It seems to me that Breakups are a bit of a taboo around us. Despite our best efforts at being non-judgmental, there seems to be a lot of pressure to make things work your first time. Or to make them work, period. Now this can be a good thing, to instill in us the essential values of patience and compromise. We've all seen those cases where immaturity leads to disaster. And if you're even in a borderline open-minded community, cases of physical abuse or blatant disregard of Sharia are considered valid reasons to break up. But anyone who's been there knows that there is no fine line there. My question is, what happens when you're mature (the people around you second that), you try to make it work (a couple years), and you're still not sure about the relationship? When you can't really explain your reasons to the people closest to you, or even yourself? Let's say hypothetically that the family's great, and the guy can be trusted not to intentionally do anything against Sharia. But he comes from a different background, has different views on what it means to be conservative and supportive and just how much a woman should be submissive to a guy. Bottom line, you have doubts. What would you do? Is there anyone out there with a case that sounds similar? I'd also love to hear from anyone on their second try, relationship-wise. Thanks!