BTW I was baligh back then in grade 7.
  9. Assalamualaikum, before moving to Japan life was much easier. Sports, sports club, changing clothes, physical education had become so hard for me that I started to hate my religion because my parents or let's say my mother did not allowed me to get rid of my hijab , she told me either school or hijab and I chose school because school is mandatory until 9th grade but I told her that I will leave school if u don't allowed me. I swear life over here is hard. My question is that do I go to school until 9th grade and wear hijab 「 I am in 9th and next year around February, I will graduate」 or don't wear hijab and go to school?
  10. Hello! My family is planning to move back to Iraq after 20 years in Sweden and I have accepted that. My only problem is that I don't know how the education system for Iraq's high school work and how many subjects they have and what kind of subjects. Also, is the education good there? Every answer is much appreciated.
  11. Look at this, for those of you in the west who think shouldnt be criticized and for those live out side of it who want to emigrate to canada and us, please look at this. @DigitalUmmah,
  12. Salam Alaikum my dear brothers and sisters, I'm starting college in two days please make dua for me to succeed in all of my classes and pass with straight A's. jazakallah khayr
  13. I am currently in 10th grade, attending a high school in Houston. I have to tell you, that I absolutely hate that place with a burning, fiery passion. I'm forced to go into this hellhole EVERY single day of my childhood, (excluding holidays and the weekends) knowing that there is a WORLD to explore. I will give you all some points as to why I HATE school; but before that, I will give some background info. So back in my early childhood, I was a great student. I had all A's on all my tests and quizzes and I never did my homework, and I still don't. It came to a point where the classes were so mind-numbingly BORING that I began to halt my focus in class, instead I started to read books and self-teach. Of course, my sleep was messed up because of this, and I continued to read, constantly till about 3 AM. Keep in mind I was in like grades 4-7. My grades began to wane, and my parents seriously emphasized my "education". I was constantly being told that if I don't go to college, I will be homeless, or working at McDonald's my entire life. I honestly now am at the point of wanting to drop out. Now here are the reasons 1.) "School" is like a prison, if not WORSE. Helpless, clueless kids are thrown into the cesspool called "School" where there individuality is suppressed, and does anything in its power to keep you from doing anything "bad". For example, not doing your homework. When you think about childhood, you should be thinking like things about curiosity and exploration, and most of all, FUN! All of this goes away when you go to school, and you are quick to realize that, YOU MUST obey, or there will be serious consequences, just like prison. Peter Gray Ph.D. Puts this in prospective In my opinion, this could not be expressed any better. 2.) The people here are just FLAT OUT stupid and immature. I have to point out that there are some smart people in schools, but not many. From my personal experience, most of these people that are "Valedictorians" are just "hard-workers", meaning that they have little to no intelligence, rather they know how to OBEY and REGURGITATE useless info on a test/quiz. A lot of these people are stuck up, and expect you to respect them, just because they have a higher number on a piece of paper that will be irrelevant once they graduate. People that I know that make the top ten percent, usually have a lot of stress at such a young age, AND they have little to no free time. They also have no concept of the real world, and if you ask a political question, they probably don't know what subject you are talking about, because that is how disconnected they are from the real world. 3.) The classes suck. They just FLAT OUT SUCK. Why make us take SO many worthless classes, that we will forget the info within a span of ONE SEMESTER. It's completely redundant. I constantly see kids piled up with stacks of homework that are just repetitive menial tasks, they just FLAT OUT destroy the youth that we should all be cherishing. Instead of going to school for 8 hours, then coming back home to spend another 3-5 hours finishing homework; (which is just work that should have been done in the 8 hours that you had already wasted.) We should have self education, or privatization of education. Because of the immaturity of kids my age, and the stupidity of the U.S. government, I have to suffer another two and a half years of more torture. I honestly believe I could have already learned about economics and accounting and, business all by MYSELF, if I wasn't so worried about my "schooling". I was planning on dropping out, however, there is no way for me to drop out until I'm 18, which makes it redundant. If I could hypothetically drop out, I would immediately enroll in my local community college, or self educate myself in business, or attend a vocational school. I'm living in a horrible world right now that puts you down for being independent, instead of being a sheep. I believe the public schooling system is made to train brainless individuals to never question authority, and work for the corporations. Please someone help me cope with this @$%@ if you have been through this dilemma. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know. I just need to let off this steam I've been keeping for many years. Sorry for the rant
  14. Salam, Is there anyone here who completed their undergrad in science or is doing it? What major exactly? What are you doing with your degree in science or what do you plan on doing with it? Are you doing a masters/phD now? I would love to know. I'm really grateful to have the privilege of getting an education, but I'm feeling really stuck and a little bit hopeless tbh. There's too many options as to what you can do, but everything is just so competitive and demanding!! Also, everyone talks about going into med/pharm/dent/optometry etc after their undergrad... but is there ANYONE who went into industry? Like work in a lab or something? If so how's it like? I don't want to graduate and still be deciding on what to do ._.
