(bismillah) (salam) When you come to ShiaChat and the smilies are not working, it is a problem. Minor problem, but still a problem. I decided to type this out so I could use these when the emoticons are not working. I thought I would share this. I had to put spaces inbetween the : : or the ( ) so you could see the letters between them. Otherwise the list would be like :) = :) which would not help and could not be copied. So, copy the list onto your computer and refer to it when you want to use emoticons in your messages. If you wish. I have to post several messages, because ShiaChat limits the number of emoticons you can use in each message. So wait for the other ones that I will post later. InshaAllah ( bismillah ) = (bismillah) Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem ( salam ) = (salam) Salaamun Alaykum, Greeting of Peace ( wasalam ) = (wasalam) Wa Alaikum Salaam meaning "And unto you peace" : ) = :) happy : ( = :( sad : O = :o surprise : excl : = :excl: complete surpirse, Exclamation Point ; ) = ;) wink, just kidding : P = :P a little more than happy : D = :D toothy smile : lol : = :lol: Laughing out loud, LOL