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  1. Salam, Does anyone know of any mutah groups or websites or any other resources for Toronto area. It's very hard to find like minded individuals who want to engage in mutah. For the love of God, DO NOT lecture me on the validity of Mutah. If you don't like it, stay away from replying on this post.
  2. Salam all, I wanted to know what are the most reputed Hajj organizers to go this year? And have they started their packages (I noted that most Sunni places have started offering it). I am having a bit of an issue finding more information on this, if someone can help - atleast to get an idea of the prices, arrangements, dates, etc. I haven't moved to Canada yet but planning to very soon inshaAllah.. so I do not have any personal contacts there as yet... though want to try to do Hajj if possible asap as this is my only option. JazakAllah for any help.
  3. Hi Everyone I have a few questions regarding living in the west (particularly Canada): 1) How do you ensure that you don't fall into difficulty in following Islamic values/teachings? I know its very broad, but I am just looking for some general tips based on your experiences. Of course, specific tips and tricks would be great as well: 'Bulk-up chicken from a halal grocery store if you live far away' , for example. 2) More importantly, how do you ensure that kids have the correct Islamic values inculcated in them? Esp. considering how many schools over there have become - from what I have gathered - rampant propaganda-machines, thrusting down LGBTQ and what-not down the throats of innocent kids. 3) What are some of the major cities where there's a large Shia population? Does it matter? Would you recommend staying away from less-well known provinces like Saskatchewan/Prince Edward etc.. Thanks all
  4. Alsalamu alaykum , My brother is thinking about contiunuing his studies in Canada, as he might receive the funds to study a subject he is really interested in. But he is rather hesitant as it will be his fist time travelling and living on his own.But we talked and I convinced him that choosing an area where there is a strong involved shia community might ease the transition (my brother is really involved in our local community but hates change). So which area would you suggest? جزاكم الله كل خير
  5. Anyone living in Canada rn?
  6. Sallam. May someone please inform me of any 'Persian' mosque or TV channel that is allowing anyone to recite lines of latmiyas, poetry etc? I am willing to recite lines on any live program insha'Allah. Please mention opportunities in the comments, it would help me alot. Thanks.
  7. *English Message follows* دورة جديدة في حوزة الامام الحسين (ع) قال رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) : " طَلَبُ الْعِلْمِ فَرِيضَةٌ عَلَى كُلِّ مُسْلِمٍ ، أَلَا إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ بُغَاةَ الْعِلْمِ " في بداية السنة الجديدة ٢٠٢٠ م تبدأ حوزة الإمام الحسين عليه السلام تقبل طلبات الانتساب الى دورة تمهيدية جديدة للراغبين بالدراسة الحوزوية وستكون بالترتيب التالي: ١ . يُركز على تعليم اللغة العربية في السنة الاولى بمعدل ٣ ساعات صباحا من الاثنين إلى الجمعة لكي يتمكن الطالب من إتقان اللغة العربية بما يؤهله للدراسة الحوزوية ٢ . بالإضافة لما سبق يدرس الطالب دروساً دينية باللغة الانجليزية أو مدعمة بالعربية إلى أن يكون مؤهلا لتلقي كل الدروس الحوزوية باللغة العربية. ٣ . تؤمن الدراسة لكافة الطلاب والطالبات من مدينة وندزور وكافة المدن الاخرى في امريكا الشمالية بشكل حضوري ويُؤمن سكن داخلي في المؤسسة للطلاب الذكور القادمين من خارج مدينة وندزور. ٤ . نرجو ممن يرغب بالدراسة المبادرة الى إخبار إدارة الحوزة وتسجيل الاسم في شهر كانون الثاني لكي يتمكن من متابعة الدراسة. يرجى ممن عنده إلتزام بدراسة جامعية أو بعمل أن ينظم أوقات عمله أو دراسته الجامعية مسبقاً بحيث تكون بعد الظهر لتتسنى له الدراسة في هذه الدورة قبل الظهر. نرجو ممن يطلع على هذه الرسالة نشرها في امريكا الشمالية لتصل إلى الاخوة والاخوات الذين يهمهم الأمر ويكون الناشر مشاركا في ثواب دراسة طالب العلم وخدمته الدينية. التواصل يكون عبر الإيميل التالي: hawzawindsor@gmail.com او بالاتصال على الارقام التالية: سماحة الشيخ عبد المنعم شرارة +1(519) 819-8117 السيد حسن الطباطبائي +1(514) 465-5526 مكتب استعلامات المؤسسة +1 (519) 256-7171 صفحتنا على الفيسبوك: http://facebook.com/ihfwindsor وفقنا الله واياكم لخدمة علوم محمد وآل محمد عليهم السلام A New Course in the Imam Hussain ((عليه السلام).) Hawza – Windsor, Canada The Holy Prophet Muhammed (P.) said: “Seeking knowledge is an obligation on every Muslim, Surely, Allah loves the seekers of knowledge.” At the beginning of the New Year 2020, the Imam Hussain ((عليه السلام).) Hawza in Windsor, Canada, is accepting applications for registration to a new introductory course for those wishing to study Hawza, details are as follows: 1. The focus in the first year is learning Arabic for about 3 hours a day, classes are in the morning, from Monday to Friday. It is crucial for the student to master Arabic language in order to qualify for Hawza Studies which are delivered in Arabic Language. 