Assalamu Alaikum,
It is narrated through authentic chains that Imam Hasan ((عليه السلام).) said that the Holy Prophet (S) said: “Behisht is a stream in Firdos, sweeter than honey, softer than butter, cooler than ice and more fragrant than musk. Therein is a kind of clay wherefrom the Almighty Allah created us and our Shias.
One who is not created from that clay is neither from us nor is our Shia.” It is mentioned in another tradition that he said: “I have heard from my grandfather, the Holy Prophet (S) that he used to say: ‘I have been created from the Noor of Allah and my Ahlul Bayt have been created from my Noor and the lovers of Ahlul Bayt have been created from their Noor. All other people are from hellfire.’”
I know that our belief in free will and predestination is in the middle, its not complete free will and not complete predestination. I found this hadith when reading Hayat Al Qulub, The prophet says that those who were not created from this certain clay is not from our shia. So does this prove that our lives are predestined because what about those who were not made of that clay, are they just destined to hell. Does this show that we don't really have a choice. Has anyone else seen this hadith before, is it reliable, there's no reference or source for it in the book.
Thank You!