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Assalamu Alaikum, It is narrated through authentic chains that Imam Hasan ((عليه السلام).) said that the Holy Prophet (S) said: “Behisht is a stream in Firdos, sweeter than honey, softer than butter, cooler than ice and more fragrant than musk. Therein is a kind of clay wherefrom the Almighty Allah created us and our Shias. One who is not created from that clay is neither from us nor is our Shia.” It is mentioned in another tradition that he said: “I have heard from my grandfather, the Holy Prophet (S) that he used to say: ‘I have been created from the Noor of Allah and my Ahlul Bayt have been created from my Noor and the lovers of Ahlul Bayt have been created from their Noor. All other people are from hellfire.’” I know that our belief in free will and predestination is in the middle, its not complete free will and not complete predestination. I found this hadith when reading Hayat Al Qulub, The prophet says that those who were not created from this certain clay is not from our shia. So does this prove that our lives are predestined because what about those who were not made of that clay, are they just destined to hell. Does this show that we don't really have a choice. Has anyone else seen this hadith before, is it reliable, there's no reference or source for it in the book. Thank You!
Salam, Could someone please explain this video by the respected Sheikh? 1. If everything is based on cause and effect in this plane of existence, and is not a divine punishment what about the punishments of Firaun and people of Lot and the other prophets of God? 2. Does Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) also have a role in this “infinite” chain of cause and effect? Is His (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) role to test us through these burdens? But then is He the cause of this chain of cause and effect? Or is it a mixture of free will and predestination? Barakallah Feek
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- corona
- cause and effect
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Sallam! I've been, for a few months, doubting Islam. Now I'd like to believe in a God, though I always thought, what if Islam isn't the correct path to said God. In the Quran, it describes God's majesty, the beauty of his creation, my religion classes explained to me the being who created the seed for the tree, must've created the tree, the land for it and all that sustains it, therefore the one God must have created the Earth and skies, though who says this God is Allah? Another thing is the issue of predestination. Now I won't go into detail as I know there is a thread about it, but for God to not be limited by time means he can, and this is me excluding his omniscience, know what happens and in 'our future' and return to 'our present'. This makes time linear, which means unchangeable and that God has simply 'programmed' us to live the way we do. Black magic also is something I feel highly unlikely to exist, that and envy; despite the fact they were mentioned in the Quran. Now, I am unsure what black magic is capable of, but I am sure that Satan has no power, as is mentioned in the Quran, rather only influences those around him, so how can black magic and envy both be possible if, given that God doesn't allow it himself? And also the 'minor mistakes' (a polite way of saying contradictions) in the Quran. I will post a few: If I go astray, I go astray to my own loss (34:50) How many days did it take Allah to destroy 'Aad? One day [54:19] or several days [41:16; 69:6,7] First earth and then heaven [2:29], heaven and after that earth [79:27-30]. Is the evil in our life from Satan [38:41], Ourselves [4:79], or Allah [4:78]? There is also the problem of Prophethood and Imamate being basically the same thing under a different name. The story of Adam and Eve is unclear and raises a lot of questions; if in heaven there are no lies, how did Satan trick them? And wasn't Satan kicked out of heaven? And prior to that, how did the angles know the 'evil' nature of man? There is also miracles which have been disproved by science, such as The Flood and the tearing of the moon. Finally, 'Isma or infalliablity. Honestly, this 'trait' is non-existant, in the Quran it says Adam disobeyed (3asa) his Lord, it really doesn't get clearer than that, but I have a few examples if this isn't clear: Surah At-Tahreem first ayah. The story of Prophet Yousef, and him asking for help from other than God (not that major, but if it wasn't, why was he punished for it?) The fact that Ya'qoub favoured Benjamin and Prophet Yousouf over the rest of his children. And Prophet Yunus leaving his people. I still pray and fast, though with a lot less kushu', but my faith has been a lot more shaky recently. Wassalam.
