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  1. According to Imām Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq Mutʿah is categorically ḥarām for Zaydīs Zaydī sources: Muḥammad b. Manṣūr al-Murādī narrates with his chain, from ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. al-Aṣbahānī, he said: I asked Jaʿfar b. Muḥammad regarding Mutʿah, he said: Describe it to me. I said: A man finds a woman, and says: I will marry you with this Dirham for enjoyment. He said: That is Zinā (fornication). — Amālī al-Imām Aḥmad b. ʿĪsā b. Zayd b. ʿAlī (d. 247) Sunnī sources: al-Bayhaqī narrated with his chain from Bassām al-Ṣayrafī, he said: I asked Jaʿfar b. Muḥammad regarding Mutʿah, and I described it. He said to me: That is Zinā (fornication). — Sunnan al-Bayhaqī (the chain is reliable) Ismāʿīlī sources: al-Qāḍī al-Nuʿmān al-Maghribī said: And from Jaʿfar b. Muḥammad, peace be upon him, a man asked him regarding Mutʿah. He said: Describe it to me, he said: A man encounters a woman, and says: I will marry you with this Dirham, or these two Dirhams for an encounter that will last a day, or two. He said: That is Zinā (fornication), and only a fājir (wicked evil-doer) would do that. — Daʿāʾm al-Islām Twelver sources: From al-Imām al-Ṣādiq, peace be upon him, he said when describing Mutʿah: Only a fājir (wicked evil-doer) would do it. — Biḥār al-Anwār The Twelver al-Majlisī also reported: From ʿAbdullāh b. Sinān, he said: I asked Abā ʿAbdullāh, peace be upon him, regarding Mutʿah. So, he said: Do not dirty yourself with it. — Biḥār al-Anwār al-Imām al-Ḥasan b. Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥusayn b. Zayd b. ʿAlī b. al-Ḥusayn b. ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib (d. 247 AH) said regarding Mutʿah: The Progeny of the Prophet ﷺ have reached a consensus regarding its despicable practice and the impermissibility to partake in it. They (the Ahl al-Bayt) said: it was permissible during a particular time [of migration, and war] and the Prophet ﷺ then deemed it impermissible, and ended its practice. It was abrogated by the waiting period, and inheritance. They have also reached a consensus that there cannot be a marriage with the absence of the approval of the guardian, and the presence of two witnesses. — al-Jāmʿ al-Kāfī https://t.me/TheZaydiSchool
  2. Would a Women in Iraq do Mutah with a male revert from the US? im thinking about going to Iraq for aarebeen next year. Would an American one from Dearborn do it?
  3. I (18F) and my (23M) husband (??) met early October. We decided to be exclusive and then make things halal on November 1st. For context, I don’t have a wali. My father is out of the picture and doesn’t financially support me. My uncle is present but also doesn’t financially support me. My sole provider is my mother. And my paternal grandfather is not alive. I was assaulted when I was 15, so I wasn’t a virgin going into it. We did mutah, and it’s been amazing. I really really really love him and he loves me too. He flew over to me (he lives in Canada and I live in the US) — we spent a week together, sharing lots of memories. We also consummated the marriage while he was here. His brother started to suspect things when my husband flew to the US. And he kept pressuring him to say something or else he will find out. So he told him everything. Today, my husband told me he worries our marriage isn’t valid because his brother mentioned something to him and it hasn’t left his mind. He sent a question to the marja we follow (sistani): Question: Asalam-o-alaykum, I did mutah and consummated the marriage with an 18 year old girl. She isn’t a virgin and lost her virginity from being raped. I now came to know a girl who’s lost her virginity through rape is still considered a virgin. It’s worth noting her father isn’t in her life and doesn’t financially provide for her either. The other male in her family doesn’t provide for her and her mother is the sole provider. Is our marriage valid? If not, What should we do? I’m so heartbroken and I hope our marriage is valid. We didn’t know that when they say a girl can be independent if she’s not a virgin, they mean in the context of a woman who previously married and consummated the marriage. But this doesn’t change the fact that I don’t have a wali. And I also realized that sistani doesn’t allow a woman to get married regardless if she doesn’t have a wali. What sucks about this situation the most is that my mom wouldn’t allow me to marry early. If she knew about this whole situation, she would kill me. And his parents want him to get married by 25. So if we do end up having to separate, the plan is to wait until I turn 20, convince my mom to let my get married. Please reply as soon as possible.
  4. Salam, sorry if this is not the right place for but it’s my first time using this website. I have multiple questions, I love this girl and I want to be with her but I don’t want to be in a haram relationship. I have no sexual desires I just want to be able to be with her without sinning. Is there any requirements I should know about? For one do I have to get parental permission? She is also a Christian does that matter for mut’ah? Is there an age requirement because we are both 18? I have not mentioned the idea to her but I want to soon, we both have shared feelings but I also don’t know how I should bring something like that up. Thank you in advance for your replies.
