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  1. Guest

    Oil paints and wudu

    Salam, Has anyone, who has worked with oil paints, had issues with paint not coming off easily? How do you deal with it when you have to perform wudu or ghusl, especially if the paint is on your hair too? And after cleaning it thoroughly, you still find bits of it here and there, and its hectic when you keep finding these bits after wudu.
  2. I decided to take the cover photo of the Shi'a community on Reddit (https://reddit.com/r/shia/) and make some edits to it. It's supposed to look like the Kiswah of the Ka'abah. I decided to make the Arabic on the Kiswah appear as these chain like structures as it went well with the minimalistic theme and also because it seems like the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم).w and his Progeny (عليه السلام).w.s are a Holy Chain of Allah, in addition to being the physical manifestation of His commands etc. All rights to the original image of the shrines belong to its owner. Original: Edited: A high quality 4K resolution version can be found through this link: https://mega.nz/file/Z4gkwB4Y#pWfX1kTHv9lGhWSbz1Wtz-h1LBjn4ifqljupk5DCozM JazakAllah
  3. ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ SC community! @313 Seeker @A_A @Mohammad313Ali @Hayy ibn Yaqzan @Ashvazdanghe Here's a little something I made just now using a pine plaque & my single-temperature pyrograph iron (think of a soldering iron but with interchangeable tips if you don't know what I'm talking about). I used watercolor paint to add some nice color to it after I was done burning in the design. I still need a lot of practice before I can begin making and selling pieces as some side-stream income, but I made this to put on my wall to remind me of the أَهْلُ ٱلْبَيْتِ‎ I'm liking the idea of doing names and designs moreso than living beings or creatures. Insha'Allah, I will do more of these and related designs now that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) has steadied my hands somewhat.
  4. Zulfiqar also spelled Dulfigar is said to have been wielded by a our Master and Wali Ali Ibn Abi Talib (عليه السلام). Historically depicted as a scissor-like double bladed sword on Muslim flags, adopted by Sunni and Shia armies. It is commonly shown in Shia depictions of Ali and in the form of jewelry, art, and also functioning as a talisman to ward off the evil eye. The Sword is revered by the Muslim military class regardless of sect, country and empire. It was highly revered by ottoman janissaries, and elite fighting groups throughout the Islamic world. It would have to been a common sight for Muslim Warriors to engrave a quote mentioning Dulfiqar and the man who struck fear in the hearts of his enemies. This tradition has continued to modern times, where the militaries of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan have named their Weaponry after Dulfiqar. In this thread we will discuss the origins, myths, legendary status of the sword and its wielder, the philosophy behind the sword, the sentimental value of the sword, the symbology of The Sword and the depiction of the sword and the origins of the sword. Videos and pictures are much appreciated also all thoughts and ideas are welcome. Special thanks to Wikipedia for helping me write this subject. According to wikiwand this picture is a fatimid 10 century depiction of Dulfiqar. Its interesting because it isnt depicted in anyway way we imagine the sword. In the Islamic world we collectively imagine the shimshir , curved sword. Now let the madness begin.
  5. Should Muslims Teach Their Kids Art?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVwbeQjafuA Any artistic Muslims in the house ? Muslim Artists say I! Aren't we so.... under rated .... Like if you agree ^_^ I was given a few questions to ponder over by a fellow hijabi artist, writer! sister Na'ima B Robert- Do You Agree? Anything To Add?
  6. What does Islam say about writing fiction stories such as novels or short stories? I am not talking about adult or horror stories, although i am fascinated by horror and I am currently writing a horror story but I might never share it with anyone if it crosses the line. I find the art of story writing to be an excellent accompaniment to my psychology studies. By exploring different characters and their states of mind it helps me to deal with issues in my own life too, especially childhood. I enjoy creating chemistry between different characters. Writing stories also helps me to relax and express myself which has been a major issue in my life. I also think it has the potential to promote positivity in society between people and address complicated issues. Is there anything that islam does not allow in writing or reading fiction stories?
  7. Salam alaikum Im in need of a book designer for islamic books. Pls pm me so we can talk further.
  8. I found life is wonderful when I began painting. It's true that art, literature, and music color our life. This church is in Britain where my friend's mother got married. Now she is over 90. I want to capture this beautiful memory for her, so I drew this work. Hope you like it.
  9. (bismillah) I was looking for a thread dedicated to Islamic art but couldn't find one so I thought I'd go ahead and make one for all of the ShiaChat artists here. Here are some things I've painted. Feel free to add your own art on here as well (or any cool pieces you find somewhere)!
