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Why Reverts Don't Seem To Befriend One Another
Maryammm posted a topic in General Islamic Discussion
I have noticed this issue for a while now, and just wanted to get some peoples experiences and thoughts on this issue. It might just be me, but I have noticed that reverts don't tend to befriend one another, I mean they do on shiachat, but not at mosques, Islamic centres, community gatherings etc. I have noticed from some fellow reverts that they don't seem to want to talk to me, it's not like I am going to be annoying and start only talking about us being reverts. I have a couple of speculations, but I don't want to be negative and make assumptions or generalisations. What I have noticed about some reverts, especially young reverts of a similar age to me, they SEEM to want to be the only 'special' and 'unique' person amoungst their friends and that as a fellow revert I would steal the 'limelight'. I know for a fact alhamdulillah that I am not trying in any way shape or form wanting or trying to do this, and I am not the type of person to want to be centre of attention, I have noticed here on shia chat that most reverts just want to blend in and be treated like any other muslims, that is exactly how I feel and alhamdulillah I have managed to do so in many instances. Another theory I have is regards to some reverts who have become muslims because of marriage, I am not talking about those women who genuinly found Islam due to their husbands influence, whether before or after marriage; just those who display behaviour and attitudes that shows their lack of real love for Allah(swt) and the truth of Islam. The funny thing is, that those who are married to a muslim man and haven't reverted have no problem with me, just those who have reverted to Islam. Other reverts are neither trying to be in the limelight or muslim for marriage, but they just look at me in this horrible and seemingly judgmental way.. one was even a well know revert who does a lot of work as a muslim scholar and speaker... It can't be because I don't dress and act like a muslim who really wants to be muslim, though at the same time I don't dress like an Alima... but I have been muslim for over 10 years, and so I don't exactly talk like an inexperienced newbie that doesn't know or care what I am doing or saying... These reverts don't exactly make comments or say anything outright, they just keep giving me dirty looks, and I don't know why... I try and be nice and friendly, but not too in your face... but they just don't like me. I reall want to make good connections with other reverts, not just online, but in real life... due to shared experiences and identity... not that I am going to get on with every revert I meet, but just at least one, who isn't middle aged and has a number of children, someone like me... Oh and if any of you have any theories or know of any reasons why this might be happening, please let me know. If I am doing something wrong then I would rather know so that I can make it right, and if I am doing nothing wrong, then I would rather know so that I can carry on as I am. -
as salaam alakim!!! Ive notice in the west especially the US, theres not alot of shia centers like sunni(probobly because shia community is small here), anyway, i had a hard time getting accepted in to the community, and others as well, i know Sunnis and Salafis welcome reverts, and had better resources, and lit and more tools, but when it comes to the Shia communty its not all there, i mean its a small community and its hard to get in contact with a maulana or shaykh. Ad some seem unwelcoming, i head about some converts getting the cold shoulder, i know in other wester coutries shias accept reverts, but what do foriegn and born shias think?
