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  1. Hello I'm an Iraqi girl living aboard. I come from a very common Shia family where we pray and follow Islam i our daily life, u know dua kumayl every Thursday. I'm a middle child, always happy, try to make everyone needs before mine, never ever had a problem in school and have good reputation i my city. You can say that I'm daddys girl, we are very close. I'm the first child in the household to have an education and did go to uni and I have fulltime job and doing my masters. I have two older siblings, sister and a brother who are married to irakies (they choose their partners aka cusins). and 4 younger sillings. The problem is: five years ago, I met guy from another country, is sunni, and have another ethnicity. We got along very well and been together since then. We decide to make it official, and he talked to his family and I talked to mine. My family and especially my dad got very angry and said no. My dad scream and we had huge fight. My mom wasn't on my side and said that your dads is the chooser. My brother and sister were to against too it because my brother hated the county that guys was from and always badmouthed him and religion and country, The second time we talk to my parent we tried to talk to my dad through his friends who also know the guy. My dad said no, and we got into huge fight that my dad actually hit me and told me to forget about him. We keeps our relationship secret again but this time we are trying again. I'm scared to bring up the conversation because my parent thinks its over between us. Side information, my dad and brother doesn't want to meet him and always say that he's selling drugs and is Daish which I know it's not true. The guy even said that he doesn't have problem to change side and become. The guys family is in his homeland. What should I do? I really can't see my life without him or my family... ps sorry for my bad english.
  2. Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the museum’s Hayden Planetarium, put the odds at 50-50 that our entire existence is a program on someone else’s hard drive. “I think the likelihood may be very high http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-we-living-in-a-computer-simulation/ There's a billion to one chance we're living in base reality," Elon Musk http://www.theverge.com/2016/6/2/11837874/elon-musk-says-odds-living-in-simulation The Holy Quran in many places refers to this world being deceiving and nothing but a play and amusement. Talks about the things we eat here we shall eat there only that it will taste better, like something we have never tasted. So could we be living in a simulation?
  3. Nigerian state bans main Shia group led by Zakzaky Back in April, UK-based rights group Amnesty International published evidence revealing how the Nigerian military BURNED PEOPLE ALIVE, razed buildings and secretly dumped victims’ bodies in mass graves in the December 2015 deadly assaults. “The true horror of what happened over those two days in Zaria is only now coming to light. Bodies were left littered in the streets and piled outside the mortuary. Some of the injured were burned alive,” said Netsanet Belay, Amnesty International’s Research and Advocacy Director for Africa. http://presstv.com/Detail/2016/10/08/488114/Nigeria-Kaduna-IMN-Ibrahim-Zakzaky
  4. be an iconic image: a small girl holding a teddy bear in a white dress marked by blood splotches with the ruins of Aleppo behind her. But according to Egyptian authorities, it was also a set-up, shot hundreds of miles away in a different country. Egypt’s Interior Ministry has revealed on its Facebook page that it arrested a group of five people caught in the act of producing images purportedly depicting scenes of suffering in Aleppo that they had planned to pass off as real pictures from Syria. https://www.rt.com/news/371035-egyptian-photographer-aleppo-fake/
  5. One of those seeking an escape is Ali (not his real name), a 17-year-old from Afghanistan. He came to Europe hoping to get an education and eventually bring his mother over to join him. He arrived in Greece alone, with €270 ($286) to his name, no place to stay and found himself in an environment rife with drugs and prostitution. Now, dependent on drugs and money from clients, the reality of what his life has become is overwhelming. yourself, you came to Europe, what was your aim?'" He says. "I am not doing this because I like it. "If I wanted to do something I like, I would date a girl. [But] because I don't have the money I don't have a choice." Like many of his friends, Ali regularly heads to the sprawling park nearby, where deals are usually made with local men, ranging from €5 to €12 ($5.50 to $13). "Some offer €3, some 100, some 80. But I don't go with anyone for less than €60," he explains. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/29/europe/refugees-prostitution-teenagers-athens-greece/index.html And in other news: Designer sells chairs for 3.7 million dollars http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/29/design/design-miami-market-trends/index.html sick world.......
