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  1. Zainuu


    Just need some thoughts: Leaving your own country which country you'll prefer the most for migration?
  2. Greetings, To begin this, I need to express that I am not a Western leftist, or anyone trying to virtue signal to Muslims about how "open-minded" i am. I believe in God, country, community, family, and honor. I reject the godlessness of modern America, and seek to resemble my ancestors and their faith. I am the descendant of French Huguenot pilgrims that came to America in the early 17th century, American militiamen that fought against the British, and Confederate soldiers that fought against an invading Federal government. I would give my life to fight this godlessness that has taken the West. Now though i consider myself a true patriot, i despise the American government (and mostly all Western governments) that have been the source of our moral decay and separation from God. Since 1861, they have been the only true enemy of Christianity and the freewill of the American people, and now their tyranny has spread throughout the world. I would give my life to fight against this satanic entity without hesitation. I am reaching out to Shias because i see them fighting this same cause, but with remarkable honor. I listen to Ayatollah Khamenei, and Hassan Nasrallah, and their insight and wisdom. The NSA is probably going to have a field day with me after saying this, but i have a great respect for Hezbollah, and the Islamic revolution of Iran. I will not condemn men who are willing to fight and die to protect Christians and innocent civilians against Daesh in Syria and Iraq. No where else in the world can a resistance movement even begin to compare. I cannot deny that i have felt an urge to convert to Shia Islam, but my heart feels empty when i drift from Christ. Even though i know that there is still a great respect for Jesus as a prophet in Islam, my soul cannot abandon Christianity. I am learning more and more about Islam everyday, and gaining more and more respect, but i do have some serious concerns about what is happening with migration and the heinous crimes that are following. Before anyone else, i again condemn these governments for destabilizing these Middle Eastern countries (and i would even go so far as to speculate that these criminals have engineered this to tear apart Europe, making it easier to control). However, this doesn't change the fact that there is now a horrible rape epidemic that is plaguing European women, the terrorist attacks, the migrants assaults, etc. etc., and the fact that in the next hundred years, native Europeans and Christians may be a minority on their own soil. I cannot tolerate this, and it absolutely drives me insane with rage. I want to see Muslims and Christians living together peacefully, but capitulation to Islamic values in Western nations via immigration is invasion, and i believe wholeheartedly European men need to begin to fight back. I know these are not true Muslims, but how else does a Christian fight this invasion without fighting Islamic migration? Of course, there are Muslims who condemn this, but with the undeniable spike in crimes coming from Muslim migrants (especially horrific migrant sex crimes), what is there left to do? To the Muslims reading this, could you ever imagine seeing a Christian-Islamic alliance to fight both the criminal Western governments, the Zionist control of our government, media and their debauchery, but also the criminal migrants assaulting Western women, and disrespecting our nations? There would have to be compromises on both sides, but do you believe there is a possibility for this? And when i say Christians, i don't mean the modern Western Christian. Imagine Christianity could be reformed to where we resemble what we were during the Renaissance up until the 19th century. Men like Jan III Sobieski, and Confederate General Stonewall Jackson. Honorable men who stand against immorality and invasion with great honor, and do so, without fear, and give all credit to God. Even though Islam and Christianity have a horribly brutal and bloody history fighting one another, perhaps i must learn to accept God's will and see this Islamic migration as a potential blessing. The understanding of God and honor has been lost in the West, and with the rise of immoral atheism, we see their replacement. I believe there is great potential for Muslims and Christians to unite and fight against these evils, bringing an end to this horrible violence between our two religions. However, i am not a Muslim, and I do not know if this is possible. To Muslims, if Christians would act as true Christians, do you believe this type of alliance would be possible? I want to end saying i greatly respect true Islam, and I thank you for reading this wall of text, Sincerely, [Name removed by moderator] PS I must convey that though i condemn and despise the actions of the US Federal government and their use of the US military, i will always have a great respect for much of the American military community. Though there is evil among their ranks, many of these men are very honorable. They are men trying to serve their nation, but are horribly abused by the treachery and selfishness of their Generals and government.