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[In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful] Some people may object to my embrace of Islam. "Oh, Islam is such a difficult and demanding religion" they will say "It's too difficult to be a Muslim, especially in the West". I wholeheartedly disagree. Islam is not difficult at all, unless you allow it to be. Submission to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is the natural state that humans were created for, so I have not found it terribly difficult at all thus far and even if it was, that doesn't mean that it's not worth pursuing (actually, challenges are good for us because they force us to persevere and grow in the process of overcoming). Religion and faith are not toys to be played with and put away on a shelf until the next time that you have a job interview, wind up in jail, or face an illness- Religion and faith are aspects of the human experience that should fundamentally change us as people, and always for the better. This is the difference between a fulfilling life and a life of constant desire for the cheap thrills of this world (which never satisfy), religion is the difference between heaven & hell; as Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) sees all we do + his judgment of us will ultimately come down to how perfectly we submitted, how closely we followed his commands, and the weight of our sins of both commission & omission in this life (sins of omission would be neglecting salah, charity, or treatment of his creation, etc). I honestly never thought I was going to be able to embrace Islam. There are enough posts on SC where I sound apprehensive and lean in that direction. What I have noticed is that within the past week, I have thrown myself into developing my practice of Islam with a much greater sense of mindfulness than I ever did with my Christianity. I believe that this is because in Christianity, we expect God/Jesus/Holy Spirit to "work within us" and change us without having to put in much effort ourselves besides reading the bible and praying daily. If we expect someone else, even our concept of God, to do this work for us it will likely not be done. We have to put forth the effort to change ourselves and develop our religion and Insha'Allah, we will become better, more complete human beings. In just a week, I have gone from near-total ignorance of the Quran, inability to pray without reading off a sheet, and praying "when I remembered" to keeping salah, memorizing the process of offering my five daily prayers, and setting five alarms on my phone (complete with an adhan for added immersion). I've even been able to commit short surahs to memory (in Arabic nonetheless!) so that I can offer my prayers properly as they were modeled by the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم). I never in my wildest dreams even two weeks ago, imagined that I would be capable of doing this, so I am both excited and at the same time, feeling a sense of serenity- that this really is "it" and that I have found the path that I belong on in order to develop as a person. Today, I received my misbaha (dhikr beads) and have begun to offer dhikr, starting with the tasbih of Fatima (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) this afternoon. I have also ordered a modest prayer rug. Now I find myself wondering what my next steps are to improve my practice of Islam; namely what other parts of my religion can I begin to practice and what parts of myself I can work on improving. Although I am just a "baby Muslim", I truly feel as if I am changing for the better and that perhaps I should give myself just a bit more credit than I do for how far I have personally come in such a short period of time. However, as easy as practicing Islam has been for me + as natural as it feels, I realize that my experience is just that- my experience. Brothers and sisters all across the planet, many in this nation of mine (America), may not have such an easy time adhering to their faith. For some (Uyghurs in China, Bosnians), the practice of Islam comes with the very real risk of persecution & death from the unjust & tyrannical, but nonetheless they keep the faith without probably ever making blog posts like this one. I believe that all of us, including the People of the Book (Christians and Jews) can learn something about fidelity, devotion, perseverance and not least of all courage, from these brave brothers and sisters in these countries that are much more hostile to Islam. How do you think I can improve my religious practice from here on out? How can you improve yours?
- reverts
- revert issues
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This question / discussion is for Reverts and Born-in Shias: Reverts: what you do to assimilate within your local Shia community? What challenges do you face? What are resolutions to fix this problem? Born-In: How do you facilitate the assimilation of Reverts into Islamic communities. Ideas on better assimilation opportunities?
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- shia reverts
- islam reverts
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(salam) I was just wondering whether white converts/reverts would still be eligible for "white privileges", even after submitting themselves to Islam? what I am seeking to know, is the following type of benefit (counted as white privilege): being the one offered lotion samples at the mall? I have seen this a lot: once a white female converts to Islam, people no longer see her as a white woman but rather as a Muslim hence her hijab. Thanks ahead of time,
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Salam alaykum everyone I am asking for guidance here as I have nobody else to go to. I have a non Muslim friend that has always been interested in me. I always declined his offerings since he isn't Muslim. We still are friends though. I always hoped that he would revert to Islam since I want everyone I care for to see the truth. I never talked about it with him since I don't want to manipulate him I want him to see it himself. Lately he has been talking about converting to Islam, and talking about the possibility of us getting married. I am afraid that he is saying he is Muslim just to be able to marry me, but at the same time I am not the person to judge if a person is a true muslim or not. What do you guys think about this?
Salam aleykum wr wb my brother and my sisters I need your help. I want to help a young convert brother from Basque Country to pray in the shia way. He have a really bad situation with his atheist parents and he dont know what do to do, he is in a depression and he dont know how to pray, because every person on the internet tell him something different and he is confused. The thing is I only have a german explanation "how to pray" and its very difficult to find an english one and its not easy to translate the german version. Does someone know a link or a website who is explanate exactly all the 1-2/3/4 Rek'a on every 5 times and the acts (positions etc.) to pray in english? Sorry for my bad english i hope someone understand what i mean. Wa Salam
I can see a constant increase in the numbers of people converting to Shi'sm and I sometimes tend to wonder if this is good or bad. What do our books say about the days before Imam Mahdi (as) re-appears? I know that destruction will avail throughout the Middle-East if not the whole world. But, do we have anything mentioning whether people will come towards the religion of Ahl-alBayt or will instead start to stray away from it? Will Imam Mahdi (as) appear when he has gained a massive following (Shi'a) or will he appear when everyone is starting to lose their Iman?
