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  1. Hi, I am looking to buy a chilli paste, but it contains a small amount of alcohol. According to ayatollah sistani, small amount of alcohol is permitted in food items, eg 2% Since I will be cooking using this paste, the alcohol content will further decrease, so is it permissible to us this? These are the ingredient list from two different brands Ingredients: Tapioca Syrup, Water, Brown Rice, Red Pepper Powder, Salt, Alcohol (To Preserve Freshness), Soybean, Garlic, Onion Ingredients: Corn syrup, red ppper seasoning, red pepper powder, water, salt, onion, garlic, rice, wheat, sea salt, grain alcohol, soybean, salt, soybean powder, rice, rice flour Ingredients: Starch Syrup, Wheat Flour, Water, Powdered Red Pepper (10%), Salt, Polished Wheat, Ethyl Alcohol, Garlic, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (Wheat), Onion
  2. Guest

    Is gochujang halal?

    Hi, I was looking to buy gochujang which is a Korean red chilli paste, but I looked into the ingredients and it says it contains grain alcohol (ethanol) which is not najis according to ayatollah sistani and it can be consumed if the quantity is less that 2%. Alcohol can be present due to two reasons, one is that it's naturally occurring because of fermentation, and other is that it is added to preserve freshness. So in these both cases, is it permissible to eat the product. Also I would be using it in cooking so the alcohol evaporates. Any feedback would be appreciated Thank you
  3. I've had some medicine with a very high percentage of ethanol, it was not by choice and I had to take it. I didn't know what else that I had to do in that situation. What should I do? I had a small amount so im not intoxicated, can I still pray?
  4. So, for a while now I've noticed that ny skin dries up after wudhu and I don't particularly like the feeling and I feel bad for my skin; I avoid using lotion tho cause I've read on some Sunni site that it invalidates your Salah and not your wudhu either. I know it's better to use non alcoholic lotions but it's hard to find and also why shouldn't you use alcohol containing products after wudhu? Is it fine if you wait a little and let the alcohol evaporate (like perfumes for examples)?
  5. I was reading an article that said that mentioned that the daff too was instrument that was associated with drinking and lewdness. Can anyone confirm this with any evidence?
  6. Salam respected brothers and sisters, as a Shia Muslim who currently resides in the west there are certain restaurants that provide food that accommodates the regulations in permissibility to consumption. Such restaurants are of other cultures such as Hispanic, Asian, and the list goes on; is it permissible to eat at such restaurants if one consumes only food which is permissible to eat of course; taking into consideration that such restaurants sell alcoholic beverages to those whom desire to consume such intoxicants in bottled or canned form.
  7. Getting Drunk Was Considered a Sin in Medieval Christianity بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم TIL that getting drunk was considered a sin in Medieval Christianity. Alcohol itself was considered permissible, but drinking to the point of inebriation was considered a subset of the deadly sin of gluttony. The full reddit thread on r/askhistorians can be found below, although I’ll quote the relevant parts: Click here to continue reading.
  8. I need help, I have a best friend who has gone through a lot in her life has had major surgery from a young age and is beginning to crumble, things aren't going well and shes giving up, shes loosing the want for god and feels like hes put too much for her and she feels the only way to find happiness is when she gets pleasure from a guy , not sex though. I tried to tell her all her troubles are a test and she will leave this world without them, I tell her to turn to Allah but shes obviously hurt and lost hope, she said she was perfect as a child but the had major health issues and her life went crumbling down after that through family, friends, money, education. this is heaps deeper but you cant explain 6 years in one paragraph, any advise on what I can tell her to get her back on the right track.
  9. Salam Is using Hand Sanitiser haram in Islam, as it contains concentrated (~60-70%) alcohol?
  10. I usually use hair gel. It contains alcohol. I have talked with an aalim in my local mosque, and if I understood correctly, it's not Najis and you can pray with it. My question is simply; Even if it's not Najis, is it haram if you accidentally get it in your mouth and you swallow it? When I wash the gel of with water, I start doubting if some of the gel has ended up in my mouth with the water. If it's not najis, is it also that it's not haram due to change of its form? Thankful for some guidance.
  11. Guest


    I wanna know if its haram to go out on a dinner or to lunch with my non muslims friends knowing that at lunch they will drink alcohol.
  12. Salam. I was reading the ingredients of a product and one of them was vanillin. I contacted the company who manufactures the product to investigate whether the vanillin was extracted using alcohol or not, and this was the answer: "The vanillin in our products is derived from lignin. While the vanillin does originally contain alcohol, there is no alcohol in the finished product." After that, I contacted them again because I wanted to know if the vanillin originally contains ethyl alcohol, and this was the answer: "While ethanol is used in the production process, there is no ethanol or ethyl alcohol in the final product. I regret to inform you that the details of our production process are proprietary." I want to know, since there is no alcohol in the final product, is it Halal to eat it? Or is it haram because alcohol was used in the production process? Thank you in advance.
