I think out of most members on ShiaChat, I am probably one of the most aggressive ones when it comes to people making accusations against us, our marajae, our belief system, etc. At the same time, I have had good relations with those who seek to learn rather than preach or criticize. One such person was @Fahad Sani. A very knowledgeable sunni who spent quite a few months on ShiaChat. Him and I went back and forth on quite a few topics and he even listed me as his biggest "competitor" on ShiaChat. He started of politely for the most part but grew more and more frustrated with the knowledge and wisdom displayed by so many SC members. He went from cordial --> aggressive --> abusive to the point that he eventually got banned because his efforts to show us the 'truth' were constantly negated. That is one type of 'attack'.
Then there is a type of attack from within. This is where a person claims to be a shia but questions everything shias do in the name of reform but the real attacks are on our beliefs, our marajae, our adherence to the Ahlulbayt. This is an example of one such person who was monitoring SC for 5 years (admitted himself) and finally made an account and first post in Sept 2017:
I became suspicious of him when he said he learned a lot from a random shia internet blogger who just happened to live in the Middle East (UAE I think).
Recommendation against Shias for celebrating the birth of Imam Ali vs that of the Prophet
Comment on a post against Khums and vaguely accused our marajae of corruption.
Made another against shias who may fall into the category of either loving Imam Ali (as) too much or too little
A topic posed as a question on whether the Prophet is part of his Ahlul Bayt or outside of it
Another topic on “Ya Ali Madad” as salutation by some shias.
A topic on Ghadeer questioning why Shias celebrate Imam Ali (as) succession as opposed to the completion of the Prophet’s (saw) mission.
Topic questioning shias whether Imams were killed or not because of their “unlimited knowledge”
While it seems like he is trying to reform shias, when you look closely he is actually attacking our belief in Imamah and trying to drive a wedge between the Prophet (saw) and the Imams (as). Conceptually, his topics may make sense but peel the layers and one can easily realize the game being played. This became most apparent on the last topic created where once again he was questioning shias but really attacking the Imams, their martyrdom and the knowledge bestowed upon them by Allah.
I would urge all my SC brothers and sisters to be very aware of the games being played and to thwart the fitna as soon as it arises because most wildfires start with a small spark.