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- Mahdi
- resurrection
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Salam, everyone! I hope Allah swt has kept all of you safe and happy. Hello, my name is Shahreem and I'm 18 years old. I had been researching Shia Islam since last year and I wanted nothing more than to declare allegiance to Imam Ali(as). However, i was still in doubt and so I took the best thing on the table. I joined a sufi order--the Ottoman Naksibendi Sufi Order. However, I was deeply distressed. I did not feel spiritually connected at all. A few days ago i finally made the decision. I declared the true Shahada and embraced Shia Islam. I have never been happier in my entire life. Shia Islam has provided me with a solution to all of my problems. It is as if I can feel the blessings of Aal Muhammad pouring down on me. There were two instances during which I asked for help from Imam Reza(as) and it immediately came, Subhanallah! However, my parents are not aware of this reversion. My father--despite living in another country--would disown me if he ever found out. My mother is sympathetic towards the Shias but is unsure of converting( I dont think she ever will, unfortunately). I am unsure how to go about this whole situation if my dad ever calls me to lead the prayer when he visits( he's somewhat of a Zakir Naik follower, however he started disliking him since he learned that Mr.Naik praised Yazid). I'd love to know how i can handle this situation from you guys. Overall, I am just so happy now to be part of the Shia family. I'm nothing less than excited to learn of all the rituals part of Shi'sm--Ashura, Hajj, Arbaeen, Mutah, and so much more! I've finally found the role models I can look to for any thing in my life, Alhamdulillah. I'd love to get to know all of you--this is the first time I'll be interacting with other Shia Muslims, as there no other Shias in my city. Salam!
Salamun alaykum. If you are interested in hearing the story of those who have converted to Shi'a school of thought, do not miss Moments of Realization broadcasted from Call of Islam Radio ( You can listen to some of the previous shows in archive section at:
Recruiting all Australians! :D https://www.facebook...ianShiaReverts/
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- Reverts
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Recruiting all Australians! :D
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(salam) What are some of the well-recognized books that would draw people and more specifically, potential reverts closer to Islam? When I inquire this from Sheikh Google, he gives me a variety of books on various topics, but I do not know how the books are without reading or seeing it's reviews. The last thing I want is that a person reads from a book recommended by me and gets wrong information about Islam, since some books out there consist of extremist or falsified views. Books on Islam, on Prophets, on Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his family the Ahlul Bayt (as), and on the Quran with a Quranic Tafsir would be greatly appreciated. And reverts, if there are books that brought you closer to Islam, please contribute :)
As a relatively new Muslim, I'm still getting to grips with my new relationship with Christmas. Here are some thoughts which hopefully will be useful for new reverts or might add a new perspective to the debate. I'd love to hear your thoughts too!