  6. rehab: Swedish city plans free driver’s license, housing & tax perks for returning fighters There may be criticism, but [I think] that you should get the same help as others who seek help from us. We can’t say that because you made a wrong choice, you have no rights to come back and live in our society,” Sjöstrand said on Swedish Sveriges Radio. Lund wants to help terrorists with housing, driver’s license and job, but forgets the victims,” one user wrote on Twitter, while another added: “Rapists, child murderers, terrorists. Everyone should be treated equally.” https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.rt.com/document/58070503c361888b248b4619/amp
  7. For almost the entire course of the 20th century, unknown to the public, doctors and medical researchers have been proving in both laboratory and clinical testing that our own urine is an enormous source of vital nutrients, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and critical antibodies that cannot be duplicated or derived from any other source. They use urine for healing cancer, heart disease, allergies, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, asthma, infertility, infections, wounds and on and on — yet we’re taught that urine is a toxic waste product. This discrepancy between the medical truth and the public information regarding urine is ludicrous and, as the news releases you’ve just read demonstrate, can mean the difference between life and death to you and to your loved ones. When I contracted a crippling, incurable disease early in life, I used every available conventional medical and alternative healing method over the course of many years without success. When an acquaintance suggested I try “urine therapy” I though she’d lost her mind, but with no options left, I swallowed my prejudice and decided to give it a go. To my own (and everyone else’s) amazement, my healing was so rapid and so profound with urine therapy that no question remained in my mind that someone in the medical community had to know more than they were telling about this incredible body substance. And as a matter of fact, they did know more – a lot more. After many months of haunting university libraries, scanning countless microfiche files and poring over piles of medical journals, I had amassed a small mountain of astounding research studies, findings and files on the use of urine in medicine and healing, I discovered, among numerous other things, that urine, far from being a toxic body waste, was actually a purified derivative of the blood made by the kidneys which contains, not body wastes, but rather an incredible array of critically important nutrients, enzymes, hormones, natural antibodies and immune defense agents. At the end of it all, as I sat tiredly in my chair eyeing the stacks of research papers covering my desk, I realized that the medical community had pulled off one of the biggest hoodwinks in history. Take for instance the doctor who reported that “urine acts as an excellent and safe natural vaccine and has been shown to cure a wide variety of disorders including hepatitis, whooping-cough, asthma, hay fever, hives, migraines, intestinal dysfunctions, etc. It is completely safe and causes no side effects.” (J. Plesch, M.D., The Medical Press, 1947); or the oncologist who reported that “a patient with intractable ovarian cancer was treated with Human Urine Derivative and is now completely well and enjoying the rest of her life.” (Dr. M. Soeda, University of Tokyo, 1968). These remarkable findings were published in medical journals – but did you ever hear about them? And what about the immunologist who, after extensive clinical and laboratory research stated: “It was rapidly appreciated that undiluted urine administered orally was therapeutically effective for Immune Therapy and was initiated when it became obvious that an allergic condition had become uncontrollable.” (Dr. C.W. Wilson, 1983, Law Hospital, Scotland). Or the Harvard medical researchers who discovered that active “antibodies to cholera, typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, polio, leptospira and salmonella have been found in the unconcentrated urine of infected individuals.” (Lerner, Remington & Finland, Harvard Medical School, 1962). What abut the Scandinavian researcher who, in 1951, conclusively