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  1. I have a confusion that prostatic fluid(mazi) is pure or not? Please mention hadiths for the matter that prostatic fluid(mazi) is pure? In Shia fiqh.
  2. The notion of love has it's roots in the trait of kindness. Only a kind person can understand and exhibit love. Now, kind here is not someone who gets delighted after seeing a baby or a dog and starts adoring it. Neither it is someone who starts crying everytime after watching something bad happening to someone. So, what is kindness? A kind person is the one who is bent upon helping anyone with whatever problem one has. He is thirsty of such people who need help. An extremely kind person doesn't want anyone to ask him to help. He feels ashamed if such a thing happens. So, kindness is the pure trait of helping different beings in their works with utter selflessness. Only faith can depict such traits. As Ayatullah Shaheed Murtadha Mutahhari writes in his book, "It is religious faith alone which, above all, respects Truth, honors justice, encourages kindness". So, kindness is a spiritual trait. As this trait becomes more and more apparent within the realm of spirit; it indicates towards a strong, inevitable and beautiful reality. This is called love. It seems, overtly, as if kindness causes love. But no, it is actually love that is the cause of this kind behavior. Love is a feeling while kindness is a trait. Love, though is an extreme force, not easy to control but it has levels. It seems as if it ascends from relative realities to absolute reality. Actually, it breaks down from absolute reality to relative bounds. At the lowest level of this hierarchy is human to human love. This has no essence of itself. It's core lies in faith only. This is just a symbol. Despite being very limited and quite less, it exists. The Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) has said, "Allah has divided kindness into 100 parts. Out of which 1 part is induced in all humanity." So, the love amongst the humans is basically, 100th part of the entire phenomenon. Amazing. This love can be seen everywhere and everyone has experienced it. May Allah let every person have a taste of love. Love of a mother for her child, a father for his child, among siblings, friends, family relatives, husband and wife etc. It doesn't even matter how they are related or is their even any relationship or not. Love is independent of any relationship, distance or any material dimension. It can be resembled in different ways but love doesn't depend upon it's symbol. At this point, a human mind starts to tremble. Because this feeling is incomprehensible and unpercievable. He tries to break and kill all the false perceptions that might be their. Love, as I said, has no physical dimension. Though, a human mind lagging the ability to understand it, might mistake it (and it happens very often). False notions are created which shame the truth and pure character of love. Carnal desires related to lust and greed always wander in a human mind. But problem occurs when these satanic thoughts are confused or assumed wrongly as love. From this point, this spiritual notion gets materialized and humiliated. This happens to such an extent that as a result it stops the progress of the spirit of a human being. It makes a person blind towards the reality of love — which is progressive — and stops the journey of soul towards it's ultimate destiny. Human love is just a medium to reach the divine and absolute reality of love but greed makes a person feel as if human love itself is divine and he has found our god in the form of that person or being we love in this material world. So, the final result of this false notion is infidelity. Here is the difference between both. The fake love vs real love. One is destructive to an extent that it directs you to hell and the other might help you reach heaven without any punishment. Heaven and hell? Where did that come from? Yes, as I said, Love is truth. Truth is love. And it is divine and absolute. If a human being on the path of love and kindness doesn't recognize Allah or as a result of love, his faith doesn't reach closer to certainty, then he is trapped in a false notion. Above the level of love is worship which is the last. Love is a consequence of the manifestation of divinity (Maarefat e Ilaahi). As I said love doesn't combines, it breaks down. When we practice taqwa, adhere to our faith, earn knowledge, struggle, stay patient and thus our counted amongst the guided ones; we see the beauty of Allah through the eyes of our heart. It amazes us and turns us crazy. Maula Ali (عليه السلام) says when Asked by his companion Dhalib al Yemani, "Yaa Amir ul Momineen (عليه السلام), Have you seen your Lord?" Maula says, "Would I worship that which I do not see? When Asked, "How do you see him"; Amir up Momineen (عليه السلام) says, "Eyes do not see him with direct witnessing. But hearts percieve him through the realities of authentic belief". Seeing the beauty of Allah though he is unseen. This is Maarefah of Allah. This maarefah from worship and a constant search of being, causes love. But love pays back. Love