I like to solicit your constructive comments on the following Idea.
Science has penetrated our lives and how important it has become. To the extent that some are using as a the only tool to understand the Higher realities and shunning philosophy/religion.
Are we been misled here, by the glamour and newnes of something that we have just started to discover. Are we worshiping Science as new God. When man discovered fire, it was a new discovery, probably started worshiping it.
Creation of the Universe(as we know of it), is been described as something out of nothing, our out of a singularity, or a single dot that contained all that we see today, and the process is described as a random process which took place over billions of years and different processed Evolved and formed new elements and stars and galaxies and basically, environment based evolution. Random, with no DNA/Map that it followed.
How is it different from these processes> Potential or every thing/building blocks on everything/ existed in the following processes.
Process: A fertilized human egg to full grown Human.
Process: A seed to full grown giant Sequoia tree
Process: Singularity to Current Universe
What Science describes with much fanfare and dramatization (if you watch any Bigbang Video)
Imagine a video describing the the initial stages of a fertilized human egg and all stages/periods with the development it goes(all subsystems and processes) through till it reach adulthood(full complete body).
Or a growth of a Sequoia Tree seed, all steps till its a Giant Tree.
We know that all the different stages of development, have a guide and its the DNA, same is true for a Sequoia Tree, it follows a map.
Similarly, if you substitute the scientific terminology and fanfare with simple periods of stages and describe each stages from Singularity to what we know of the universe. Its has followed a map, its systems are growing according to a pre defined system(at a Macro level).