2. In addition to the above, students will be having various religious classes in English until they are eligible to enroll in the Hawza classes which are taught in Arabic language. 3. Classes are provided by attendance to all male and female students from the city of Windsor and all other cities in North America for free. The Hawza provides residential accommodation in the institution for male students only who are coming from outside the city of Windsor. 4. If you wish to study at the Hawza, please contact the Hawza Administration in January to register so that you can start your classes. Note: Those who are committed to university studies or work are requested to organize their university or work schedule in advance so that they are all in the afternoon because the classes will all be before Dhuhr prayers. * We ask everyone who see this announcement to share it with their contacts in North America so that it reaches all those who are interested in studying Hawza. For further details, do not hesitate to contact us on the following email: hawzawindsor@gmail.com Or by calling the following numbers: Shaikh Abdul Mon’im Sharara: +1 (519) 819-8117 Sayed Hassan Tabatabai: +1 (514) 465-5526 The Foundation’s Reception Desk: +1 (519) 256-7171 Official Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/ihfwindsor Thank you,
  8. How accurate is the following statement by the Government of Canada 'Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness' regarding Hizbullah??? Please help, thanks. https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/cntr-trrrsm/lstd-ntts/crrnt-lstd-ntts-en.aspx#30 Hizballah Also known as Hizbullah, Hizbollah, Hezbollah, Hezballah, Hizbullah, The Party of God, Islamic Jihad (Islamic Holy War), Islamic Jihad Organization, Islamic Resistance, Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine, Ansar al-Allah (Followers of God/Partisans of God/God's Helpers), Ansarollah (Followers of God/Partisans of God/God's Helpers), Ansar Allah (Followers of God/Partisans of God/God's Helpers), Al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah (Islamic Resistance), Organization of the Oppressed, Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, Revolutionary Justice Organization, Organization of Right Against Wrong and Followers of the Prophet Muhammed. Description One of the most technically capable terrorist groups in the world, Hizballah is a radical Shia group ideologically inspired by the Iranian revolution. Its goals are the liberation of Jerusalem, the destruction of Israel, and, ultimately, the establishment of a revolutionary Shia Islamic state in Lebanon, modelled after Iran. Formed in 1982 in response to Israel's invasion of Lebanon, Hizballah carried out some of the most infamous terror attacks of the Lebanese civil war, such as the suicide bombings of the barracks of United States Marines and French paratroopers in Beirut, as well as the hijacking of TWA Flight 847. While all other Lebanese militias disarmed at the end of Lebanon's civil war in 1990, Hizballah continued to fight, waging a guerilla war against Israeli troops stationed in southern Lebanon. Following Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000, Hizballah attacks against Israeli forces continued, concentrated on the disputed Shebaa Farms area. In 2006, Hizballah provoked Israel's invasion of Lebanon by kidnapping two Israeli soldiers and killing 8 others. On January 3, 2018, Hizballah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah announced that the group was working "to obtain all kinds of weapons that would enable it to achieve victory in the next war." Date listed 2002-12-10 Date reviewed 2018-11-21 EDIT: Also, any thoughts or feelings on Canada's statement?
  9. Watch this share it is important that all muslims have their basic human rights to practice their religion. http://ctv.news/IAkDkzTN.S. woman claims potential wedding venue violated her religious freedoms A Dartmouth woman claims a local hotel is infringing on her freedom of religion by not offering appropriate food for her wedding reception.
