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  1. Foreward I dedicate this short and simple post to all the buddhists in search of answers and that have a open mind in questioning their religion. Introduction Buddhism is a relatively large religion in East asia and Sri lanka.there are millions of estimated western Buddhists.Buddhism presents itself as a logical religion in contradiction to superstitious Theism.Buddhism rejects Theism as coherent.in this book,I want to present the logical case against basic buddhist philosophy and present the philosophical,rational and Scientific case for Theism. it is not meant to offend anyone's religious sensibilities.I am a former buddhist and understand its appeal.but I do not believe it is the truth. What Buddhist Philosophies teach and their refutations. 1.Dependant origination Dependant origination is the dharma.Buddha said that' dependant origination is the dhamma'.the entirety of Buddhist philosophy is tied into dependant origination and logically is connected to it.if it falls,all of Buddhism falls.So I have chosen to examine this closely first. Dependant origination states that a thing does not come into being except being dependant on something else,infinitely.it is based on one necassery concept: True Arising.wich means exnihilo. Absolute Dependant origination is the idea,in contradiction to Theism that all things are dependantely risen rather then a creation being merely contigent on a higher power (weaker dependant origination).in this case,higher power would be free from being dependently originated so it isn't 'Absolute' . The first way to refute dependant arising,is to refute exnihilo creation.exnihilo creation cannot be an actual thing because nothing,a true nothing produces nothing. all arisings outside a omnipotent creator could be termed as exnihilo.something cannot concretely arise from itself,other unless that other were omnipotent with infinite power in qualitativeness,both or neither.Ju mipham the Tibetan scholar recognized this fact 1 1.Four Great Logical Arguments of the Middle Way by Mipham Rinpoche and Khenpo Nüden 2.Shunyata Shunyata or 'emptiness empty of itself' is a Mahayana Buddhist concept that means that there is no ground of being and nothing can thus be said to be permanent.Nagarjuna the eminent Buddhist Philosopher and the founder of this concept said that all arisings and cessations were like a Hare's horn in his Mulamadhyamakakarika .but if all Arisings and cessations are like a hare's horn or son of a barren woman,then there must exist either something permanent or pervasive nothingness! The fact that Nagarjuna did not come to this logical conclusion despite being very bright is because he was a buddhist and believed in dependant origination.so he had to come to the logical conclusion of dependant arising wich is impermanence and groundlessness!But this concept simply cannot be true.Nagarjuna refuted his own philosophy by likening arising as the horn of a hare. 3.Kshanabhangavada Kshanabhangavada is a concept in all buddhist philosophies except the recent pali school,wich is radical momentariness.a individual atom or mind arises and ceases in an instant.nothing is permanent.a atom is replaced by another atom and a mind of an individual is replaced by a mind within less than a second.But if this were true,how could things arise?they would arise out of nothing!once the atom or mind has perished,a new one springs up to take its place.but how can this be possible?it cannot.its an absurd concept.like dependant arising,buddhists basically Believed that things pop up out of nothing! 4.Meditation Meditation is a practice within buddhism to find enlightenment.it calms the mind,relieves stress and provides clarity.so they say.but there is also a dark side of meditation.a Recent major study says that 1/4 of advanced regular meditators experience unwanted and negative side effects like terror,sadness,doubt and depressive symptoms.2 2 .https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6508707/ Nibbana/Nirvana Nirvana is the concept of liberation from the cycle of birth and death in Buddhism.in Theravada,this is basically extinction because it is a breaking up of the mental aggregates at the time of death of a Buddha or Arahant.in Mahayana,there is no mind or sensation anymore according to the Sandhirmocana Sutra and a Buddha acts based on past volition and merit(despite having no alayavijnana or mindstream to hold that past karma or past volition!).so it is basically extinction aswell.this is not desirable to most people if they knew what this was. the philosophical proof against Shunyata Philosophy has also made proofs against Buddhist shunyata(where a unconditioned reality that is concrete cannot exist) There Can Only Be Two Types of Concrete Realities: 1.Conditioned Reality: Any reality that depends on something for its existence. For example, a Cow depends on its organs, the organs depend on cells, the cells depend on molecules, which depend on atoms,wich depend on electrons,wich depend on Quarks and so forth. This dependence is simultaneous at every moment the conditioned reality exists. 