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  1. Salaam, Just inquiring, some one asked me if there are any documentaries about Shi'a Islam. Anyone Know A Good Documentary About Shi'a Islam. Books I know are plenty, but I've never heard of any Documentary. Was-Salaam
  2. I thought I'd post this in honour of this man. It might be chance to get to know who he was for those who've never heard of him.
  3. SubhanAllah, what a pious man he was. God bless all of our scholars. They are truly beyond any ordinary level. I am blessed to have heard of such scholars in this life. If only we all can live like them and follow their path to the path of the ahlulbayt a.s They truly motivate you! I am watching it in farsi so I do not know how much of the english subs are correct, although I am sure they are fine. (wasalam) Now subbed in English, this documentary explores the life and works of one Islam's most prominent scholars in the past century - Allamah Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai علامه سید محمد حسین طباطبائی‎ (1904 - 1981). His popular works include Tafsir al-Mizan, Afsar al-Arba'ah, Bidayat al-Hikmah, and Nihayat al-Hikmah. His contributions to the tafsir (exegisis), falsafah (philosophy) and tareekh (history) have had lasting impacts particularly within the world of Shi'a religious scholarship.
  4. Assalam Alaikum, My name is Farah and I am currently working on an observational documentary for a UK channel which will look to explore the opinions and lifestyles of a diverse section of British Muslims and be used as a platform to voice what Islam means to individual Muslims across the country. In particular we’re looking to reflect the views and opinions of ordinary Muslims and I’d love to feature strong voices which are often under-represented on mainstream media, these often include voices from minority communities within the Muslim faith and I am especially interested in talking to women who are Shia Muslim. The idea would be to bring 10 Muslims from across the UK together to represent a cross-section of the community and explore how each practices their faith. These would include 5 men and 5 women. We are looking for very ordinary people and not scholars or imams and we absolutely don’t expect anyone to represent an entire community – each of the 10 will only be representing their own views. So there is no restriction on how you should practice your faith. It would be great to know if any of the sisters on here would be interested in learning more. Please do drop me a message or feel free to respond on this thread. Jazakh'Allah
  5. I was planning on posting this in March to commemorate Allamah’s birth, but never got around to it. And I finally finished watching this documentary recently, so I thought I’d share it out to anyone who doesn't know much about his personal life. Allamah Ṭabātabā'ī (may Allah bless his pure soul), as we best know him, was the author of Tafsīr Al-Mīzān – perhaps the greatest Qur'ānic exegesis in recent centuries. This documentary focuses on his early life and family, his lengthy educational career, his later years, as well as his personality and relations with others. I think everyone (for those who haven’t seen it already) should watch to learn more about this great personality - very inspiring! [Comes in seven parts, each lasting between 26-33 mins]
  6. Salams to all, I noticed we dont have a thread here dedicated solely to the recommendation of documentaries. I love a good docu, as im sure many of you do too, so lets use this thread to direct each other to docu's we've seen and enjoyed and/or found interesting. I recently watched a docu called 'Bitter Lake' by Adam Curtis (i mentioned it on the 'Thoughts' thread) and would recommend it, but even more interesting to me was 'The Century of the Self', also by Adam Curtis. This is a very interesting docu about how popular psychological approaches of the 20th century, including that of Freud and his nephew Edward Bernays (the father of PR), impacted upon consumerism, politics and identity in the US and how consumerist ideology came to dominate politics. It was made in 2002 and the last episode talks about the approaches of Reagan and Thatcher and how the Clinton politics influenced 'New Labour'.The 3rd hour has some nudity in clips about 'therapies' in the 70's. This video is all 4 episodes in 1 (approx an hour each in length): Happiness Machines The Engineering of Consent There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads; He Must Be Destroyed Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering
  7. A look at the root and ideology of Wahhabism. Founded by Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab who was influenced by the writings of Ibn Taymiyyah. This documentary studies their teachings and why so much hatred is seen towards other religions and sects because of their teachings.
