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Found 14 results

  1. News and everything else on the Peaceful Movement in Bahrain and the oppression of the people of Bahrain. Please post here everything concerning the oppression of Bahraini people and their Peaceful Movement for human rights. Activist says Bahrain sentences 50 for suspected links to militant group Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/activist-bahrain-sentences-50-for-suspected-links-to-militant-group/2013/09/29/b8afa0f2-28f6-11e3-b141-298f46539716_story.html
  2. I just want to ask a quick question, now there are many protests happening in the United States for Palestine. I usually avoid going to protests even the one for Iraq last year I just stayed home. Do you guys think its best to not go and stay home? what are your thoughts on this?
  3. Salaam, Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) was passed in Indian Parliament. This bill aims to give citizenship to persecuted minorities - Hindu, Sikh, Parsi, Buddhist and Christians of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. While this is, without a doubt, a noble act but the problem is that it doesn't include Muslims. Home Minister Amit Shah said that since all three are Muslim countries it is not possible that Muslims can be persecuted there. He 'forgot' Ahmadiyas and Hazaras of Pakistan, other Shias of Bangladesh, Afghanistan. Why are Indian Muslims protesting? CAB in itself is not a problem but when you combine it with NRC you will see discrimination. Assam has one of the highest influx of illegal Bangladeshi Muslim migrants. National Register of Citizens (NRC) was run in Assam, India as a pilot project. It required all Assamese to show land acquisition papers or birth certificate prior to 1971. As a result, many actually belonging to Assam didn't make it to NRC. Although it was scrapped later but ruling party is planning pan India NRC with some modifications. Now if NRC is implemented all over India than many Muslim who doesn't have required documents will be stripped of citizenship. Other communities not having documents can be citizens through CAB. It is to early to say if the bill will truly hurt Muslims. Amit Shah has repeatedly assured Indian Muslims that they shouldn't worry about CAB. I do not trust him. It all depends on what will be the requirements of NRC. PS: Narendra Modi and Amit Shah are Zaalim and hates Muslims. India is taking persecuted minorities of Pakistan so it should be the last country to condemn anything.
  4. Iraqi's are fighting hard, they always have and they seem to always will. I guess that leaves a legacy in itself that they're fighting for their nation. People are dying, the government army are attacking them with machine guns and other types of operatives. Communities are falling apart... At some point you just think to yourself, is anything going to change? As an Iraqi woman, with full love to my country, and its history, it physically is distressing, and mentally painful to see this happening to my family, to my communities. Protesting has maybe had an affect in other countries, but with a government like Iraqs... Whats bound to happen, anyway??
  5. The pattern continue from what i saw and hear in my life. Protest (famously with reason injustice in economic and then turn into violence and looting), sniper who kills (perhaps by private sniper or government sniper). It was happen in Tiananment Square of China, Jakarta of Indonesia, Tripoli of Libya, Damascus of Suriah etc. I do not know the national endurance of Iran against intruder. The basic ideology of Nabi Muhammad SAW in Iran shall give strong national stability and shall hit back to its (unreasonable/stupid protest) trigger. Only stupid, imbecil human who reject my notion. http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2018/01/02/547620/Trump-again-expresses-support-for-rioters-in-Iran http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2018/01/03/547744/CIA-and-Mossad-have-orchestrated-recent-protests-in-Iran-Analyst
  6. *****IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT**** Bismila Ta'la " Sheik Nimr neither invited people to take up arms nor hatched covert plots. The only thing he did was public criticism. His execution was a clear act of injustice" Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei(ha) "He (Sheik Nimr) is a martyr and his blood and that of other Shiite protesters was unjustly and aggressively shed." Ayatullah Al Uthama Sayyid Ali Sistani(ha) Demonstration to Protest the Criminal Saud Regime and the Criminal Act of the Murder of Sheik Nimr(ra) TODAY Sunday Jan 3rd, Time 3:00 p.m. Place: Dearborn Administrative Center (Dearborn City Hall next to Police Station) 16901 Michigan Ave Dearborn, MI 48126 I am encouraging all Brothers and Sister in South East Michigan / Windsor to please come and join the demonstration. Even if you have to drive a long way and endure hardship. This is a clear issue of Haqq and Batil. If we don't stand up, noone will stand up for us !!! (There may be lots of cars, traffic, There is lots of parking behind City Hall, and additional parking on the streets next to City Hall) No Excuses, Please. I hope to see all of you who live within 50 miles of City Hall there. Please retweet, Facebook, tell friends, family that are in Michigan / Windsor, etc. Noone will stand for you if you don't stand with Haqq
  7. Exclusive: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says Tehran supports any measures that prevent foreign military intervention in Syria, warning against the repercussions of a possible attack against the Arab country. Interview recorded on August 10, 2013Like us: http://www.facebook.com/monitormideastSubscribe to us: http://www.youtube.com/user/MMEMonitorMideastFollow us: http://www.twitter.com/MonitorMideast