  5. Salam, Does anyone know of any mutah groups or websites or any other resources for Toronto area. It's very hard to find like minded individuals who want to engage in mutah. For the love of God, DO NOT lecture me on the validity of Mutah. If you don't like it, stay away from replying on this post.
  6. Selam aleyykum. Can I do mutah with a person who only converted to Islam to do Mutah with me? Is it permissible or haram? And if they did convert, but not follow rules, am i allowed to marry them?
  7. I want to do mutah but it's socially unacceptable here. I'm young permanent marriage isn't so close. I don't know how to find something for me and nearly I am going to Australia and I am more worried that how I could stop myself from sun!
  8. Did late Ayatollah Rohani (May Allah have mercy on him) allow following the Deceased Mujtahid? My mujtahid says that a girl needs father's permission for temporary marriage as an obligatory precaution. But Ayatollah Rohani (may allah have mercy on him) has given a proper fatwa on this topic and in my view Ayatollah Rohani is equally knowledgeable. Can i follow him in this case? As of now I am a new Shia, and I am following the Supreme Leader right now. People say that a new Shia should start Taqleed by following a living Mujtahid. So I followed a living Mujtahid and am still doing it. So can I turn to Ayatollah Rohani in this matter? Thank you!
  9. Salam I am in the taqleed of Ayatullah Sayeed Al-Hakim and he allows Mutah with a virgin girl without the permission of the father(provided that they dont have sexual intercourse). According to him all other acts of physical love are allowed as long as you don't have intercourse. I am 22 and did mutah with a shia girl whom I plan to marry in the future. She is in the taqleed of Ayatullah Sistani who doesnt allow mutah without fathers permission. Please note it is impossible to get her fathers permission or even ask him as he is very strict and would end up forcing her to marry someone else if he was asked for permission. I read on this forum that the mutah is allowed since one of the wedding partner's marja allows it. I have been involved in physical relation with her since we entered the mutah contract, however, we haven't had intercourse. For some reason, I have started pondering and I am having doubts again about the validity of my mutah contract. If someone could provide a reliable source which could justify the validity of my mutah would make me peaceful again. I am posting here in the hope that I would get an answer sooner rather than later. It is very difficult to reach my Marja since I live in Pakistan and the only way I can contact his office is through email. It takes them 3-4 months to reply. Request: I have recently graduated and I am looking for a job. Please pray that I get a decent job soon InshaAllah so that I can send a marriage proposal and get into a permanent marriage contract with her as soon as possible. Her father is very strict so I really need other momineens prayers. I will be waiting for your response. Please help. JazakAllah
  10. There is a group site on facebook, where they have mutah discussions and even a match making part if any one is interested
  11. Brothers & Sisters, I truly need your help. This is a jurisprudential query and I had written to my Marja's (Ayatullah Sistani's) office about 6 months ago but have not received a response yet. I shall describe my situation and then attach the ruling from Ayatullah Sistani on the topic below. Please go through it thoroughly and suggest what you think about the outcome. From my understanding, I have come to a conclusion but I keep getting doubts which are endlessly bothering me and affecting my daily life. My situation is as follows: I did Mutah with a girl who had recently got her Khula done. At the time of the mutah, both of us had a lack of knowledge about general Iddah rulings and thought that the purpose of the Iddah period is just to ensure that the girl is not pregnant. Therefore, we thought that the Iddah might not be applicable to her as she had been physically away from her husband since 4 months before the Khula and was getting her periods within this duration ascertaining that she is not pregnant. We were unsure about the applicability of the Mutah and did some further research, but could not find a definite answer. Therefore, without being completely sure about the applicability of the Iddah, we went ahead and did the Mutah Islamically. However, a couple of months later, without having gone to bed with each other yet (having sexual relations), we found out that marrying a girl in her waiting period knowingly makes the couple haraam for each other forever and hence, did a deep research to ensure that the Iddah was not applicable to her. However, upon doing further research, we found out that the waiting period is applicable from the day of the Khula regardless of the girl being physically away from the husband or not. Based on the ruling of Ayatullah Sistani, we immediately separated as we thought we had done it out of ignorance and did the Mutah again after her waiting period. Moreover, we had not gone to bed within this period. The ruling from Ayatullah Sistani's official website is as follows: Ruling 2419. If a man marries a woman who is observing the ʿiddah of her marriage to another man, in the event that both or one of them knew that her ʿiddah was not yet over and they knew that marrying a woman who is observing ʿiddah is unlawful, the woman becomes unlawful for him forever even if they did not have sexual intercourse after getting married. And if they were ignorant about what ʿiddah is or about it being unlawful to marry a woman who is observing ʿiddah, then the marriage contract is invalid. Furthermore, if they have had sexual intercourse, it is forever unlawful [for them to get married to each other]; otherwise, it is not unlawful and they can get married again once the ʿiddah is over. Depending on the above description and ruling, I have come to the conclusion that since we did not know that the Iddah is applicable on the girl from the day of the Khula regardless of her being physically away from the husband or not, we did not know that she was actually in the waiting period and hence, did the mutah out of ignorance. Therefore, we can get married after the Iddah period ends. However, I keep getting doubts about this conclusion and am seeking some validation from you as I have not received any response from my marja's office yet. I really love this girl and want to do Nikah with her but am afraid that due to these doubts, my relationship will fall apart. Please help me clear these doubts. Jazakallah o Khair!
