Salams everyone :) This is my first topic here and I was just wondering if you guys can shed some light on this issue. I am not a very superstitious person but I of course believe that there are some things you cannot answer or know the reasons for, that our religion guides us on. So today I heard from a friend about this hadith their family knew about and 'practiced' in order to keep 'evil' and 'misfortune' away. I would like to know if anyone can clarify where this comes from and whether it is validated within Islam....or whether its just superstition and old world tale. So basically, apparently they say that if you keep pet birds in the house it pushes away any tragedy that may occur in the house. A friend of mine was telling me how she used to own two pet birds who suddenly died one signs or anything...they just died and were lying at the bottom of their cage. She said she was heartbroken about her pets both dying, but then noticed a crazy coincidence. An otherwise deadly accident was prevented in her household on that same day....something prevented that they could not explain how on earth it was prevented. Logic dictated that this tragedy would occur because no one was home to stop it. She claims that from hadiths she knew..... if you have birds in your house it keeps tragedy away and that is the reason nothing happened to her family but the birds died. I did not say anything but felt like this might be just plain superstition...but I would like to have that clarified. just sounds kind of insane :P Anyone hear about this sort of thing? Can anyone verify whether it is true or not? thanks!