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i will put some reverences about sufyani... “The rising of as-Sufyani is an inevitable matter. He will rise in the month of Rajab. It will take, since his rising until his end, fifteen months. He will fight for six months. When he conquers the five districts, he will rule for nine months no more no less.” Ithbat al-Hudat, vol.3 p.739, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.248, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.462. ------------- “When as-Sufyani conquers the five districts, then you count to him nine months (the period of his rule)” Hisham claimed that the five districts were Damascus, Palestine, Jordan, Hims and Halab Hims and Halab are two cities in Syria. Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.252 and refer to references of the first tradition. -------------- “Al-Yamani and as-Sufyani will rise like two racehorses.” Al-Amali by at-Toossi, vol.2 p.275, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.253, 275, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.478. ------------- “When as-Sufyani rises, he will send an army to fight us (the Hashemites) and an army to fight you (the Shia). If that takes place, hurry to us by any means!” Dala’il al-Imama p.261, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.253, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.470. ------------ “As-Sufyani is red, blond and blue. He has never worshipped Allah at all. He has seen neither Mecca nor Medina. He says: O my God, I take revenge even if I go to hell! O my God, I take revenge even if I go to Hell!” Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.253, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.274. ........... The narrator says: I said: 'O son of the Messenger of Allah! When will your Qa'am emerge? He replied" At the time when men will imitate the women and women will imitate the men; when women will ride on saddles; when people will cause their prayers to die and will follow their carnel desires; when people will turn users; when shedding of blood will become something insignificant; when trade and business of the openly commit adultery; when they will make towering constructions; when they will consider lie to be lawful; when they will accept bribes; when they will follow their lusts and desire; when they will sell their religion for this world; when they will hold under obligation the one whom they feed; when they will consider forbearance to be the sign of weakness and feebleness and injustice to be an honor; when their rulers will be evil and their ministers liars; when the trustworthy amongst them will be traitors; when the helpers amongst them will be unjust; when the reciters of Quran will be transgressors; when cruelty and oppression will become manifest; when divorce will increase; when people will engage in debauchery and libertinism; when forced witness and lie will be accepted; when they will engage in drinking and gambling; when men will be mounted on; when women shall engage with women (indecent acts); when - people will consider 'Zakat' to be a booty and charity to be a loss; when they will fear from the tongues of the wicked people; when Sufyani shall revolt from Syria and Yemen; when 'Baidah' which is between Mecca and Medina will sink; when a child from the progeny of Muhammad ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم).A.) will be killed between 'Rukn' and 'Maqaam' and when a live voice will be heard from the heavens trying out that the truth is with Mahdi and his followers. It will be then that our Qaem will emerge. When he re- appears, he will stand with his back against the wan of Ka'aba and 313 of his followers would gather around him. The first speech of Qaem would be the following verse: "What remains, with Allah is better for you if you are believers." Then he will say: I am the 'Baqiyatullah' (God's remainder) representative and Proof of Allah upon you. .......... what are youre toughts and opinions......? do we live near his appereance or don't? who can be the sufyani be?
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I have seen on other forums online Shi'as discussing the situation in Yemen and Afghanistan, and how the Yamani and Khorasani may soon rise given the current situations. Alternatively, some of them also contend that instead of Afghanistan, the region is Eastern Iran, as today that is known as Khorasan primarily. That also made me think, if we choose to ignore modern names, then couldn't it be argued that instead of modern day Syria, the Sufyani could emerge from old ash-Shaam? Meaning Greater Syria/Syria-Palestine/Levant? With that logic, one could easily argue that the likely origin is Israel for the Sufyani, or at least somewhere nearby. What are your thoughts on all of this? JazakAllah
this got first published on 2013!! (we are now 8+ years further) During the US occupation of Iraq, it was routine to torture Iraqis in prisons like Abu Ghraib whose prison guards were using tactics learned in Israeli training camps as Robert Fisk pointed out in ‘Abu Ghraib torture trail leads to Israel’; one of the most baffling questions asked during interrogation was “Where is the man called Imam Mahdi where is he hiding?” According to Mohabat News a pro –Israel Iranian Christian news agency, the fear of the hidden Imam is so credible that they posted news of how the CIA and MI6 have been going to Iraq for the past 20 years to get information about imam Mahdi; how they tortured religious scholars and innocent villagers to ask question-based on where the Imam was last seen? Which city? What time and when will he be coming again and in which year? American corporate media has already shown sinister documentaries depicting the hidden messiah who is apparently advising Iranian politicians from his lofty hidden