  10. Living in Canada, I've obviously heard a lot about the Keystone XL over the last couple of months, especially now that Trump's reversal of Obama's policy has pushed the issue back into the mainstream media conversation. From a regional perspective, and considering Canada's reliance on its 'petro-dollar', the economic benefits of connecting the slowly withering Alberta oil sands industry with arguably the world's most important consumer state are enticing. However, despite all its benefits, the biggest issue in this conversation is the potential environmental impact, which we've all been hearing about for what seems like years. Forgetting about other important issues like the violation of First Nation's land rights for the time being, how real is the purported impact of the construction of Keystone XL pipeline, and others like it (Dakota Access and so forth)? I'm not the type of person to habitually turn a blind eye to activities that could potentially harm the environment, but I really don't see how the construction of oil or natural gas pipelines is a great environmental risk in and of itself. The dangers of the pipelines' causes and effects, in the form of increased oil drilling and a greater risk of spills, have also been discredited. As a November 2015 article in The Seattle Times said of the Keystone Pipline: Obama had the following to say: As for the argument that this 'encourages' the extraction of crude oil which is harmful for the environment, FactCheck.org had the following to say: And as a counter-point to the problem of pipeline spills, the same website says this: More on this issue: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-keystone-rail-idUSL2N0L800920140203 A Financial Post fact check derived similar conclusions: Thoughts? The environmental risk associated with pipelines seems a little overblown to me. And as I said, I have no conscious ideological bias on this issue, so feel free to point out anything important I missed, or mistakes I might have made.
  11. Alhamdulilah, I was granted an opportunity to study in the West (in Canada specifically) and it will be the first time I will be on my own for an extended period. So I have been reading up on the region I will be staying in,especially on how Muslims are treated there and if there is any xenophobia or islamophobia(I will be a visible minority since I wear a hijab and I found myself falling down in the rabbit hole and reading horror stories on violent attacks, murders,assaults and prejudice in the street and in the work environment. This search was not limited to my future area but encompassed almost every western country. From my uneducated opinion based on reading articles on the incidents I found three major types of incidents: The first is when a crazy psychopathic terrorist attacks a mosque or a gathering of Muslims (yes I decided to label them terrorists because for me a terrorist is someone who wants to kill you and torture you and justifies and rationalizes it by whatever "code" or "reason" he follows). I noticed in almost every case that that was the last straw in a long line of verbal and minor (compared to a mass shooting) attacks on the same community. For example a week before the attack on the Canadian mosque the same terrorist left a pig's head and blood on their doorstep. Think about it, violence is a process especially extreme violence. It does not start from nowhere. Its build up bit by bit. It starts by racist and islamophobic posts on social media (In every incident I read about the terrorist was quite open and unapologetic about his islamophobic views on social media )which are encouraged by the media and his own community. And then the next time he meets an identifiable acceptable target i.e most likely a woman wearing a hijab he will permit himself more leeway and overstep his bounds. Which brings us to the second type of incident :Where the terrorist knows an "identifiable acceptable target"/potential victim in his daily life. For example a neighbor or a colleague at work.The gradual attacks are even more evident in these cases since before the most likely lethal final outcome there will be an almost constant harassment and bullying. And then I found the third type of incident :where the victim doesn't know the perpetrator and is blindsided by the attack. According to one article and my own humble opinion (I resorted to articles because I havent found a survey or statistics on the attack's pattern from the muslim community) the attacker is most likely but not always a young adult white male and the victim is a young woman wearing a hijab.Also the attacks most likely happens in a fringe zone i.e a place of transit like a public transportation station or a parking space or a less frequented side street. As for the time I am sure there is a direct correlation between a surge of attacks on Muslims of the west and terrorist attacks by daesh in the west. Now logically speaking I realize I was being a little paranoid and that there wasn't a witch hunt going on unbeknownst to the rest of the Muslim world but there must be a basis of truth in this phenomenon. If so dear Muslims of the west if you would be so kind to answer my questions (also any feedback and criticism is welcome as I said this is my uneducated humble opinion) Jazekha Allah: -How does it affect you in your daily life ? Are you being prejudiced against in your work environment (especially if you wear a hijab)? Is the issue being addressed in the shia community of the west ? Have they found out a way to teach you on how to disengage or even better how to avoid and prevent it from happening as in schooling you on how to be vigilant and the telltale signs and the ideal situation for attacks to happen? Is there something specific for our kid's safety ? Is there a legal framework by Muslims and for Muslims to deal with prejudice and the aftermath of attacks ? Also Do you have any advice for someone in my situation and any feedback is welcome. Rahmatou Allah for all those who lost their lives in these incidents and I do believe we should honor them by working toward preventing them.