increases the power of worship and makes it more extreme. It beautifies the already beautiful worship of Allah. It makes a person forget this world. It makes him turn away from this world. Such a human being who is drowned in this extreme love of his beloved (Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) ) is dying to meet his Lord as is also clear from the munajaat of Maula Ali (عليه السلام). Love of Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) and AhlulBayt (عليه السلام) for Allah and it's depiction in history is the only way we can fascinate ourselves with the beauty of this feeling. Such a person, loves everything associated with Allah. He can sacrifice himself for the sake of Allah. Not only himself, his entire existence without any hesitation. It is written about Maula Ali (عليه السلام) that when some muslims came to the Holy Prophet (عليه السلام) to complain about Ali (عليه السلام), the Prophet (عليه السلام) said, "Don't complain about Ali, he is crazy (Majnoon) in love of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى)." Now, removing all conseptualization let me make it clear through the intercession of AhlulBayt (عليه السلام). Love is, when a man sleeps for the sake of Allah on the bed of The Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) even after knowing that he is surrounded by swords. Love is, when Fatima (SA) spends days in hunger and nights in prayer of the Almighty but never complains to anyone about her pains. Love is, when this woman (Fatima (SA)) stands like a mountain between his husband — Wali of Allah — and the oppressors who were burning her house to defend Haq. Love is, when a woman(Fatima (SA) again) being a child accompanies her father and supports him when he is attacked, laughed off and taken lightly by the meccans for the message he conveys and as a result is called as Umm Abiha. Love is, when a man (Imam Hussain (عليه السلام) ) who has committed himself to sacrifice, after sacrificing his whole family, with his body bathed in blood puts himself into the last prostration (sujood) to his lord. Love is, when a woman (Zainab (SA) ) despite all what she saw, despite the chains around her body, despite the thirst killing her throat and the humility she beared as a consequence of her veil being taken away; despite no one, except her ill nephew, standing for her, speaks so loud and so clear that the throne of the tyrant of that time and everytime and his system from top to bottom trembles and breaks into pieces. Love is, when this woman is asked in a disrespectful tone, "Did you see what Allah did to you?" She says, "I saw nothing but the beauty of Allah ((سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى))". I cannot go ahead of this. So, it becomes clear that love is only for Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) and from Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى). It resembles kindness and sacrifice. It actually needs sacrifice to flourish in every heart. It needs sacrifice as it's own resemblance. It needs sacrifice for the success of human spirit. Not only from an individualistic stand point because sacrifice has an impact on masses. So, here comes the importance of the greatest effect of love on a soul which is the spirit of sacrifice. Like Ibrahim (عليه السلام) did of his son. Like Lady Hajra (عليه السلام) did of her calm life with her husband and accepted to stay in a desert relying only on her beloved (Allah). So, sacrifice is the greatest symbol of love. And what is the greatest example of sacrifice? Karbala. Can you imagine a person who says to his companions that you will be martyred, your heads will be slaughtered and raised on lances? Who says: 'Leave me alone to die as my enemies need me and not you.' ? But however he may insist, his companions don't move. They are seeing themselves cut into pieces but our eager to go to the battle ground. Who cannot be stunned by such conviction? Who are these people? Who are we in front of such people? We follow our rubbish lame desires. Are we blind or is the history of such people not clear enough? What if we start to follow Weheb al Kalbi (رضي الله عنه), who got martyred and slaughtered while he just got married. What if the woman become like her wife, who saw her smart, young and wonderful husband getting slaughtered in front of her? What will go wrong if mother's take pride in sacrificing their children for the sake of Allah, wherever and whenever possible instead of pampering them and teaching them to become coward? Have you ever seen a sacrifice of a 6 months child? Can anyone imagine herself in place of Bibi Umm Rabab (رضي الله عنه)? Have you seen a mother who prays to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) and prostrates in front of Allah out of thankfulness when she hears the news that both of her dear sons got martyred? She doesn't even cry on them. She barely asks about their dead bloodied bodies. Allahu Akber! What can one say? Just doing this conversation and penning down this glorification of love is making me tremble. Karbala's example is unique just like our religion and the holy figures that stand as divine guides for us. Though