proved that human urine can completely destroy tuberculosis? It’s a deadly disease, and is now resistant to antibiotics. Isn’t it time someone told us that our own urine is medically proven to be anti-tubercule? Then there’s the research into wounds and burns using urea (the primary solid component of urine). As only one research study among many reported: “In America, urea has been used for the treatment of various infected wounds and it has been found to be extremely efficient…even the deepest wound can be treated effectively…. Urea treatment has been successful where other treatments have failed. For external staph infections we found urea preferable to any other dressing…there are no contra-indications to its use.” (Dr. L. Muldavis, 1938, Royal Free Hospital, London). Now these medical reports are only a few of the more than 50 research studies I compiled and published in the book Your Own Perfect Medicine, but they certainly give an indication of the importance of what we’ve never been told about urine by the medical community. As far back as 1954, the Journal of the American Medical Association (July issue) reported that “More scientific papers have probably been published on urine than on any other organic compound.” Another publication revealed that “more than 1,000 technical and scientific papers, related only to low molecular weight substances in urine, appeared in medical and scientific literature in one single year.” All this fuss about a substance that we’re told is nothing more than a body waste? I think one of the most interesting pieces of information on urine I came across was the fact that the amniotic fluid that surrounds human infants in the womb is primarily urine. Actually, the infant “breathes in” urine-filled amniotic fluid continually, and without this fluid, the lungs don’t develop. Doctors also believe that the softness of baby skin and the ability of in-utero infants to heal quickly without scarring after pre-birth surgery is due to the therapeutic properties of the urine-filled amniotic fluid. Reports on the extraordinary external benefits of urine abound as well. Medical studies relate remarkable cases of stubborn or “incurable” chronic, severe eczema that miraculously disappear with urine therapy. Because urine is both anti-viral and anti-bacterial, it’s ideal for treating cuts, wounds and abrasions of all kinds. Acne, rashes, athlete’s foot and fungal skin problems respond dramatically to urine soaks and compresses as well. (You’ll find complete instructions for using urine therapy internally and externally in Your Own Perfect Medicine.) For home use or emergency treatment care for wounds, poisonous bites or stings, and even broken bones, urine is an incomparable, proven natural healing agent that provides instantaneous therapeutic benefits under any circumstances. For years, people have said to me, “Well, I have heard of people surviving by ingesting their own urine, but I thought it was just a myth.” Myth it isn’t. Medical fact it is. As Dr. John R. Herman remarked in his article which appeared in the New York State Journal of Medicine in June, 1980: “Auto-uropathy (urine therapy) did flourish in many parts of the world and continues to flourish today….there is unknown to most of us, a wide usage of uropathy and a great volume of knowledge available showing the multitudinous advantages of this modality. Actually, the listed constituents of human urine can be carefully checked and no items not found in human diet are found in it. Percentages differ, but urinary constituents are valuable to human metabolism.” http://all-natural.com/natural-remedies/urine/
  8. What are the most effective beauty secrets? Though, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but there are sheet facts and so called secrets that can make you look more impressive and appealing. Top among them seems to be meticulous harmony between different physical organs, then the curves and curling Allah has granted His creatures and finally the appealing colors Allah has covered us All with. Allah is the most beautiful and hence the world along with all creatures are beautiful. Finally, everyone would agree me that beauty in character can outclass his serious rival ‘physical beatitude’. Thanks May Allah Sees us as Beautiful Creatures as He was Proud of us while Creating!