  12. Guest


    Is there a shia jamaat in Kamloops, BC, Canada
  13. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Does anyone know of a Sheikh who lives in Canada that Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlullah's Association (مكتب القضاء الشرعي لسماحة العلامة المرجع السيد محمد حسين فضل الله) would recognise and know of so that I may contact him about a very important question and issue I have?! Jazakum Allah Kheir
  14. حوزة الامام الحسين (ع) في وندزر كندا Imam Hussain (A.S.) Hawza in Windsor, Canada *Message is in English and Arabic* بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم تعلن حوزة الإمام الحسين (عليه السلام) عن قبولها لطلاب جدد للعام الدراسي 2017-2018. تدرس في الحوزة مواد مرحلة المقدمات ومرحلة السطوح. تستغرق هاتان المرحلتان ما يقارب عشر سنين. Imam Hussain Hawza would like to inform of its acceptance of new students for the year 2017-2018. The Hawza provides its students with the first two stages of Hawza: Muqadimat (introductory stage) and Sutooh (intermediate stage). Both of these stages require about 10 years to complete. ------------------- مقدمة بالنظر الى ازدياد عدد المسلمين في أمريكا الشمالية وغيرها من البلاد وتكاثر عدد المؤسسات الإسلامية فيها، فقد نشأت حاجة ماسة الى تهيئة العلماء والمبلغين الذين يحسنون التحدث باللغة الانجليزية وغيرها، ولهم معرفة بالخصوصيات الثقافية والحضارية والإجتماعية لبلادهم، مما يؤهلهم للقيام بدورهم في سد الحاجات الدينية والإجتماعية على نحو أفضل. وبالنظر الى وجود رغبة عند الكثيرين بطلب العلوم الدينية، وعدم تمكنهم من الالتحاق بالحوزات العلمية الكبرى في النجف الأشرف وقم المقدسة وغيرها، فقد نشأت الحاجة الى تأسيس حوزة علمية في أمريكا الشمالية توفر لهم فرصة الدراسة وتحقيق رغبتهم في هذه البلاد. INTRODUCTION Due to the increase of Muslims in North America, there is an urgent demand for Islamic scholars. Hundreds of Islamic centers and mosques are in need of clergymen (ulama) to teach and preach them. The demand is more for ulama who speak the language of the country i.e. English and French. All these needs necessitated the establishment of a Hawza in North America to help meet the needs of individuals interested in studying Islam instead of them having to be forced to migrate to Iraq or Iran for their higher religious educational needs. حوزة الإمام الحسين (ع) تأسست حوزة الإمام الحسين (ع) للدراسات الإسلامية عام 2006م وقد تم افتتاحها بمناسبة عيد الغدير الأغر من عام 1426 وهي حوزة علمية تهدف الى تربية وتعليم الراغبين في دراسة العلوم الإسلامية، وهي مع التزامها بالنهج الحوزوي الأصيل المعتمد في الحوزات العلمية في النجف الأشرف وقم المقدسة، تراعي ظروف المكان والزمان وخصوصيات المنتسبين اليها في البلاد الغربية. Imam Hussain Hawza For Islamic & Arabic Studies Imam Hussain Hawza was established in January 2006 and had its opening ceremony on the occasion of Eid al-Ghadeer1426H. I.H.H. provides various Islamic subjects in the Arabic language with the aim of producing graduates (clergymen; ulama) who can provide proper religious education to the North American Muslim community. The subjects taught are similar to the curriculum of Hawza of Najaf and Qum. In addition there are other subjects taught which provide specific knowledge beneficial to scholars living in North America المنهجية الدراسية النظام الدراسي المعتمد في حوزة الإمام الحسين (ع) هو دراسة مرحلة المقدمات وتحتاج الى حوالي أربعة سنوات، ثم مرحلة السطوح لمدة ستة سنوات وبعدها يؤهل الطالب الى مرحلة البحث الخارج التي تمتد من خمس الى عشر سنوات. ويلاحظ النظام الأكاديمي في تقسيم أوقات الدراسة بما يتناسب مع أوضاع الطالب في هذه البلاد. ساعات الدراسة الدراسة دوام كامل 5 أيام في الاسبوع من يوم الإثنين إلى يوم الجمعة بمعدل ثلاث ساعات يوميّاً قد تزيد في بعض الأيام وترتيب الساعات يختلف بحسب المراحل كما أن في السنة التمهيدية الاولى تتراوح ساعات الدراسة بين 5 و 7 ساعات يومياً. PROGRAM OF STUDIES The study of Hawza is traditionally divided into 3 stages *The introductory stage (Muqaddimat) which usually takes 4 years. *The intermediate stage (Sutouh) which takes about 6 years. *The higher study stage (AL- Bahth AL- Kharij) where the students are prepared to reach Ijtihad takes approximately 5-10 years or more. The studies will be full-time, 5 days a week; 6 hrs (approx) for the 1st year Arabic, 3 hrs (approx) for the regular Hawza. لغة الدراسة يدرس الطالب كامل دروسه باللغة العربية، وبالنسبة الى الطلاب الذين لا يحسنون اللغة العربية فإن الحوزة توفر لهم دراستها في السنة التمهيدية الأولى ومن ثم يلتحقون بالدروس الحوزوية. Medium of Study All subjects are taught in the Arabic language. The students who do not know Arabic will be taught the Arabic language in order to prepare them for admission in Hawza programs. المواد الدراسية يدرس الطالب في مرحلتي المقدمات والسطوح، العلوم التالية: 1- العلوم العربية: وهي النحو والصرف والبلاغة. 