Karbala carries the legacy of simple human beings like us. But can you see how love changes everything? Imam Hussain (عليه السلام) created friends of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) out of human beings. His Caravan of sacrifice led the greatest example of divine love humanity will ever see. What can we take for us from here besides humility as lovers and shame as worshippers. Humility about our weak hearts who don't nourish the feeling of love to such an extent. Shame that our prostrations, if even as much as the stars in the sky, cannot equate to the millionth of the prostrations of the Martyrs of Karbala on the plains of Karbala. But their is a glimmer of hope. It's true that love of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is far beyond from the realm of imagination and we cannot sustain it so easily. But their is hope. Hope that comes from AhlulBayt (عليه السلام). Hope that takes an afflicted, painful heart full of regret in the camp of Yazid, from his calm abode to Imam Hussain (عليه السلام) within a night. Hope that makes us quit our food and drinks on the 10th of Ashura (those who genuinely do) and makes us cry and vail for Imam Hussain (عليه السلام). As this hope remains, it is developed through love. Love for Ahl ul Bayt (عليه السلام). Love for Imam Hussain (عليه السلام). If we make efforts, it is not difficult. When Hurr ibn Yazid al Riyahi (رضي الله عنه) changed his fate in one night by developing all these traits, realising all these instincts; why can't we? He developed love for Imam Hussain (عليه السلام). This is intercession. When Imam (عليه السلام) becomes your beloved, your destiny, he will divert your path towards the divine love of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى). The notion of mourning the martyrdom and misery of Imam Hussain (عليه السلام) opens the door of love, devotion and self sacrifice within the soul of a human being. It's so deep that it can revive a dead soul. Imam Khomeini has said, "Keep the event of Karbala and the holy name of Imam Hussain (عليه السلام) alive. For by it's survival, Islam will survive." So, don't miss these mourning events. Marsiya and Nauha recited for our beloved Imam (عليه السلام). You will automatically notice that Allah has changed you. You will experience that change at the end of Muharram. As if some new hidden realities have been shown to you. Even if you read down entire books of Hadith and Qur'an and pray day and night, the effect on your soul will not be as swift as contemplating on the tragedy of Karbala and the life of Ahlul Bayt (عليه السلام). Qur'anic verses are beautified by the character of Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام). Qur'an is a book and it's visual reality is the life of Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام). If you have love for Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام), you'll fall in love with Qur'an automatically. Falling in love with both of them will let you gain Maarefat of The Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) and his Maarefat to the love of Allah. When this divine love will be in your heart, it will break down into infinite denominations and will fall as kindness upon every creature of Allah. In this way, you'll find yourself in love with everything. As Imam Hussain (عليه السلام) says, "O Allah, What did he find who lost you? What did he lose who found you?" [Dua Arafah]. Start your journey of love and immerse yourself in this ocean of love. Though this is nothing in comparison to what an explanation of love should be and my words are not enough to express it. Even if I write what all encompasses my mind, I won't be able to convey it completely.
  3. æóÞóÑúäó Ýöí ÈõíõæÊößõäøó æóáóÇ ÊóÈóÑøóÌúäó ÊóÈóÑøõÌó ÇáúÌóÇåöáöíøóÉö ÇáúÃõæáóìٰ ۖ æóÃóÞöãúäó ÇáÕøóáóÇÉó æóÂÊöíäó ÇáÒøóßóÇÉó æóÃóØöÚúäó Çááøóåó æóÑóÓõæáóåõ ۚ ÅöäøóãóÇ íõÑöíÏõ Çááøóåõ áöíõÐúåöÈó Úóäúßõãõ ÇáÑøöÌúÓó Ãóåúáó ÇáúÈóíúÊö æóíõØóåøöÑóßõãú ÊóØúåöíÑðÇ {33} [Pickthal 33:33] And stay in your houses. Bedizen not yourselves with the bedizenment of the Time of Ignorance. Be regular in prayer, and pay the poor-due, and obey Allah and His messenger. Allah's wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O Folk of the Household, and cleanse you with a thorough cleansing. Why did ahlul bayt (as) need purification if they were already pure? We translate "áöíõÐúåöÈó Úóäúßõãõ" as "Keep away from".... But.... Take for example: æóÞóÇáõæÇ ÇáúÍóãúÏõ áöáøóåö ÇáøóÐöí ÃóÐúåóÈó ÚóäøóÇ ÇáúÍóÒóäó ۖ Åöäøó ÑóÈøóäóÇ áóÛóÝõæÑñ ÔóßõæÑñ {34} [shakir 35:34] And they shall say: (All) praise is due to Allah, Who has made grief to depart from us; most surely our Lord is Forgiving, Multiplier of rewards, [Pickthal 35:34] And they say: Praise be to Allah Who hath put grief away from us. Lo! Our Lord is Forgiving, Bountiful, [Yusufali 35:34] And they will say: "Praise be to Allah, Who has removed from us (all) sorrow: for our Lord is indeed Oft-Forgiving Ready to appreciate (service): As you can see no one translated as "kept away". Are you going to argue the people of this verse whomever were meant, never felt grief, and God kept it away from them? please explain.