Raised Muslims Have Begun To Irritate Me
Saintly_Jinn23 posted a topic in General Islamic Discussion
I felt it necessary to type this up for some of my fellow Shia here. First of all, I'd like to state that I mean this not as a personal attack on any particular user here on the forums or towards Muslims who were lucky enough to born into Muslim families and raised as Muslims since birth. I mean well by what I say here and only hope that some of the "Raised Muslim" people and users will see that some attitudes perpetuated by them are causing considerable damage to the iman of reverts and the growth of Islam itself in the long run. People should know that I was not fortunate enough to be raised in a Muslim family, rather I was raised in a Christian household of unbelievers. I was taught that Jesus was God and that the Bible was the infallible word and law of God. Eventually I came to ask questions about the things I was being taught; simple questions like "Why?" "How?" or "Are you sure?" Some of the answers I got were sufficient for me and others I found unsatisfying. Eventually, as I searched for better answers to those questions puzzling me due to insufficient answers, I found the answers Islam had to offer to be the most pleasing to my logic and understanding which in turn brought a certain peace to my soul. Now, I feel that the peace has been disrupted and it is pertinent that I point out to my fellow Muslims that the unrest has arisen primarily due to some of the attitudes and disposition of some of our brothers and sisters who were raised in Muslims families and have been Muslim they're whole lives. It seems, at least to me, like around some Muslims who were raised in Muslim households, we converts from other faiths are treated as lesser Muslims. In part due to our previous affiliation with another opposing faith and in part due to our habit of asking questions concerning what we are told. When during a serious theological or jurisdictional discussion it is revealed that we are reverts from another religion besides Islam, suddenly our statements and knowledge is no longer trusted and any difference we may have in opinion concerning an Islamic topic of discussion is regarded as a product of our being raised as Christians, or Jews, or Hindus, or Buddhists, or whatever and therefore not worth listening. Another problem is that I feel that the Raised-Muslims look down on our asking "Why?" or "How do you know?" a lot. If someone brings forth a certain hadith, tafsir, or fiqh ruling, and we reverts question it when we have trouble understanding it so that we may receive clarification as to the authenticity or meaning of that interpretation or tradition, we seem to be chastised as "rebels" or "questioning the Ahlul Bayt and Sunnah," when all we are asking for is knowledge to guide us aright. On the first matter, I feel like Raised-Muslims assume that we have nothing to teach them from our own experiences in other faiths and cultures. It seems like the Raised-Muslims expect us to seek advice from them and learn by their hands, but generally have no interest in the knowledge we have from our past lifestyles in areas that they are unfamiliar with. For example, because I was raised in a Christian household, I know the Bible pretty well, as well as different Christian and Jewish apocryphal books and traditions. I don't feel like Raised-Muslims are generally interested in applying this knowledge to Islam and putting it to use within the faith. Sure, when a supposed contradiction in the Bible is mentioned, they're all ready to argue with the unbelieving Jews and Christians as though they are Biblical scientists or something, but when we reverts seek to teach certain traditions that we have kept from our pasts that we see no apparent contradiction or falsehood in treating them as Islamic practices, we are either looked at as oddities or innovators rather than being asked why we have done so in an effort to ascertain whether the traditions we have kept can truly be considered Islamic practices and/or beliefs that are independent of the falsehood we have abandoned. For example, if a Buddhist converts to Islam, but still chooses to honor the Buddha as an authority sent by the same God who sent Muhammad (pbuh), integrating certain ancient Buddhist customs with the typical customs associated with the Middle Eastern Muslims, I don't get the feeling the raised Muslims show any genuine interest and if anything are averse to such behavior. Instead of saying "Hmm, maybe he knows something we don't know," I feel like the typical response is "He's still attached to his old religion and hasn't fully embraced Islam. All the knowledge one needs is what is with us and has been with us since we were children so there's no need to read or profess belief in anything else with them as he does." This completely misses the point, when we reverts do things like this, it's not because we feel that standard doctrines and ritual are "insufficient," it's only that we feel these customs and this knowledge is but the foundation of a much larger structure with many different rooms and floors that have their own distinctive traits but are still part of the same whole. Raised-Muslims I don't think understand this because they have lived how they have lived for so long and have never been dissatisfied with it and fancy that they're particular path is the only way that people can be satisfied. People can choose to follow it or not, but only those who mimic exactly what they do 100% will find any sense of peace. The second matter encompasses part of the first, I get the impression that if we reverts question the authenticity or logic of a tradition or ruling, we are treated as unfaithful. Again, an example: a person says that the Imam Ali (as) said such and such. I feel like those who have been raised since childhood to believe that these particular words were indeed Imam Ali's or that Imam Ali preached this, if we reverts perhaps ask why we should believe such a tradition ourselves for whatever reasons, we are barraged with accusations that we are questioning the wisdom of the Ahlul Bayt and are deviants when all we did was simply ask