2- علم الفقه. 3- علم اصول الفقه. 4- العلوم العقلية: وهي المنطق والكلام والفلسفة. 5- علوم القرآن و تفسير القرآن الكريم. 6- علم الحديث والرجال. 7- علم الأخلاق. 8- السيرة والتاريخ. 9- الأديان المقارنة. 10- الاقتصاد الأسلامي. 11- مفاهيم اسلامية معاصرة. 12- قانون الأحوال الشخصية. 13- تربية واجتماع. 14- فن الخطابة والحوار. 15- علوم أخرى ضرورية للطلاب. للاطلاع على القائمة بأهم الكتب المدرسة في حوزة الامام الحسين (عليه السلام) في وندزر، كندا، اضغط الرابط ادناه: https://www.facebook.com/ihf.windsor/posts/1874860339445924:0 SUBJECTS During the introductory and intermediate stages the student will be enrolled in the following subjects: 1-Arabic grammar and eloquence (Nahw, Sarf and Balagha) 2-Islamic jurisprudence(Fiqh) 3-principles of jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh) 4-Philosophical studies such as logic, philosophy (Islamic& western), principles of faith (Ilm al-kalaam) 5-Quranic studies( sciences of the holy Quran and exegesis of the holy Quran) 6-Traditions& narrators of the traditions (Hadith and Rijal) 7-Morals and ethics (Akhlaq) 8-Islamic economy 9-Contemporary Islamic issues 10-Personal laws in Islam 11-History (Islamic& western) 12-Comparative religions 13-Dialogue and preaching (Khetabah) 14- Manners and sociology (Tarbeyah& Ijtema3) To view the list of the main books that are studied in Imam Hussain Hawza - Windsor, Canada - click on the link below: https://www.facebook.com/ihf.windsor/posts/1874860339445924:0 الخدمات *تتحمل المؤسسة تكاليف الدراسة عن الطلاب الجديين في الاستمرار بطلب العلم والملتزمين بضوابط الحوزة. * تأمين السكن لخصوص الطلاب الغير المتزوجين أو من لا ترافقه زوجته وذلك في سكن داخلي(غرف سكنية ،لوازم السكن: مطبخ وحمامات ووسائل غسل الثياب) يرجى من المضطر للسكن الداخلي ان يذكر ذلك في طلب الانتساب ويبين وضعه وذلك لمحدودية غرف السكن). * إعطاء شهادات علمية حوزوية تأخذ قيمتها من إرتباط جامعة الامام الحسين والقيِّمين عليها بالحوزات الكبرى في النجف الاشرف وقم المقدسة. وبالارتباط بالمراجع العظام مد ظلُّهم بواسطة الوكالات. كما تسعى لاخذ الرخصة من الجهات الرسمية لاعطاء شهادات جامعية في اختصاص العلوم الاسلامية معترف بها رسميا وفي الجامعات الاكاديمية. I.H.H Services 1. Tuition fees are covered by the foundation for students who are serious in continuing their studies and follow the rules and regulations of the Hawza 2. Residential accommodation is available for a limited number of single male students. Female students& married couples are expected to arrange their own accommodations. 3. Kitchen facility available (students are supposed to take care of their own food). I.H.H Degree Hawzas usually do not provide a degree like the academic universities. The students will be given a certificate of recognition showing the level of their education. This certificate is similar to the certificates given to students of Najaf and Qum seminaries (Hawzas). However I.H.H is planning to give its students an academic degree like B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. by affiliation and collaboration with other recognized universities giving these degrees in Islamic studies. شروط الانتساب 1- العمر: 16-26 سنة للدوام الكامل. 16 سنة فما فوق للدوام الجزئي. 2- حصول الطالب على شهادة تعريف بحسن السيرة والسلوك من اثنين من العلماء أو من الأشخاص المعروفين لدى الجامعة. 3- تعبئة استمارة الانتساب المعتمدة وتقديمها للحوزة. 4- صورتين فوتوغرافية حديثة. 5- التعهد بالالتزام بضوابط الجامعة والأخلاق الإسلامية والسلوك المناسب لطلبة العلوم الدينية. 6- النجاح في المقابلة وامتحان الدخول. 7- مقابلة مع سماحة الشيخ عبد المنعم شرارة، عميد الحوزة، قبل الإبتداء بالدروس. Admission Requirements The students should provide the following requirements: 1. Age must be 16-26 yrs of age for full-time studies. 2. Age must be 16 yrs and above for part-time studies. 3. Recommendation letter from two scholars who know the student. 4. Two recent photographs 5. Sign agreement of abiding rules& regulation of I.H.H. 6. Pass the interview. كيفية الانتساب 1- تقديم الطلب الى الحوزة شخصيا أو ارساله بالبريد على العنوان التالي 1485 JANETTE AVE,WINDSOR, ON, N8X 1Z2 CANADA TEL: (519) 256-7171 ext. 11 FAX: (519) 256-2727 2- تقديم الطلب بالبريد الالكتروني التالي hawzawindsor@gmail.com الصفحة الرسمية على الفيس بوك: Http://facebook.com/ihf.windsor Submission of Applications The students can submit their application in person, by mail or by e-mail. Address: 1485 Janette Ave. Windsor. Ontario (Canada) N8X 1Z2. Contact information Phone # 519-256-7171 ext 10 (for receptionist) Ext 11 (for Sheikh Abdul Menhem Charara) Ext 17 (for Sheikh Charara’s assistant) E-mail: hawzawindsor@gmail.com Official Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/ihf.windsor May Allah shower us all with his infinite blessings. And all Praise be to the Lord of the worlds, and may He send his blessings upon his perfect creations, Muhammed and his Holy progeny
