Since, fall of Saddam Hussien in 2003, Iraqi government failed to create a national identity. Today when you go to Iraq your either Shi'a, Sunni, Kurd, ect. There is no national sprite, bribery is very common, security is nonexistent, and each group is trying to obtain as much power as possible. Political posts have turned into securing foreign allies, based on sectarian lines, and security posts have turned into a tool to make a fortune, not to serve the county. The military's loyalty not lies with the country anymore. Under secularist Ba'ath government (60s-2003) Iraqi people had strong national identity. They considered themselves Iraqi first then shia and or sunni. Because of this, Iraqi education, health system, economy, military, and industries grew at faster pace then anyone could imagined . Iraq diversified its economy, so it could shift toward heavy industry from oil. The focus of the government was to develop its agriculture industries, petroleum sector, and military complex. All of theses developments were to achieve a self-sufficiency, which was almost a reality before Gulf War (1991). Iraqi people who served under Saddam Hussien (Ba'ath Party members) are not allowed to server in any governmental positions today. They fell like they are abandoned by their country, and everything they did for the last ten years was not enough to prove that they are Iraq's sons, not Saddam's men. Should Iraq legalize Ba'ath Party once again? Why or why not? PLEASE NOTE: This post is not about shia, sunni, and or Iran. It is only about Iraq and its future.