  10. I am hesitant at this, my history with religions has not always been great. I used to go to church, and I honestly always felt sick, because I kept seeing sights of my people being hurt by christianity, and so I my body literally rejected it. I have been working on a book, an accumulation of my life's journey so far. I had made something for myself with it. I then had a dream that I was to speak with a muslim, so I looked for a Islamic community online. A very kind soul and student told me to come to this site, and she helped me navigate through my own understanding and what Islam had to say with the subjects I think about it in my time. One of my goals and understanding, is controlling my symptoms, having them work for me, and not hinder me, but empower me. this is the second page, and it describes the use of something I understand that has meaning in Sanskrit as love. and this is the 4th page, which talks about my comprehension of heaven. I have been using a white hawk feather and blue ink to scribe this out. I don't know if this is good or if I should scrap everything completely. but what I plan on doing later, is creating more complex designs that describe more and more of aspects of life and death, and show my own understanding I have gained from life.
  11. (bismillah) Regarding the topic of arts and crafts, are there any ahadith from Ahlul Bayt (as) that promote or demote arts and crafts? Is it permissible to earn money using arts and crafts? The works exclude any blasphemous creations such as sculpting an animal or a human... Thanks in advance (salam)
  12. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته At Shandaar Décor, we create home decor products & gifts. We have just released our Khamsat-Athaar collection of wall art, available either as individual pieces or sets, ranging from $44.99 to $253. Please take a look at the collection on our site: Shop: www.etsy.com/shop/ShandaarDecor Website: www.shandaardecor.com We are always adding new products, so please bookmark our site. We hope the community likes the collection and would love to hear your feedback: shandaardecor.com/feedback Shukran. Wasalam. - The Shandaar Décor team contactus@shandaardecor.com
  13. Check it out: https://nour.shop/blogs/nour/intifada-street-interview
  14. Salaam, I've made this artwork long ago, I thought it may be useful so I'm sharing it. Feel free to use it for Islamic purposes.
  15. Farshchian is a master of Persian painting and miniatures. he has so many famous Islamic paintings and his masterpieces have been hosted by several museums and exhibitions worldwide. one of his famous paintings is:The Evening Of Ashura I will send some of his paintings related to Islamic stories and Imams: The Evening Of Ashura: The Guarantor of The Gazelle:based on story of Imam Reza (as) and a hunter who was about to hunt a Gazelle Born in KAba: based on the story of Imam Ali(as)'s mother bearer-of-truth: HAzrat Abbas (as) in day of Ashura the shelter: Imam Ali (as) and orphans Birth Of Hope: Imam Zaman (aj) Oh. God: Worship: you will be able to find more paintings in his website:http://www.farshchianworld.ir/
  16. Bismillah Assalaamu alaikum One day I was in the store, and while my husband was taking his time picking a birthday card for someone, a nearby bookshelf piqued my interest. I glanced over it--mostly cheesy-looking teen romance novels. But there were also quite a lot of children's coloring books for sale. I thumbed through some of the coloring books. Disney princesses galore. And then the idea struck. Why don't I make a Muslim coloring book so that Muslim parents options aren't limited to scantily clad princesses and other non-Muslim characters when buying coloring books for their kids? So I began. InshaAllah my goal is to have a completed book by the end of next summer (20-25 pages). In the meantime I am selling individual page downloads as I complete them. I've created this blog so that I can have feedback, advice, suggestions, etc. And of course, shameless self-promotion I haven't done any other promotion yet--I wanted to start here on Shiachat because it's more comfortable and I can get some advice. InshaAllah later when I have more pages, I can start branching off to more social media outlets. Download here
  17. The major characteristics of Islamic paintings Some of the unique characteristics of Muslim painting are as follows: 1. Muslims loved their Holy Book, the Qur’an. They developed new forms of writing and created novel movements in calligraphy. Muslim painting is the result of these movements in calligraphy. Thus, we find that Muslim painters emphasize line (khat) more than anything else. It is the “line” that matters, everything else would take care of itself. Whether it is a straight line or curve, the stroke alone is responsible for the aesthetic forms; it provides the criterion of beauty. 2. For a Muslim artist, human personality has supreme value. Vast spaces, mountains and valleys, storms of wind and rain which characterize Chinese paintings are conspicuous by their absence in Muslim painting. The principal reason for this attitude seems to be the realization that for a painting of nature to be vital and vivacious it has to employ human symbols. Not that Muslim painters did not paint landscapes, they did sometimes. What did they eschew, however, was painting a landscape for its own sake. 3. Muslim painters did not introduce perspective in their paintings. Perhaps the reason is that they are interested in distant objects as well as in near objects. An object far away is as much relevant to the central figure as the object in the forefront. Why not bring it forward in imagination, observe it telescopically at it was and paint it in its full magnitude? 