  15. حوزة الامام الحسين (ع) في ويندزور كندا Imam Hussain (A.S.) Hawza in Windsor, Canada بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Imam Hussain Hawza would like to inform of its acceptance of new students for the year 2015-2016. The Hawza provides its students with the first two stages of Hawza: Muqadimat (introductory stage) and Sutooh (intermediate stage). Both of these stages require about 10 years to complete. During these 10 years, one learns several subjects such as 1-Islamic Beliefs 2-Islamic Jurisprudence 3-Islamic Morals 4-Logic 5-Arabic Grammar 6-Usool al-Fiqh 7- Other crucial subjects that a Hawza student is in need of. For most subjects, the student will study several books (from beginning to end), in order to have a good understanding and grasp of the subject. تعلن حوزة الإمام الحسين (عليه السلام) عن قبولها لطلاب جدد للعام الدراسي 2015-2016. تدرس في الحوزة مواد مرحلة المقدمات ومرحلة السطوح. تستغرق هاتان المرحلتان ما يقارب عشر سنين. في تلك المدة، يدرس الطالب موادا كثيرة، من ضمنها... 1- العقائد 2- الفقه 3- الأخلاق 4- المنطق 5- النحو 6-أصول الفقه 7- غيرها من المواد الهامة للطالب في أغلب المواد، يدرس الطالب كتبا عديدة (من بداية الكتاب الى نهايته) من أجل أن تصبح عنده المادة مفهومة،و يكون عنده استيعاب قوي لها. Requirements: -Every student who wishes to study part time or full time in Hawza has to be between 16& 26 years old. For those older than 26, they need to have previous Hawza education or a post-secondary degree in order to be enrolled in the Hawza. Otherwise, they might be permitted to attend classes just for the benefit of learning (this will need to be decided by the main office). - One must present two reference letters from people that are recognized by the Hawza. -Application must be filled out. -An interview with Sheikh Abdul-Menhem Charara, Dean of the Hawza, will be carried out before enrolling in classes. الشروط - كل من يريد الإنتساب الى الحوزة، لا بد أن يكون عمره بين 16- 26 سنة. من كان عمره يفوق 26 سنة، لا بد أن تكون عنده دراسة سابقة في \بعض المواد الحوزوية، أو شهادة دراسة آكاديمية. من لم يكن هذا الشرط متوفرا فيه، قد يسمح له بحضور الدروس من دون الإنتساب. - تقديم راسليتي تعريف من قبل أشخاص تعرفهم الحوزة. - ملأ إستمارة التسجيل. - مقابلة مع سماحة الشيخ عبد المنعم شرارة، عميد الحوزة، قبل الإبتداء بالدروس. Full-time studies: -Enrolling in fulltime studies means that the student will be studying all subjects taught in Hawza. The student will be taking classes 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday, 3-4 courses per day. *Each course is approx. 50 minutes long. * We might be in need of changing the schedule based on the administration's decision Part-time studies: Part-time students must meet with the administration to arrange and finalize their schedule تعطى الدروس في الحوزة كل يوم من الإثنين الى الجمعة، وتدرس 3-4 دروس يوميا. كل درس يستغرق 50 دقيقة. * قد يقتضي الحال بعض التغييرات حسب تقدير الادارة من لا يمكنه الإلتزام بهكذا دوام، يمكنه أن يدرس دراسة جزئية، بالتنسيق مع ادارة الحوزة Location- مكان الحوزة Imam Hussain Hawza is located @ 1485 Janette Ave. Windsor. Ontario (Canada) N8X 1X5. Phone # 519-256-7171 ext 10 (for receptionist) Ext 11 (for Sheikh Abdul Menhem Charara) Ext 17 (for Sheikh Charara’s assistant) You can email us at wiseman_02@hotmail.com Official Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/ihf.windsor May Allah shower us all with his infinite blessings. And all Praise be to the Lord of the worlds, and may He send his blessings upon his perfect creations, Muhammed and his Holy progeny
  16. Salam all, I had posted on the Community forum but I guess it seems to be the wrong place to post since there are no responses. Can anyone please advise urgently on Hajj groups from Canada?Or anyone I can call who organizes this? I haven't been able to find any Shia kafilas going from Canada - am currently outside the country but need to organize this at the earliest possible. I have noted that all the Sunni travel agents etc, have posted their packages, but no idea of Shia packages as yet? JazakAllah
