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  1. gadar 2 trailers https://youtu.be/4Rklb7IY8F0 https://youtu.be/4Rklb7IY8F0 back in the days this movie has shuttle communal message.. but now it's explicit..
  2. On Thursday 11th of March 2021, Waseem Rizvi the ex-chairman of the Shia Waqf Board filed a petition in the Supreme Court of India to remove 26 verses (Ayat) from the Holy Quran. After listening to this news which spread like fire all over India, the Muslims shows their anger against him by protesting and requested the government to arrest him immediately. In Srinagar, BJP the ruling party of India also condemns ex-chairman of the Shia Waqf board Waseem Rizvi for hurting the religious sentiments and joined the protest with Muslim Religious organizations in the valley. The BJP leader of the valley Manzoor Bhat said that we have filed a complaint against the accused before the police and no one is allowed to speak up against any community or to change their Holy Book. Waseem Rizvi is the controversial man of all time, in 2019 he had written a letter to the Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi. In which he said to shut down the primary Madarsas (Islamic School) to check the ISIS influence on Muslim children. He also wrote that if Madarsas are not shut down then half of the population of India will become supporters of the ISIS Ideology in just 15 years. In 2018, Waseem Rizvi filed a petition in court to ban the hoisting of Green flags in which crescent and star emblem is made, quoting that such flags are un-Islamic and should be ban. He also said that such flags are very similar to the Pakistan Muslim League (PML) and the action must be taken against the people and organizations hoisting it as it belonged to an “enemy country”. Reference: Waseem Rizvi Latest News and Statement On Quran
  3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ndtv.com/india-news/farmers-clash-with-cops-in-heart-of-delhi-drive-tractors-into-red-fort-2358223%3famp=1&akamai-rum=off https://worldnewsera.com/news/violent-clashes-as-indian-farmers-storm-delhis-red-fort/amp/ 'A punch in the face of dictators.' Farmers have climbed on the red fort in Indian capital where the republic day ceremony is held. The crowd is huge. Reportedly, 5000 tractors constitute just one group and I am still seeing how many are there. I have heard that the protestors are around 500,000 but don't know if this is true or a rumor.
  4. https://www.disinfo.eu/publications/indian-chronicles-deep-dive-into-a-15-year-operation-targeting-the-eu-and-un-to-serve-indian-interests What are your thoughts about this? I am particularly annoyed because both of these things affect me, propaganda against Pakistan, and targeting of the EU.
  5. Salam, Anybody who could add knowledge to the title, naming who and how many ashaab of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w travelled to the sub continent? Wasalam
  6. Salaam, Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) was passed in Indian Parliament. This bill aims to give citizenship to persecuted minorities - Hindu, Sikh, Parsi, Buddhist and Christians of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. While this is, without a doubt, a noble act but the problem is that it doesn't include Muslims. Home Minister Amit Shah said that since all three are Muslim countries it is not possible that Muslims can be persecuted there. He 'forgot' Ahmadiyas and Hazaras of Pakistan, other Shias of Bangladesh, Afghanistan. Why are Indian Muslims protesting? CAB in itself is not a problem but when you combine it with NRC you will see discrimination. Assam has one of the highest influx of illegal Bangladeshi Muslim migrants. National Register of Citizens (NRC) was run in Assam, India as a pilot project. It required all Assamese to show land acquisition papers or birth certificate prior to 1971. As a result, many actually belonging to Assam didn't make it to NRC. Although it was scrapped later but ruling party is planning pan India NRC with some modifications. Now if NRC is implemented all over India than many Muslim who doesn't have required documents will be stripped of citizenship. Other communities not having documents can be citizens through CAB. It is to early to say if the bill will truly hurt Muslims. Amit Shah has repeatedly assured Indian Muslims that they shouldn't worry about CAB. I do not trust him. It all depends on what will be the requirements of NRC. PS: Narendra Modi and Amit Shah are Zaalim and hates Muslims. India is taking persecuted minorities of Pakistan so it should be the last country to condemn anything.
  7. salaam is there any shakhi shias on this forum or idoes any body know anhy in india or pakistan or in iraq are they sufi like?
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-50749764 Found something interesting so thought I would share, what do you guys think of this?
