“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends” -Martin Luther King Jr
It bleeds the heart to see that there is absolutely pin-drop silence on this continuing carnage with a decades-long history.
While it is understandable why the MSM might want to censor this news, the silence of political pundits from the Shi'a world- who generally have an opinion ready on every 'hot' political happening from Latin America to the Middle East and East Asia- is what is the most agonizing.
Discord servers, WhatsApp and telegram groups, Facebook pages and feeds, Twitter handles online forums are choked with outrage posts, solidarity messages and 'expert' opinions whenever there is an atrocity somewhere in Palestine, but why is there not as much as a whisper on this genocide from these same demographics?
What purpose does disregarding, cheapening and brushing under the carpet the blood and suffering our our brethren- in- imaan, who are one flesh and blood with the rest of us, serve? What 'geopolitical' expediency explains the studied silence of those who posit themselves at the head of not only the global Shi'a-dom, but world Islam? If a blasphemous spoof at the Paris Olympics is important enough to draw a reaction, surely it is not too much to expect that the bloodshed of fellow mu'mineen would be as important, if not more important?
Days have passed since the carnage erupted, and not as much as a statement in all these days?
Is their blood so cheap? Is it because they don't figure anywhere on the contemporary chessboard of geopolitical 'hot' topics?
The usual spam posts, trolling, name-calling, naysaying and apologia and mud-slinging will inevitably follow after this post, but I don't care.
@ShiaMan14 @Irfani313