4. Muslim painters did not paint darkness. In their painting all is light and colorful. There are no dark shades or black shadows haunting the painting like ghosts threatening life with primordial dangers. Their painting is a painting of luminous tints and hues and colors. Darkness also characterizes a condition of stark individualism, when the individual is sundered from society and finds himself in the grip of absolute helplessness. 5. Muslim painting, consciously or unconsciously, employed symbols which represent mystical states. Sometimes endless curves with no beginning or end stand for the state of bewilderment in which nothing outside seems to gratify spiritual longings. 6. Muslim painting, especially in Iran, was devoted to the expression of a single emotion in one painting. Every detail of the subject was perceived and made use of for an effective rendering of the subtle nuances of that emotion. Most of the Persian miniature paintings are like orchestras in which each object painted contributes to the symphony. This unique characteristic of Muslim painting may have emanated – as Basil Gray suggests – from the mystical and pantheistic tendencies of the Persians, they, perhaps, regarded every object of nature as manifesting God. 7. Muslim paintings – again especially miniatures – are illustrations of literary and religious classics. more information can be found here: Islamportal.net
  18. Salaam everyone, I am the editor/in charge of an up and coming magazine (untitled at the moment), we aim to showcase creativity in any form in order to educate people about a better life, the focus is Art and Poetry, Art being Film/Fashion/Installation/Painting/Sculpture/Photography e.t.c, but there will be sections on spirituality, health and a few selected articles as well. I want to ask if anyone knows any Shia artists that would love to participate? Kind Regards Farwa
  19. Salaams/Hi, As a kid I practically was below average in the regular sciences, math studies. Drowned into my world of comics, video games, fantasy characters I took up my passion as a career choice. Long story short I specialized as a Concept Artist for the Entertainment Industry(Game, Film and Animation industry). I am looking forward to meeting brothers and sister who are looking forward/or are pursuing similar careers. I would love to answer any questions regarding my field of work. Peace!
  20. Thought of the day … How Architects Are Killing Arabs … & They Keep Buying >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8O6Lj1eOZY Agree?
  21. Salam Most of shia people travel to iran to visit Shrine of Imam Reza (as) in Mashhad and they may not find any chance to travel to other beautiful cities of Iran. as I have a good archive of Iranian's architecture,I decided to introduction some Masterpieces of Iranian Architecture through pictures and graphics. you may get a chance to visit these cities in the future. First of all: my favorite mosque 1- Sheikh Lotfollah mosque Sheikh Lotfollah mosque was built during Shah Abbas time, and dedicated to his father-in-law, Sheikh Lotfollah, a prominent religious scholar and teacher who came to Isfahan at the orders of Shah 'Abbas, and resided on the site, but was never involved in the mosque's construction. Sheikh Lotfallah was born in Mess, which is currently in the Lebanon. Like his family he was a member of the Imami, or Shi'ite sect and was encouraged to take up residence in Iran under the Safavid rulers as part of the policy of promoting Shi'ism in Iran, along with other followers of this tradition from Bahrain. At first he lived in Mashed, where the second holiest of Shi'ite shrines is located, that of Imam Reza, but, partly due to the political instability of the area at the time and partly because of pressure from Shah Abbas, he took refuge first in Qazvin and then in Isfahan, where he seems to have acquired a son-in-law and patron at the same time. It was probably he who introduced the great mathematician, Sheikh Baha Al-Din Mohammed Ameli, otherwise known as Sheikh Bahai, who designed the famous sundial in the Royal Mosque, to Shah Abbas. Sheikh Lotfallah died in 1622. The Sheikh Lotfollah mosque is viewed by historians and visitors as one of the most important architectural projects built on Isfahan's Square, prominent for its location, scale, design, and ornament. It represents the best example of architecture and tile work of Iran in the 17th century. The beauty of its buff dome fills visitors with enchantment. This mosque differs from all others in several respects. The portal iwan is not aligned with the Naghsh-e-Jahan Square’s elevation, but is preceded by a recessed small court which flows from the Square and is linked, on its north and south sides, to the continuous corridor that envelopes the Square’s mercantile facilities. The main entrance to the mosque is located on the east side of this small court. The structure itself is not aligned perpendicularly to the