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if somebody cant afford halal,cant get to it, or cannot find it avalible andeats non halal meat, is this considered a sin in Shia Islam? arent we allowed peopleof the book?I heardwe cant but sunnis say we can?
Salaam I have a query, I read the Lord's prayer recently. and I fail to see HOW this is haram?????? "Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." What is haram about this ??? Its asking Allah to give us rizq, forgive us and save us from evil? how is it haram?? @A
wagwan aight basically, i read about istihalah and im bare confuddled innit. Like what even on earth is happening. SO AS WE KNOW ISTIHALAH MAKES ANY NON HALAL CONSUMPTION PRODUCT, SUCH AS GELATIN, WINE, ETC HALAL 100% SINCE IT IS NOT CONSIDRED THE ORIGINAL PRODUCT ANYMORE VIA CHEMICAL CHANGE OR PRODUCTION. IM NOT CONFUSED ABOUT THIS I ALREADY KNOW THIS BIT READ BELOW PLS: iM CONFUSED ABOUT HOW AM I MEANT TO DETERMINE IF something has gone thru istihalah, for example a gelatin is used in marshmellows, but that gelatin is heated, boiled, baked and blah blah, and a marshmellow clearly looks nothing like gelatin (nor tastes looks or feels like it ) many i have heard sheikhs say that any product saying "gelatin" on the back is halal bcuz its gone thru istihalah I DONT DOUBT THEM NOT SAYING I DO BTW !! SO DONT COME @. ME. WHAT IM SAYING IS... HOW DO I KNOW THAT THING HAS GONE THRU ISTIHALAH IS IT COMMEN SENSE OR MORE INTRICATE MY OPNION CURRENTLY IS THIS ALL products labelled to have gelatin in them are perbissible to eat due to the process of chemical change it undergoes THIS IS ALSO THE OPINION OF LATE AYATOLLAH KHUI (رضي الله عنه) alaamun alaykum, The following question on gelatine and beef fat was kindly answered by Moulana Rizvi. He has provided an extensive discussion on the question of gelatine, and Agha Khui's fatwa on this matter. Wasalaam, Mustafa Rawji Moderator, ABDG-A ___________________________________________________________________ INITIAL QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: Question 1: What is the ruling on Gelatin? Can gelatin derived from cows and pigs be used? Answer RE: Gelatin On the queston of gelatine, I am quoting what I have written in January 1989 in the Shama newsletter produced in Vancouver, BC. I have just added few comments to further clarify the issue. A. What is Gelatine? Gelatine is an animal protein substance having gel-forming properties, and is used primarily in food products. It is derived from collagen, a protein found in animal skin and bone. This means that gelatine can be derived from animal skin or animal bone. B. The Basic Rule of the Shari`ah: The shari`ah rule about animal skin differs from that of animal bone: SKIN: Animal skin or anything made from it can be considered tahir (pak) only if the animal had been slaughtered Islamically. Consequently, the gelatine derived from animal skin would be considered najis unless we know that the animal had been slaughtered Islamically. [Those present-day mujtahids who consider the animal slaughtered unIslamically as tahir but haram -- their opinion does not affect this answer that much because in their opinion, even if that animal skin is tahir, it is still haram for consumption by human beings.] BONE: Animal bone is considered tahir even if the animal had not been slaughtered Islamically. Bones have been exempted from the rule of maytah [i.e., an animal slaughtered unIslamically or died by itself]. However, this does not include the bones of pigs and dogs. (See Minhaju 's-Salihiyn [vol. 1, p. 109 and vol. 2, p. 336] of the late Sayyid al-Khu`i and al-`Urwatu 'l-Wuthqa, p. 20-21) Consequently, the gelatine derived from animal bones (other than pigs and dogs) is tahir even if the animal was not slaughtered Islamically. C. The Practical Problem: Having stated the above, we are faced with a practical problem: The labels on food products do not specify whether the gelatine was derived from animal skin or animal bones. So what should we do? Can we assume that it has been derived from animal bones and consider it tahir or not? When I sent this question to the late Ayatullah al-Khu`i in December 1989, he replied: "Yes, it can be considered tahir." This answer is based on the shari`ah principle that if an item can originate from two sources: one pak and other najis -- in cases of ambiguity, you can assume that it is pak. D. Accepted that it is tahir; but is it also halal? There are some people who would not be satisfied with the answer of Ayatullah al-Khu`i and pose the following question: "Accepted that it is tahir (pak); but is it halal for consumption as food item?" In my