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Letter 4 U | Ayatollah Khamenei letter for western Youths Imam Khamenei letter against Bin laden letter (a campaign for spreading truth of Shia Islam against Zionism & rogue state of Israel & wahhabism) please everyone share the letter (4U/for you) among everyone who you can for defending the truth & Palestine (Palestinians) against sheer evil the rogue state of Israel & global zionism.
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- western society
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will he be worse than trump or even better than trump? how about the mental health of Biden? will he attack muslim countries? what are your thougts?
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- 2024
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Two questions related to each other. 1/ What would be the Arabic word for 'Prophet' in the sense of 'giving predictions about the future' ? My limited understanding is that Nabi is about Naba' I.e. giver of (good?) news. But does this mean news about the long term future, like End of times ? 2/ What would be examples of prophecies delivered by Nabi Muhammad (sawas) ? I can think of Zumar, Zalzala and other obvious descriptions of Yowm al Qiyama, but almost nothing about what will happen in History, except for maybe Al Rum, and Ya'juj and Ma'juj. Biblical texts on the contrary were filled with predictions of what would happen to such and such king. Please share your knowledge.
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- future
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I was reading a comment about the couple and their Insta goals, about the way we watch others live their life. It got me thinking about things. Our mobiles have made us these tech addicted zombies, rather than go out and spend time at a park, we gaze at some Instagram couple going to a park instead. One has become easier than the other. Much like how people are absorbed with the lives of others instead of living their own better. Then I remember a dream I had... Stay with me on this, it's quite interesting. Over 10 years ago I had a dream where the atmosphere had become so polluted that we all had to stay indoors and we would sit and put on these weird goggles that showed footage of the outside world when it wasn't polluted. For years I never understood the meaning of this dream, other than the atmosphere part, but why were we all hooked up to these devices? Now I sit here and realise that it has almost become a reality, what I was dreaming about are the VR devices you can get for phones, and they even have a way now of filming footage somewhere and for another person to watch it live through these devices! I might not be too shocked when Instagram couples decide to do their social media like this. Weird, huh? Do you think the ordinary Joe Bloggs can have dreams about things that turn out to be true in the future? I remember hearing a hadith that said true dreams are 1/46 parts prophecy, but I don't know the reliability of such hadith. I had another darker dream about the world as a kid, but I won't go into it.
Salaam brothers/sisters, I would really appreciate it if i could get some perspective and unbiased opinions about the path I am about to take. I am 22 years old living in the U.K. and have recently graduated and currently undergoing a placement year as part of my development before I undertake my masters. I am at a stage in my life where I am more concerned with the state of my akirah rather than the dunya. Having said that it hasn't always been like this and I'm very much early on in my journey. I feel a sense of conflict in myself and my beliefs. I question at times what we've been taught and how authentic our views are not shia in particular but the entire Ummah.I want to search for the truth by studying Islam throughly but as any young Muslim my age, the world doesn't work like that. I'm afraid of not being able to support my mother and father, if I leave to study I may be gone for a very long time and all that time they may struggle. I also feel as if it may be unjust for me to rush something like this and jump in head first but I've come to realise if I follow through with my career 100% I could provide for my family and live a very normal life but I would never reach fufillment and fall into a deeper depression, my heart would forever be searching for answers. I want to make a difference, I want to help spread truth and bring people together. So I wanted some opinions and a discussion as to what you would advise me to do if you've had a similar experience, where do I start?
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah. What signs are left that need to be fulfilled until the return of Imam Al-Mehdi (Aj)? جزاك الله
AsSalamualaikum to everybody to who are going to read this. So i am a 17 year old Shia Muslim girl with strong beliefs and like any other teen, i too use social networking sites but i dont talk to guys except my childhood friends or my colleagues at highschool. A few months ago i recieved a msg from this unknown guy and i hadnt told him that i was Shia but he figured it out somehow. Then he started talking about dreams and i told him about how i get these isharas in my dreams just like my mother aunts and their parents. And he said that it was the same for him. After sometime, he said that if you dont mind me saying i had this series of dreams regarding you that you are this star and that you belong to me and that there was this guy in his dreams that talks to him and this guy told him that the time is near and that if the guy and i stay together we wont get away from deen and all and that we should plant a seed ( children ) and that one day i will save his life somehow and that to get the qurb to get close to the Lord i have to be with him or unless he will lose his life and my worships will be meaningless and will get lost. Something along these lines. Btw that guy is 24 y/o. I really need some help with this. I told my mother about this and she says that a lot of people are fake nowadays and that we shouldnt trust anybody and thats what i do. I dont feel like i should trust this guy but i dont know because what if its true ? But then Allah loves everybody equally why do i need this person to get close to Allah. Why do i have to keep talking to this na-mehram to stay on the right path when i know that my Lord will never let me go astray. I dont want to believe him and my friends have told me to block him because this dude is creepy. People with knowledge, please help me out. Knowledgeseeker x
I am at an important juncture of my life and need advice regarding which way to go. As Imams (a.s.) have told us to consult our momins brothers in moments of confusion, so um here. I am 28 and doing a good prestigious job in a muslim country. After a lot of thinking I realized if I want real price for my life and if something is really worth achieving in life and if I want to live with the best people after the Imams, then I should join a Hauza Ilmia. In my country I have the option of appearing in competitive exams and I am confident I can get a really powerful govt.administrative job. This job is not only full of glamour of power but I perhaps may be able to help someone. But then I fear that I shall become and shall be forced to become the part of the corrupt system. I shall start taking bribes and live luxorios life. Even if I remain honest, and say I am responsible for the administration of an area, shall I be able to check all the haram being done under my authority without my knowledge.Shall I be questioned about it on the day of judgement. Summary: Should I go to Hauza for spiritual life or Take a powerfull administrative job in a muslim country that really corrupt and run by a system that is not fully Islamic.