for the meaning of the tradition to be explained or the logic to be examined because something we have learned previously contradicts what is being attributed Imam Ali. The Raised-Muslims then tell us things like "We're not to question what we've been told by Ahlul Bayt, we're just supposed to do it and not challenge it. We're don't follow what makes sense to us but just what the Ahlul Bayt commands even it makes no sense to us." Again, they've completely missed the point. I was raised my entire life worshiping Jesus (pbuh) as God. I was told that nothing could contradict the Bible, to follow the Bible without question and not to doubt it or question it and even if it didn't make sense to me, I was still expected to believe it was true without a second thought. This was my mind state for years and had I kept this mindstate, I'd still be an unbeliever. It was only when I had a second thought, when I questioned what I was told Jesus was by the Bible or the preachers, when I asked why I should believe this or that, only when I did this did I become unsatisfied with the answers I was given and in my desire for a satisfying answer I searched out and found Islam, the straight and true path. I was told all my life that Jesus said he was God's begotten son and was given words of Jesus to read and memorize that promoted this falsehood all my life and was so convinced it was true. If I hadn't asked "Why?" or "How?" I would still be an unbeliever today. Now that I'm Muslim, I find Muslims chastising me for questioning (when all I'm trying to do is make sure that I am not being deceived again) and sitting and accusing me of unfaithfulness and being a deviant who wishes to make Islam what fits his selfish desires does nothing to increase my faith, but only makes me feel unwelcome. The only way to find the truth and stay in the truth is to ask questions and see if the answers given by a person you've asked are good enough. Raised Muslims don't understand that many of we reverts for years were taught not to question the wisdom of certain writings and long standing traditions only to realize, alhamdulillah, that we were in the wrong, deceived by lies or falsehood, mistaken. Our undying devotion to falsehood and our taking it in without question did not help us find the truth but instead only kept us steadfast longer in deception. So why should we not put forth questions, even in our new faith, so as to not be led astray by the misguided or the lying again? And why should simply questioning be counted against us as doubt or unfaithfulness of which it (questioning) is not synonymous with? If those we ask are certain they are correct, what have they to fear by our questions? That we will be reaffirmed of our choice with knowledge and understanding? Or is their chastising of our questioning certain interpretations of or narrations of certain traditions because they lack knowledge and understanding themselves and only follow what they were bidden to do by their families like those who chastised our prophets so harshly when they arrived with the right guidance? Just in the same way, whenever We sent a Warner before thee to any people, the wealthy ones among them said: "We found our fathers following a certain religion, and we will certainly follow in their footsteps." He said: "What! Even if I brought you better guidance than that which ye found your fathers following?" They said: "For us, we deny that ye (prophets) are sent (on a mission at all)." --Surah 43:24-25 Now, after questioning that which confused us and arriving at the truth, are we expected to revert back to old habits that kept us in falsehood for so long and the logic that we know from experience does not guarantee that we are following the truth? We should not be afraid to question, nor should we be afraid to express ourselves through certain customs or rituals indigenous to our own personalities as Allah created us all as different people of different nations, tribes, colors, and tongues, so that we might know each other and take pleasure in our diversity, the diversity which he has gifted us. There's more to following the Ahlul Bayt than copying external actions and fashions, as not all their external actions can be imitated by us, their devotees. The important thing is developing the same heart as they had and letting that which this heart produces be without guilt or fear and to pursue knowledge, which never ceases to grow, without rest. Again, I mean no personal grudge toward anyone, I just feel like those who are raised as Muslims are not interested in pursuits for more knowledge beyond the folk traditions they have been raised with and look at reverts as being a lesser stock of Muslims because we tend to question what we are told or may adopt or even develop different breeds of "folk Islam," for ourselves and our communities than what they are used to. Even though we do not intend these customs to oppose or replace the practices/customs of our rightly guided brothers and sisters but to be beside them as another means of expressing the same knowledge and truth. That and we may also keep and integrate traditions that we were raised with in our Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, and etc. communities because we feel they are perfectly in line with what we are taught as Muslims.- 65 replies
- Reverts
- Understanding
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Salaams and Ramadan Mubarak to everyone, Ive been talking to a brother who recently became a shia muslim MashaAllah and has been attending the Manchester Islamic Center. He only joined the deen a week or so ago and has been asking people there to teach him salah but no one has so far and hes only 16. Can someone who lives in Manchester help him please? the reward for this is so great especially during this month. I live to far away and im female and so i dont know all the rules for men in salah. If anyone can help in that area please message me, Wasalaam
Assalaamu alaykum, Please be aware that the fourth annual International Revert Muslims Conference will be held in London, England September 7th, 8th, 9th 2012
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