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  1. If it is past experiences that shape a person, (and those past experiences or things that happen to him, he would not be able to control, i would say that God controls what happens to a person) then if it is past experiences that make someone bad, then are his bad actions blameworthy? EDIT: i meant to say would it be his fault
  2. I'm starting to think that "good" is a poorly defined word, and is not the opposite of evil. I think the opposite of evil is empathy. Can a person who has strong empathy be evil? Can a person who lacks empathy ever be truly good? Can anyone convince me either way? And why does it appear that lack of empathy is becoming more prevalent? Is it really, or am I just noticing it more?
  3. The question "Why suffering exists?" has occupied the mind of many philosophers and theologians in history. In a world affected with illness, sorrow, earthquake and much more, we sit down with four scholars who shed some light from the Islamic view on the concept of evil and the existence of God.
  4. Salam, everyone. The question of whether God created good and evil is a question that has been on my mind for quite some time now. As a former Asharite, I find it difficult to imagine that God did not create these two forces. Recently, I have been doing some reading and I encountered a number of objections to the Asharite claim. The most disturbing objection to this notion follows this line of reasoning: if God created good and evil, ie He decided what is good and what is evil, then it would follow that God is acting arbitrarily. That would be tantamount to saying that God is acting without purpose, which would be blasphemous. Therefore, the only option left would be to realize that God only commands someone to do something because it is inherently good and that God only forbids certain things because they are inherently bad. This seems like a compelling argument, but I have a problem with it. To me it seems like this line of reasoning implies that good and evil are concepts that already exist and that the decree of God has nothing to do with it. This seems to rob God of His absolute authority and implies that good and evil coexist with God and at no point in time did they come into existence. Is this not problematic? It would be appreciated if someone could this explain this in some depth. ~Mithrandir.
  5. First of all I would like to clarify that I have no intention of attacking Islam. I am a Christian from the ME with many many Muslim friends, my remarks should be viewed as constructive criticism if you like. Without any doubt most religious texts preceding enlightenment contain a wide range of acts that we may consider now outdated to use a mild language. Both the Bible and the Quran contain explicit directions to killing, looting, enslaving... etc. This was just the way people lived. However those texts in the Bible lost their importance in the Jewish and Christian traditions. It is what Philip Jenkins describes as "religious dimentia", we just choose to pretend these verses did not exist, and you will never hear a preacher in any mainstream Christian or Jewish denomination speak of killing or hurting others. In Islam however the violent verses are pushed to prominence by still revered Ulama such as Ibn Taymiya and his disciples. The idea of killing others in the name of God is still very relevant among religious Sunni, I have seen in my eyes how a "normal" 20-something Muslim transform into a raging fanatic after a couple of visit to the local mosque during Ramadan. Admittedly, Shias are less prone to be exposed to such extreme ideas. However they still form a relative minority of the overall Muslim population, and they tend to react with similar violence and use the same hate instilling verses the Sunnis use when fighting back.
  6. BismillahirRahmanirRameem AsSalamalaikum A new film has been created by the Anti-Islamic film factory-"Bollywood". The movie was released a few days back and it features a song titled- "Bismillah". It is an obscene song, being played in a disco. This is not the first time the Indian filmmakers have done this. A few years back, they created song titled "Ya Ali Madad".It was played in discos and people danced to its tune. In fact, they might still be using it in these sinful places. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. These people should face the consequences of what they are doing. They have insulted the Creator of the World, this time. For the sake of the Allah, the Most Beloved of all, please spread the word and make an effort to register your comment in a strong language. And unlike the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6iyy3oNazQ https://www.facebook.com/OUATIMD
  7. Very sad. Now after a few weeks bbc starts to talk about the 13 r old boy who was killed for "disrespecting" the prophet in mid daylight shot and beaten. Then some groups formed a sharia court and sentenced 3 robbers to wiping. Yuppp, this is democracy, it sure is! Check out the article with the video! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23139784
  8. Let me know what you think, and we can discuss http://youtu.be/ZwIk6uBBkyo?t=22m38s
  9. I live in Pakistan and there are many women in my family who got cruel husbands who emotionally torture their wives almost 24 hours, calling them names and doubt about their wives character. And sometimes even beat them. And often these women said to me that it is a test from God. What I dont understand is that how can you know the difference? Isn't it your responsibility to fight against evil? ABUSIVE HUSBANDS ALWAYS BECOME ABUSIVE FATHERS. Even I know a person he was abusive towards his sisters ans then his wife and then his daughters. If you do not tell a person what he doing is CRUEL and UNJUST and surrender to it, he will do it with other women in his life as well. I just think that if these women confront their husbands and brothers, their daughters will not have to live with an abusive father. What do you say?
  10. (bismillah) Today I had a debate with a Christian brother and we concluded with this big question. He argued that the concept of good and evil is defined only for the religion itself. Bad and evil, moral and immoral are divine creations only in the context of the religion itself. However, it ceases to exist outside that context. In other words, It is impossible to apply any religion's concepts universally. Is the concept of good defined within a religion's own domain only? Can anyone answer this question? thanks in advance If you need further elaboration please ask. (wasalam)
  11. If you were asked: 'Is a man who knowingly tortures an innocent person to death just because another tells him to evil and worthy of hell?', what would you reply? I would reply 'Probably, yes'. Yet the Milgram experiments show that most people would torture another innocent person do death just because an authority figure told them to. Does that make most people evil and worthy of hell?
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