  8. This is one of the BEST documentaries ahlulbayt tv has ever created! It is truly heart whelming and my God emotional. Everyone must watch this! I pray that we all receive the tawfiq to do something great for those in need and I pray that all those who are in need of what ever it maybe, may receive it. May Allah swt protect the lovers of the ahlulbayt a.s Desperate & stranded, Shia Muslims stuck in the "jungle", the infamous Calais Refugee camp, commemorate the majalis of Imam Hussian AS. Ahlulbayt tv sees how the camp's first ever Muharram commemoration was put together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC6pg3nPmH8
  9. This man recalls what he has seen and been through during that monstrous time. It is jaw dropping and heart aching. His final words in the end of the video is indeed a wake up call to the whole world. This man is filled with experience. This is ep 1 from a series. OKINAWA 2015 - EPISODE 1 少年兵の見た戦場
  10. This is a must watch documentary! SubhanAllah, may Allah protect and bless these people and their families. Indeed they are true followers of the ahlulbayt A.S, more than I will ever be. May Allah continue to give them baraka and strength to do what they are doing. It is these types of people who are truly getting the world ready for the Imam A.S. SubhanAllahI pray that all those in prisons inshAllah find the truth and become better human beings and solve all their issues inshAllah. Even in prisons the wahabi/salafi are spreading misinformation and lies about Shia Islam in Prision....May Allah swt guide them. After a life of crime, Mateen at a young age discovers Shia Islam whilst serving time in one of the harshest American prisons. Meanwhile, Ibrahim rediscovers Shia Islam whilst growing up in the harshest ghettos of Washington, D.C. This is the amazing story of how they came together to begin their mission of spreading Shia Islam through American prisons. Simply unmissable. (wasalam)
  11. Must Watch. Proceed with caution due to very explicit and mature content Following the Saddam invasion of Kuwait and the subsequent gulf war which left the Iraqi army battered. The Iraqi people rose to free themselves from the shackles of Saddam. Large parts of Iraq fell to the people, the city of Karbala withstood the Saddam aggression for over two weeks. This film attempts to recollect the events that took place in that tragic period.
  12. Must watch! May Allah swt give us all tawfiq to do something about all the orphans in the world. May Allah give to those in need. May Allah swt protect the unprotected. Makes you feel really grateful and opens yours eyes. Lets not take things for granted and strive to help those in need. This is a very touching documentary... (wasalam) There are currently over 3 million orphans in Iraq. Karbala has a side that is usually not seen, the side that sees many deprived from even having a roof on their head or even food to eat. Our cameras follow some of the conditions of these abandoned people.
  13. MUST WATCH DOCUMENTARY. May Allah swt, rid the world with injustice and evil. May Allah give to those in need and take from those who take unjustly. Always be thankful to your lord. Ahlulbayt TV travelled to Kenya to visit poverty stricken families aided by the Bilal Muslim Mission of Kenya. We follow the lives of different families who faced a lot of difficulty but now live in better conditions through economic empowerment.
  14. This is an astounding documentary of recent times discussing climate change and its effects around the world. It also delves into what is the response in global and western politics, which literally numb your mind, especially for those of us who are citizens of America, to see who the hell is in charge of running our country (ie republicans). This is a very scary and world changing event, and only Allah can save us. It hurts the heart to see how other countries like Bangladesh are affected by this, and just my God, you have to see this for yourself! ***This is from vice, and their hypocrisy is known, however, it is safe to say, this documentary itself does justice. Our oceans are rising. With human use of hydrocarbons skyrocketing, waters around the globe are getting hotter and, now, this warm sub-surface water is washing into Antarctica’s massive western glaciers causing the glaciers to retreat and break off. Antarctica holds 90% of the world’s ice and 70% of its freshwater, so if even a small fraction of the ice sheet in Antarctica melts, the resulting sea level rise will completely remap the world as we know it – and it is already happening. In the last decade, some of the most significant glaciers here have tripled their melt rate. VICE founder Shane Smith travels to the bottom of the world to investigate the instability of the West Antarctic ice sheet and to see first hand how the continent is melting -- and VICE follows the rising oceans to Bangladesh for a glimpse into the world's underwater future. From the UN Climate conference to the People's Climate March to the forces that deny the science of global climate change, this special extended episode covers all sides of the issue and all corners of the globe, ending with a special interview with Vice President Joe Biden. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_h92Ath_2XA
  15. Nouri Sardar take us on a journey into Norway so that we can see for ourselves the kind of effects and repercussions that were caused by the actions of one man on the Muslims living in Norway. The film documents the struggles which Norwegian Muslims must face in their everyday life post-Breivik in their country, a country which they call home.
