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Do rings help protect against black magic?
Lion of Shia posted a topic in General Islamic Discussion
Is it true that rings with islamic writing on them engraved can help against black magic?How do you get rid of it? -
I'm wearing a zard aqeeq and a taveez is written on its back side. One day i was going for an interview and i was pretty much tensed, during that moment the aqeeq started to turn black. What's the reason? Is it a good sign or a bad one?
Does a ring have to be 100% silver or can there be some other metal added to it to ?
Salam Alaikum Everyone I found a yakoot ring in garbage. It was just sitting there so i took it and checked it and it turned out to be real silver and real yakoot. Now i don't know if somebody threw it knowingly or accidentally or if it's someone's who's dead. So i want to know that can i wear it? Do i have to do something before wearing it like put some sadqa in the previous owner's name? Or something else Please kindly enlighten me about this situation because I really like this ring. Also some evidence about your sayings would be nice instead of opinions. ( Sorry if this sentence sounds aggressive.) Thank you
As salamu alaikum, ya Ali madad brothers. I have a simple question. I have purchased original aqeeq ring from Iran and since I wear it at office, my friends saw the ring and liked it, some of them tried the ring on their hands who are non Muslims. My question is if someone tries the ring on his hand (specially non Muslim) , does it reduce or nullifies the effects and benefits you get from it??? Awaiting your response, Ali.
Salaam, I recently bought a Feroza ring from Iran and since then I have noticed a colour change in the stone. Does anyone know why the colour change is happening or if it is dangerous? Thanks!
Salam Alaikum, As a Muslim living in Canada I found it very hard to purchase good looking Shia rings. So I decided to start an online store myself I made sure that the rings followed the traditions of the Prophet (saws) and the Imams (as). Some our gemstones include: Yemeni Aqeeq, Fairouz, and Hadid Sini. If anyone has any questions about Twelve Gems or about muslim rings in general, I'd be more than happy to answer them to the best of my.
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Assalam O Alikum brothers and sisters reading this. Ramzan Mubarak to you all! I have 3 stones. Aqeeq, Hirz-e-Jawad and Neelum (Blue Sapphire) on silver rings. I need to know the proper procedure how to wear these rings, which finger and hand, and the aamaal or procedure before wearing these rings. What namaz to offer, what dua to read and if all these rings can be worn together and if they are good combinations or not. Can anyone of you please let know the answers according to Shia teachings? Thank you! Regards, Shahzad
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I have read many hadith about wearing rings such as (Aqeeq and feerzoa etc.etc.) but what about turning an aqeeq toward you while making dua and many people say stone has to touch your skin or it won't have any effects.
I have been browsing the forum quite a lot lately; I have quite little understanding of rings recommended for Shias to wear however I have overcome this via a little click here and there on ShiaChat as well as relevant sources/sites. Now, where I come from, my relatives and my family -all of whom are hanafi- say that men are only allowed to wear up to a certain Karot of gem as well as a certain Tola(weight) in silver per ring? I have tried to research this but no luck on my end; Most of it was biased. I would just like to know if anyone has any insight to this and can help me or perhaps guide me to a relevant/reputable source that states something about this topic, please? TLDR; is there a limit on the Value of the Gem(Karot) and weight(Tola) of the silver per ring? Thank you
10% off at Aqeeq Freeq Islamic Rings with discount code THANKSABUNCH Visit to order
The thawab and benefits of wearing aghigh: It has been reported that Imam Ridha (as) said that Imam Sadiq (as) stated: “Whosoever wears a ring whose stone is of aghigh will not become poor, and will be granted his needs in the best form.” In another hadith from Imam Sadiq (as) it has been narrated that he said that: “(Wearing) the aghigh while travelling brings protection.” Imam Sadiq (as) narrates from his father and grandfathers, from Imam Ali (as) that his Excellency said: “Wear the aghigh so that Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì blesses you, and so that you are protected from calamities.” Imam Baqir (as): “Whosoever wears the aghigh will continuously be benefited by it as long as it is worn, and a guard sent by Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì will protect that individual.” It has been reported that Imam Sadiq (as) said that his father’s grandfather (as) said: “Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì will protect whosoever engraves this phrase: (محمّد نبىّ اللَّه و علىّ ولىّ اللَّه) on the aghigh ring from a bad death and will verily die a death of fitrah (which is a good death). Imam Sadiq (as) has been narrated saying: “No hand that reaches out to Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì is dearer than the one that has an aghigh ring on it.” Imam Ridha (as) narrates from his father Imam Kadhim (as) from his father and grandfathers till Imam Husein (as) that his Excellency said: “When Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì created (Prophet) Musa ibn Imran and spoke with him in Mount Sinai, He (Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì) took a look at the ground (earth) and created the aghigh from His light and said: “(I swear) by myself that I have made it mandatory upon me not to chastise with the Fire whosever wears the aghigh, given that person loves Imam Ali (as). The thawab and benefits of wearing the firoozah Abdul-Mu’min Ansari says that he heard Imam Sadiq (as) saying: “The hand that bears the firoozah will never become needy.” The thawab and benefits of the jaz’/jiz’ yamani Muhammad ibnul-Husein narrates from his noble father that Imam Ali (as) said: “Wear the jaz’ yamani ring, for it keeps the evil of the disobedient devils away from you.” The thawab and benefits of wearing the zumurrud Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Nasr who would run some of Imam Musa ibn Ja’far’s (as) arons has reported that one day when the imam was reading a book, he told him: “Wearing the zumurrud brings comfort and isn’t followed by any hardship.” The thawab and benefits of the yaqut Husein ibn Khalid narrates that Imam Ridha (as) said that Imam Sadiq (as) has stated that: “Wear the yaqut, for it causes poverty to go away.” The thawab and benefits of the bulur Ali ibn Muhammad has narrated from Imam Sadiq (as) that he said: “Bulur is a good stone (for using on the ring).”[1] [2] Two points must be noted here: 1- Jewelry made of gold is haram for men, including gold rings.[3] 2- The benefits that were mentioned for these stones, aren’t for sure, meaning that these stones aren’t the whole cause for them, they are rather part of their cause and in other words, there might be other things that must be observed for these benefits to surely take place (for example, when it is said that wearing a certain stone keeps away poverty, it doesn’t mean that one can just wear it and sit and do nothing and wait for poverty to go), but of course the thawab of these stones according to these hadiths is for sure and one who wears them will be rewarded by Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì. [1] Sheikh Saduq, Thawabul-A’mal wa ‘Iqabul-A’mal. [2] For further explanation and information, see: 1- Sheikh Saduq, Thawabul-A’mal wa ‘Iqabul-A’mal. 2- Muhammad Ali Mujahidi, Padashe Nikiha va Keyfare Gonahan. 3- Sharafuddin Khuvaidaki, Kasheful-Istar dar Tarjomeye Jame’ul-Akhbar. 4- Sheikh Saduq, Al-Khisal. 5- Husein Ghaffari, Ayeene Bandegi va Niyayesh. 6- Sheikh Saduq, ‘Ilalul-Shara’i’. 7- Adabe Huzur. 8- Fatimah Mashayekh, Qisasul-Anbiya’. 9- Seyyid Ibrahim MirBagheri, Makaremul-Akhlaq. 10- Ahmad Sadiq Ardestani, Navadere Ravandi. 11- Mohammad Baqir Sa’edi, Faza’ele Panj Tan dar Sihahe Sheshganeye Ahle Sunnat. [3] See: Tawdihul-Masael (risalah) of the maraji’, vol. 1, pg. 482. (wasalam)
Asalaamwalikum, What is the history behind Gemstones rings wore by Prophets(as) Ahly-e-Bait(as) IMAMs(as) Followers and Companions, as i have read various sayings and seen few pics also including Aqeeqs Rubies Turquoise Dur-e-Najaf etc and in Islam. thanks Syed ALI Qalander
asalaam alekium, Im a new musim in training, and i just got my new carnelian ring in the mail, but i noticed it fits me kind of big. i wear it on my right hand, on my ring finger. i want to wear it on my middle finger because it fits better. does it matter which hand or which finger you wear the rings on?
(bismillah) (salam) I recently got a Yemeni aqeeq ring from Saudi Arabia. When I take a look at the back of the stone, it has 2 colours to it, the right side is a light brown, whereas the left side is a dark brown, but the top of the stone is the same colour. I was told by relatives not to wear it as ring stones should be one colour only. Its a really nice ring and I want to wear it as it has blessed on the 4 corners of Ka'baah and Rasoolallah's (as) grave. I am in doubt as to weather I should wear it or not. Can someone help? (salam)
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