In the Name of God بسم الله
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I have my own theories. Please respond. Mu means source in Arabic Hammad is the batin esoteric hidden name of Allah. So Mu-Hammad means?
Salam, I would like a second opinion about a matter I am currently dealing with. I currently have a son on the way alhamdulillah. My wife and I decided on a name for the baby. We are 100% sure and confident on the name. My father relies heavily in istakhara in all things. He also personally did not like the name we picked and wanted a different name. Anyway he has told me that he has done istakhara on his own and he said it came out bad for the name. My wife and I are still sure we would like to keep the name for the baby. We have consulted with other members of our family and they also love the name we picked. My questions is should we even consider istakhara for this since my wife and I are fully confident in the name? How much should we consider istakhara if we ourselves are not confused on what to do? I would love to hear your opinion of this. Jazakallah.
Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters, I have a few questions regarding my name. I am a revert, and I have chosen a full new name. My chosen surname is Al-Noor. (BACKGROUND) I have read recently that I should keep my father’s surname. There are a few issues with this. The first is that he changed his own name before I was born. His new surname has no connection to his own background. The second is that he specifically changed his surname as a means of distancing himself from his own father. So I can’t just use what his original name was. The third issue is that the name I have chosen is not of my own heritage (Italian and Jewish), but neither is my father’s current surname. The fourth is that even without all of these issues, my father’s original surname explicitly denotes a Jewish priestly class, and I don’t think having such a name is proper for a Muslim. My parents are also displeased that I have chosen an Arabic first name. I always hated my birth name (especially as its short form is derived from a polytheist mythical figure) and I have created a new identity for myself upon reverting, which is embodied by my Islamic name. My father does not care if I change my surname, but he wants me to keep my first name. I have been living as my full Islamic name for years now. It’s the name on my diplomas and my publications in my field and the name everybody else calls me but my parents. I do not want to upset my parents, but I have my own life, religion, and identity now. I want to start my legal name change process soon in shaa Allah. It is too confusing to have a legal name and a completely different common name, especially when it comes to employment. My questions are: 1. Is “Al-Noor” a permissible surname, Islamically-speaking? It is a Name of Allah, but I know that “Noor” is a very common name for Muslims. Does the “al” prefix affect permissibility? 2. Is it permissible to change my surname to a name that has no connection with my father’s line nor ethnic heritage, given the circumstances? 3. How can I balance my parents’ wishes with my own identity? As my father’s new surname is actually a feminine first name nowadays, I was thinking about making it a second middle name as a gesture of respect while maintaining my Islamic full name. 4. Am I just thinking too far into this and finding problems where there are none? Thank you for reading this whole thing. Salawat
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Assalamu alaykum. Doubt:If I order something to be send at my mother's house and I put the name that I choose after the Shahada,like the name that I choose Maryam with my surname(my surname on the id),is this mixing truth with falsehood?Cause it's not the same name in my id. Sorry for this stupid question... And again...if I present myself to someone...can I use my Muslim name or I have to present my self with the name on my id(identity card)? And is better to change the name on the id too and to put the Islamic name?And like Islamic name the changing of the name suffice or is intended the surname too? Sorry for the multiple questions...!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم If Imam Ali(AS) is the true successor of the holly prophet Muhammad(SA), why his name hasn't mentioned in Quran? This question is asked very much, but it is needed to say the idea behind this question was untrue from its very basic, but Shia and Sunni scholars mentioned one verse that contains Imam Ali(AS)'s name. The question is what is this verse? Surah Maryam verse 50: وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُم مِّن رَّحْمَتِنَا وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُمْ لِسَانَ صِدْقٍ عَلِیًّا And We gave them of Our mercy, and we made for them a reputation of high honor.(عَلِیًّا(ALi) translated to High while it is a name) Here is the story of this verse: Prophet Abraham(AS) asked Allah for a لِسَانَ صِدْقٍ (a reputation of honor) which is mentioned in Surah Ash-shu'ara verse 84: وَ اجْعَلْ لِی لِسانَ صِدْقٍ فِی الْآخِرِینَ And grant me a reputation of honor among later generations. And its aistajabat(response) mentioned in 50th verse of Surah Maryam.It's aistajabat is not only for Abraham(AS) but for Issac(AS) and Jacob(as) and as it seems for all of the prophets. But there r plenty hadeeth for this field,14 in Shia sources and 1 in Sunni sources and one or two in Zaydie sources can be seen. The firm Hadeeth by sheikh Sadoq in Kamal Al-din(in arabic): حدثنی أبی و محمدُ بن الحسن (رضی الله عنهما) قالا: حدثنا سعدُ بن عبد الله، عن یعقوبَ بن یزید، عن محمدِ بن أبی عُمَیر، عن هِشام بن سالم، عن أبی بصیر، عن أبی عبد الله (علیه السلام)، قال: ... ثم غاب إبراهیم علیه السلام الغیبة الثانیة حین نفاه الطاغوت عن مصر فقال: (وأعتزلکم وما تدعون من دون الله وأدعوا ربی عسى ألّا أکون بدعاء ربی شقیا) فقال الله تقدس ذکره بعد ذلک - (فلما اعتزلهم وما یعبدون من دون الله وهبنا له إسحق ویعقوب وکلا جعلنا نبیا ووهبنا لهم من رحمتنا وجعلنا لهم لسان صدق علیا[مریم/49و50]) یعنی به علی ابن أبی طالب علیه السلام لأن إبراهیم علیه السلام کان قد دعا الله عز وجل أن یجعل له (لسان صدق فی الآخرین[الشعراء/84]) فجعل الله عز وجل له ولإسحاق ویعقوب (لسان صدق علیا) یعنی به علیا علیه السلام. translation:After the second time that Abraham(AS) steped out of Egypt and became abscent. said: "And I will leave you and those you invoke other than Allah and will invoke my Lord. I expect that I will not be in invocation to my Lord unhappy."