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- infalliabilty
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ASA everyone. Now, most muslims will generally say that humans have free will but that Allah(swt) knows what will happen before it will happen and that he can alter things as he so pleases. However, when reading the Quran it is not that simple. It seems to me that two points are made simultaneously, the first being that humans control whether or not they will accept faith and guidance and the other being that it is not up to an individual but all up to Allah(swt). If it is up to Allah(swt), then doesn't it seem unfair that he will misguide some people and guide others? This is really bothering me. Feedback and thoughts are appreciated. Verses: Decisions The Qur'an is a warning to all men: to those who have the will to walk straight or upright, yet no one can decide to do so except the ones who are given that ability by Allah (81:27-29, 76:29-30). The Test Man was created from a drop of semen for the purpose of being tested. He is given sight, hearing and instructions to see whether he will be grateful and go to paradise. In paradise there will be drinking of wine flowing from a constant fountain while in Hell there will be chains, harnesses and blazing fire (76:2-6). Guidance Allah guides whom he pleases to the straight way (10:25). Allah decides who will be left to stray and who will be guided (35:8). Allah opens or hardens hearts to Islam (39:18-22). He gives some little and others much (39:52). Faith No one can have faith unless Allah gives him permission. Allah will severely punish those who do not have the sense to believe (10:100). Ordained Misfortune Allah decrees ahead of time every bad thing that happens to the earth or individuals (57:22). Control over All Creatures There is not a living creature whose hair is not in the grasp of Allah (11:56). Created for Hell Whomever Allah guides follows the right way and whoever he causes to be led astray will be the losers. Many men and genies are already created for Hell (7:178,179). Allah Causes Error It is impossible for a person to correct those who Allah has caused to be in error (4:88). Personal Responsibility Those who reject Allah’s communications are deaf and dumb. They are in utter darkness. Allah misleads some and puts others on the right way (6:39). Apostles give good news and warnings to mankind. Those who believe and mend their ways will have nothing to fear and not regret. But those who deny Allah’s revelations will be punished for their sins (6:48,49). Evil Leaders Placed and Punished Allah has placed evil leaders in every town who plot evil. Soon they will be punished for their evil plans (6:123, 124). Fill Hell If Allah had willed he could have given everyone true guidance, but the word of Allah is that he will fill Hell with men and jinn (32:13, 11:119, 7:18). This is really bothering
what do you think about this issue? i have heard a saying that "even a leaf of a tree doesnot move without the will of Allah swt" how much is that true? i vote for free will i think so because on the judgement day nobody can question Allah swt that why he is going to hell when everything he had done was already written by Allah swt and Allah's will we know that Allah swt is just so doesnt it contradict predestination (Allah decided who will commit sins and later he is punishing them - something illogical isnt it?) [for ex - yazid] and my understanding of islam so far (as i am a convert) is that life is a test Allah is the judge prophets saww are teachers we are students life is test who ever passes it go to heaven who ever fails goes to hell so what do you guys think free will or predestination and also about hidayat now when Allah swt didnot give hidayat to abu jahl for example and also Allah swt had destined and written that abu jahl is going to die as a disbeliever so on the day of judgement wont he and others of such kind, question Allah swt that why are they being punished for it is Allah swt who had predestined and not given hidayat??? also how yazid is lanatullah when karbala was predestined?????? thats why i strongly believe FREE WILL so please share your views and also any authentic hadiths and verses of holy quran sharif salaams
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- free will
- predestination
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- Multiple Personality Disorder is basically a subconscious shift into another alter ego and the alter ego gives itself a name and identity. There are some people who have more than 60 alter ego's and they can't control the random shift of these random aliases. One minute you're like a 3 year old sucking your thumb, the next minute you're like an ill mannered, illiterate teenager and the next minute you're an old person etc. Each distinct personality has its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment. The question is, basically, doesn't this disorder infringe upon and negate the concept of freewill? Another interesting question is, why did God create such a disorder as this, for what purpose?
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