2.Unconditioned Reality: Any reality that is self-sufficient, i.e. does not depend on anything else for its existence. This is what is called'(God). any conditioned reality depends upon another reality in order to exist by definition. Any conditioned Concrete reality, must depend upon: a finite number of conditioned realities alone or an infinite number of conditioned realities alone or a finite number of conditioned realities and at least one unconditioned reality A conditioned reality cannot be caused by a finite series of conditioned realities: If there is a linear series of conditioned Dharma, what would the first one depend on? Since it must depend on something, and there is nothing before it, the whole chain ceases to exist. Thus a linear chain of conditioned realities cannot exist. Additionally, a circular finite chain of conditioned realities could not exist either. This would simply result in each conditioned reality fulfilling their own conditions, which is against the definition of a conditioned Dharma. Conditioned realities cannot exist in an infinite Series either. A very large unlimited of number conditioned realities cannot exist,. As the number of conditioned realities in a series increases, the result continues to be non-existence. Continuously adding to the end of the chain would never allow for the conditions of existence to be satisfied, thus the entire infinite chain of conditioned Dharmas would never have its conditions fulfilled. If an infinite (I am granting Buddhists the notion that a actual Infinite can exist in quantity of concrete things for the sake of argument,I do not Believe this.Set theory does not help because its applicable only to abstractions)series of conditioned realities could exist on its own, the complete set of infinite conditioned reality would be an unconditioned reality. However, this is impossible because an unconditioned dharma cannot depend upon an aggregate of conditioned realities . if this were the case, it would be conditioned. Therefore, a set of infinite conditioned realities is itself a conditioned reality, and fails to exist on its own. Since any model made up entirely of conditioned realities can never have their conditions fulfilled, every conditioned reality must be caused by a series of realities that ends (or begins its ontological Series) with an unconditioned concrete reality. if the series of conditioned realities regresses ad infinitum without an unconditioned reality the series itself would be equivalent to nothing. if the series regresses infinitely to more and more fundamental conditions that have the same existential status as the aforementioned conditions, then the search for the fulfillment of conditions would go on endlessly. But if the search for the fulfillment of conditions would go on endlessly, then every hypothetical conditioned reality in the series would never have its conditions fulfilled and thus would never come into existence. No matter where we’re at in the series we’ll always come to a conditioned reality that is nonexistent because it is existentially dependent upon other nonexistent conditioned realities. So a unconditioned reality must exist. this reality must also be absolute pure being and unique,at least one unconditioned reality must exist in all of reality. I believe and will demonstrate based on Father Robert Spitzer's new arguments for the existance of God that this reality is what is absolutely unique, immutable, immaterial, eternal, perfect, personal, all-powerful, etc. The Reason it must be absolute pure existance is because the realities of our experience are restricted to particular modes of existance. They have distinguishing and diversifying principles that makes them this instead of that. These diversifying principles constitute what philosophers call restrictions or boundaries. These diversifying principles are Spatial,Temporal or by way of being.such restrictions cause exclusion between existents and make for incompatible states of being.even though two existents may exist in the same way , they still can be separated from one another due to Temporal or spatial restrictions.Basically,restrictions (or boundaries) exclude and make for incompatibility.the less exclusive and more compatible a thing is with other realities, the fewer restrictions it has to limit its mode of being (less boundaries)—that is to say the simpler it is.if the unconditioned reality was restricted in its mode of existence by matter, then it would be restricted by a spatial restriction since all matter has extension in space – it would exist here instead of there. Now, such an intrinsic restriction would allow for a real or really possible incompatible state of being that would be excluded from it. But recall that the unconditioned reality cannot have any real or really possible incompatible states of being on the same level of simplicity that would be excluded from it less we end up with an intrinsic contradiction. Therefore, the unconditioned reality cannot be restricted in its mode of existence by a spatial restriction. And if the unconditioned reality cannot be restricted by a spatial restriction, then it cannot be restricted by matter. In other words, it must be immaterial. 12 links and the aggregates In Buddhism there are 12 links of dependant arising wich explain how the aggregate of the person is apparently formed.they are as follows(From Wikipedia):Ignorance-volitional impulses-sensual consciousness-sense objects-Six fold sense bases-contact-sensation-thirst or craving-attachment or clinging-becoming-birth-aging ,death etc these links however explain an apparent why of aggregation but now a How.the mental factors and atoms cannot aggregate themselves.if the atoms for example aggregated by nature,there could be no release or dissolution.if they repelled by nature,there could be no joining.it follows that they are neutral.since they are neutral,we must explain how they come together.and the most parsimonious explanation is a personal creator.