Hope is a powerful thing! It can turn the tides. It gives a reason to live & to thrive for a better future while despair, is what kills it all. Desmond defines hope as, Hope is being able to see that there's light despite all the darkness Every living thing has a spark of hope in it, that pushes it forward, especially humans that work so hard for tomorrow with the hope of being alive even without any certainty. As they say, Where there's life, there's hope! That little whisper in your heart telling you to try something out even if it seems hard, is hope! Abraham Miller said, A man begins to die when he starts to lose hope. So, keep that little spark glowing in yourself & spread it all around you, to help others, to give them a reason to live, to strengthen their will. In Avatar, book 2, General Iroh advises his nephew, You must never give in to despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road & you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of Inner Strength. People that give into despair are the ones that lose all hope. Unable to bear the pains & misery, they let go of life. They're the ones that we lose, some of them being our brothers & sisters. So, the next time you meet someone who's losing hope, try not to let it happen. Give them a reason to live & help them out. Every life counts!
Asalam-o-Alaykum brothers and sisters. This has to be the least talked about topic throughout the whole Muslim community, including the Sunni and other sects. We can simply look up matters and rulings for Abortion, Euthanasia, IVF, etc. That's all well and good, a well-known Mujtahid can easily provide answers for these matters. However, there are still some things that need addressing, as they will become common in the future. Matters not addressed or they are addressed briefly: - Cloning: I understand that Ayatollah Sistani provided an answer to cloning animals (which is permissible), but what of Humans? Am I allowed to have a double? And if I do, then was it Allah's will that another me was created or a creation of my own? - Genetic Modification --> An answer was provided by Ayatollah Sistani that, as long as it is beneficial, it is permissible as long as there are no side effects. If anyone is able to (I've tried) then could you help me go into more depth with this? - Designer Children Now this is what the main controversial topic of the future will be. Children born under IVF that enables their parents to choose his/her eye colour, skin colour, hair colour. Parents can also decide how tall and what body type they will be, and even decide what their facial feature will look like. Parents may even decide how smart, and how athletic their child will become. Already there are big countries like Australia that have banned having children like that because they believe such children will be at such a significant advantage over the other normal children. Other religious traditions have already made rulings on these matters. The Catholic Church prohibit it, as God is the one and only creator. Therefore, by deciding essentially all the child's features, the parents are then acting "in the place of God". If we are to successfully transition into the future, then we must seriously be thinking of the matters above. Not only will this help our future generations, but it will also help non-Muslims to have a clear understanding of what our deen says about this, rather they have some fuzzy idea that they might share with other like-minded people who look into these matters.
Assalamu 3alaykum. On the basis that there is dream interpretation by Imam Jaffar al Sadiq (As) as well as there being real dreams (in exclusion to nafsi and shaytanic inspired dreams) if you are pure when Allah Swt raises the souls when we are sleeping (As mentioned in the Holy Quran), Is there a specific dua one can make to rely on Allah Swt to see a dream for guidance, the Imams (As), the Prophet (Sawa), a hint of the future or something symbolic? I personally have heard of experiences where people have had dreams that ended up being something true or two people having the same or similar dream of something that potentionally had meaning. JazakAllah kheir.
I have just finished two "documentary" videos on separate topics. I want us to use this thread to talk about our thoughts and views on the road we are headed as "man". How our intellect, ability, and faith play a role in this...Viewer Discretion is advised... One is on man-made food source in which we can possibly live on. It is foretold that man will surpass its resources due to higher and higher population rates. One software engineer experiments and makes this powder to liquid base content in which keeps you full, so that you do not need to waste lots of money and the need for food is pretty much gone. He says that why should man depend on agriculture and such. It is a thing of the past and soon to be unavailable. It has not been tested by the FDA except that it has been called as a dietary supplement. So a man takes it as an experiment and uses it for 30 days. Is such a thing possible to help sustain mankind's existence in the future? I tend to believe Allah will always provide sources (i.e. natural foods) for mankind regardless how the future may be headed. But then again, verses in which Allah says "I will not change the situation of mankind, until they change themselves" comes to mind. In this video, they bring a man which has done a study to show how food shortages and high prices correlate with revolts and social disruption such as the arab spring. This makes me wonder too.... The next video was a man who takes a biochip and implants it into his arm. He takes about how he wants man to live and if we have to intellect we can make it possible. He believes biochip implants, turning man into half robot as the solution. One thing in the video that makes me wonder was how it mentions that the health organizations do not let these people do these implants because the society of the time does not consider it "normal". The man then uses the notion of breast enlargements as a joke towards the norm of society. I think to myself, what if society enabled testing of such sorts on humans, how far would we go? What might the norm be then? That is how far we might already be going if everything was truly open to us. Yes Allah has given us intellect, but of course there is no way man could become immortal. This is what a believer’s logic is put at. These videos some what put me off edge. It makes me uncomfortable. Its kind of like going against Allah, fighting his system. The video about the creation of a new source of food doesnt play a huge role in trying to go against Allah. But more of how might we survive and such. Also how the oppressed plays a role in mankind. Just my thoughts.... (wasalam)
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This thread will be locked and throw in the trash pit. Just like all my other threads that have the word 'LebanesePrincess' inscribed within it. Meh.
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