  8. BismillahirRahmanirRameem AsSalamalaikum A new film has been created by the Anti-Islamic film factory-"Bollywood". The movie was released a few days back and it features a song titled- "Bismillah". It is an obscene song, being played in a disco. This is not the first time the Indian filmmakers have done this. A few years back, they created song titled "Ya Ali Madad".It was played in discos and people danced to its tune. In fact, they might still be using it in these sinful places. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. These people should face the consequences of what they are doing. They have insulted the Creator of the World, this time. For the sake of the Allah, the Most Beloved of all, please spread the word and make an effort to register your comment in a strong language. And unlike the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6iyy3oNazQ https://www.facebook.com/OUATIMD
  9. (salam) A link to the video od the al-quds rally 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcpHL4HVwJU&feature=youtu.be (wasalam)
  10. SCENES FROM NOBAMA PROTEST MARCH Protests Countrywide! Divergent views on why South Africans dislike the man We are called the Rainbow Nation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrTeBDetcfw South African Muslim Lawyer's Asscociation Also:http://www.presstv.ir/usdetail/311388.html
  11. (bismillah) (salam) As you guys know about bomb blasts which killed almost 100 Shia Hazaras.Hazaras are now protesting.so far more than 24 hours have been passed and they have refused to bury the dead.Dialouges with local administartion have failed. protestors along with 86 dead bodies are still on the Alamdar Road Quetta. Quetta is very cold area,those who have been to quetta knows.Its one of the coldest places in pakistan Protests and sit-in in all over pakistan are being arranged. Protestors wants the deployment of Pak Army in quetta city. here are the pictures. As you can see they covered dead bodies with plastic sheets because of the rain. 2nd day pictures i will post more info soon inshAllah. Wasalam Protest in London infront of pakistani embassy Please Follow this page on fb if you have account there http://www.facebook.com/shiakilling3 photo album of after blast pictures http://www.facebook....07366891&type=1 There will be protest in all over pakistan Please join if you can Protest sit-in's and rallies in in Islamabad at Press Club in Karachi at Numaish Chowrangi Protest sit-in in Karachi at Malir National Highway (already started) Protest sit-in in Lahore at Governor House Punjab (already started) Protest sit-in in Lahore at Liberty Chowk @ 4 PM Protest rally at Darya Khan Bakhar at Fuwara Chowk (already started) Protest at Babar Low Bypass at 4 PM
  12. Bahrain hunger-striker al-Khawaja moved to hospital Abdulhadi al-Khawaja's lawyer released this picture of his client in hospital on 3 AprilContinue reading the main story A leading human rights activist in Bahrain has been moved to a hospital clinic and is being fed intravenously after 58 days on hunger strike. Abdulhadi al-Khawaja is protesting against a life sentence for his role in anti-government protests last year. Mr Khawaja was convicted by a special security court of trying to overthrow Bahrain's royal family. Human rights organisations have called for him to be freed. His lawyer says his condition is worsening. Mohammed al-Jishi told Reuters that Mr Khawaja was moved to the clinic after losing 10 kg (22lb). "His condition has worsened... his blood pressure is down, and he is getting an IV (intravenous) drip," he said. His daughter Zainab has also been detained during a protest for her father on Thursday. Meanwhile security forces fired teargas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who rallied in support of Mr Khawaja on Friday. Many were carrying posters of him as they called for his release. Other protests have also been held in recent weeks against the Grand Prix which is due to be held in the country later this month. 'Forced confession' Mr Khawaja was arrested last April following the uprising centred on the Pearl Roundabout in the capital Manama. The gulf island kingdom was wracked by unrest after activists who had peacefully occupied the roundabout were forcibly driven out in confrontations with police and security forces. The human rights group Amnesty International says Mr Khawaja's conviction in June was based on a confession made under duress, and no evidence was presented showing he had used or advocated violence during the mass protests. According to testimony Mr Khawaja gave to the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry - a panel of human rights experts asked to look into the unrest by King Hamad following the international outcry over his handling of the protests - Mr Khawaja suffered prolonged torture while in detention.
  13. (salam) Time: 22 October · 13:30 - 16:00 Location: Royal Embassy Of Saudi Arabia 30 Charles Street London, United Kingdom Saturday 22 of October there would be a protest held opposite the Saudi Arabia Embassy. We are trying to gather as many people as we can to protest against the Wahhabism . Invite and encourage as much people as you can to get together and stop this Satanic Group. wahabi crimes : * Terrorist attack on Imam Al-Askari (as) Shrine * Suicide Bombing On The Azadars of Imam Hussain (as) * Supporting The Ale Khalifa & Attacking The Shias Of Bahrain * Slaughtering The Shia's in Afgahnistan Pakistan ,Saudi arabia....... * Destruction of Janat Al-Baqi * Attacking The Shia Hajaj in Mekka and medina You're welcome to bring Poster's , and the Bahraini or your national flag to the event. But please refrain from bringing political Flag or Posters. Please Invite Your Friends And Share This Event . https://www.facebook...123383621100175
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