  9. Salamun Alaykum, My name is Mehdi. I am from India and I am travelling to Salt Lake City, Utah, on 29th Dec. I will be attending graduate program at the University of Utah. I need to know Shia brothers and community centres who can help me get a rented apartment near the U (zipcode :84102) (The apartment should not be expensive). We are 3 students(the other 2 are not shia) who will reach SLC on 29th Dec 11pm. Kindly help connect me to the Student body/ Shia centres around here in Utah. I need this urgently done. Thank you for your help.:)
  10. I am a Hindu. For acedemic interest I am posing this question . If I want to marry a muslim women/girl it has been seen in the past that Hindu man has to adopt Islam and then marry a Muslim women, as it happened in the case of Kishore Kumar famous Indian Film singer marrying Madhubala who was a muslim girl. Since polygamy is banned in Hinduism Dharmender a famous cine star did the same( adopted Islam ) while marrying Hema malini as a second wife. When a Hindu can enter into Nikah with a Muslim girl or do polygamy after adopting Islam(though for a short period, rather need based adoption ) then why not Mutah with Hindus (though after adopting Islam only) . What the rules say. I think any body who adopts Islam even for a short span can enter into Nikah or Mutah contract to marry a Muslim women. Pl correct me if I am wrong. If you dont want to make it public you can reply me to my mail id .
  11. I am having a discussion In Shia, Muslim, Multifaith Discussion Group [https://www.facebook.com/groups/928589737209147/] in relation to Iran and the situation in Kashmir. All are welcome to join and state their points. I have asked a Press Tv journalist, and am in the midst of asking another journalist that both may have different sides (as requested because the person was blaming Iran said I am bias in supporting the enemy of Muslims [India]). This is the news that I have gathered so far and this was the status (please correct me if I am wrong): One of the comments on this status were: JazakAllah kheir for your contribution.
  12. I'm a Sunni, I don't know much about Shia, I just want to know, if we both Sunni and Shia are following same God Allah, and Same Prophet Rasoolallah SAW and same religion Islam, why are we fighting in every aspect ? Killing each other in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, etc. Can't we unite under one banner ISLAM, and can't we fight our common Zionist enemy? And why Shias are disrespecting some of the companions of Prophet Muhammad SAW ?
  13. Naseem Mirza Changezi argues that Partition was the result of various political forces, and stresses that a great love was shared amongst the religious communities. Mr. Changezi was born in 1910 in his ancestral home at Pahari Imli, near Churi Walan in Jama Masjid, Old Delhi. He was a freedom fighter, and fought alongside the likes of Bhagat Singh and Rajguru against colonial powers. He has been profiled and documented numerous times by leading scholars and academics due to his impressive knowledge on the Mughal history of northern India. He says, “The study of my genealogy tells me that successively 23 generations of mine hail from the family of Genghis Khan, the founder of the great Mongolian empire. My ancestors traveled from Mongolia to Iran, and then to Afghanistan. By that time Babur, who lay the stone of Mughal empire in India, asked his ancestors to leave Afghanistan within two or three months. The two clans were both Mughals but Babur’s side was Timuri Mughals and we were Changezi Mughals, so Babur did not want a fight and loss of soldiers, hence, he asked my ancestors to peacefully leave." “My family fought for this country and has been doing so for the last 150 years,” he says. Mr. Changezi’s great grandfather was a deputy collector under the British crown, yet he still participated in the revolt of 1857. He was later imprisoned for life. “There had been various wars prior to 1857, within the kingdoms, but the reason it is known as the First War is because this was the first time that the masses at large took part in it.” Mr. Changezi’s mother passed away when he was just two years old and his father decided to never remarry. He says that keeping parrots as domestic pets was widespread in his village, and the Hindu women would teach Urdu poetry and couplets to the their parrots, whereas the Muslim women would teach poetry and couplets from Hindu literary texts to their parrots.