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[ يٓا جُرْحَ الحُسَيٓنْ ] تقدم لكم؛ ●» mula ahmed qurban ●» memory of sayeda zainab death ●» 15th rajab 1438 ●» mawkeb - juffair - bahrain ◆ Track 00 ◆ Track 01 ◆ Track 02 ◆ Track 03 ●» التسجيل الصوتي: علي المنصور حسين طاهر علي حيان ●» الهندسه الصوتيه: علي المنصور Insta: Soundcloud: WhatsApp: 36990301 | ارسل كلمه اشتراك # اللجنه الصوتيه لموكب أشبال الزهراء ع
This post will seek to prove a great matter, the existence and appearance of the black banners of the East as promised by the Holy Prophet of Allah Muhammad (s) and the Ahlul-Bayt (as), it will also seek to prove the reality of the one who raised them on the blessed Friday of <<<<<23/01/2015>>>>> The Holy Prophet of Allah (s) said: "We (AhlulBayt) are members of a household that Allah has chosen for them the life of the Hereafter over the life of this world. And the members of my household (AhlulBayt) shall suffer a great affliction and they shall be forcefully expelled from their homes after my death. Then there will come a people from the East carrying black flags, and they will ask for some good to be given to them, but they shall be refused service, as such, they will wage war and emerge victorious, and will be offered that which they desired initially, but they will refuse to accept it till they pass it to a man from my family, who emerges to fill the Earth with justice as it has been filled with injustice. So whoever reaches that time, go to them even if crawling over ice/snow, for among them is the vicegerent of Allah, the Mahdi." -Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, Tradition #4082, -Tabari al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar, Ch. 11, section 1, pp 250-251 The Messenger of Allah (s) said: (…Until black banners are raised from the East. They will ask for the truth/right but they will not be given it, then they will ask for the truth/right but they will not be given it, then they will ask for the truth/right but they will not be given it. So they will fight, so they will be given victory. So whoever realized him from you, or from your descendants, then let him go to the Imam of my Ahlul Bayt, even if crawling on ice, for they are banners of guidance, they will push it to a man from my Ahlul Bayt, his name matches mine, and the name of his father matches the name of my father, so he will rule the earth, so he will fill it with justice and equity as it was filled with oppression and injustice) -Mu’jam Ahadith Al Imam Al Mahdi Volume 1 Page 382 Thawban said that The Prophet of Allah (s) said: “The black banners come from the east, as if their hearts are pieces of iron, whoever hears about them then go to them and give allegiance to them, even if crawling over ice.” -Bihar Al-Anwar Volume 51, page 84, Ghayat Al-Maram v7 p104 From Thawban, he said: The Messenger of Allah s.a.w.w said: “Three will be killed at your treasures all of them are the son of a Khaleefa (Caliph/Successor) and then it will not be to anyone of them. And then black banners from the East will emerge and will fight them with a fighting not a folk will fight like it, and then he mentioned a youth and said: 'If you see him pledge allegiance to him, for he is the successor, the Mahdi” -Bisharat Al-Islam page 30 The Messenger of Allah (s) said: “If you saw the Black Banners came out from Khurasan (east) then go to them even if crawling on ice, for they have the Successor of Allah The Mahdi with them” -Sayyed Ibn Tawous Alhasani page 52 So what is the description of this blessed black banner which appears from the east? Ubayed ibn Karb said: I heard the Prince of the Believers Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) say: "Verily we, AhlulBayt have a banner, whoever goes before it has renegaded, whoever is late to it has perished, and whoever follows it has followed us, it is written upon it Allegiance is to Allah. -Book of 250 Signs, p15 "Allegiance is to Allah" is "Al Baya'tu Lillah" in Arabic. So far, we know the banner which shall have among it the promised Mahdi, it comes from the east, and it is black banner, and it has written upon it "Al Baya'tu Lillah" Let's continue to a famous hadith, The Holy Prophet of Allah Muhammad (s) said: Hejaz (Saudi Arabia) will be ruled by a man whose name is the name of an animal, when you see him from a distance, you would think he has a lazy eye, and if you get close to him, you do not see anything wrong in his eyes. He will be succeeded by a brother of his, named Abdullah. Woe to our Shia (followers) from him! Woe to our Shia (followers) from him! Woe to our Shia (followers) from him! - he repeated it three times - Give me the good news of his