  9. Iranian warships deployed off Yemen coast after US bombs Houthi targets Iran has deployed a fleet of warships to the Gulf of Aden, the republic's naval commander has confirmed. The deployment follows US cruise missile strikes on Yemeni positions thought to be under Houthi rebel control. https://www.rt.com/news/362643-iran-warships-yemen-aden/
  10. Iranian ships in Gulf of Aden: How far might Yemen escalation go? RT: Now there are Iranian warships in the Gulf of Aden. How far might this escalation over Yemen go? Sayed Mohammad Marandi: I don’t think this is all that important. The Iranians have a permanent presence in that part of the world because of the problems with shipping thanks to the American policies over the past few decades. There is a lot of instability in the Red Sea. And the Iranian ships are there basically to prevent pirates from boarding Iranian ships. They’ve been doing this for a number of years now. The Iranians have also protected the ships of other countries as well. The problem really is the US presence. Iranians are confident the Americans are lying about missile attacks on American vessels. They say this is a fabricated story that the US could enter the fray on behalf of Saudi Arabia to boost Saudi morale. Because after all the Saudis after bombing weddings, funerals, schools and hospitals despite the fact that the Western media is completely silent about it and Western leaders like Boris Johnson don’t seem to care about the Yemenis who are being massacred in the country. But despite all that the Saudis are losing the war. They have lost the war. And the Yemeni resistance, the Houthis and Ansar Allah and the Yemeni army they have succeeded in defeating Saudi-backed forces and Saudi forces on the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The Iranians feel that their presence is one to help facilitate trade and shipping while the American presence as in the past few decades is only serving to create further chaos. RT: Isn’t it a danger here that now both sides will see each other as a threat?I MM: The Iranians believe that the Americans have already lost the war in Yemen. Their support for Saudi Arabia has failed. And the Americans are just as responsible for the atrocities in Yemen as is the Saudi regime. The American president has blood on his hands just like the Saudi King, Crown Prince and the Deputy Crown Prince. The Iranians feel the Americans are not really in a position to escalate further. What they want to do is put pressure on Ansar Allah so that the Saudis could negotiate from a stronger position. And also I think in order to increase pressure on the US after the Saudi regime deliberately targeted the funeral killing 150 people and injuring hundreds more. A lot of people in the West have been increasingly protesting in the media and otherwise against America’s support for the Wahhabi regime https://www.rt.com/op-edge/362805-iran-us-yemen-saudi-gulf/
  11. HSBC warns of severe global market crash The global banking and financial services institution HSBC has issued a red alert for an imminent sell-off in stocks worldwide, warning that the markets could see a crash as big as the 1987 ‘Black Monday’. http://presstv.com/Detail/2016/10/13/488925/HSBC-warns-of-severe-global-market-crash-
  12. Iraq censures 'irresponsible' remarks by Turkey's Erdogan Erdogan said the Turkish army would not take orders from Iraq to leave the country. "Who's that? The Iraqi prime minister. First you know your place!" Erdogan said in comments addressed to Abadi. "He is insulting me personally. You are not my interlocutor, you are not at my level," the Turkish president told a meeting in Istanbul, adding, "It's not important at all how you shout from Iraq. You should know that we will do what we want to do." http://presstv.com/Detail/2016/10/11/488634/Iraq-Haider-alAbadi-Saad-alHusseini-Turkey-Erdogan-Mosul unbelievable! I don't understand why the Iraqi army is not attacking them!!
  13. How many Muslim countries has Obama bombed?' Oliver Stone slams US ‘world domination’ drive That desire to control the world is very dangerous," Stone told AFP. "There is no historical record of one empire that can do that successfully... the British Empire tried but that ultimately led to massive wars. The same is resulting from the US desire for tyranny." "How many wars is America in informally without consent? How many Muslim countries has Obama bombed? How many drone strikes have we used, killing how many people?" the three-time Oscar-winning director went on, in reference to continued US involvement in Libya, Syria and Iraq. https://www.rt.com/usa/362409-stone-snowden-bush-obama/
  14. Aggressor squadron? Pics of US jets painted in Russian colors spark Syria false flag conspiracy https://www.rt.com/viral/362321-us-jets-russian-colors/
  15. Have scientists actually found way to turn off ageing? Scientists have discovered a key cellular protein that controls the ageing process – a breakthrough that could lead to advances that slow down or even stop the ageing process. https://www.rt.com/uk/362274-scientists-breakthrough-stop-ageing/
