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  1. Do Shia parents allow daughters to marry converts? i heard in some cultures they cant marry converts or they choose not to.I heard this was true in shia islam, is it?
  2. Transgender marriage is one of the new issues of our era. It does not mean that at the time of Prophet ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)) no one was hermaphrodite. But the science of changing the sex into male or female, or curing this disorder to some extent had not been known yet. Therefore there is no verse or narration regarding this issue. But how do we find out if transgender marriage is allowed (Halal) or forbidden (Haram) according to Islamic jurisprudence? Transsexuals and Hermaphrodites People who are known to be transsexual (a person who emotionally and psychologically feels that they belong to the opposite sex) or hermaphrodite (a person having both male and female sex organs or other sexual characteristics) are different from those who decide to be homosexual (lesbian or gay). Nevertheless, some of those who have homosexual tendencies may suffer from hermaphrodite disorders as well. But the improvement of science these days has made it possible for transsexuals and hermaphrodites to go through a sex reassignment surgery (SRS) in which they can change their gender into the one they feel they belong to(obviously according to the physician’s opinion). Since not having the operation and changing the sex may cause the person to commit a sin, or personal and social damages, it would be best if they can go through a sex reassignment surgery (SRS) and reduce these harms. The Pessimistic Look at Transsexuals and Hermaphrodites While transsexuality and hermaphrodites are obvious to be human disorders, most sufferers experience hostile encounters in the society. It is important for the society, especially for Muslim communities, to become familiar with their issues and support them in a way that they can have a normal life alongside others. One of the most offending manners towards them is to accuse them of having immoral sexual behaviors. It should be very well understood by the society that accusing them of adultery is a forbidden (Haram) act according to Islam. We should keep in mind that they are human beings with all the rights and needs of a human. The only difference is that they suffer from a disease, which makes them even more vulnerable. Hence they need special support from the society; such as disability support services provided by the government. Is Marrying a Transgender in Islam Forbidden (Haram)? Since marriage, according to Islam and all the other Abrahamic religions is based on sexual differences, it is clearly false for a Muslim to marry a person with unknown gender. If a Man marries a transsexual with unknown gender, he cannot be sure if he has married a male or a female, therefore, that should become clear before marriage. But if the sufferer has gone through the sex reassignment surgery (SRS) and the gender is now obvious, then there is no problem for a Muslim man or a Muslim woman to marry such a person under the Islamic rules of marriage. However, they should both be aware that people who change their gender, will not be able to have children at all. (We hope that human knowledge can solve this issue in the near future). So, people who have had a sex reassignment surgery (SRS) should inform their “spouse to be” of their surgery and the consequences of the operation. To conclude, we understand that marriage between or to a transgender -after the operation- is allowed (Halal) according to Islam and the couples may be able to shape a great family in which they feel comfort and relief. And if they wish to have children, they could always adopt a child which is strongly recommended in Islam.
  3. as salaam alakim! I heard a tale that in Shia culture Shia women cant ,arry left handed people and its a sin!! Is this true or is this a myth?
  4. (Bismillah) Salaam Alaykum I am in a dilemma with using online matrimonial website and I am not sure what to do. Recently, I was getting to know someone for marriage. I saw her picture but she hadn't had seen mine yet. The conversation went really well and we were hitting it off. After about an hour or two of talking, I showed her my picture and she suddenly changes her mind and says essentially (paraphrasing) that I am an amazing person but attraction is important for her too and she wasn't feeling that and just like that, she ended it. Earlier in the conversation she was really impressed and "mind blown" with how I converted to Islam, asking me about my ziyarat experience, hawsa and so on. But it seems like none that about me mattered anymore because of the attraction. Its happened before too. One girl after seeing my full length picture declined (I am not fat or obese, I am a regular at gym and sports), another had similar issues. I am starting to draw the conclusion that it really does not matter how "amazing" and "mind blowing" someone is, its means zilch, if you don't like their face? I guess my questions are: 1) How much importance should attraction hold? 2) From now onwards, should I just get a picture swap done straight away to avoid a repeat? Having said all this, I do agree that there can be a nervousness about speaking to someone who hasn't shown you their picture yet (for whatever reason) and you're slightly worried that what if you just don't feel any chemistry when you do see their picture and how do you break that too them. So from one perspective, I am glad these girls were just honest. As you can see, I am confused. What's the moral/right way of going about all this?
  5. salam I am an Iraqi. I'm quite young (19), but I am soon 20. However, I have thought of marrying a girl (not yet since I'm not yet financially and psychically), but however in the coming future. First I thought of a girl, which I hoped I could marry when I grew older (I was about 13 or so when I saw her), but surely she grew older, and got married haha lol. Now! I know a family, who is friendly with my family, and their girl is a very good girl. I know her, and she is doing well in school, has very good akhlaqs, and so on and so forth. She speaks the same language as me, and I really think that she is the perfect girl. Now... I don't know what to do yet? Wait until I have the perfect age or should I do something else? please give me some advices, jazaykumullahu khayrul jazzah. Wa alaykum alsalam
  6. Allowed? Will her parents be angry? (ofcourse we will ask for their consent) What can I say to their parents to have their consent?
  7. I am a Dawoodi Bohra (Muslim) boy and my girlfirend is Hindu (Gujrati). Our parents have agreed upon us. Could anyone of such sort of experience help us out sharing theirs and how the convert the girls into Dawoodi Bohra? Share their experiences if any
  8. Alsalamu Alaykum If I want to answer your question briefly, just I can say that you are allowed to do that. however for more explanation, I’d rather refer you to the following verse.Allah (SWT) says in the holy Quran: According to Islamic rules, a man is not permitted to marry those who are Mahram to him. Their names and relations are expressed in the verse. Therefore, a man is allowed to marry those whose names are not expressed in the verse. As a result,you are allowed to marry your father's uncle daughter. http://tanzil.net/#trans/en.qarai/4:23
  9. Salam Alaykum. Im talking to a woman about getting married. We want to get engaged in october/november and do the nikkah to able to be with eachother before the wedding/party. We have a hard time holding the desires back, so we want to get married. But it has to wait because she just got out of a relationship (We cant make it official because of the guy she had been with before. He can be aggressive) We've been together before and have now found eachother again. Here is my story from before: So my question here is, can we get married without her fathers consent? She is not a virgin (zina) and because we have a hard time waiting we wanna just get married to stop committing sins.
  10. Salam alaykom! I have met a girl and I am really into her. I can see her as the mother of my children. But the problem is she is sunni. I want to raise my children as shias and she has agreed to this. But yet I cant because of confused children. I have read many threads everywhere and most people do not recommend it and I understand that. But I cant see myself with another person. I actually dont want to either. I read that it was mostly a problem if the girl was the shia and the guy the sunni but ok if the guy is shia. I really want her to become shia, any good suggestions on how to aproach this and not sound like I want to control her or anything like that. Please help Wa salam!
  11. You can skip to 4:55 if you don't want to sit through the intro.
  12. Sallam Alykum, I thought it would be a nice thread to have all our married persons here to give us a tip or two for us unmarried folk on marriage. What advice do you think all people should know before marrying or for those who are newly weds? The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'Whoever wants to meet Allah pure and immaculate should meet him accompanied by a wife.’ [bihar al-Anwar, v. 103, p. 220, no. 18]
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