question to Ayatullah al-Khu`i, I gave the example of cheese and sweets with gelatine. It is quite obvious that I was asking the late marja` about eating those items, and not just touching and feeling them!!! However, to satisfy those who would like to see the words "halal and religously eatable," I will quote a detailed answer of the Ayatullah al-Khu`i to three questions sent to him from London. Q. Is gelatine derived from dog or pig tahir? Is gelatine derived from halal animals (like cows, goats, etc) but not slaughtered according to shari`a tahir? Is gelatine derived from non-halal animals other than dog or pig, tahir? A. "If a najis or haram matter from any category whatsoever changes into another than its original category, then it is considered tahir as long as it did not come into contact with another source of najasat. And the rule for gelatine in all the three cases is same as what we have mentioned above. "But in case the gelatine does not change, then: "If it is derived from parts of dogs and pigs or an animal which feeds on human excrement and has not been quarantined, then it is haram and najis. "Similarly, [it is haram and najis] if it is derived from those parts of the maytah which are other than its bones. "But if the gelatine is derived from the bones of other than dogs and pigs, and has not become najis because of a secondary najasat, then it is permissible to eat it and eat whatever has been mixed and submerged into it." The last paragraph of Ayatullah al-Khu`i's answer fully supports what I had written in Shama in Janaury 1989. E. Issue of Istihalah in Gelatine: In the first part of Ayatullah Khu'i's answer, he says: "If a najis or haram matter from ANY CATEGORY whatsoever changes into another than its original category, then it is considered tahir as long as it did not come into contact with another source of najasat." This is based on the rule of istihalah -- chemical change which makes a najis item tahir (mutahhirat). To know if such a change occures in the final product known as gelatine, we have to refer to the experts of food industry. After my article was published, a brother from Minnesota, USA, was kind enough to send for me a copy of an hand-out distributed by General Foods (the manufacturer of Jell-o, the gelatin dessert). A paragraph in that hand-out, in my opinion, clearly gives the expert's view about the chemical change (istihalah) which takes place in manufacturing of gelatine. While reading the below quotation, keep in mind that these people do not have the slightest clue about the issue of istihalah in our shari`ah! It says: "It is interesting to note that during manufacture of gelatin, chemical changes take place so that, in the final gelatin product, the composition and identity of the original material is completely eliminated. Because of this, gelatin is not considered a meat food product by the United States government. The plant is under supervision of the Federal Food and Drug Admininstration. If the government considered gelatin a meat food product, the plant would operate under the Meat Inspection Branch of the Department of Agriculture." (From General Foods Corp. New York.) If this is not istihalah, then what is it? In final conclusion, all types of gelatine is tahir and halal. For those interesting in reading my 1989 article on 'RENNET, PEPSIN & GELATINE' may contact my office at: Islamic Education & Information Centre, 135 Sheppard Avenue East, North York, Ontario, Canada M2N 3A6 Tel: (416) 223-2162 Fax: (416) 223-2528 Question 2: A change in the state of a najis substance is deemed to make it halal. Can you elaborate on this? What level of change is required? Is beef fat or other animal fat used in cookies/dougnuts/cakes/fries deemed to have been transformed so as to make it halal? Answer: You are talking about istihalah which we have mentioned above in answer to question no. 1. Istihalah means change or more precisely, a chemical change which places the item under a list which is different from its original grouping. The examples you have mentioned do not qualify for istihalah; and are, therefore, still najis and haram. On details on the issue to taharat and najasat, see my "RITUAL & SPIRITUAL PURITY" available from IEIC whose address and tel. # have been given under answer no. 1. Yours in Islam, Sayyid M. Rizvi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW-UP QUESTION: Just for clarification, you stated in the last posting regarding gelatine that "all types of gelatine is tahir and halal." Does this mean that when we see gelatine in a list of ingredients where nothing else is questionable, ethn we are to assume that the gelatine comes from an animal other than a pig or a dog i.e. an animal that is tahir but has not been slaughtered according to Shari`ah. Please answer this question as per Ayatullah Khui and Seestani. ANSWER: As mentioned under "C" in the original answer, you can assume that it is tahir and halal. And if you read the last part about istihala "E", then all kinds of gelatine becomes tahir and halal. Yours in Islam, Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi
Okay, so here we go evryone on here finna hate me after this bcuz ik what the sc community is like but im gnna say this anyway IN the west, we have interest. In all (almost) every. single. transaction. now, many people FAIL to understand. that in the west living without interest is PRACTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE UNLESS you wish to live as a FAQIR or sumthin and idk about u but i sure as Hell DONT if something is necessary for us to function in society then whats the issue. Like be fr. I AM AWARE that riba is usury and haram and terrible I KNOW! HOWEVER, living in the west IT IS NECESSARY AND UNAVOIDABLE and as we know in islam if something exists which we legit cannot function without due to the fact that the entire society and nation is built upon it in an unavoidable fashion. such thing is permissible, this is obvious cuz allah doesnt want us going to live as malangs (ascetics) in the streets or countryside LOL. I just simply cant fathom how some people will still say "loans are haram" or "mortgage is haram" or "working in banking deals "or"credit card with interest are haram"etc like mate use ur brain??? Just cuz YOU are for some reason okay with living so "humbly" as to not engage in ANY such thing an not move out ur moms basement or live in a 1 bed rent or a homless shelter doesnt mean everyone else has to bruv. OR just cuz u LIVE in a muslim nation DOESNT MEAN we all do live in nations without interest in every part of life. cuz buddy we LIVE IN A SOCIETY WHERE IT IS BRUV BEFORE someone says "oh u can take loans or pay interest on banking deals at work or pay interest on credit cards IF YOU DO IT with the INTENTION of not paying it back and as a transaction without return even if u do pay it back" this is frankly NONSENSE im sorry! BE HONEST BE FOR REAL MATE purposely changing ur NIYYAH to pretend ur not gonna pay it back then the banks like pay it back and ur like "oh wow i had totally not intended to but now im being forced oh no aaaaa guess i gotta pay the interest" meanwhile u knew DAMN WELL that u were gonna pay it back makes ZERO ZERO SENSE!! THINK ABOUT IT this is the equivalent of me picking up alcohol and pretendining i dont know its alcoholic drink it and say oh I DIDNT KNOW liike be fr it doesnt make any sense its simple in the west, WE HAVE TO PAY AND RECIEVE interest!!! YOU KNOW IT AND SO DO I! so stop avoiding the blatant truth buddy. i personally for any living in the west living BELIEVE TAKING A LOAN ISNT HARAM YOU NEED THEM (UNLESS ITS FOR SOMETHING DUMB LIKE IDK A LOAN FOR A SHIRT OR SMTH LOL ) CREDIT CARDS WITH INTERST ARENT HARAM because; 1) ur paying the money to the bank not one single person its an entitiy who you dont know personally at all an unknown owner malik al majhul i think is what its called 2) working in banking with interst isnt haram IN THE WEST not everywhere of course. its just a job ur gonna deal in the interest no matter what and its a way of earning money BIGGEST POINT HERE READ THE WHOLE THING DONT RAGE it is completley NORMAL and fully ACCEPTED almost compulsory to deal with interst in the WEST therefore due to its complete necessitty its not HARAM obviously living in a muslim nation for example is a diff story. so imma become a banker without ppl telling me im a kaffir for it and imma take a loan OR GET AN AMEX card to BUILD A GOOD CREDIT SCORE AND PAY FOR THINGS I CANT INSTANTLY AFFORD and build a credit score for a rainy day or to buy a nice house or car one day. If i need to take a loan for car house education investment or invest in bonds options forex etfs futures stocks crypto etc i see no problem in this. FURTHERMORE MANY MANY SCHOLARS AGREE THAT THE INTEREST WE HAVE TODAY IN THE WEST IS NOT THE RIBA / USURY THAT IS REFEREED TO IN THE QURAN / HADITH!!!! HOWEVER, if I ever move to a muslim nation insha'allah then yes its a different story WARNING: IM TALKING ABOUT IN REGARDS TO GIVING AND RECIEVING INTERST IN NON MUSLIM NATIONS WHERE IT IS NORMAL AND NOT SEEN AS USURY IM NOT SAYING ITS UNIVERSALLY OKAY I WOULD NEVER SAY SUCH THINGS! AND IM TALKING ABOUT DEALING WITH A NON MUSLIM BANK. SO LIL DISCLAIMER
How to connect with Shia women for marriage as a young man?