  16. Space war, Vatican knowledge of extraterrestrials revealed in Podesta emails Aliens want to help mankind but fear our violent tendencies, according to an email exchange revealed by Wikileaks. Mails sent by astronaut Edgar Mitchell to John Podesta cite an impending space war and the Vatican’s knowledge of alien life. https://www.rt.com/viral/362272-podesta-emails-aliens-vatican/
  17. Saudi Arabia, allies no match for Iran on battlefield: Commander Iran's chief Armed Forces spokesman says Saudi Arabia and its allies are too weak to engage in a military confrontation with the Islamic Republic. “Saudi Arabia has by no means the capability to confront Iran and [in fact] not only Saudi Arabia, but its allies are also incapable of confrontation with the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Deputy Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces, Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri, said in response to a question by reporters on Monday. He added that Saudi Arabia “counts for nothing [against Iran] and is no match for the Islamic Republic of Iran in the region to aspire entering military scenes.” “The Americans also lack such a capability and will,” the Iranian commander pointed out. http://presstv.com/Detail/2016/10/10/488458/Iran-Saudi-Arabia-US-Armed-Forces-Massoud-Jazayeri
  18. Russia ready to support UN envoy’s proposal to allow Al Nusra to exit Aleppo with arms – Lavrov https://www.rt.com/news/361911-russia-nusra-aleppo-arms/ so now the United Nations is supporting Al nusra ??? And trying to get them a safe route out of Aleppo? Wow..... Truth is becoming manifest how these world powers who also control United Nations created and funded isis/ taliban/ al shabab/ al nusra / al Qaeda the list goes on and on.... All this to murder our Muslim brothers ! YA Allah hasten the return of our Imam (as) and Isa (as)
  19. Muslim man in US thrown off plane for saying 'inshallah' http://presstv.com/Detail/2016/10/06/487961/Muslim-man-plane-inshallah this seems to be the new norm!!!! I have read tons of these articles lately, How sad ! If anyone dared to talk about Israeli/Zionist they would be labeled anti Semitic and probably jailed. Sad ........
  20. Coming up shortly the headlines will read : al saud have declared their true religion-Zionism...... https://www.rt.com/news/361408-saudi-arabia-austerity-calendar/
  21. Salam There is going to be a black moon on September 30th. I was wondering does Islam have any prophecy related to a black moon ? https://www.rt.com/viral/360867-black-moon-end-world/
  22. Bukhari wrote in his book: "When Umar was stabbed he felt great pain and Ibn Abbas wanted to comfort him, so he said to him, "O Commander of the Believers, you accompanied the Messenger of Allah and you were a good companion to him, and when he left you, he was very pleased with you. Then you accompanied Abu Bakr, and you were a good companion to him, and when he left you, he was pleased with you. Then you accompanied their companions and you were a good companion to them, and if you left them, they would remember you well." He said, "As for the companionship of the Messenger of Allah and his satisfaction with me, that is a gift that Allah, the Most High, has granted to me. As for the companionship of Abu Bakr and his satisfaction with me, that is a gift that Allah, Glory be to Him, has granted to me. But the reason you see me in pain is for you and your companions. By Allah, if I had all the gold on earth I would use it to ransom myself from the torture of Allah, Glory and Majesty be to Him, before I saw Him. Sahih, Bukhari, vol 2 p 201 He has also been quoted as saying the following, "I wish I was my family's sheep. They would have fattened me up to the maximum. When they were visited by friends, they would have killed me and roasted part of me, and made qadid (meat cut into strips and dried) from the other part of it, then they would have eaten me, and lastly, they would have relieved me with their bowel evacuation ... I wish I had been all that, rather than a human being." MinHajj as Sunnah, Ibn Taymiyya, vol 3 p 131; Hilyat al Awliya, Ibn Abi Nuaym, vol 1 p 52
  23. Saudi Arabia's grand mufti says Iranians are not Muslims Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh said Iranians are descendants of Majuws, a term that refers to followers of Zoroastrianism. so there goes the ahl sunna sahis eh? So what are they gonna rely on now ? Since Bukhari and Muslim were Iranians!!
  24. Salam, What can we do as an online community to raise more awareness for the atrocities being committed in Yemen ? Can we organize online petitions ? Ideas......
  25. The horrors of Yemen’s civil war have been encapsulated by photographs showing a toddler suffering from severe malnutrition. UNICEF estimates that 320,000 children are facing starvation, while over two million youngsters need urgent assistance. Here is full article: https://www.rt.com/news/359343-yemen-children-suffering-war/ ironic that hat the same U.S government who's crying we need ceasefire for aid relief for the people of Aleppo ( arming the terrorist really) doesn't seem to care that the Saudi regime is dropping cluster bombs on schools and water wells and hospitals !!! Hypocrites
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