Salaam Alaykum, Imam Jafar (rah) answers: Úáí Èä ÅÈÑÇåíã¡ Úä ÃÈíå¡ Úä ÇÈä ÃÈí äÌÑÇä¡ Úä ÚÇÕã Èä ÍãíÏ¡ Úä ãäÕæÑ Èä ÍÇÒã ÞÇá: ÞáÊ áÇÈí ÚÈÏÇááå Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã: ãÇ ÈÇáí ÃÓÃáß Úä ÇáãÓÃáÉ ÝÊÌíÈäí ÝíåÇ ÈÇáÌæÇÈ¡ Ëã íÌíÆß ÛíÑí ÝÊÌíÈå ÝíåÇ ÈÌæÇÈ ÂÎÑ¿ ÝÞÇá: ÅäÇ äÌíÈ ÇáäÇÓ Úáì ÇáÒíÇÏÉ æÇáäÞÕÇä¡ ÞÇá: ÞáÊ: ÝÃÎÈÑäí Úä ÃÕÍÇÈ ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÂáå ÕÏÞæÇ Úáì ãÍãÏ Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÂáå Ãã ßÐÈæÇ¿ ÞÇá: Èá ÕÏÞæÇ¡ ÞÇá: ÞáÊ: ÝãÇ ÈÇáåã ÇÎÊáÝæÇ¿ ÝÞÇá: ÃãÇ ÊÚáã Ãä ÇáÑÌá ßÇä íÃÊí ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÂáå ÝíÓÃáå Úä ÇáãÓÃáÉ ÝíÌíÈå ÝíåÇ ÈÇáÌæÇÈ Ëã íÌíÈå ÈÚÏ Ðáß ãÇ íäÓÎ Ðáß ÇáÌæÇÈ¡ ÝäÓÎÊ ÇáÇÍÇÏíË ÈÚÖåÇ ÈÚÖÇ. Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ibn Abi Najran from ‘Asim ibn Humayd from Mansur ibn Hazim who has said: ”I said to (Imam) abu ‘Abdallah (alaihi salam), ‘It is confuses me that when I ask you a question and you give an answer and then other person comes and you give a different answer for the same question.’” The Imam replied, “We answer people in a larger and reduced forms.” I then asked, “Did the Sahabah, companions of the holy Prophet speak the truth or lies when narrating his Hadith?” The Imam replied, “They spoke the truth.” I then said, “Why then they have differences?” Have you not considered the fact that a man would come to the holy Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ali) and ask a question and would give him an answer and then he would answer that would abrogate the previous answer. Thus, Ahadith abrogated other Ahadith.” [Kulayni narrated in his “al-Kafi” (1/65), and Majlisi said it’s hasan (good)] Maybe thats why the Sunnis take the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw) through his Sahaba (which includes Ahlulbayt) because they never lied upon him (saw)? What is your view? Did the Sahaba lie when narrating the Hadiths of the Prophet (saw) ?