“My father along with Rash Behari Bose were on the forefront of [revolutionary] activities, and I grew up amongst all their idealism and members,” he says. Mr. Changezi has lived in his ancestral home for 106 years, and was in the same house when Partition took place. He was 37 years old when Partition began, and he had an unofficial identification card under the name “Ram Kishan.” This pass allowed him to travel around the city and not be affected by the curfew placed on the Muslim population in Delhi. “Many killings took place during that time. My work would be to make a daily trip to Nizamuddin station where the trains would be leaving for Pakistan, and people would travel from Delhi, and they would get injured during those travels so I would escort them till the camp at Jama Masjid so that they could be quickly treated. The trains would leave from Old Delhi railway station, and people were treated very badly. The wagons that were [used] to transport cattle were used by refugees to load their own belongings and they would pull it themselves and go to camps at Purana Qila,” he recalls. He argues that Partition was the result of various political forces, and stresses that a great love was shared amongst the religious communities. In Old Delhi the new wave of refugees would set up their own businesses on the street in front of the shops and began to sell the same products for less. This practice caused a lot of friction in the city. He says, “The decision to stay on in India, and not migrate to Pakistan was very simple for me and my family because my ancestors had through the generations fought on this land. My father fought for this country, so there was no question of leaving our own home. Although, my father did receive many persuasive letters from authorities in Pakistan to come there. However, his father sat him down and asked him to write a reply, in which he clearly recalls that he wrote, ‘Do rivers like the Ganges or Yamuna flow in Karachi? Does Lal Quila stand on that land? Is there my beloved Jama Masjid there? If yes, then I will come in a jiffy. If no, then don’t ever write to me again.’” He went on to complete his matriculation from Punjab University. Mr. Changezi was an ace hockey player and was selected by Delhi Hockey Association in 1942. He played with renowned athlete Dhyan Chand and participated in various tournaments. He says that all his friends and contemporaries have all since passed away and that he is the only left. Today he lives with his son and his wife. This interview was conducted by Development Assistant Ritika Popli. The summary above provides a brief glimpse into the full interview. The complete video interview is expected to be public in 2017. Browse more stories on the STORY MAP: http://www.1947partitionarchive.org/browse https://www.facebook.com/1947PartitionArchive/
  14. I am Syed Abbas Ali and belongs to the family of Imam Jafar Sadiq. Basically My grand father had lost a major portion of our shajrah while migrating to Pakistan, and only a part containing 10 generations before me is left with him. None of his children (my uncles and my father) tried to complete it and he died when I was 2. My Far related grandfather (3rd Cousin to my grandfather) told me that My grandfather did tried to get the whole Shajrah back but was failed in this attempt as those of our relative in India and Lahore refused to provide us with that in fear of some sort of Property. Actually he is the one who told me that we belonged to Syed Qutb descendants who was descendant of Imam Jafar Saddiq and came from Iran or Afghanistan. My grandfather used to live in Jabalpur before seperation and his ancestors in Meeranpur, Jansath Tehsil, India. I tried to look back those Syeds in Meeranpur but found that They were Zaidis. Now I am totally Confused. I looked at a complete shajrah of Zaidis but couldn't find my ancestors name in it so we definitely belong to Jafris. "Syed Abbas s/o Syed Akhtar s/o Syed Aashiq s/o Syed Amjad s/o Syed Hasan s/o Syed Qasim s/o Syed Ameen s/o Syed Lal s/o Syed Dadan s/o Syed Qasim----- Syed Qutb (not mentioned but told to me)" Do anyone know Any book which has a complete shajrah of Jafris?? like those of Zaidis named "Shajrah Saadat e Barha"?? I am very Hopeful that you'll surely help me out. One thing I like to mention is that I'm a Sunni as my ancestors converted to Sunnism due to Taqiyya but many traditions and beliefs of Shia still exist in my family today. Please Anyone Help me.
  15. Assalaam-u-alaikum, My name is Syed Abbas Ali and my shajrah goes back to Miranpur, Jansath Tehsil. Actually my grandfather had its full version when in India but due to migration and frequent attacks of sikhs and hindus while migrating he lost a major portion of it and now only a part of 11 generations before me is left. He then went back to jansath with whom our shajrah matched but as they were landlords they refused him to give it ( he had no intention for aquiring any land ). Now I want a complete version. If plz any brother can help me I would be grateful.