Guest posted a topic in Social/Family/Personal
Salaam all, may Allah and AhlulBayt AS keep you all in their protection. For context, I'm an 18 year old male, almost 19, and I live in a main UK city. I was wondering if anybody knew an easy and non-awkward way to find a Shia girl of my age to become friends with, and hopefully marry if things work out. My main aim is to find a Shia matchmaking event somewhere that I can attend and hopefully find her there, but nobody seems to be hosting any. Dating apps and websites aren't of much use because everybody's older than me, and I'd prefer to get to know my future spouse in-person rather than over text. Before you say, I'm fully aware and conscious of the fact that Islam doesn't allow dating, or any inappropriate contact or conversation. I'm not after any of that. I'm just a simple guy who doesn't have many female friends, and no Shia friends, who's looking to connect with someone who could become my wife at some point- and is also a Shia. Does anybody know any services that are actually reliable, or any ways I could help open the doors to meeting someone? As you can imagine it's not like I can go matchmaking at a mosque, particularly after a majlis, or go announcing to everyone over the microphone that I'm seeking a wife haha. Similarly, asking of such a thing from the mosque Imam is too awkward for me, especially with the massive gap in our generations and norms. I understand my situation may look helpless with everything I've mentioned, and apologies if it sounds like a mess. Life would be so much easier if I'd just ended up having a female Shia friend during school. I'm just getting a little more desperate since I want to get married around 22, 23 and I'd value these few years to get to become her best friend before I ask for her hand in marriage. Any and all advice is warmly welcome, though I may not get around to replying too often. I just figured I'd sort of 'vent' my desperate call for guidance into the big online Shia community and see what advice I could get back. Jazakallah khair, may we all find our true soulmates in good time and avoid straying from the right path, ameen -
Hi Everyone I have a few questions regarding living in the west (particularly Canada): 1) How do you ensure that you don't fall into difficulty in following Islamic values/teachings? I know its very broad, but I am just looking for some general tips based on your experiences. Of course, specific tips and tricks would be great as well: 'Bulk-up chicken from a halal grocery store if you live far away' , for example. 2) More importantly, how do you ensure that kids have the correct Islamic values inculcated in them? Esp. considering how many schools over there have become - from what I have gathered - rampant propaganda-machines, thrusting down LGBTQ and what-not down the throats of innocent kids. 3) What are some of the major cities where there's a large Shia population? Does it matter? Would you recommend staying away from less-well known provinces like Saskatchewan/Prince Edward etc.. Thanks all
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Salam alaikum,i wanted to ask if subliminals are Haram?I've been struggling for a long time now and I want to use a weight loss subliminal on YouTube.if it's not Haram can anyone recommend a halal subliminal channel?Please tell me and thank you.
I live in Wisconsin ad im looking for halal meat places, i know theres some around, US Reatail grocery stores sell some, but i have difficulty getting it, i live far from these places and its expensive to order online, how can i find some? What should i do?
Why would one get punished for doing something that harms them? For example, if I masturbate or watch pornography, I am not harming my friends or anyone besides me, I know it is bad for me and I know the side effects of it, why would I still get punished even though I am okay with what it does to me? I get that if I kill someone or anything that harms someone else I deserve to get punished. But a lot of things harm one self and no one else, so why get punished for something that I know harms me and I am okay with it harming me? "It's is haram because it harms you". I get that, I know it is haram and harms me, but I am okay with it harming me, why would I get punished for it even though I am okay with it harming me?
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- punishment
- halal
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I heard that ice cream may have haram ingredients according to another muslim, he said its ok to eat kosher ice cream like baskin robbins, is this true? ithought ice creamcame from milk and cows! what do you all think?