position and maneuvering to bring about Armageddon. So who is this Imam Mahdi that the Zionists controlling the American Congress and the international monetary system on the lookout for with orders to shoot him on sight. Imam Mahdi is the 12th Shia Imam and according to Islamic hadiths is in ‘occultation’ or hidden and will return to earth to establish peace and justice on earth. He was born on July 29 869 in the city of Samarra, Iraq and his mother Nargis was of Roman descent. He was kept hidden from birth till he disappeared because the rulers of the time the Abbasids knew the Prophesy of Imam Mahdi who will bring about a revolt against oppression and tyranny. The Abbasid’s knew that the prophesized one will be the son of the 11th Shia imam, Imam Al-Askari. In order to kill the child at birth, they kept a close eye on his household, even inspecting the women of the household to see who was with child. ----------------------------------- The bombing of the shrine of Imam Hassan al- Askari The Mosque after the first bombing, 2006. On February 22, 2006, at 6:44 a.m. (0344 UTC), explosions occurred at al-Askari Mosque, effectively destroying its golden dome and severely damaging the mosque. Several men wearing military uniforms, had earlier entered the mosque, tied up the guards there and set explosives, resulting in the blast. Two bombs were set off by five to seven men dressed as personnel of the Iraqi who entered the shrine during the morning. Following the blast, American and Iraqi forces surrounded the shrine and began searching houses in the area. Five police officers responsible for protecting the mosque were taken into custody. February 22%2C 2006%2C at 6%3A44 a.m. (,explosives%2C resulting in the blast. --------------------------------------- i know too that at those times the American government was even trying to find some DNA from the father of our imam (Hassan al askari as) to easilly track him to kill him they tried soo much including digging into the grave. there are numerous narrations and hadith stating that our imam is in constant fear and it looks like the beginning of 2000 is just the beginning. All these articles are complete shocking to read (there are even more of them) . i thought its important to bring them back up to let people realize our imam is living a hard time.. there is a naration from jaffar al sadiq himself stating that if he lived on the time of imam al Mahdi he would have protected him his whole life.. How about us? if these kuffar were searching for him even before the 2000 and they worked really hard to find him, do we think they just gave up? do we think they arent going to use the newest technology to find him? day by day they are busy trying as much as possible to find him to stop him. lets we all discuss this, may Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) make us amongst the 313
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urdu ہم دیکھیں گے - ندیم سرور | Hum Dekhain Ge - Nadeem Sarwar
Muntazir e Mahdi posted a blog entry in Bayaan e Muntazir
My eyes tear up at this kalaam... O Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى)... Please reveal Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) soon and make us amongst his supporters... -
i never understood the meaning of ghaibat some say he has a special dress that makes him completally invisible for the human eye (and het cant be seen by anyone) and there are also saying that he dwells trough the world but isn't getting recognised, I also heard that our imam (عليه السلام) is not only in occulation for the human eye but also for the unmaterialistic- life such as djins.. and what we often forget how about khidr (عليه السلام) i know allah sends khidr when as company to not feel lonely.. but is he himself too in a ghaibat?
Establising a network It has been said as long the 313 aren’t collected then the return of imam al Mahdi will also be extended.. trough all the technology we have it’s much more easier to get into a communication with people who live on the other side of the world.. technically we don’t have a reason to not create a network and preparing for his pleasant return. if we would start to create a network than its not really that important to have seen each other in real live... trough social network we can do its actually easier and much more save.. if we Got connected To each other trough socialmedia like;twitter,Instagram,Facebook,tiktok etc... we could easily work together by creating group chats and working together to spread the messegas of ahlalbait!! for example I was downloading TikTok with an intention to post about Shia Islam and spreading it and showing that Shia Islam isn’t a kuffar religion etc... I found out that I was not only one with such idea... i saw how lots of people spreaded Shia Islam in no time.. and people constantly asking who the halal Bayt actually are... so social network makes it so much easier to spread knowledge and get in contact with people from the other side of the world!! no one can be left alone coz everyone can safely join it!! Either anonymously or without Btw I really want to be clear!! Everyone who doesn’t want to join then ignore the post and if you are interest than please let’s help each other to create a huge social network from different countries all over the world..let’s not forget that’s its our future and it can get destroyed if we wouldn’t work together because of the satanical world we start to live in with lots of legalizations of disguising things.. please remember our future and the next ones.. you’re thoughts??
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- are you a true follower of the imam?
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In the name of Allah Salam download The Last Savior is a radio show that produced by
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