  12. i read this Muhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi`i, a 9th century Sunni Shafi'i Islamic scholar writes:“ Nikah Mut'ah is our eyes is false, whilst Imam Malik deemed it permissible, as proof he says it was halaal and permissible, it was removed and was not abrogated ”^ Al Hidaya Volume 1 p. 13^ See also Fath al-Bari Volume 9 p. 73 Dhikr Mut'ah“Mut'ah cannot be Nikah, Mut'ah is false, it should not be practised, Ibn Abbas and Imam Malik had differing views, in their views this was practicable"^ Fatawi Qadhi Khan Volume 1 p 151 al Nikah FaylAhmad ibn Hanbal, a 9th century Sunni Islamic scholar writes:“ In the same way that Ibn Abbas deemed Mut'ah to be halaal, Imam Ibn Hanbal also stated Mut'ah was halaal ”^ Tafsir ibn Kathir Volume 1 p. 14, Surah Nisa verse 24“ Ibn Abbas and other party amongst the Sahaba narrated traditions that Mut'ah is halaal, and Ibn Hanbal also said that it was practicable ”^ Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah Volume 4 and p. 94, Dhikr Khayber“ Ibn Abbas another Sahaba said that Mut'ah can be utilised when needed, Ibn Hanbal also narrated the same^ Ibn Kathir's in his Tafseer, Surah an-Nisa, Page 3 under the verse 4:24
  13. I need help, i need a job first so i can get marriared or do mutah. I feel like a teen! i have urges and i feel like masterbating, i never had a girlfriend so i would kno really how to have a relationship. But still anyway i need a women in my life, i feel lonley too.I feel im getting to old and my life is passing me by, i need marraige before i get too old, any advice?
  14. Salām guys, I have a friend that asked me this question a few days ago. So in short, my friend is a college student in his late 20s who’s going through a lot financially and because he had a bit of tough/busy life apparently, he approached never got involved with any women. However, since he’s financial mess at the moment and probably might be for at least a while more, he isn’t in any position to get married nor does he want to. So to “cut to the chase” as he says, he was wondering in one of our conversations about 2 days ago, about doing mutah with someone significantly older, like 10 or 20 years, maybe even a divorced or widowed lady in her 40s to 50s, who is from within the community, since it’s harder for him to keep avoiding sins and he isn’t in any position to get married soon enough nor does he want to get into a marriage for the sole purpose of satisfying his urges. So my questions about that before I can actually give this guy an answer is, has anyone in the community done this before. If so, briefly, what was it like, what were things to watch out for or notice, and what problems occurred if any? Note: I’m not asking for advice like “be patient” or that kind of stuff, I’m asking for answers to the questions above. I implore you to kindly not take up my time with patronizing advice, especially since it’s not my issue to deal with particularly.
  15. Wpuld it be easier to avoid zina and falling victim to it if sunnis allowed mutah? Like would it make it better to practice the deen for sunnis?