Hi, I am looking to buy a chilli paste, but it contains a small amount of alcohol. According to ayatollah sistani, small amount of alcohol is permitted in food items, eg 2% Since I will be cooking using this paste, the alcohol content will further decrease, so is it permissible to us this? These are the ingredient list from two different brands Ingredients: Tapioca Syrup, Water, Brown Rice, Red Pepper Powder, Salt, Alcohol (To Preserve Freshness), Soybean, Garlic, Onion Ingredients: Corn syrup, red ppper seasoning, red pepper powder, water, salt, onion, garlic, rice, wheat, sea salt, grain alcohol, soybean, salt, soybean powder, rice, rice flour Ingredients: Starch Syrup, Wheat Flour, Water, Powdered Red Pepper (10%), Salt, Polished Wheat, Ethyl Alcohol, Garlic, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (Wheat), Onion
Salam everyone, I am a teenager and I do TikTok videos, I started making some money and since I wasn't old enough to get paid I lied and used my sister ID and age inorder to start getting payed. I made a good amount of money then later on got banned. With that money so far I have only bought a book and then started questioning if my money is halal. Since I lied in order to get the money is that money haram now? or maybe it is haram because some say that TikTok is a haram platform it self? Now if the money is haram what would I do with the remaining amount and what should I do with the book I bought with it? Any answer helps, Thank you.
I have a question, is it haram to do the thing that Christians do when they do the cross on their chest? I have seen a few Shias do it on social media to show that we don't have a problem with christians and stuff but is it haram to do it? If you don't know what I am talking about I am talking its the thing where they touch their left shoulder then their right then their forehead.
It is permissible to eat food from a restaurant in the west that serves HALAL meat but also serves NON-HALAL meat too at the same time? The restaurant has advised that their chefs are mindful of the HALAL and NON-HALAL meat not cross contaminating? Can someone direct me to a page or a marja that can answer this question?
I know a lot of people that cheat on there taxes. Many people justify it as being ok because everyone else does it and its not fair for they save money and the people that are honest get screwed. Could this situation be justified as being ok or what? thanks
I want to adopt a Cat, but some people and my family don't agree with it and don't alow me. They say that Cat is a Haram animal and it will have negative effects in our home. Is this thought correct? I can take care of this animal and complete its every need as I have affection for these creatures and love them.
Charging money for doing homework halal or haram?
Guest posted a topic in General Islamic Discussion
I recently signed up on a site, where you get paid for doing other people's homework. I've rejected every assignment proposal that has asked for acknowledgement that the student has done it himself. I refrain from attempting tests or quizzes for people as well. Doing homework for people can be considered as help init? Just like your household or your tutor help you (that's my opinion). If anyone knows a proper mushtahid's verdict on the topic, feel free to answer, thank you!- 17 replies
- charging money for homework
- halal
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salam alykum wrwb. according to the above verse, we are told not to spy on each other. Now, in these advanced times where it is much easier to spy on the ordinary & make money out of it. is that money made out of spying on the life of someone halal? it is wrong in my head & oppressive, but not so in else's head. what about yours? ws
Why Should We Make Money? Have you ever thought about the concept of earning in Islam? Or what role wealth plays in our lives and why we really need to earn money? To some people, money could be a result of the exchange of value. In other words, what you are doing is of value to someone, and that is why you are paid for it. You might get excited to know the value you are delivering to people is making their lives better; then you will be probably more motivated to enhance your get-rich potential and try to make more and more money! This would be an ideal reason for someone to earn money. However, we all need money to spend for certain reasons, e.g., food, clothing, shelter, etc. What Does Earning in Islam Suggest? Muslims believe wealth is one of the innumerous blessings of Allah that is referred to as ‘Khair’ -meaning goodness- in some verses of the Holy Quran (2:215, 2:180). In another verse, it is mentioned as an attraction of this worldly life (18:46). What’s more, gaining wealth has been given so much importance in the religion of Islam that Prophet Muhammad ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)) says: “Seeking lawful earnings is compulsory for every Muslim” [1]. Islam also seriously recommends attaining the sustenance provided by God through hard work and striving. It is stated in the Islamic narrations that Allah does not like a person who prays for income while he has quit earning and does not try for it [2]. The holy Quran also says: “That nothing belongs to man except what he strives for, and that he will soon be shown his endeavor, then he will be rewarded for it with the fullest reward” (53:39-41). How Should We Earn Money? Along with