Hi Everyone
I have a few questions regarding living in the west (particularly Canada):
1) How do you ensure that you don't fall into difficulty in following Islamic values/teachings? I know its very broad, but I am just looking for some general tips based on your experiences. Of course, specific tips and tricks would be great as well: 'Bulk-up chicken from a halal grocery store if you live far away' , for example.
2) More importantly, how do you ensure that kids have the correct Islamic values inculcated in them? Esp. considering how many schools over there have become - from what I have gathered - rampant propaganda-machines, thrusting down LGBTQ and what-not down the throats of innocent kids.
3) What are some of the major cities where there's a large Shia population? Does it matter? Would you recommend staying away from less-well known provinces like Saskatchewan/Prince Edward etc..
Thanks all