  2. Death and the Self Shaun Nichols , Nina Strohminger , Arun Rai , Jay Garfield First published: 22 January 2018 It is an old philosophical idea that if the future self is literally different from the current self, one should be less concerned with the death of the future self (Parfit, 1984). This paper examines the relation between attitudes about death and the self among Hindus, Westerners, and three Buddhist populations (Lay Tibetan, Lay Bhutanese, and monastic Tibetans). Compared with other groups, monastic Tibetans gave particularly strong denials of the continuity of self, across several measures. We predicted that the denial of self would be associated with a lower fear of death and greater generosity toward others. To our surprise, we found the opposite. Monastic Tibetan Buddhists showed significantly greater fear of death than any other group. The monastics were also less generous than any other group about the prospect of giving up a slightly longer life in order to extend the life of another. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/cogs.12590
  3. Salam aleykum, Brothers and sisters, please take a moment out of your days to learn about or remind yourself about the suffering of our Rohingya muslim brothers and sisters in Myanmar that are systematically being killed and oppressed by the extremist buddhist government and its soldiers. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/burma-rohingya-muslim-babies-children-slaughtered-knives-massacre-genocide-un-warns-a7561711.html "One mother recounted in the report how her five-year-old daughter was trying to protect her from rape when a man “took out a long knife and killed her by slitting her throat”, while in another case an eight-month-old baby was reportedly killed while his mother was gang-raped by five security officers." And... this is just from today: "Burma: 400 killed amid 'massacre' of Rohingya Muslims, army says" http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/urma-rohingya-muslims-killed-massacre-highlands-armed-forces-army-soldiers-terror-a7924411.html So many of these supposedly "muslims" from all over the world travelling to join daesh(la) over time, because they worry about the state of islam, where are these hypocrite takfiris now? They speak of shia death squads in Iraq who come and kill sunni muslims, what about these sunni muslims? Their care does not reach to Burma? May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى curse all self serving hypocrites. Brothers and sisters, please share these poor oppressed peoples situation, nobody is going to care if nobody knows, why such silence on their state? Please pray for the faraj of our beloved Imam(ajf) and for the return of justice.
  4. Dear All Calgary Alberta has thrown the gauntlet to other big cities in uniting religions instead of dividing them. An Inter-faith week was celebrated recently and winners were announced. For anyone interested, their website is http://worldinterfaithharmonyweek.com/ They are represented on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/world.interfaith.harmony.week/ The parent organisations are http://www.acommonword.com/ http://ammanmessage.com/ http://www.islambuddhism.com/ http://www.altafsir.com/ Also represented are http://rissc.jo/?mc_cid=ba39356111&mc_eid=aa0c94c60c and http://www.aalalbayt.org/en/ Let us hope our little planet could benefit from this peace venture. Cheers
  5. Of all the moral precepts instilled in Buddhist monks the promise not to kill comes first, and the principle of non-violence is arguably more central to Buddhism than any other major religion. So why have monks been using hate speech against Muslims and joining mobs that have left dozens dead? This is happening in two countries separated by well over 1,000 miles of Indian Ocean - Burma and Sri Lanka. It is puzzling because neither country is facing an Islamist militant threat. Muslims in both places are a generally peaceable and small minority. read on: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22356306
  6. According to latest stats: India-49% of men are actively seeking or indulging in extra-marital affairs. Women don't lag much behind. Pakistan-7% of men are actively seeking or indulging in extra-marital affairs (they are the next highest offender!) Egypt-6% of men are actively seeking or indulging in extra-marital affairs Saudi Arabia-5% of men are actively seeking or indulging in extra-marital affairs In India too, Hindu couples are the highest on the infidelity index, Indian Muslims being on the lowest in India, apparently that's one bad thing they have not assimilated themselves yet into, but that's a different discussion. Thanks to Islam which puts even heavier legal penalties on illicit affairs between married couple, while the legal penalties of non-married illicit affairs being already very strong and in most cases deterring.
  7. The Buddha said…”When I recall the past, I remember that I was the king of a great state…My name was Senyo, and I loved and venerated the Mahayana sutras…When I heard the Brahmins slandering the vaipulya sutras, I put them to death on the spot. Good men, as a result of that action, I never thereafter fell into hell. O good man! When we accept and defend the Mahayana sutras, we possess innumerable virtues.” [3] More: http://www.loonwatch.com/2012/07/warrior-monks-the-untold-story-of-buddhist-violence-i/
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