The Imam Ali Knowledge Foundation (IAKF) is pleased to present its second "Journey in Noor" spiritual retreat in Auckland, New Zealand to be held on December 21-28, 2014. We continue our tradition of enlightening your hearts and enriching your lives through our unique multidimensional and internationally participated retreat "Journey in Noor 2014" . Top renowned scholars will bring you the treasures of the Quran and the knowledge of the Ahlul Bayt a.s. Gaining knowledge and contemplation are the two most emphasised acts of worship in Islam. Some of the planned topics include Islamic Logic (Mantiq), Life after Death in the Quran, the Human in Islamic Mysticism, and Vices of the Soul from the 40 Ahadith of Imam Khomeini (ra). To register or for more information, visit our website: The retreat is open to international participants.