I know this already but many people have been the victims of hazing and ridicule as far as jokes and pranks. Most of this happens in high school or college, but Some times the work place. This is common is the US.As far as shia islam goes, do youth do this or even adults isnt this unislamic for a shia or muslim to do this?
by the way here are the definitions of them
Cruel Joke
Cruel Joke: A inside joke that a group of people play on a person they envy, dislike or hate for their own amusement.
Watch the movie Ride Along with Ice Cube and Kevin Hart, when Ice Cube playing a police officer, calls a 126 in on his police dispatcher.
Man I believe Darius and Walter are playing a cruel joke on me. They keep having this crack head walk pass my window, right when they know I'm showering in the morning, just so he could creep me out. Sucks.
by WordsSmithSmarts June 07, 2014
Non-physical hazing typically involves illegal activities or mental abuse, both of which bring consequences that stay with the victims for some time. Myth: If someone agrees to participate in the activity, it can't be considered hazing. Reality: A common misconception about hazing is consent. As with all crimes, consent is not a valid defense.