  13. Salam. First of all I apologize for my bad english. I'm writing this post because I don't know what else to do. Yesterday muslim friends invited me and my family to their house for dinner. I take every precaution I can to avoid eating or drinking something that may contain alcohol. Someone served me food in a plate where there were traces of vinegar (and I knew it), but I don't know if this vinegar has alcohol in it, as many vinegars has today. When this person gave me the plate, I thought I shouldn't eat it because I didn't know if the vinegar has alcohol, but anyways I ended eating the food. I know vinegar is halal, but I've read that some vinegar has traces of alcohol (even extra alcohol added) in it and this types of vinegar are haram. Now I'm feeling very very very guilty, I feel like I shouldn't eat that because I wasn't sure about the alcohol. If I ate any tiny amount of alcohol my prayers and duas won't be accepted for 40 days. I feel very sad because tomorrow begins the month Ramadan, and I've been waiting for laylatul qadr for many weeks mostly because I have a very special request that I wanted to do dua for. The month of Ramadan is the month where prayers and duas are accepted, and now my prayers won't be accepted. I don't know what to do, I was waiting for this month and now I ruined it just few days before it begins. I want to know if I commited any sin, and if I didn't, how can I get rid off this thoughts? I really want to do my personal prayers and duas in this blessed month and I want them to be accepted, but I ruined it. 1) I did not eat anything with vinegar to be sure I don't let any alcohol enter my body, but the plate where my food was served had traces of it. In case the vinegar had extra alcohol in it, did I commit a sin because I did not investigate before eating from the plate? The reason I feel guilty is because it was not fully unintentionally. Before eating I thought it could have alcohol and should not eat from that plate, but I did not care because lately I'm being very obsessed about every food. 2) If one doubts if the food has alcohol and still eats it, the rule of 40 days still applies? I wan't to know if my prayers won't be accepted in Ramadan because of what I did yesterday I'm sorry for the long post and for repeating the same thing over and over, but I feel very sad and disappointed with myself. Please, if someone can help I would appreciate it so so so much. I know my post may be silly, but this all thing about the food is driving me crazy. I try to avoid even chocolates, cakes and any dessert because they have vanilla in it and I don't know if the vanilla they use has alcohol in it. I reached the stage where I avoid even the bread because I think brewer's yeast is haram and I'm not sure if they use baker's yeast or brewer's yeast to make the bread.
  14. Alsalamu Alaikum I would rather start with a verse of the holy Quran as an example; This verse and many other verses which are relevant to the case explicitly express prohibition of drinking alcohol in Islam. These verses are absolute so that have not differentiated between genders in this regard. Therefore, drinking alcohol and all kinds of intoxicating liquids are forbidden in Islam no matter for males or females. http://tanzil.net/#trans/en.qarai/5:90
  15. This rulling: (Sayed al-Sistani (h.a.) 2643. To eat at a table at which people are drinking alcohol is haraam and similarly, to sit at that table where people are drinking alcohol is haraam, as a precaution, if one would be reckoned among them. So, what my question is that: From above fatwa I read that it's haraam to sit (not eat) with people who're drinking alcohol IF ONE WOULD BE RECKONED AMONG THEM. That "if" makes me wonder. If one wouldn't be reckoned among them, would it then be halal? Wa alaykum al salam.
  16. I'm a young Muslim girl who knows my wrong and rights, Alhamdulillah I don't drink smoke or anything. My brother brought a Bundaberg pineapple and coconut sparkling drink, I checked the ingredients it dosnt show any alcohol ingredient, as I was drinking it one of my friends tell me that it has alcohol in it, I searched it up online and found out that they have 0.5% alcohol in their drinks. I'm confused, am I nejes? Do I have to make ghussul or is their anything I could do? Do I throw away the drinks? Is 0.5% something that is haram? Someone help please?
  17. Salaam brothers and sister. So I live in a western society like most of you, however as you may tell by the title this has to do with alcohol. So a few weeks earlier, I made a big, big mistake. I went into a bar for one. And secondly I drank alcohol. Knowing very good and well that it's haram and I know the effects of alcohol in the body, I.e. 30 days with no acceptance of prayers, can't hold the Quran etc. and the same day I did this I felt so bad it's killing me inside everyday I hate myself everyday for doing this to myself. I really, really wish I could repent by praying, but I know that my prayers wouldn't be accepted. Waiting 30 days for prayers is too long for me, unfortunately, I should have known better in that case.. Will Allah forgive me? I can't tell this to my family or anyone. People ask me why don't you pray when everyone else's praying I honestly feel smaller than an ant I don't know how to respond. I need help brothers and sisters. Any suggestions? god bless you all with a great New Years! Salaam.
