For my own knowledge, I am researching on the "House of Knowledge" established during the time of 6th Imam Jafar al Sadiq ((عليه السلام)) in the ancient round city of Baghdad (approx. 800 AD).
Overview: The Abbasids were staunch enemies of the holy ahlulbait, but the accursed evil Abbassid Caliph Haroon Rashid wanted to establish his authority over muslims by embracing Imam Jafar Sadiq in his arms ( a fake show of public, stating that Haroon loves the ahlulbait and is acting as the caliph just to safeguard religion and assigned the imam as his rightful successor).
Haroon did not imprison the imam to avoid public outrage but never wanted to leave the imam out of sight for fear of losing his caliphate, thus the evil caliph had an ingenious idea to appoint important royal responsibilities to the imam and hold him in the palace boundaries with less public interaction so as to hide the true (shia) islam and thus he made the imam the head of many institutions, including the renowed "House of Knowledge"
It was in this house of knowledge where biology, chemistry, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, religion and numerous sciences were being taught freely for the first time leading to the Islamic Golden Age, imam had more than 6000 students from all over the world during his era, that is the reason Shias are also famously referred to as "Jafaris", as it was never before and never after the 6th imam when religious and scientific propagation was at this epic level.
Now, when I researched more on the internet, many sites listed a few students of Imam Jafar, like Jabir ibn Hayyan (known in the West as Geber), Khwazrimi (father of Algebra, imagine the level of knowledge of imam Jafar Sadiq, when even his student is the father of a science) stating that their master was imam Jafar Sadiq, who had the knowledge of unlimited sciences, it is mind boggling..
Unfortunately, the Wikipedia page for "House of Wisdom" has absolutely no mention of our 6th Imam Jafar Sadiq (عليه السلام)., I'll appreciate if anyone can point me to any sources (reliabile blogs, sites, pdf, ebooks, or book purchase links) related to this topic.
Thank you.