  16. Salam Alaikum I hope this is not repeated. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MZZkvlX2-0
  17. This truly teaches us to be thankful and instills in our hearts patience and perseverance in life. May Allah grant all those who have disabilities or sickness, cure inshAllah. (wasalam)
  18. Dr. Rebecca Masterton embarks on a journey to discover the legend of Imam Hussain (pbuh) through the eyes of academia.
  19. A reminder of death... This documentary wakes you up. In a tragic event of an accidentally death of a loved one, a mother acts in goodness to remember the loss, by doing a gracious deed. Please pray al fatiha for all those who are dead. (wasalam)
  20. This looks good Tonight: 7.30pm (LDN Time) / 2.30pm (NY Time) Repeats: 12.30am (LDN Time) / 8.30pm (NY Time) For those like myself who don't have Ahlul bayt TV, you can stream online here: http://ashura.tv/live-tv/ahlulbayt-tv-uk/
  21. http://ahlulbayt.tv/ondemand/episode/g835u7ps/The_Seminary/
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K-mGWy9iUg 5 Broken Cameras is a 94 minute documentary film co-directed by Palestinian Emad Burnat and Israeli Guy Davidi. It was shown at film festivals in 2011 and placed in general release by Kino Lorber in 2012. 5 Broken Cameras is a first-hand account of protests in Bil'in, a West Bank village affected by the Israeli West Bank barrier. The documentary was shot almost entirely by Palestinian farmer Emad Burnat, who bought his first camera in 2005 to record the birth of his youngest son. In 2009 Israeli co-director Guy Davidi joined the project. Structured around the destruction of Burnat's cameras, the filmmakers' collaboration follows one family's evolution over five years of turmoil.[2] The film won a 2012 Sundance Film Festival award, it won the Golden Apricot at the 2012 Yerevan International Film Festival, Armenia, for Best Documentary Film, and was nominated for a 2012 Academy Award. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5_Broken_Cameras
  23. (salam) A documentary has finally been made about the life of Shaheed Syed Muhammad al-Sadr (Sadr II). It is the first true documentary, going into great depth, detail, and accuracy. Enjoy!
  24. Like: www.facebook.com/monitormideast Sons of Jabal Amel (English Subtitles) One of the most authoritative and powerful documentaries regarding the genesis of Hezbollah. Created by Revayat-e Fath, one of the most prestigious production houses in Iran, Sons of Jabal Amel gives an alternative, exclusive look into the development of Lebanese Shiites in a homogeneous Lebanese state. Told from a resistance-axis point of view, the documentary offers new insights into the cultural, ecological and ideological mechanics of the Lebanese Shi'i community and their sustained adherence and loyalty to the movement. Exclusive footage and/or interviews with: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Chamran, Hassan Nasrallah, Abbas al-Musawi and Imam Musa Sadr. Excerpt: The historical region of Jabal Amel and its significant array of scholars, poets, intellectuals and resistance leaders is situated in southern Lebanon. This area is also most affected by Israeli assaults seeking to annex these areas. Because of the historical vulnerability and importance of Jabal Amel, the people of this rugged mountainous area are born into resistance, live in resistance and die in resistance. Sons of Jabal Amel begins with the introduction of Abu Dharr al-Ghiffari, a loyal companion of the Prophet Muhammed and his son and law, Ali. Abu Dharr was exiled to this region and converted the local community to Islam and more specifically, Shi'ism. In Islamic literature, he is deemed one of the first Shi'is signifying resistance to the ruling status quo. What Abu Dharr had left the people of Jabal Amel, was an eager apetite for honor, dignity and vigor--free from the oppression and rule of external entities. Sons of Jabal Amel thus depicts the evolution and development of resistance in this region, ending with Hezbollah as the most recent and successful story to date. Release date: October 4, 2008
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