  18. Salaam alaykum Today I have returned from a "class-journey" to Germany. My class-mates are actually all non-Muslims though we have 2 muslims (one who's fasidah meaning she drinks etc. and one who's maybe a good Muslim). Anyhow, this 2 days travel, was good, though boring, but we had some good laughs, until I realized that we entered a freakin' place where they sell alcohol (a kind of restaurant) and people ordered food, and..........................alcohol. Yes, I sat there, and I ask God for forgivness. Now, this "alcohol" thing was really annoying me, because these non-Muslims (my class-mates) drank and drank, I though had 2 friends who was with me. This made the travel quite sad, and not funny. Actually distresseing. Why? Because this was a 2-day travel, about 4 months, there will be a new travel to another country (a week), and this alcohol thing will obviously be there as well. I don't want that. This travel does also have some problems IMO. 1. It costs 463 £ (approximately.). Now this tour will be a "ski-tour" meaning that it will also cost me some money to buy different things, for example, ski-trousers. 2. My prayers (salah) will be under problems if you may say that. I will find it difficult to pray. 3. This is actually the one of the most distressing reasons: My class will drink alcohol and sit on a table with that. Meaning that it will be haram, 4. I dont really want to go. Don't like it. So, yea, these problems are there, and I have to pay the last amount of money 1st December, and now I really dont want to go. But: I fear that people will laugh of my action, and say like "ew, why didn't Ali enter with us" or even backbite me, and that my grades will become worser and worser. What do you think? Should I take to the next travel, or should I avoid it and dont think about what people will think?
  19. The news today is that no amount of alcohol during pregnancy is safe. Prenatal exposure to alcohol may cause problems for the child that show up when they are a teenager. From the American Academy of Pediatrics Clinical Report Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Janet F. Williams, MD, FAAP, Vincent C. Smith, MD, MPH, FAAP, the COMMITTEE ON SUBSTANCE ABUSE ABSTRACT Prenatal exposure to alcohol can damage the developing fetus and is the leading preventable cause of birth defects and intellectual and neurodevelopmental disabilities. In 1973, fetal alcohol syndrome was first described as a specific cluster of birth defects resulting from alcohol exposure in utero. Subsequently, research unequivocally revealed that prenatal alcohol exposure causes a broad range of adverse developmental effects. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is the general term that encompasses the range of adverse effects associated with prenatal alcohol exposure. The diagnostic criteria for fetal alcohol syndrome are specific, and comprehensive efforts are ongoing to establish definitive criteria for diagnosing the other FASDs. A large and growing body of research has led to evidence-based FASD education of professionals and the public, broader prevention initiatives, and recommended treatment approaches based on the following premises: ▪ Alcohol-related birth defects and developmental disabilities are completely preventable when pregnant women abstain from alcohol use. ▪ Neurocognitive and behavioral problems resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure are lifelong. ▪ Early recognition, diagnosis, and therapy for any condition along the FASD continuum can result in improved outcomes. ▪ During pregnancy: ◦no amount of alcohol intake should be considered safe; ◦there is no safe trimester to drink alcohol; ◦all forms of alcohol, such as beer, wine, and liquor, pose similar risk; and ◦binge drinking poses dose-related risk to the developing fetus. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2015/10/13/peds.2015-3113
  20. Hi Everyone! i was just wondering if alcohol swabs are halal to use?
  21. a conservative answer by a Christian pastor As Pastors we must not be cavalier in the advocacy of drinking alcohol... http://www.crosswalk.com/church/pastors-or-leadership/is-it-wrong-for-christian-have-drink-alcohol.html
  22. Following question answers by Shaykh Hamid Waqar: A beverage was served where i asked for just lemon lime. I drank from it and noticed it tasted funny, the waiter mentioned that it was in fact lemon lime bitters. it was literally a sip and had no idea that the beverage contained alcohol (so they gave me the wrong drink). What is the ruling according to najasa and my prayer? [Mod Note: Link removed; no longer an Islamic site; now a spam website.]
  23. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x20pqhi_saudi-wahabi-mulla-says-prophet-muhammad-saws-sold-alcohol-to-sahaba_news http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x20pqhi_saudi-wahabi-mulla-says-prophet-muhammad-saws-sold-alcohol-to-sahaba_news
  24. I have heard that "chicken marsala" (popular italian dish in America) and "tiramisu" (popular dessert in America) have a tiny bit of alcohol--is this OK? Here is more info. on the 2 examples: 1) Chicken marsala is often cooked in a tiny bit of wine, which I have heard is burned off while cooking. The purpose of the wine is solely for cooking purposes--is this permissible or haram? 2) Tiramisu is a dessert prepared with a bit of brandy, which I have heard is only in traditional tiramisu recipes. I have heard that the tiny bit of brandy is so insignificant compared to the other ingredients--is this permissible or haram? I mention these 2 particular dishes, because they are popular in American. Many Muslims eat them at restaurants. So, is 1) burning off of a tiny bit of alcohol while a dish is being prepared permissible? And is, 2) a tiny bit of alcohol as an insignificant ingredient permissible? Thanks, TYE
  25. Salaam, My apologies if that has been asked before. When I searched this question I was not able to find an answer so inshallah it's not a repeat. I follow fadhallah and I was wondering what his ruling on food that is cooked in alcohol. It's widely accepted that the alcohol gets cooked out and is no longer in the food when it is ready to be eaten. In this case would the food be considered halal? It's not like you can get anywhere near intoxicated by eating it....
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