death, and I shall give you the good news of the appearance of the Hujjah (Imam al Mahdi). -Book of Two Hundred and Fifty Signs, sign number 122 Hijaz (Saudi Arabia) will be ruled by a man whose name is the name of an animal, The king with the name of animal - is King Fahad. Fahad means Cheetah/Leopard. When you see him from a distance, you would think he has a lazy eye, and if you get close to him, you do not see anything (wrong) in his eyes. Eyes appear normal from near Abnormal from far He will be succeeded by a brother of his, named Abdullah. Give me the good news of his death, and I shall give you the good news of the appearance of the Hujjah (Imam al Mahdi a.s). King Abdullah's death = Appearance of Imam al Mahdi a.s. On the night of the death of king Abdullah (la) twelve men came forth and claimed that they have met Imam al Mahdi Muhammad ibn al Hasan a.s Here is the link to the video made by one of those 12 men on that night giving the glad tidings (23/01/15) (in Arabic) (https://www.youtubedotcom/watch?v=4bsCD2dWaHI) With those twelve men was their Imam and master, the son and messenger and successor of Imam al Mahdi Muhammad ibn al Hasan, who is Ahmad al Hassan a.s. And on that night the blessed banner of the AhlulBayt a.s was raised "The Qaim shall not rise until twelve men come forth and say that they have seen the Qa'im, but the people shall belie them." -Al Ghaibah al Nu'mani p285 More undeniable proofs (https://www.youtubedotcom/watch?v=qphI255e7h0) These narrations are absolute narrations which cannot be claimed except by its rightful companions or else there is no wisdom in giving the glad tidings if it can be claimed by other than its rightful companion. Just as the Will of the Messenger of Allah (s) on the night of his death to Imam Ali a.s. it cannot be claimed except by its rightful companion. Al-Asbagh ibn Nabata said: "I went to the Commander of the Believers (as), I found him drawing lines on the ground, so I said to him: 'O Commander of the believers, why do I see you contemplating and drawing lines on the ground? Do you desire it? So he said: “By Allah, I have never desired it nor have i ever desired the world. Rather, I was thinking about a man who will be born from the eleventh from my sons, he is the Mahdi who will fill this world with justice and equity just as it was filled with oppression and injustice. There will be a confusion and an absence for him, people will go astray in it, and some others will be guided in it” So I said? How long will that confusion and absence be? So he (as) said: “Six days, or six months, or six years" -Ghaybat AlToosi p 165 hadith 127 Who is the 11th from Imam Ali’s a.s sons? The 11th son is Imam Mahdi (as). So who will be born from the 11th son/Imam Mahdi (as)?? Imam Ahmed Al Hassan a.s. The Holy Prophet of Allah (s) said: “O Ali, you are from me and I am from you, and you are my brother and vizier, so if i die there will appear to you the hatred in the chests of the people. And there will be after me a silent disastrous Fitna, every inner and hidden (every hypocrite) will fall in it. And that is when your shia lose the fifth from the seventh of your sons. The inhabitants of the heavens and the earth will grieve for his loss! How many believing men and women will be grievous and anxious and confused when he is lost! -Bihar al anwar v26 p350, Ghayat Al Maram v1 p212 Who is “the fifth from the sons of the seventh” of the sons of Imam Ali (as)? First let’s count and see who is the 7th son, then we can see who is the 5th from the 7th. first son - Imam al Hasan (as) second - Imam al Husayn (as) third - Imam Ali al Sajjad (as) fourth - Imam Muhammad al Baqir (as) fifth - Imam Ja'far al Sadiq (as) sixth - Imam Musa al Kathim (as) seventh - Imam Ali al Ridha (as) peace be upon them all So the 7th son is Imam al Ridha (as) Now let’s see who the 5th son from Imam al Ridha (as) is first son is Imam Muhammad al Jawwad (as) second son is Imam Ali al Hadi (as) third son is Imam al Hasan al Askari (as) fourth son is Imam Muhammad al Mahdi (as) fifth son is Imam Ahmad al Hassan (the son and messenger and successor of Imam al Mahdi, the promised Yamani, who shall be supported by the Khurasani and Shuayb ibn Saleh) So what is the condition of Ahmad al Hassan (as) during this silence? “…Then The Messenger of Allah sawas turned to us, raising his voice, saying: Be cautious when the fifth from the seventh of my sons is lost. So I said: O Messenger of Allah, so what would this absence be? So he said: Silence, until Allah gives him permission to emerge…” -Al-Bihar 36/333, Ithbat Al-Hudat 1/589, The Encyclopedia of the Hadiths of Imam Mahdi `63, 164 And it is a known fact that Imam Ahmed al Hassan (as) entered into an absence after being betrayed by some hypocrites, and he returned a year and a half before the death of king Abdullah of Hejaz l.a, Mid 2007 to Mid 2013 “So he (as) said: “Six days, or six months, or six years" Imam Al-Baqir (as) said: “The companion of this matter will go into an occultation in some of these passes” and he pointed out with his hand to the direction of Thee-Towa. Then he said: “Until before his rising, the Mawla [Imam Ahmed], who was with him will come forth until he meets some of his companions and ask: ‘How many of you are there?’ They will reply: ‘We are forty people.’ Then he will ask: ‘What will you do, if you see your Companion [Imam al Mahdi]’ They will reply: ‘By Allah, if he goes from here and takes refuge at any mountain, we will also be with him.’ Then he [Imam Ahmed] will come to them and say: ‘Point to ten of your leaders or the best of you,’ then they point to them for him, so he takes them and brings them to their Companion (Imam al Mahdi). He will promise them about the coming night..” - Ghaibat Al-Noa'mani, P. 187, Tafsir Al-Ayashy, V. 2, P. 56, Bihar Al-Anwar, V. 52, P. 341, Mu'jam Ahadith Al-Imam Al-Mahdi, V. 5, P. 2. And here brothers and sisters, is the story, told by one of the 12 men who met Imam al Mahdi Muhammad ibn al Hasan a.s on the night of king Abdullah's death, Keep the above hadith in mind. This is a question which was sent to one of the 12 Chiefs a.s who met Imam al Mahdi Muhammad ibn al Hasan a.s "Peace of Allah be upon you O companions of the Qaim, peace be upon you all, O purified twelve. – Was the situation like it was mentioned in the book ” An advice to the students of the Academic Hawzas” that you were forty men then Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (as) came to you and commanded you to point to the best ten of you then he took you to meet Imam Al-Mahdi (as)? – Was Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (as) already with you a while ago after his absence ended? Or he appeared to you for the first time on the day of King Abdullah’s death? Meaning if the absence started in 2008, did it end in the end of 2014? Answer: In the Name of Allah, The Abundantly Merciful, The Intensely Merciful All praises belong to Allah the Lord of the Worlds O Allah send Your prayers upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad the Imams and the Mahdies Peace, Mercy, and Blessings of Allah be upon you the believing Ansar of Allah in the easts of the Earth and its wests. I, and I seek refuge from the word of the I, am your servant Aba Gibra’eel (Aba Gabriel) one of the twelve men who have been honored to meet the Hujjah of Allah (Imam Muhammad son of Al-Hassan Al-Askari) pbuh. I will mention to you the story of the meeting, and I will make sure not to mention some of the details because of the sensitivity of the matter. May Allah grant you success to all which is good. We are forty two men, and with (Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan) (pbuh) we become forty three men. Among us is he who believes in this blessed call before hearing about it, and among us is he who believes in it since the first day he heard about it, and among us is he who believes not so long ago. The Sayyed the Father Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) has gathered us from several countries, among which are Arab, Islamic, Western, and Asian countries, until one year and a half ago we gathered in one place. And Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) was with us and among us. We had a place where all of us would gather at a certain time everyday, until after the Fajr prayer each of us would go to their job which the Father Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) has given to him and charged him with. Until that blessed promised day came and we heard about the destruction of the criminal (Abdullah the king of Hijaz). As usual we gathered in that blessed place which is fortified by Allah swt. The Father (pbuh) had been absent from us for some nights before this night, and we were missing him very much. One hour before the Fajr prayer, the courageous lion of Allah came forth to us with his glory which seizes the hearts and eyesights, him and two of his companions from your purified brothers who are used to accompanying Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) everywhere and wherever he goes. And he (pbuh) entered upon us while he was smiling, so he said: ”Peace be upon you and the Mercy of Allah and His blessings”. So everyone responded to the greetings with yearning and longing. So he (pbuh) said: “How are you O my sons, inshaAllah you are