the importance Islam attaches to gaining wealth through hard work, it places greater emphasis on making money through lawful (Halal) ways. “Eat of what is lawful and pure in the earth, and do not follow in Satan’s steps” (2:168). Based on this verse, consuming only what is lawful (Halal) and good, and abstaining from unlawful (Haram) things, are among the basic principles of the Islamic lifestyle. Many Islamic narrations advise and praise the acquisition of livelihood through fair means, i.e., NOT through stealing, cheating, betting, etc. Islam actually underscores the importance of productive enterprises that can increase output and generate jobs; this is the reason why earning money through gambling is Haram in this religion. Some Features of a Lawful Income in a Prophetic Tradition: According to Prophet Muhammad ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)) in order for an income (in trading) to be Halal, one should not fault the product he/she is buying, praise the product he/she is selling, deceive anyone swear to God while trading [3]. The Benefits of Lawful Earning in Islam “Whoever lives on Halal earnings for forty days, God shall enlighten his heart” [4]. Some benefits of earning income through fair means are: Receiving the Protection of God Allah says: “If what you eat is Halal and pure, I will protect you” [5]. Acceptance of Prayer Prophet Muhammad ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)) says if you want your prayer to be accepted and fulfilled by Allah, make sure your income is Halal and pure [6]. Receiving God’s Glory and Honor on the Day of Judgment [7] Strengthening One’s Faith Getting Allah’s Blessings and Favors (Barakah): Your income sometimes may not seem enough, but if it is gained through Halal ways, it will be blessed by Allah; so it will suffice: “And whoever puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him” (65:3) The Adverse Effects of Unlawful Earning in Islam “You see many of them actively engaged in sin and aggression, and consuming illicit gains. Surely, evil is what they have been doing” (5:62). Here are a few negative effects that await people who choose the wrong way of earning money (by foul means) either for their greed or deprivation: Their Halal income will be reduced, and they will be deprived of Allah’s blessings (Barakah) [8] Their prayers will not be answered [9]. They will become hard-hearted and cruel [9]. Consumption of Haram will have negative effects on their offspring and descendants [9]. Our sustenance lies with Allah Finally, we should always remember that God is the All-provider (51:58) who has ordained Halal sustenance for all creatures, and the creatures’ efforts to earn their living is placed alongside His will. So, we will definitely reach what is provided for us by Him if we try more patiently, and if we are content with and thankful for what we already have. God has not forgotten any of us; the Holy Quran says: “There is no animal on the earth, but that its sustenance lies with Allah, and He knows its [enduring] abode and its temporary place of lodging. Everything is in a manifest Book” (11:6) Then we had better avoid what Allah has told us is unlawful (Haram) since: “Yet it may be that you dislike something, which is good for you, and it may be that you love something, which is bad for you, and Allah knows, and you do not know” (2:216). Notes: “Never give up striving for lawful livelihood as it reinforces your faith”. Imam Sadiq (عليه السلام) [10] References:
Assalamualaikum. I’m looking to move into an apartment. No roommates, but the kitchen appliances have been used by at least a decade of previous tenants, and I highly doubt they all kept a halal kitchen. How does one purify kitchen appliances (oven, microwave, etc.)? When I googled it, all I could find was people asking if halal-style chicken and rice was microwaveable. Jzk
I am thinking about pursuing a degree in law as it is my first year in college and have seen it is a career fit for me, however when I bring the topic up I am oftentimes bombarded with allegations that it is haram and is not permissible to undertake such a path. @Mahdavist @Hameedeh @Gaius I. Caesar @AbdulKarim313_Austin/Nola @Haji 2003 @hasanhh @Ibn al-Hussain @Ibn Al-Shahid @Ibn Al-Ja'abi @Moalfas @Abu Nur @Muhammed Ali @ali_fatheroforphans @King @The Green Knight
I want to ask, like I know gold is haram for men but I heard men can we only for a reason in an urgent situation of money during any journey or what? Like is it allow to wear little amount like everytime on finger, like is it allowed? Or not? Please briefly explain it. (ulama only)
People who eat vegan and vegetarian diets have a lower risk of heart disease and a higher risk of stroke, a major study suggests. They had 10 fewer cases of heart disease and three more strokes per 1,000 people compared with the meat-eaters. The research, published in the British Medical Journal, looked at 48,000 people for up to 18 years. However, it cannot prove whether the effect is down to their diet or some other aspect of their lifestyle. Diet experts said, whatever people's dietary choice, eating a wide range of foods was best for their health. Would you slaughter an animal and eat it?
Sometimes I feel really down and I thought that I could maybe try something to make feel better. I've heard this is popular in Yemen and so I wondered if it is halal to have it.
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