  17. Salam Alaikum dear brothers and sister, My question is both simple and complicated. I am 29 year old male and looking for a religious (truly religious) and educated wife in Toronto (or Canada), I don't have problems traveling as I work for Air Canada. The problem is that there are no resources to find such person. The only matrimonial website I know is Shiamatch.com and there are almost no religious girls there. Can anyone direct me in the right direction in this matter please? I am religious, educated and a good-looking guy. Please advise and may Allah reward you for your efforts InshaAllah.
  18. Conflict & Justice Canada wants to revive diplomatic ties with Iran PRI's The World April 11, 2016 · 1:45 PM EDT By Matthew Bell (follow) 1 facebook Share on Facebook twitter Share on Twitter share Comment IMG_7804.jpg Soudeh Ghasemi, left, and Bijan Ahmadi are among the Iranian Canadians in Toronto who hope that Canada will normalize relations with Iran sooner than later. Credit: Matthew Bell The Canadians want to turn the page with Iran. And they’re taking a very different approach than their friends in the United States. Months after it went into effect, the Iran nuclear deal brokered by the Obama administration is attracting no small amount of flak, with some of the criticism even coming from the two signatories themselves. President Barack Obama recently faulted Tehran for failing to live up to the spirit of the nuclear deal by continuing with actions like its most recent round of missile tests. Meanwhile, Iranian leaders have dismissed the notion that the nuclear agreement would mark the start of a new closer relationship between the Islamic Republic and its longtime US enemies. A closer relationship is precisely what Canada's Justin Trudeau wants. Four years ago, it was a different story. The previous Canadian government — led by the Conservative Party — abruptly closed its embassy in Tehran and cut off diplomatic relations with the Iranians. Now, Trudeau's Liberal Party is running the show in Canada. And the government says it wants to normalize relations with Iran. Conservative Party leaders in Ottawa gave several reasons for abruptly cutting off relations with Iran in 2012. They cited Iran’s nuclear activities, its funding for Middle East terrorist groups, and its threats against the State of Israel. That might sound like solid reasoning. But Stephane Dion, the new Canadian foreign minister, says it was all a big mistake. “Canada’s severing of ties with Iran had no positive consequences for anyone: not for Canadians, not for the people of Iran, not for Israel, and not for global security,” Dion said last month. Currently, official Canadian business with Iran is conducted with the help of Italian diplomats in Iran. Dion said the arrangement doesn’t make sense. “Let’s not forget that the world was lucky that Canada had an embassy in Iran at the end of the 1970s so it could come to the aid of the American hostages. Two films have been made about this, one not very good, made by Hollywood, and the other much better, called Escape from Iran: The Canadian Caper.” Soudeh Ghasemi agrees with Dion’s assessment. She’s a 32-year-old accountant, born in Iran, who lives and works in Toronto. More than anything, Ghasemi says closing the Canadian embassy in Tehran has effectively punished ordinary Iranian Canadians and their relatives who still live in the Islamic Republic. “Like my grandparents,” she says. “They came to Canada before, once, when the Canadian embassy was open in Iran. But they can’t do that anymore, because they can’t travel to Turkey to get ... paperwork done.” Toronto is home to about 100,000 Iranians who settled in the area in waves over the decades, going back even before the 1979 Iranian revolution. And for them, too, the closing of the Iranian embassy in Canada has meant headaches. When Iranians in Canada need to get official paperwork sorted out for travelling to Iran or doing business there, the closest place they can do it is Washington, DC. The Pakistani Embassy there contains an Iranian Interests Section, which functions as a de facto diplomatic outpost for Iran’s government in the US — and since the closure of the embassy in Ottawa, Canada as well. And for Iranians, getting a visa to enter the US is rarely easy. But Bijan Ahmadi, a 29-year-old Toronto real estate developer who was born in Iran, says this is not just a matter of convenience. “Establishing