all well”. So the brothers said “All praises belong to Allah O my father, we are well and all praises belong to Allah”. So he (pbuh) said: “Did the news of the destruction of the tyrant Abdullah, may Allah curse him, reach you?” So they said: “Yes”. So he (pbuh) said: “This is the day of Allah. This is the promise of Allah The Almighty for His righteous sincere servants”. Then he (pbuh) said: “What will you do if you see Imam Al-Mahdi Muhammad son of Al-Hassan Al-Askari may my soul be sacrificed for him?” So they said: “By Allah by Allah if he goes from here and takes refuge at any mountain we will go with him”. So The Father (pbuh) said: “By Allah you have said the truth, for Allah did not create Ansar (supporters) on the Face of Earth like you, neither before you nor after you.” Then he said: “Now I want you to point at the best of you and to choose ten to meet Imam Al-Mahdi Muhammad son of Al-Hassan Al-Askari (pbuh)”. Here everyone was keen to choose their brothers, and it didn’t cross the mind of any of them to choose himself or to think that he is better than his brother. So everyone was telling everyone “I choose you”. And the Father (pbuh) was looking to them and smiling pbuh. Then he said: “Send prayers upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad the Imams and the Mahdis”. So everyone sent prayers upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad. Then the Father (pbuh) said again “I swear by Allah The High The Great that Allah never created Ansar like you, you are the best Ansar on the face of the Earth, there never came Ansar like you, and there will never come Ansar like you, with this sincerity, loyalty, and faith in Allah The Almighty”. Then he praised Allah and thanked Him. Then he became silent for some seconds, then he said: “You must choose ten”. So he (pbuh) said: “Form ten groups, each group has four believers, and let every group composed of four to choose one believer to represent them”. So the believers did as the Father (pbuh) requested. So each group chose a person. So the total number of the chosen ones were ten believers. So the Father (pbuh) said: “The Fajr prayer time has come”, so he pointed to one of the brothers and told him, “Rise and make the Athan”. So he made the Athan and we prayed in congregation by the leadership of the Sayyed the Father (pbuh). So we went forth twelve men and with us was the Sayyed the Father (pbuh) and we were filled with longing and yearning and excitement and a heart which was beating so fast like the speed of the lightning and a body which was shaking like a tree on a stormy winter day, because of the greatness of the matter. So we arrived to the place which Imam Al-Mahdi (Muhammad son of Al-Hassan Al-Askari) (pbuh) was at. So we met him (pbuh) and after the greetings and after a long conversation which took more than two and a half hours, he (pbuh) directed us and informed us of unseen matters which will take place, and events worldwide, with the most accurate details. And he (pbuh) informed us of what will happen in the world and in accurate details, from them are Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Japan, Italy, the greater Devil America may Allah curse it, North Korea, South Korea, Qatar, Jordan, and in the most accurate details, even with mentioning the day and the hour. And we take this occasion in our challenge with the Sameri and the Calf may Allah curse them the companions of the alleged Office which is falsely and by fraud attributed to Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh) while he is innocent of them, and the cursed companion of the page, and the cursed companion of the voice, to bring forth one unseen matter (one future event) and to give us all the details with mentioning the day on which it will take place. And we will do them same; we will give you one matter of the unseen which no one has ever heard of and no one will hear of, and no one has ever talked about it, you will hear it for the first time from us, and it will take place inshaAllah, and we will give you the most accurate details with mentioning the day, the hour, and the minute. So if you are truthful like you claim, then accept our challenge to you. Otherwise, you are liars, hypocrites, immoral, corrupt, and disbelievers, and at that time nothing will remain as a cure except for the sword to you, and at that time, I swear by Allah The High The Great, we will not have mercy upon you, and we will crush and destroy your nests, the nests of misguidance, disbelief, lying and slandering against Ahlul Bayt (pbuh), and at that time no regret nor repentance will benefit you."
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