Square’s eastern wall, but lies at an angle (almost 45 degrees) against the Square’s wall. As a result, when viewed from the Square, the mosque's main portal iwan and dome do not fall on the same axis, as is always the case in other mosques, but instead the dome appears behind the main portal iwan as if having slid 6.5 meters to the right from its axis. This asymmetrical layout was initially introduced to reconcile the (southwest) direction of Mecca with the placement of the mihrab on the qibla wall, and adds visual complexity to the structure. Contrary to the Square’s sand-colored brick elevation, the portal iwan is elaborately ornamented in colorful mosaics. It is built as a recessed area on the eastern wall of the court, an elevated platform raised by four steps from the court level. An inscription band in white on a dark blue background runs horizontally on the three sides of the portal niche, above which begins the iwan's vault, comprising four clusters of muqarnases made of small glazed-tiles units. These four clusters ascend to inscribe a concentric floral medallion. The pointed-arch doorway is located below the inscription band and is flanked by two panels of mosaics of floral arabesques with motifs in yellow, white, and blue on a dark blue background. These panels rest on top of a continuous marble dado. The offset entry does not allow the visitor to enter the prayer chamber directly from the Square by passing through the main portal iwan, which is aligned on the east-west axis. Due to the mosque's alignment on the northeast-southwest axis, upon entering the mosque one walks along two corridors, oriented respectively to the northeast and southeast, which are placed adjacent to the northwest and northeast walls of the prayer chamber. Turning southwest to face the qibla wall, one enters the domed chamber to see the mihrab on the opposite wall. This journey into gradual deepening into darkness and reemergence into a room bathed with light reflected on the glazed revetment is one of the most rewarding experiences of the building. In contrast to the grand size of the Square’s space, the Sheikh Lotfollah mosque is very small and is comprised of a single domed chamber (19 meters on a side), surrounded by rooms (which possibly functioned as service areas) on its sides, and preceded by a portal iwan overlooking the Square. The two rooms accessed from the corridor which envelopes the sanctuary dome measure 6 by 9 meters; one is found on the western side of the corridor, and the other along the far end of the eastern wall. A third room (8 by 16 meters) is located on the exterior of the southern wall of the sanctuary, and is accessed via the corridor running along the Square wall and then turning right after the vestibule area. Although the Sheikh Lotfollah is not one rectangular structure, its masses can be measured as one rectangular area of 44 by 30 meters and an additional rectangular service area comprising approximately 152 square meters. The dome is one of the few single-shell domes of the Safavid architecture with a structure consisting of three levels. Four squinches of pointed-arched panels, framed by an inscription band in white and blue demarcated by light blue cable moldings, ascend from the floor and support a sixteen kite-shaped shields that, in turn, support the drum, which comprises sixteen arched panels. The drum is ornamented with alternating double-grilles windows with an arabesque pattern. The interior dome has a sunburst from which descend medallions inscribing floral motifs, which become larger as they descend away from the center. The exterior of the dome is ornamented with an arabesque of a floral motif in white, blue, and black against a yellow background. This beautifully proportioned and decorated mosque, with some of the best mosaics from that era, took nearly 20 years to complete. The pale tiles of the dome change color, from cream through to pink, depending on the light conditions and the mosque is unusual because it has no minaret or courtyard. The figure painted in the middle of the floor under the dome is a peacock at certain times of the day. The sunlight enhances the peacock's tail. The mosque was once called the Women's Mosque, because there is apparently a tunnel between this mosque and the Ali Qapu palace, allowing women from the old dynasties to attend prayers without being seen in public.
  22. http://www.ted.com/talks/david_gallo_shows_underwater_astonishments?language=en
  23. 21 Ramadan Shadath of Imam Ali (as) in art. http://www.khanwadeabutalib.com/public/ilm/article/766/51#.U8yppeNdVA0
  24. Grengo

    Dart Page

    أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم I seek refuge in Allah from Shaitan, the accursed one. In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد و عجل فرجهم و العن عدوهم My God, send peace and blessings upon Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, and hasten the reappearance of our Imam and curse their enemies Salam, Check out my DArt page if you'd like to take a look at some of my Islamic images inshaAllah. http://sheikh1.deviantart.com/ Here are a few examples of my work: Read the comments for this one lol. Just goes to show the ignorance of people http://sheikh1.deviantart.com/art/Ruhollah-Khomeini-Saying-Dua-444980496 Salam
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