a dialogue and diplomatic relations between Iran and Canada, it does not mean that these two countries are each other’s friends,” Ahmadi says. “It just means that there is a dialogue between these two countries. Both of them can actually stand on their positions regarding different issues and still talk to each other.” That is how you how you get things done, says Ahmadi and other like-minded Iranian Canadians. It’s also how you promote human rights in a country with a dismal track record like Iran’s. Besides, it’s good for business, too. Ahmadi and Ghasemi are both board members with a networking group in Toronto called the Iranian-Canadian Congress. They pointed out that their opinions represent their own views and not the official position of the organization. About once a month, the group sponsors a pub night for members and others to get together and have drinks, hang out and get to know each other. Arman Ahmadi (no relation to Bijan) is a 34-year-old banker who recently became a Canadian citizen. At a recent pub night event, he told me how excited he is about doing business with Iran. “Not just in banking, but also in every other industry,” he said. “There are major opportunities for Canadian companies in Iran.” “Iran has been deprived of investments for three decades now and there is like huge potential for growth,” Ahmadi said. Other young Iranians in Canada agree that the sky’s the limit. They look at Iran and see a country that’s beginning to access to the global financial system and see great promise. But not everyone is so sanguine. Ardeshir Zarezadeh works on immigration issues in Toronto. He’s also an outspoken advocate for human rights inside Iran, in part because of what he went through himself. “I was a leading student activist back in the country for years. And I had a role in Iranian student uprising in July 1999,” Zarezadeh said. “I was arrested 12 times. I spent two years in solitary confinement. I got seven years' jail sentence. And I had to flee the country.” Zarezadeh said that having a dialogue with Iran is fine, but he thinks the regime in Tehran is not capable of real reform. Canada needs to be aware of this, he said, and not be naïve. Zarezadeh said he wants Canada, the US and the rest of the international community to put more pressure on Iran to make fundamental changes in the way the government treats its people. He worries that doing business and making nice with Iran could end up giving the regime a free pass. Link/source to article:http://www.pri.org/stories/2016-04-11/canada-wants-revive-diplomatic-ties-iran
  19. Salaam, I am currently following Sistani, however I am looking into other Maraji's, I live in Canada and would like somebody with more moderate views and easily accessible. Currently I am researching Sayyid Reza Hosseini Nassab. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Syeda
  20. Salam Alaikum Here are a few videos of the Imam Hussain Annual Arbaeen Procession 1437/2015 - Windsor, Canada فيديو مسيرة اربعين الامام الحسين (ع) ١٤٣٧ في وندزر، كندا Imam Hussain Annual Arbaeen Procession 1437 in Windsor, Canada http://youtu.be/Q9Zbjc5phDg مسيرة اربعين الامام الحسين (ع) ١٤٣٧ في وندزر، كندا - تقرير خبري باللغة الانجليزية Arbaeen Procession 1437 - Windsor, Canada - English News report http://youtu.be/lgnCh3DGIgM مسيرة اربعين الامام الحسين (ع) ١٤٣٧ في وندزر، كندا - تقرير خبري باللغة العربية Arbaeen Procession 1437 - Windsor, Canada - Arabic News report http://youtu.be/Qjvw3czHuy0 كلمة باللغة الانجليزية للاخ احمد بزي في مسيرة الاربعين ١٤٣٧ في وندزر، كندا English speech by brother Ahmed Bazzi in the Arbaeen Procession 1437 - Windsor, Canada http://youtu.be/L0tLiH_xWYE كلمة باللغة العربية للشيخ علي عيديبي في مسيرة الاربعين ١٤٣٧ في ونذزر، كندا Arabic speech by Shaikh Ali Aideebi in the Arbaeen Procession 1437- Windsor, Canada http://youtu.be/NVO__6S54iI
  21. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/programs/metromorning/mosque-arson-1.3338909 In Canada, Jews are inviting Muslims to pray in their synagogue. If the situation was reversed, would Muslims permit Jews to pray in their mosques?
  22. I'm looking for short stay in Calgary and Edmonton preferably in a Muslim house. Kindly reply asap if someone would like to help.
  23. Salaams, Does anybody have a general idea of how many people go to the Hawza in Qom to study (from the UK/Canada/US) every year? Mainly asking about young ages, 16-20 age range...
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