  15. Salam Alaikum, I wanted to know is it permissible to pray namaz while sitting down in the car? I am at school and sometimes its namaz time in the middle so is it okay if i go in the car and pray and then go back to class?
  16. Salaam, For my Non-Fiction writing course we've been tasked with finding an non-fiction literary journal that works with creative non-fiction. I have a lot of things at my disposal, but I was really hoping to do something that I'm sure no one else in the class will do, and that is find a way to bring the creative non-fiction of Muslims into the class. I think it would both be eye opening for me, and for everyone else. I'm wondering if anyone by any chance knows of anything of the sort? Thanks!
  17. Salaam alaykum Today I have returned from a "class-journey" to Germany. My class-mates are actually all non-Muslims though we have 2 muslims (one who's fasidah meaning she drinks etc. and one who's maybe a good Muslim). Anyhow, this 2 days travel, was good, though boring, but we had some good laughs, until I realized that we entered a freakin' place where they sell alcohol (a kind of restaurant) and people ordered food, and..........................alcohol. Yes, I sat there, and I ask God for forgivness. Now, this "alcohol" thing was really annoying me, because these non-Muslims (my class-mates) drank and drank, I though had 2 friends who was with me. This made the travel quite sad, and not funny. Actually distresseing. Why? Because this was a 2-day travel, about 4 months, there will be a new travel to another country (a week), and this alcohol thing will obviously be there as well. I don't want that. This travel does also have some problems IMO. 1. It costs 463 £ (approximately.). Now this tour will be a "ski-tour" meaning that it will also cost me some money to buy different things, for example, ski-trousers. 2. My prayers (salah) will be under problems if you may say that. I will find it difficult to pray. 3. This is actually the one of the most distressing reasons: My class will drink alcohol and sit on a table with that. Meaning that it will be haram, 4. I dont really want to go. Don't like it. So, yea, these problems are there, and I have to pay the last amount of money 1st December, and now I really dont want to go. But: I fear that people will laugh of my action, and say like "ew, why didn't Ali enter with us" or even backbite me, and that my grades will become worser and worser. What do you think? Should I take to the next travel, or should I avoid it and dont think about what people will think?
  18. (bismillah) (salam) We are pleased to announce that registration for places at Harrow Primary School is now open! Harrow Primary School is an independent school that serves one of the main needs of the community. The School has an Islamic environment, where a high standard of education is provided while adopting the national curriculum. For more information regarding fees and registration please visit our website: http://www.harrowprimary.org.uk or e-mail us at info@harrowprimary.org.uk or call the office on 0208 451 3322 You can also join our Facebook page for updates: http://www.facebook.com/harrowprimary (wasalam)
  19. Hi, as you guys know the exam's are up and I have my math's exam soon. I don't know what to do since I'm really bad. And I am not exactly acing all the other subjects at school either. I almost failed on my favorite subject and because of that I am so depressed and anxious. So if you guys kn ow any dua's please reply this. Thank you so much in advance.
  20. Sallam, I was wondering is there a legit credited Hawza in The U.S? Otherwise what's a good English spoken Hawza? Anyone know how good/reputation of Hawza Illmiya of England? JAK, Sallam.
  21. Assalamu Alaykum everyone- I would love to attend howza. I live in the United States and there is one Howza in the state I live but not close enough to attend and still work full-time. I am looking for an online howza where you can work towards a degree and where it's either free or maybe no more than $1000 a year. There are online Sunni schools like this (free/low cost for example IOU) but I am having a hard time finding Shia online schools that are free or low cost. Any information that can be shared would be greatly appreciated! Shukran.
  22. Another brilliant video by John Oliver! ***Warning Profanity is used and Non-Hijab Women Shown*****
  23. (salam) Here is a video over the stereotypical things we all have been hearing about the Shia school. It is sad to see so much ignorance about Shia's and so much accusations. I would like to discuss these misconceptions with you my brothers, we will answer them together so we could benefit and remove the misconceptions. Anyone who can contribute with answers backed up with sources would be nice.
  24. Is it haram for girls to play sports in high school events? for example soccor. basketball etc. And also Is it haram to go out with 10 friends to lunch, that are a mixture of girls and guys? (which all of them are muslims)
  25. Salam Alaykum brothers and sister, and I hope you are getting closer to Imam Hussain in this blessed month of Muharram inshaAllah So, I am a hijabi who goes to a private school and our social committee is organising a fundraising talent show....Most of the entries are either singing/dancing, and obviously I can't do any of those. I really want to be able to do something to show that hijabis can partcicpate in events as well and that we don't always have to be marginalised in such gatherings...I was wondering if anyone here had a suggestion as to what I can do that will retain my modesty inshaAllah but also show that muslimahs are capable of "talent" so to speak. Thank you :) P.S. I am in the sixth form...For those of you unfamiliar with the British system, that's like something you would call year 13...Basically, I'm 18 years old...
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