  16. My question is pretty strait forward. The Muslims ruled India for hundreds of years. Why did they fail to convert most of the Hindus? As of 2016, about 80% of India is Hindu, only 13-14% is Muslim, and less than 3% are Christian. Islamic rulers were often tolerant, but at times very aggressive in their attempt to convert India. This is well documented. Why did Hinduism win out?
  17. Portuguese explorer Vasco De Gama's ship has been found Link to articles: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/03/20160314-oman-shipwreck-explorer-vasco-da-gama-age-of-exploration-india-route/ http://mashable.com/2016/03/15/shipwreck-tied-to-vasco-de-gama-discovered/#mOuz9DgSdmq3 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3493129/Site-1503-shipwreck-tied-Vasco-da-Gama-Oman.html Biography of Vasco De Gama: http://www.biography.com/people/vasco-da-gama-9305736
  18. I am creating an online directory of shia mosque and imambada in India. I want your help in increasing data of directory. If you can spare some time for this noble cause. And send me complete address of shia mosque or imambada in your city. Website www.shias.in
  19. The correct answer is 13m to 16m. More discussion in a following post. Numbers based on: Sweeney, S. (2008). Indian Railways and Famine 1875-1914: Magic wheels and empty stomachs. Essays in economic and business history, pp.147-158.
  20. Alcoholic mother found eating her two-year-old daughter alive after slicing off part of the child's head is tied up and beaten by furious mob in India.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3140745/Alcoholic-mother-eating-two-year-old-daughter-alive-slicing-child-s-head-tied-beaten-furious-mob-India.html **Warning graphic images She deserves much more than a beating. May Allah destroy such people. Human beings have been at the very lows for a while. So disgusting..poor innocent child. But no, alcohol is okay if you dont get drunk :dry: WAKE UP PEOPLE!! Brother-in-law heard screams and rushed to aid of two-year-old BharatiHe found Pramila Mondal slicing at the terrified child's scalp Word spread around the village and baying mob gathered outside homeShe was tied and beaten but saved as police intervened in India
  21. (salam) While going through al-Kafi today, I found a very interesting hadith about a man from the Kashmir in the time of Imam Mahdi, who became a companion. This may interest brothers/sisters from India and Pakistan. (Please note that both Muhammad al-Amiri and Abu Sa'id Ghanim al-Hindi interchangeably narrate this hadith. Please try to keep track of who is saying what) Usul al-Kafi, Kitab al-Hujjah, Chapter 125 (The Birth of the Possessor), Hadith #3: Ali ibn Muhammad has narrated from more then one person of our people of Qumm from Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-‘Amiri from Abu Sa‘id Ghanim al-Hindi who has said the following: "I lived in interior Kashmir, India. My friends would sit on chairs on the right and left of the King. They were forty people and all of them would read the four books, Torah, Gospel, Psalms and the books of Abraham. We would judge among the people and provide them understanding of their religion and issue fatwas for them in the lawful and unlawful matters. All people would seek assistance from us including their King. Once we discussed about the Messenger of Allah and said that this prophet who is mentioned in the books has remained obscure to us. We must investigate about him and lead a fact finding task in his affairs. We agreed that I should go out and lead the fact finding task. I then left out with large amount of money and journeyed for twelve months until I reach near Kabul. Turkish bandits rubbed wounded me seriously. They pushed me to Kabul where their King saved me when he learned about me he sent me to Balkh which was under the control of Dawud ibn al-‘Abbass ibn abu al-Aswad. Information about me had reached him that I have come out of India in search for religion and that I have learned Persian and have debated the scholars of law and theology. Dawud ibn al-‘Abbass sent for me and summoned me to his presence. He gathered the scholars of law against me. They debated me. I then informed them that I have come to find about the prophet about whom we have learned in the books" He asked, "Who is he and what is his name?" I said, "His name is Muhammad." They said, "He is our prophet that you search for." I asked them about his laws and they informed me about them. I said, "I know that Muhammad is the prophet but I do not know the one you describe to me is he or not. You should show where he is so I can go and find out whether the signs that I have about him is found in him or not. If he would the one I am looking for I will accept his religion." They said, "He has passed away." I asked them, "Who is the executor of his will and his successor?" They said, "Abu Bakr is his successor." I asked them, "Tell me about his name. Is this (Abu Bakr) his Kunya?" They said, "It is ‘Abdallah ibn ‘Uthman." They ascribed him to Quraysh." I then asked them to