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  1. (salam) This is a public service message to the community at large in regards to an individual who is purporting to be a scholar of the howza. I am aware of the sensitive nature of these types of subjects, and I am only doing this as a duty for the believers to not become misguided by such individuals. This particular individual has been warned by others about his behavior but thus far has not heeded these words. His own statements and behavior actually expose him on their own, and when reading the things that he writes one can see clearly already that he is not a person who carries the akhlaq and wisdom of Ahlulbayt (as). However what is important here is he is damaging the institution and the Maraja in the eyes of the people. This individual is going by the name of "Brother Tawheedi". He has set up for him self a facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/BrotherTawhidi As well as a twitter page: https://twitter.com/BrotherTawhidi He is also in the process of starting his own website, which (alhamdulillah) at this point is not functional: http://www.tawhidi.com/ He has been speaking at various venues internationally.
  2. Salams, I'm struggling with a little, (excessive so to speak) problem. I am always doubting whether I've performed something correctly or not, and later doubt its validity. For example, I'd perform ghusl al janaba, make sure I'm absolutely sure there's nothing left on my body. But hours later, I'd find like for example a miniscule white crumb-like something on my upper back and start thinking where I went wrong lol. I start beginning to assume that's the najasah, but then I was so sure I removed it whilst performing ghusl. That how would it have made its way to my back, and that too just being the size of one singular little crumb? For more background, it was dry, flat and felt crumb like, as opposed to a small congealed ball which I would expect is najasah. And I can't make up my mind whether it is or not, as I was so certain I scrubbed, washed and wiped everything off of my body. Do I just ignore it? Mind you this isn't a one off, I regularly find myself doubting the validity of my ghusls, mainly because of these reasons, that I end up scrubbing my body so hard it hurts. It happens so often that I'd restart the ghusl a - z. And even deep down, na3audabillah, I find myself starting to stray away from faith. Because im finding it too tumultuous and difficult if its like this..
  3. My brother is athiest, and he allegedly had relations with persian and indian women. Any way peoplein my city started saying my brother is shia and im not and he willget the women and i wont!!! The blacks inmy city keep saying my brother is shia and know he is not muslim. He doesnt follow shia but i try to and they have most of the town on the side of my brother and biased against me, i think there trying to get to me. The people in my city are kafirs, i thinkthey are trying to replace me with my brother, they stole my imam hussain shirt and gave it to my brother, eventhough he doent follow shia really, they think he will get girls in shia. Thesepeople are insane and they are being immature and weird. What should ido and how should i handle the situation?
  4. Allameh Sayyed Mohammed Ali Fazlollah passes away (+Photos) http://en.abna24.com/news//allameh-sayyed-Mohammed-Ali-fazlollah-passes-away-photos_956886.html July 1, 2019 - 9:54 PM News Code : 956886 Source : ABNA24Link: Allameh Sayyed Mohammed Ali Fazlollah, the brother of Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammed Hussain Fazlollah, one of Lebanese Shiite scholars and former member of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly passed away. The official site of Allameh Sayyed Mohammed Hussain Fazlollah announced the funeral and burial of the Grand Allameh. Allameh Fazlollah's funeral ceremony will held on Monday in the Majma al-Amin al-Hasanein in Haret Hreik in Lebanon. The body of Allamah Fazlollah will be buried in Bint Jbeil at 8:00 AM on Tuesday.
  5. Karbala, Karbala Karbala, Karbala Hussain was slain His family in pain No soldiers had remained Women in chains Children in pain Yazid is to be blamed But this is not what remains From the land of Karbala The knight in flames The charging man No child slept The women all wept The sound of cries The orphans’ sighs Blood shed from the ones who died But this is not what remains From the land of Karbala Karbala, Karbala Karbala, Karbala Hossein wrote with his blood On the sand of Karbala La ilaaha illa Allah Muhammad rasul Allah This is all that remains From the land of Karbala La ilaaha illa Allah Muhammad rasul Allah Karbala, Karbala Karbala, Karbala
  6. Hi all, As you may have noticed, our dear and beloved brother @Zendegi unregistered his account and has forever left us. He will be missed, and his contributions to ShiaChat were amazing. The reason why Zendegi left this forum is clear. He did not want to be here as long as I was present. He did not like my posts about Iran and Iranians in general. While he enjoyed the company of all of you, he was hurt by my actions. After he left ShiaChat, I had a great feeling of guilt and sadness that a ShiaChat member left because of me. I never intended for this to happen. I did not mean to chase off a fellow ShiaChat user, and now I regret it. This is it from me, this will be my last post. I would like to apologize to all ShiaChatters for my actions, as I am deeply sorry. I would like to thank the ShiaChat moderators for the respect they gave me, even though I did not deserve it. MuhammadXII
  7. So basically my older brother and younger brother i feel are starting to detach from each other and me. They're really religious but just need a push does anyone have any islamic brother quotes that i could tell them that would help? every answer will mean a lot to me. may Allah reward you
  8. Salam, Does anybody here know about Sayed Sistani's brother? All i can find on the internet is these pictures; Someone says that he is killed by Iranian regime. Is this true?
  9. First off, I should explain I do not come from a Muslim family. While my father and mother are christian, my brother does not seem to be religious in any way (at least not outwardly). This story starts in December of last year, a few weeks after he started dating this girl. He told us that she was 18 and that she was about to graduate high school and all that. However, I started getting messages from some of his former friends, telling me that she was actually 16 years old. I was, at first, shocked but also not convinced. After all, these were his former friends, and I didn't know if they were just trying to start trouble. Still, I confronted him, and he assured me they were lying. Still, I couldn't let it rest (while I love my brother dearly, I am sad to say he is not very trustworthy.) Turns out they were right. Some snooping on instagram revealed she was, indeed, only 16. And newly turned 16 at that. My first fear was the law, but where I live in the US the age of consent is 16. Next, my fears went to family. Legal or otherwise, if my parents found out they would be furious. He just got off probation and I didn't want to see him fall down again. So I confronted him again, and we had a deep, rather heated, discussion. Long story short, I told him that as family I'd always have his back, but that I did not necessarily approve of the relationship. I thought that was the end of that. However, today, one of his former friends started messaging me again, talking about how I was an "a-lister" and my brother a pedophile, and began posting things on Facebook. He didn't name any one, but it's very obvious. I'm not sure what to do, especially if this blows up in his face. I personally do not feel threatened by this guy, but I worry about my family back home.
  10. (salam) brothers and sisters I've come back to SC after a long time to ask for prayers and Dua for my brother, who was discovered to have a tumor and must therefore undergo surgery. Please pray that the tumor is not a malignant one, and that he is as good as new once this ordeal is over and done with. Also, keep me, my mother and my father in those prayers too as we are all very shaken up by this, since this truly is a strenuous test from Allah SWT. Thank you Fi Amanillah
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