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  1. Myanmar closes mosque in further crackdown on Muslims (AhlulBayt News Agency) - The Myanmar regime has closed a mosque and a seminary in the country’s commercial region of Yangon in further crackdown on Muslims in the Buddhist majority nation. A local newspaper the Voice Daily claimed that three buildings were chained shut on Wednesday, after it was found that they were being used as a mosque and seminary, without official permission, at Kywe Pone Lay village in Okkan Township, about 100 kilometres north of Yangon. Township administrator Myo Lwin claimed that the closure was to prevent problems in Okkan area which had seen an anti-Muslim riot in 2013. The riot had begun after a Muslim woman accidentally bumped into a monk, breaking his begging bowl in Okkan town. Hundreds of rampaging Buddhists armed with bricks stormed into Muslim villages, calling the accident an assault. A Muslim man was killed in the attack. Also, two mosques and 150 houses and shops owned by Muslims were destroyed by the mob. The incident in Yangon comes amidst an ongoing brutal crackdown and persecution of ethnic Rohingya Muslims in the country’s Rakhine state. The United Nations has established a fact-finding mission to investigate crimes against humanity committed by Myanmar's military during renewed brutal crackdown against Muslims which started last October. The country’s de-facto leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, who was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 1991, has been criticized by more than a dozen fellow laureates for the armed response. They wrote an open letter to the UN Security Council warning of a tragedy “amounting to ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity” in Rakhine state. Rakhine State in west Myanmar has seen the most serious violence perpetrated against Muslims in predominantly Buddhist Myanmar since the military began to end its decades of strict rule. Reports indicate that thousands of Rohingya Muslims killed and hundreds of thousands displaced there in attacks by government forces and extremists Buddhists since in 2012 in a deliberate state-backed policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide. According to the UN, the Rohingya Muslims are one of the most persecuted minorities in the world. http://en.abna24.com/news/east-asia/myanmar-closes-mosque-in-further-crackdown-on-muslims_845973.html
  2. Salam aleykum, Brothers and sisters, please take a moment out of your days to learn about or remind yourself about the suffering of our Rohingya muslim brothers and sisters in Myanmar that are systematically being killed and oppressed by the extremist buddhist government and its soldiers. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/burma-rohingya-muslim-babies-children-slaughtered-knives-massacre-genocide-un-warns-a7561711.html "One mother recounted in the report how her five-year-old daughter was trying to protect her from rape when a man “took out a long knife and killed her by slitting her throat”, while in another case an eight-month-old baby was reportedly killed while his mother was gang-raped by five security officers." And... this is just from today: "Burma: 400 killed amid 'massacre' of Rohingya Muslims, army says" http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/urma-rohingya-muslims-killed-massacre-highlands-armed-forces-army-soldiers-terror-a7924411.html So many of these supposedly "muslims" from all over the world travelling to join daesh(la) over time, because they worry about the state of islam, where are these hypocrite takfiris now? They speak of shia death squads in Iraq who come and kill sunni muslims, what about these sunni muslims? Their care does not reach to Burma? May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى curse all self serving hypocrites. Brothers and sisters, please share these poor oppressed peoples situation, nobody is going to care if nobody knows, why such silence on their state? Please pray for the faraj of our beloved Imam(ajf) and for the return of justice.
  3. Quoting after the official Ahlul Bayt News Agency's Report (2008): the number of Shia population in the State of Myanmar (Burma) stands at c. 40.000 (the PEW estimates are: c. 20.000, though). Regretfully, Burma shows a track record of severe persecution of minorities - most notably Muslims. Whereas a much larger Sunni community attracts international coverage, local Shias seem to be ignored and forgotten by the World. Correct me if I am wrong. My question is - are there any Shia initiatives aimed at helping Burmese brothers and sisters? I guess that the Burmese Shias might be marginal from the point of view of a global distribution of Shia population, yet there not many countries where the Shia situation is worse.
  4. Of all the moral precepts instilled in Buddhist monks the promise not to kill comes first, and the principle of non-violence is arguably more central to Buddhism than any other major religion. So why have monks been using hate speech against Muslims and joining mobs that have left dozens dead? This is happening in two countries separated by well over 1,000 miles of Indian Ocean - Burma and Sri Lanka. It is puzzling because neither country is facing an Islamist militant threat. Muslims in both places are a generally peaceable and small minority. read on: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22356306
  5. Its one thing to ask for international help and for citizenship in the country you were born in. Its another thing to start a serial lying campaign in order to attract sympathisers to your cause. Many rohingya are lying and claiming that the rakhine buddhist mrauk-u state in arakan was a rohingya muslim state ruled by a rohingya. They are also claiming arakan was "indian land" for 1,000 years. This bull[Edited Out] was repeated by saudi and pakistani islamists, about mrauk-u being rohingya. The rohingya ARE descendants of bengalis who moved into mrauk-u when it was independent and during british rule, when britian took over both bangladesh and burma. If people want to tell lies and claim rohingya are indigineous to arakan, where did the rakhine come from? The rakhine are not bamar. The rakhine feel victimized by both the bamar rulers of burma, and rohingya, they claim that the rohingya are trying to take over arakan through a massive birthrate. It was their state that was invaded and conquered by burma in 1785. People are just listening to the rohingyas side of the story, and ignoring anything the rakhine say. Everything the rohingya are saying, like about mrauk u is unquestionable being accepted by the media. The bamar are against the rohingya because they see them a mass of brown skinned people with a different culture and background. There are bengalis in britain. If the british were to start stripping citizenship from british born bengalis, it is a human rights violation. But if these bengalis started claiming they were in britain for 1,000 years, that the british empire was ruled by bengali muslim kings, and that britain is part of the indian subcontinent, and english people are invaders, i would start losing my sympathy for them really fast. Saudi arabia does not grant citizenship to non muslims, and has not granted citizenship to south asian migrant workers. For saudis to criticize burma is massive hypocrisy. Burma and thailand both received massive amounts of both chinese muslims and non muslim chinese over the past 200 years, and both have mostly granted them citizenship. Chinese muslims are not seen as a racial threat, they don't have dark skin and are succesful merchants, which means they don't live in refugee camps or rely on NGOs which the rohingya do. Sincw the rohingya get help from ngos many rakhine fear they will be overrun by their birthrate
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