tell me about the genealogy of Muhammad. They informed me of his genealogy. I said this is not the person I am looking for. The one I am searching for is the one whose successor is his brother in religion and his cousin genealogically, the husband of his daughter and the father of his sons. This prophet will have no children on earth except the sons of this man who is his successor." He has said that they attacked me and said, "O commander, this man has come out polytheism and has entered disbelief. It is lawful to spill his blood." I said to them, "O people I already have a religion and I strongly believe in it. I do not want to give it up until I can find a religion stronger than this. I have found the description of this man in the books that Allah has revealed to His prophets. I came out of my country, India leaving behind all the honor and respect that I had only to find him. When examined your prophet the way you described him to me I found out that his description as you presented does not match the description of the prophet mentioned in the books. So leave me alone." The agent sent for a man called al-Husayn ibn Eshkib and said to him, "Debate this Indian man." He said, "May Allah grant you well being. There are the scholars of the law and the other scholars. They know better how to debate him." He said to him, "Debate him as I say, and you can meet privately and be kind to him." Al-Husayn ibn Eshkib said to me after our consultations, "The prophet that you are looking for is the one these people have described for you but their description of his successor is not the way they have described. This prophet is Muhammad ibn‘Abdallah ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib. His successor is Ali ibn abu Talib (a.s.) ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib. He is the husband of Fatema, daughter of Muhammad (s.a) and the father of al-Hassan and al-Husayn, the grandsons of Muhammad (s.a)." Ghanim abu Sa‘id has said, "I then said, "Allahu Akbar." (Allah is great). This is the one I have been looking for." I then returned to Dawud ibn al-‘Abbass and said to him, "O commander, I have found what I was searching for. I testify that there is no lord besides Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." The narrator has said that he treated and helped me with kindness and asked al-Husayn to look after me." The narrator has said that thereafter I went to him until we were acquainted properly and he taught me understanding of the law of the matters that I needed such as prayer, fasting and the obligations." The narrator has said that I said to him, "We read in our books that Muhammad (s.a) is the last of the prophets and there will be no other prophets after him. The task of leadership after him will be with the executor of his will, his successors and heirs and thereafter it will be with the executor of the will of the previous one and so on in their descendants until the end of the world. Who is the executor of the will of the executor of the will of Muhammad (s.a) ?" He said, "They are al-Hassan then al-Husayn the grandsons of Muhammad (s.a)." He then continued speaking of the executors of the will of the Holy Prophet (s.a) until the Sahib al-Zaman (the one who possesses Divine Authority today). Then he explained to me what had happened (with the Imams). Thereafter I hand no other goal but to search for the holy location. He (‘Amiri) has said that he came to us in Qumm. He sat with our people in the year 264 AH. He then left with them and arrived in Baghdad with his friend from al-Sind who had accompanied him in religion. ‘Amiri has said that Ghanim said to me, "I disliked certain things about my companion and I departed him and went out to al-‘Abbassia and prepared my self for prayer. I began the prayer but I was anxious and thoughtful about my goal. At this time someone came to me and called me with my Indian name. I replied, "Yes, it is I." He said, "Your master is calling you." I went with him and he would walk from this to that street until he came to house and a garden and I saw him (a.s.) sitting." He said, "Well come, O so and so, in Indian language. How are you? How was so and so until he mentioned all the forty people. He then asked me about every and each of them. Then he told all that had happened among us all in Indian language. Then he asked, "Did you want to perform Hajj with people of Qumm?" I said, "Yes, my master." He then said, "Do not go to Hajj with them this year. Go back and perform Hajj in future." He then gave me a bag of money that was in front of him and said to me, "Spend it for your needs and do not go to Baghdad to so and so." He mentioned his name and said, "Do not tell him anything." ‘Amiri has said that he came to us at Qumm. He then informed us of the triumph and that our people had returned from al-‘Aqaba. Ghanim went ‘Uthman Khurasan. Next year he went for Hajj and sent us souvenirs from Khurasan. He lived there for sometimes and then he died. May Allah grant him blessings." From what I can ascertain, the man al-Hindi met at the end was in fact Imam Mahdi (ajfs). (wasalam)