  4. Salam. My slipper got najis with first mutannajis water and then I tried to make it pak under the tap water (not sure whether its qaleel or kurr source), later i realised that slipper soaks little water. So is this water considered najis or pak? how to make my slipper pak again?
  5. Salaam, Say you were on the last days of menstruation, and you also work. What if your menstruation ends whilst you are in your workplace, and by the time you get back home, Zuhr and Asr would be qadha. And typically, you'd go home and do ghusl and pray but it'll be late. It is worthy to note that there is a wudhu place and a praying area at the place, so is there an alternative other than simply going home, then doing ghusl, and then praying late, or, can I do something else, e.g: tayammum, considering the fact that missing prayers is a grave sin?
  6. What is hard about politics? The hardest thing in politics is lack of information or being supplied with sheer misinformation. When crucial decisions are based on fabricated stories or the distorted version of media outlets, the tragic and heartbreaking conclusion is clear. Thus, having access to the first hand data and information matters most and is the hardest and the rarest jewelry in the world of politics. As far as the politicians are concerned; they are always in the crossroad of contradictory but inevitable choices. Whatever they choose, would form their political life, unique identity and unavoidable destiny. The hardest challenge a politician faces is to remain committed to his primary principles in both the private and public spheres. The politicians often make bitter compromises against their well-established principles which would finally make them repent. Since politicians are always in institutions where key decisions are made, they are often subject to illegitimate financial suggestions. Sometimes the suggestions made can be extremely alluring, seducing and life-winning to them. So, it will be hard for them to choose what would suit them best. Choice is of course theirs. Either they live a life full of honor and dignity but replete with hardships, or a luxurious and glamorous life but filled with frequent compromises against their conscience. In other words, to run a simple but dignified life and safeguard one's purity and honesty is the wisest and hardest thing you can imagine; but choosing the most fascinating lifestyles may force one to turn a blind eye to his intellectual ambitions; because running an engrossing lifestyle needs expenditures beyond legitimate means; and to have access to those earnings the politicians will be forced to make indecent compromises in one way or the other. May Allah, Bless Us All.
  7. Ali.Isa

    Logical Reasoning

    Logical reasoning Intellectual arguments Rational recognitions Eternal reflections Purity of spirit Eternal soulfulness
  8. Is the water in a western toilet bowl (after you flushed it) tahir? I'm asking because I occasionally use it to clean my backside when other water is not available. Fairly certain it should follow the rules of Kurr water, but I thought I'd see what others had to say.
  9. Assalamu 3alaykum. On the basis that there is dream interpretation by Imam Jaffar al Sadiq (As) as well as there being real dreams (in exclusion to nafsi and shaytanic inspired dreams) if you are pure when Allah Swt raises the souls when we are sleeping (As mentioned in the Holy Quran), Is there a specific dua one can make to rely on Allah Swt to see a dream for guidance, the Imams (As), the Prophet (Sawa), a hint of the future or something symbolic? I personally have heard of experiences where people have had dreams that ended up being something true or two people having the same or similar dream of something that potentionally had meaning. JazakAllah kheir.
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