The Basic Question Of This Topic Is Dont You Agree? first of all technology is improving and upgrading every day, so every time a newer model comes out with just a tiny new features the company makes billions from us,technology is the main reason that homelessness is increasing around the world, as i have read in the last 20 years in bank branches there used to be 20-30 people working at one branch and today as i visited the branch i only spotted 8 people and its getting less every day as technology is upgrading, over 5000 people who are poor could easily get a job in the last 20 years then today with technology, technology has ruined our childrens brain like iPads and iPods and it is all because of technology. today instead of me opening my book to study i open my ipad and study from it, instead of looking in a dictionary i am looking at the computers dictionary, instead of me walking around without glasses, today i am, all because of technology, although technology have done us many services, it is also ruining our lives in the long run. today instead of me walking to shops to find the product i am looking for i just go on the internet and order it for delivery, instead of me using my brain to count my money i use a calculator, why?, isnt our brains smart enough to calculate the amount of money i have left, if today technology didnt exist i wouldnt have heard of homelessness all over the world, there are many things that we humans can do but the computer cant, we are much smarter than technology and we are created by the beneficial the merciful Allah, who invented computers? so the question is , Do you Or Do You Not Agree That If Technology Wasn't Advanced As Today, Do You Think Poor People Living On The Streets Would Have Jobs Today Instead Of Begging For Money, Do You Think That Technology Has Made Us Lazy, For Example, Instead Of Calculating 9 X 5, I Just Press Those Buttons On The Calculator, Do You Think Technology Is Destroying People Jobs Every Day, Jobs That Pay For Your Family To Support Them And Provide Them With Good Education?