  22. KARACHI: SSP Malir Rao Anwar announced the arrest of two terror suspects last night, whom he claimed were members of Indian spy agency RAW (Research and Analysis Wing). Speaking to the media on Thursday, he made the startling claim that the suspects – Tahir alias Lamba and Mama Junaid – also belonged to the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and had been sent to India for training in the past. “MQM is a terrorist organisation and it should be banned,” SSP Anwar argued, while narrating that members of MQM went to India through Indian-held Kashmir, were trained there by India’s intelligence agency— RAW— and then came back to Pakistan to spread terror. "We have solid evidence to prove these allegations. The two people we arrested have confessed all of this and they are ashamed of their activities. We recovered a large amount of explosives, hand grenades, 9mm pistols from these suspects. We will investigate further during the remand," he said. “MQM is spreading terror in the guise of a political party, and all the senior leaders of MQM including its chief Altaf Hussain are involved in spreading terror in the country,” he added. The SSP alleged that Zulfiqar Haider and Nadeem Nusrat, the deputy convener of MQM, have been funding these terrorist activities from London. Source: http://www.dawn.com/news/1179131/arrested-suspects-affiliated-with-mqm-trained-by-raw-ssp Whatever it is, it seems that our army has a lot going on behind the scenes. I truly believe that Altaf Hussain (I wish he didn't have that last name) has gone crazy in the sense that he feels trapped. I mean it's sad that these Traitors are still breathing.
  23. Against sexual harassment and rape. I think what Indians need to do is give compulsory martial arts training to their girls at least at the basic level so that if someone lays a hand on them they can hit back and escape. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/01/sisters-fight-back-harassment-indian-bus
  24. Recently in a discussion on these boards an argument was made that how Iran and India are great countries because they don't get dictated to by the foreign powers. It was said to get to the Pakistanis who can't think straight because of their country's history of taking foreign dictation. While there are no two opinions about this in the case of Iran, and whereas Pakistan has often acted like a US client state, one has to question the assumption behind extolling India's position vis-a-vis foreign dictation. The easiest way is to compare Iran's and India's relations with the US for the last couple of decades to see through the argument. The United States had always viewed Indian (and Pakistani) nuclear programs as a threat to the West and its allies. But in early 1990s when India was reeling under IMF loans and US sanctions, the then Indian government entered into back channel talks to convince them that Indian nukes were not a threat to the US or the West and asked for the sanctions to be lifted. Americans bluntly told them to normalise relations with Israel to prove their sincerity. India complied. Magically, literally overnight, Indian nukes stopped being a threat and an era of US-Indian strategic partnership was entered into. This partnership got a fresh boost about which you can read the links below. Pakistan was told to follow Indian example when the US imposed sanctions after nuclear tests in the late 90s but Pakistanis refused. Which was unusual since Pakistan is supposed to be a client state in the Saudi model, doing what the Americans demand, but here the usual Indian and Pakistani roles vis-a-vis foreign dictation were reversed. This also tells us that foreign dictation is not an either/or proposition. Most developing countries are pushed to find a balance to resist dictation of powerful countries while at the same preserve their country's interests. Some countries are more successful in this than the others, depending on their internal politics, size and geostrategic location. Note that India is not a signatory to NPT (Nuclear non-proliferation treaty) whereas Iran is but we still get the following: Why? Because of this: It may be argued that the current Indian foreign policy is in line with its interests, that India doesn't need to keep speaking against injustice to harm its own interests. So its strategic partnership with the US and Israel is understandable. This may so but the pied pipers of Incredible India™ on these boards should be consistent when they criticise those camps that support US hegemony in the region through its Zionist proxy, and those that don't. Or those that exist to take foreign dictation (Saudi et al) and those that don't (Iran, Syria, Russia). There is a reason that, of all the emerging powers in the region (China, Russia, India), it is the latter which is a US strategic partner and not others. A useful summary from wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India%E2%80%93Israel_relations
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