  3. As-Salamun Alaykum wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatahu, May Allah Guide the non-Muslims who read this, I am trapped in an evil place, similar to many of those upon 'ShiaChat,' and would like to know, for the sake of all who are seeking to migrate, which places are liked for Hijra according to Ahadith. (The recommendation may be implicit.) Shukran, wa Salam, May Allah Guide the non-Muslims who read this.
  4. Salam to All, We are working as a unit on a website migration313.org as mentioned by brother Abu Hadi. We are using wordpress as our website's framework and for this require a theme to built the foundation of the website. We have agreed upon a theme and requires someone special to help us out buying that wordpress thee for $48. The link to theme is here: http://themeforest.net/item/islamic-wordpress-responsive-theme/3726313 We greatly appreciate your donations for this project! Please feel free to contact me. Abrar Wassalam
  5. Help me understand. So there's a special 'children's home' where kids from broken families who don't have anyone to care for them go, right? There's a big problem in the society if under age girls come back high on drugs and alcohol and no one in the management takes notice and does anything about it. Britain makes a big show of its 'rigorous' visa regime but it seems that Pakistan in the last couple of decades or so have had a 'rapist drain'. The 'best and bright' rapists have found their way to Her Majesty's little Island without let or hindrance. In any case, more juice for the right-wingers to feed on. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-28974336
  6. Salam Brother and Sisters, I need a lots of advice in this matter from experience brothers here. I belong to India ( and as we all know, life there is like living on poverty line, please dont suggest me pros of living here as i know) . Im shia muslim, middle class family person (if i was rich i could migrate easily). I want to move out of this country so please suggest where and how can i do that, i know here alots of people must have detailed info on this as they migrated themselves so plz guide me through. As people will generally suggest Canada, Australia or UK. So i searched and found out, for Canada fill form must have aprox 10 Lakhs INR and wait for 3 years without any surity, Austaralia not much different. UK makes no sense. Even sometime I think to migrate to Iran as it much above in living conditions as compared to india (Its well known and calculated fact) but even for iran i dont is there any way to do so. Freinds please suggest me, ur advice is highly important for me. No post hijacking and useless lectures please.
  7. (salam) Every now and then I hear people saying, “Leave your Damn Country and go somewhere safe”. They may be saying this out of their concern about fellow shias, but this hurts me. Concerns for safety are appreciated but isn’t it our duty to spread the message and make our place a heaven for the Qaim ajf? Arent we supposed to care for our people ( for me the commoners, the poor are the people, not the elite), bring about positive change in the society despite the obstacles. Many of SCrs here live in Peaceful places, they may not have seen the severed bodies, unexpected Booms, but I have seen such sights and instead of thinking about fleeing, my being Shia and my being Pashtoon a feeling of steadfastness and revenge rooted in my heart and mind. I know my people, I know the code of Pashtoons they abide my even now in any places, I know the potential in them in serving the purpose they want too. Their code is sacred, noble, few things need to be moderated by Islamic thought. I wonder Pashtoons being the soldiers of Qaim ajf, I believe they will prove worthy as Shias (saying this from my experience of Shiite Pashtoons). They need to be informed, they need to be told the truth, they need to be convinced. Their simplicity gets exploited; their simplicity needs to be turned to awareness. It will remain my wish for the whole of my life. This was just an example from among many of Pakistan, my country. Why don’t brothers from the peaceful places help us out morally instead of asking us to flee? Isnt it like accepting defeat from the powers of evil? What will happen if each of us keeps on leaving our place? Those who can afford to leave will leave behind those who cant afford leaving, and will be bled to death by every way possible. I will like to die on my soil than seeking fleeing to somewhere peaceful and die there. Pray for your Oppressed Brethren. (Wasalam)
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