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  1. Asalamalikum, I know this isn't a therapy website, but I just want to know if this happens to anyone else? I have these weird thoughts/voices in my head that are not nice. I don't like them, and sometimes I feel suicidal and I roll up in a ball and cry. I don't like to explain what exactly happens inside my head because I don't like thinking about. But basically it's nothing nasty or dirty. It's all about God and other religious stuff. Just imagine literally hearing the Shaytan talking to you, and telling you bad stuff about God..and etc.. The thoughts or voices don't tell me to do anything bad, just bad stuff about my creator. These weird things cause me to sometimes pray faster to keep my mind just moving, sometimes I have to sleep with The Quran hugged to my chest. I mean they aren't nice. I have no doubt in Allah, his messenger, Islam, or Ahulbayet. Of course I am always sending my sallam to The Holy Prophet and HIs Pure Family. And always saying "asgafurallah rabi" or "a'thubilAllah min alshaydan rajam" Literally ALL the time. It gets annoying because I wish to say these for the sake of remembering Allah. But no, I have to say them because to get these thoughts out of my mind, which half the time doesn't work. My mom wants me to see a therapist but I don't want to. Does this happen to anyone else?I always fear Allah will hate me, or I will go to hell. I don't know what to do? What in the world could it be?My biggest fear which causes me to sometimes commit self harm, cry, etc.,is the fact that Allah might not forgive me, that he hates me because of these thoughts or voices. (I can't tell the difference) Thanks so much for taking the time to read and answer. May Allah Bless you all Duniya w Akira.
  2. Zulfiqar also spelled Dulfigar is said to have been wielded by a our Master and Wali Ali Ibn Abi Talib (عليه السلام). Historically depicted as a scissor-like double bladed sword on Muslim flags, adopted by Sunni and Shia armies. It is commonly shown in Shia depictions of Ali and in the form of jewelry, art, and also functioning as a talisman to ward off the evil eye. The Sword is revered by the Muslim military class regardless of sect, country and empire. It was highly revered by ottoman janissaries, and elite fighting groups throughout the Islamic world. It would have to been a common sight for Muslim Warriors to engrave a quote mentioning Dulfiqar and the man who struck fear in the hearts of his enemies. This tradition has continued to modern times, where the militaries of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan have named their Weaponry after Dulfiqar. In this thread we will discuss the origins, myths, legendary status of the sword and its wielder, the philosophy behind the sword, the sentimental value of the sword, the symbology of The Sword and the depiction of the sword and the origins of the sword. Videos and pictures are much appreciated also all thoughts and ideas are welcome. Special thanks to Wikipedia for helping me write this subject. According to wikiwand this picture is a fatimid 10 century depiction of Dulfiqar. Its interesting because it isnt depicted in anyway way we imagine the sword. In the Islamic world we collectively imagine the shimshir , curved sword. Now let the madness begin.
  3. Guest


    Hello, mr dahesh has 1000s saying he did miracles many many testimonies, of many miracles crazy ones raise the dead be in diff places at once all sorts. My imaan is lowered he started daheshism how can i refute i need yaqeen my imaan is low i am having doubts. Can anyone refute him and please help me i have nowhere else to turn.
  4. So there is a question that has come to my mind. A womans husband recently died, about 2 months before his death he was a really good muslim. Before those 2 months he was not. Another case if where a girl died at a young age and she was an average muslim, but about 6 months later she died, and during those months she was so religious and barely did any sin. A young man in England was a bad boy. He was always at nightclubs. He would party and dance and drink. Then THREE WEEKS (yes three weeks) he became the humble and caring person and always offered salat on time. After that he died. Obviously, nobody know when they are going to die. So my question is, If you start being super religious all of a sudden does that mean you are going to die soon?
  5. Isa nabi din was Christianity ... Musa nabi din was Jewism .. like wise which din was bought by Ibrahim nabi and Nooh nabi
  6. [2/10/16, 7:59 PM] suf m (saqibqutub@gmail.com):http://sunnah.com/bukhari/56/286 http://sunnah.com/abudawud/42/59 So essentially my wahabi friend thinks he can use this as proof that Abu Bakr is among those who are blessed jannah. I know that the two are sunni hadith (and using sunni hadith to prove sunnism is outrageous), but is there a way to find a flaw in these hadith.
  7. Sallam Alikum, What's the difference between Juz, and Chapter? And also where do we know what chapter is a surah in? Just by counting the surah? Or how does it work?
  8. Sallam, I missed salaht Alfajir this morning, with extreme guilt. I haven't missed morning prayer in a very long time, but is there anything else I can to with the making up of the salaht to make sure it gets accepted? I mean like additional salaht or duaas just to make sure it gets accepted. Also another question: I work at a department store and my shifts are usually right before Mugharib prayer, is okay, that I pray in the fitting rooms? Cleanliness wise, or should I wait to get home-which is right before mid-night. Insh'Allah all our prayers are accepted.
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