(Maryam 48) So after Abraham's dua, Allah said:"So when he had left them and those they worshipped other than Allah , We gave him Isaac and Jacob, and each [of them] We made a prophet."(Maryam 49) And We gave them of Our mercy, and we made for them a reputation of high honor.(Ash-shu'ara 84) [After "(and we made for them a reputation of high honor)وجعلنا لهم لسان صدق علیّاً" Imam Sadeq(AS) said:"It means to Ali(AS)] And this sentence means that Allah meant Ali(AS) by using علیا, because Abraham(AS) asked Allah to put in his line a reputation of high(Ali) honor so Allah put for him and Issac and Jacob a reputation of high(Ali) honor who is Ali(as). ALi bin Abraham's firm Hadeeth in Tafsir Qomi: Ali bin Abraham mentions a hadeeth from Imam Hassan Al-Askari(AS):"وَ جَعَلْنا لَهُمْ لِسانَ صِدْقٍ عَلِیًّا means Amir Al-mo'minin (AS)" In sunni sources: Hakem Haskani one of the sunnis famous interpreters mentions a hadeeth in his book "Shavahid al-tanzil leqava'id al-tafzil"(شواهد التنزیل لقواعد التفضیل) the it somehow the description of Verse 84 of Ash-shu'ara surah: Prophet(SA) said: On the night that they took me to Mi'raj, Gabriel was carrying me on his right wing, I was asked:"Whom you made your sucessor for the residents of earth?" I answered:"The best of them Ali ibn Abi Talib my brother my friend my son in law and uncle's son.I was told:"O Muhammad(SA) Do u love him?"I said:"Yes o creator of all" I was told:"Love him and order your umat(nation) to love him, certainly I am the Highest Ali(علی اعلی) and i gave him his name by derivating -one of-my names and named him Ali(AS), So Gabriel descended and said:"Allah says salam to you and tells you:"Read". I said "What do i Read?" He said:"وَ وَهَبْنا لَهُمْ مِنْ رَحْمَتِنا، وَ جَعَلْنا لَهُمْ لِسانَ صِدْقٍ عَلِیًّا":And We gave them of Our mercy, and we made for them a reputation of high honor who is Ali(AS). There was many other Haidths in the original text but i think these would suffice for those who have eyes to see. If there is any mistake in translation forgive me for my bad English. source(it is a persian site):
Salam! Can you help me please? I want to write my name in Farsi. I live in this city: کامیانتس (کامیانتس-پودیلسکیی). Am I wrong, if I write this - علی کامیانتسی ? Thank you!
How does one express the relationship between the Name Allah and Allah. Are they one and the same? Are they non-different? Is the name a representation? An attribute? An energy? A manifestation?
Naming children the name of animals or evil creatures is really dreadful. You should call your kids with a name that when you call him or her you feel pleasure and respect. The holy Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him said: 'Name your children after the prophets.' Imam al-Kazim, Shiites’ seventh Imam (pbuh), said, 'The very first act of kindness of a man towards his son is to give him a good name, so keep good names for your children.'[ii] I think the most favorite name can be Muhammad, because it means someone who is praised. رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : سَمُّوا أولادَكُم أسماءَ الأنبياءِ [ii] الإمامُ الكاظمُ عليه السلام : أوَّلُ ما يَبَرُّ الرَّجُلُ وَلَدَهُ أن يُسَمِّيَهُ بِاسمٍ حَسَنٍ، فَلْيُحَسِّنْ أحَدُكُمُ اسمَ وَلَدِهِ
salam ... please don't start debate in comments , just please provide me with answers to my question and if their is reference from quran it would be great .. thanks in advance . like just like prophat isa pbuh named with his mother name , Isa bin mariam , Isa son of mariam , can this be taken as permission for women to allow their children to bear their mothers name , for whatever the reason the family might be going through , it doesn't matter , I just want to know if the child can carry his mother name , and shia view on this . again please don't start unrelated debate , stick to the question that I asked .
Salaam , Is there any way to seek the baby name from Quran. If yes , then how ? Please provide the detailed literature on this , if possible. I have tried to find here , even in google also , but cannot find. If you any method , please share . Otherwise , please provide the baby boy names . Walekum salaam, Tahir
Salam Alaykum brothers and sisters, my name is Ali, and I've recently been reflecting a lot on my name. Why is it that in english the name علي is spelled with an A, when it should be spelled in an E, since the name علي can be traced back to the Eli that is in the book of Samuel. The name that is in that book has the same exact same meaning as the Arabic name علي. So I think Ali (in regards to the Arabic meaning) should instead be spelled as Eli in english. What do you think? Here's some links that helped me analyze this issue:
Salam, So in Islam, it is the responsibility of the husband to name a child, correct? Is this his right or just a responsibility? Also, why isnt the responsibility given to the wife? Is it because women would die from childbirth often and not live to see the child or something? Thanks.
Bismehe Ta3ala, Assalam Alikum. What are the golden stars about under the profile? Why are they there? Can any member on shiachat rate you? Can you find out how people have rated you or is it annonymous? Thank you. M3 Salamah, FE AMIN Allah
Salaams I would like to change my user name to: Mujtaba-Syed Thanks SC admins :)
(bismillah) 1)Why do we seek refuge from Satan in "Allah" while we start a Surah in "Allah's name"? ÇÚæÐ ÈÇááå & ÈÓã Çááå 2)What is this name of Allah that we start in? It was always a perplexing topic to me. "In The Name Of Allah, The Beneficent, The Most Merciful" What is that "Name" or is this imperceivable by human nature? Thanks in advance for your answers. (wasalam)
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