  16. Assalamu alaikum, I am a Shia revert, I have been Shia for years but a while back I lost my way and I met my now partner and we have a son together and also my older son sees him as his father. He was not Muslim at all but since I have started to find my way back to Allah subhana wa’tala, alhamdulillah, my partner has learnt a lot about Islam and I explained that I have to find my way back to the right path and unfortunately I will have to choose my faith over my relationship. After he learned some more about Islam he said he wanted to revert, like I had done, and I’m really happy and excited about this. He has reverted now and I know we have to get married - in an Islamic way - because I do not want to live in this disobedience of Allah subhana wa’tala and I want to show my two children how to be good Muslims. Sorry for the background information! I’ll get on to my actual question now: we live in a city that has no Shia mosques. I’m not joking. There’s like only a couple of mosques here and I’ve actually never been them because I was anxious, the Muslim community here is small and not many reverts and I have been looked down upon by the Muslim community here and really not accepted even when I was practicing and doing my best. We need to get married, I would like a permanent marriage because we were going to get married legally anyway before, we are already engaged in a western sense, but I don’t really care about that so much at the moment. But without a mosque to go to and without a sheikh, can we even get married?! Permanently and validly? I looked on Sistani’s website and I was confused. I was in a mutah marriage before with a man who really did introduce me properly to Islam, this was a long time ago now, and now I don’t even know if that was valid - we didn’t have witnesses. But I was told then that for mutah we didn’t need them. But for permanent marriage it’s my understanding we do? Do they need to be Muslim? My family is not Muslim. Do we need a religious leader like a sheikh to make a permanent marriage valid or not & to do the contracts…? I feel silly asking these things like I feel I should know it but anyway. I’m hoping someone can help me out. What does a couple do if there is no mosque or sheikh…? Like I said there’s a couple of mosques but they are not Shia. Can a permanent marriage & ceremony be done without this? And like I asked also for witnesses, can they be non-Muslim because my family is not Muslim and neither is my partner’s family. Thank you for reading and I hope I don’t sound really dumb and I hope I can get some clarity and we will be able to get married inshallah!
  17. Do Shia sisters engage in mutahoften like males or is it mostly done by shia men?Is it mostly virgins or widows who do it?
  18. Im a converted shia muslim and my parents are sunni. They don't know about my conversion and if they come to know, the situation can go worse. I love a girl who's sunni but understands the concept of mutah. Is it permissible for both of us to do mutah without our parents consent as it is impossible for both of us to ask for permission as our parents are against shias and obviously the concept of mutah.
  19. Selam brothers and Sisters Is a temporary marriage valid without the permission of my father? And is the permissionnecessary even if my father is not a practicing Muslim? Thanks
  20. Salam respected brothers and sisters. I have been seriously struggling with my own desires for years now and it is very difficult (amongst the worst things I have had to go through) and I don’t even do things which increases desire like looking at non-mahram (I do occasionally get thoughts which I try to not to occupy me) and so I really think as one of the last resorts to come out to this forum and ask for help from anyone who might know a person or a friend who in turn knows a friend that is willing to do temporary marriage (I am a guy). I will deeply appreciate the help from any brother or sister and keep you in my daus inshallah.
  21. I have a question, sabeans are from Ahl al kitab. Their messenger is Yahya (عليه السلام) and in the Quran they are mentioned as ahl al Kitab. 2:63 and 5:60 in the Quran. They are called mendai in English but the question is mutah with a mendai is allowed? If you have proofs or know some answers let me know.
  22. Do Shia sisters prefer Mutah or Permanent marriage?
  23. A quick search of thread topics yielded the following results: 529 threads on Mutah 334 threads on Ahlul Bayt (عليه السلام) 56 threads on Patience 46 Threads on Akhlaq 17 threads on Piety And only 11 threads on Discipline! It certainly serves as a reminder for us to examine our priorities from time to time.
  24. Guest


    Salaam Alaykum, I have a question about morality and fairness in this situation: Say a newly wed have arguments which are always instigated by the husband's parents. When they fight, the parents go to the son and tell him what a horrible woman the wife is for fighting with him and that he should either divorce her or go and do mutah so he can find peace with other women. The husband doesnt divorce the wife but he does go and do mutah and enjoys with the women while neglecting his wife. He is not there emotionally for her and doesnt want to do anything with her - intimacy, going out, watching movies, etc. The husband brings the women to their house where he doesnt help with anything. The wife is the one who cooks and cleans and manages the house while she also goes to work. He lies to her by saying that he is at work while he goes to his women. He takes vacation time from work to spend time with the other women. She's basically being treated as a maid and a front to show the world what an honest pious man he is while he leads a double life behind the scenes. The husband's family know of this issue and are supporting him. They even know his mutah wives and encourage him to visit them with her and not with his wife to their house. What I want to know: Is this Islamically acceptable what the husband and the family are doing? Thank you.
  25. Salam alikum, old time member of Shia community. I am moving to Iran to resettle there from the London. I want everyone's sincere advice on this new move. What seems to be the best bussiness to start there ? What seems to be the most Western country in Iran ? Is Mutah Nikkah possible in Iran and if so where can I find it and how much will the Mehr be for that ? Will it be hard for me as a British Pakistani who doesn't speak too Farsi? What are the event prices there ? Would anyone give their daughter for Mutah Nikkah to me ? And last but not least how is the Shia culture there. Thanks for reading this, and I hope you guys can Give me a better advice.
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