We all know that our imam got into occultation and hidden From the human eye aswell From the djins. Some say he walks between us just like a normal human being but he isnt getting recognized that he is the imam. While there are some beliefs that he can also be invisible and as a argument being used that he is not only hidden from human eye but also from the eyes of the djins, so is he in a different dimension or not?
Dr. Jalali: A small number of Muslims believe that the Imam of the Age is the son of Imam Hasan 'Askari who was born in the year 256 AH/843 CE. However, they say that he has ascended from this world to the unseen world known as Hurqalya1. When humankind reaches maturity and abandons the strife-ridden life of this world, preparing itself to meet and behold the Imam of the Age, it will be able to see him
One of the leading authorities has written thus in his book:
This [unseen] world had gravitated until it merged with the earth. In the time of Adam he was told: 'Ascend!' And, until now he is ascending. He has not set himself free from the worldly attachments and the filth that sticks with them. He has not reached the clean atmosphere yet. Thus, here it is all darkness.
In darkness a human being is searching for a religion and is performing deeds. He has a set of beliefs.
When he frees himself from the dust of the traditions and enters the clean space, he will see the brilliant face of the friend of God [= wali = the twelfth Imam] and benefit from his presence without any obstruction, in public. At that time ordinances of religion will become something else, and religion will attain its original form and everything will be different.
The word refers to the mythological universe known to the mystics as very difficult world requiring the strength or courage of Hercules to encounter or accomplish. Tr
The Promised Mahdi is among my descendants. His name and patronymic will be the same as mine. In creation and conduct he will be the closest to me. He will live a life of occultation during which people will become confused and lost. At that time, like a brilliant star he will appear and fill the earth with justice and equity, as it is filled with injustice and tyranny4.
Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, Volume 51, p. 72.-
what do you think? Lets we all discuss this topic and may Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) bless all of us.