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  1. Salamun 'alaykum, I have a question directed towards both Sunnis and Shia: What is the importance of Ahadith in the religion of Islam and did Allah ta'ala give us any guarantee regarding them? Note that the Jews and the Christians mixed the revelation from Allah ta'ala with narrations and biographical data, which led to the formation of the Bible as we know today. So them adding these things led to the distortion of the real message. Similar to this happened when the scholars of Hadith and the Tadwin of Ahadith gained prominence, which led the Book of Allah ta'ala being [mis]interpreted in the light of these Ahadith even if it meant opposing the Book of Allah ta'ala and opposing what was established from the words of the Best of Creation (may endless peace and blessings be upon him and his pure family) with certainity. This means that despite the Quran remaining in its original form, many Muslims still managed to distort the real message and thereby fell into that which the nations before them also had fallen into. Some of the [wrong] ideas that entered the religion through Ahadith: - The idea that [the claim of] belief is enough and that oppression, major crimes and sins will not affect the ultimate salvation / damnation of a human being - The idea that oppressive rulers are still legitimate and that they need to be obeyed - The idea of anthropomorphism - The idea of determinism Note that the above ideas were supported by the political leadership, because these ideas made it easier to control the population. So the scholars of Hadith were knowingly or unknowingly serving them. The above obviously doesn't mean that all Ahadith are wrong and that there is no benefit found in Ahadith at all. There are things mass-narrated by many people and through many chains such that it allows having certainity of it being stated by the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa alihi wa sallam) in reality. Examples would be the Hadith of Ghadir, the Hadith of Manzila and the Hadith al-Thaqalayn, which should give you a good idea who understood the Book of Allah ta'ala the best and lived according to it. With the above in mind, why should our salvation or damnation be dependent on whether we trust Sahih al-Bukhari or Kitab al-Kafi?! Did Allah ta'ala oblige us to trust the single reports of random fallible narrators and take their claims as the religion of Allah ta'ala itself?!
  2. There is this saying of one of the Infallibles (عليه السلام) that goes along the lines of A problem that makes you lose to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is a trial. A problem that pulls you away from Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is a curse (Azaab). What is the exact saying? Any sources and exact attributions? I've been looking around for this and haven't been able to find much and would be very grateful for any help. JazakAllah
  3. I wanted to make the following my signature, until I realized it surpasses the maximum signature length, and the maximum of two website links in the signature. Please note that I only included links to navigable websites, not download pages, unless otherwise stated. If you know of any websites that are missing from my list, please comment them below. Please let me know if there are any mistakes or improvements to be made. Many Thanks. Note: because this post is so long, the font is small in some places to avoid taking up too much space (I'm not trying to spam the forum). <THE FOLLOWING IS WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN MY SIGNATURE> In my opinion, the best English Qur'an translations are: Ali Quli Qarai, Sheikh Muhammad Sarwar, Mir Ahmed Ali. Navigable Qur'an, Tafsir, and Hadith websites: Multilingual or English language Qur'an commonly frequented by Shias [In my opinion, these are also the 3 best Qur'an websites overall]: tanzil.net [Unique features, or best at: Searchability & Qur'an text (Qur'anic style) & Docs/Trans/Download in select formats & revelation order (list)] al-quran.info [Unique features, or best at: Chapter summary (at the start of each Surah) & sheer number of translations & review of translations] quran.al-islam.org [Unique features, or best at: Ability to have 3 translations & Arabic & Pooya/Ali Commentary on screen at the same time] [Note: Pooya/M.A. Ali English Commentary is perhaps sufficient for the general public, but it is not suitable for technical discussions] Farsi-Arabic side by side Qur'an translations commonly frequented by Shias: makarem.ir/quran [with Tafsir Namoona and search function] hawzah.net/per/q/qa/quran.htm [with search function] Arabic only commonly frequented by Shias: holyquran.net [AR, Tafsir (navigable), Qur'an Dictionary, Search Qur'an] Other Qur'an websites commonly frequented by Shias: medinaminds.com/quran [Multilingual] duas.mobi/quran [Multilingual, with Dua from Qur'an] parsquran.com/eng [EN, FA, Search Qur'an] Commonly frequented by both Shias and Sunnis: corpus.quran.com [ Word by Word Qur'an | Qur'an Dictionary | Qur'anic Grammar | Search Help ] Multilingual or English language Qur'an commonly frequented by Sunnis [In my opinion, altafsir & quranflash are the best, most plentiful, and most unique of this list]: altafsir.com [Translations, Qur'an text, Tafsir (navigable), Ask Mufti, Ask Mufassir, and more] app.quranflash.com [Qur'an text (books): Qira'at (Qari + Rawi), Urdu] alquran.cloud [Search, Open Source, API] searchtruth.com [Qur'an, Search in Qur'an, Tafsir, Hadith] read.quranexplorer.com [has a simple clean layout, Dua from Qur'an] quranwbw.com [Word by Word English Translation and Transliteration, Dua from Qur'an] quran.com [Most popular, Search, sunnah.com (Hadith)] quran.ksu.edu.sa [Multilingual, Qur'an text] Other Qur'an websites commonly frequented by Sunnis : quranonline.net quranwow.com [Multilingual] islamawakened.com [Multilingual] bait-ul-quran.org [UR] quran-for-all.com [Multilingual] transliteration.org/quran [Multilingual] mounthira.com/quran [has a simple clean layout] clearquran.com [has a simple clean layout] quranful.com [has a simple clean layout] quran411.com [English Transliteration] houseofquran.com [word by word reciter/teacher] hamariweb.com/islam/online-Quran [Arabic & Translation side by side] quranacademy.io/reader [aesthetically pleasing] islamicfinder.org/quran equran.me [AR] Shia Tafsir (in English unless otherwise stated by a language code in [brackets]): https://www.iqraonline.net/category/all-categories/tafsir-hadith/ [Contains a plethora of translated Tafsir, including many Tafsir originally given by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah] [AR] http://holyquran.net/tafseer/ [Includes 4 Tafsir: Taqreeb al-Quran, Noor al-Thaqalin, Al-Mizan, Majma' al-Bayan] Tafsir al-Mizan: https://almizan.org/ Tafsir Noor al-Thaqalayn: https://www.iqraonline.net/translations/tafsir-noor-thaqalayn/ An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an. Vol 1-20. [Link 1] [Link 2] The Prolegomena to the Qur'an: https://www.al-islam.org/al-bayan-fi-tafsir-al-quran-prolegomena-quran-sayyid-abu-al-qasim-al-khoei http://www.why-quran.org/, https://www.youtube.com/c/whyquran [Tafsir given by Sheikh Azhar Nasser, and playlists linking to Tafsir given by other speakers and institutes] http://www.islamichouseofwisdom.com/hadith [links to many Tafsir uploaded to al-islam.org] [UR] https://qurantafseerfarmanali.wordpress.com/, https://archive.org/details/QuranTafseerByHafizSayedFarmanAli/mode/2up [EN] Tafsir Namoona: https://makarem.ir/main.aspx?Reader=1&lid=1&pid=61928&catid=6521 [DE] Tafsir Namoona: http://www.al-quran.de/ [FA] Tafsir Namoona: https://makarem.ir/quran [UR] Tafsir Namoona: http://tafseerenamoona.net/, http://www.momin.com/urdu/Books/Tafseer-e-Namoona-89.html Shia Hadith (please message me with more languages to add). Only navigable websites are listed unless there are only pdfs available for that language: https://shiiticstudies.com/category/hadith/ https://www.iqraonline.net/category/all-categories/tafsir-hadith/ [EN] ShiaChat: Comprehensive Compilation of Reliable Narrations http://www.iqraonline.net/translations/marifat-al-hadith-muhammad-baqir-behbudi/ http://www.imamiyya.com/hadith https://thaqalayn.net/ http://thaqalayn.co/index.php/ahadith http://hadith.net/en/ [RU] https://al-kafi.ru/ [with search function] [AR] http://ar.lib.eshia.ir/ http://shiaonlinelibrary.com/ https://alfeker.net/ [Downloads only, but widely used and very useful, so it should be included in this list] https://hadith.inoor.ir/ar/home http://hadith.net/ar/ [FA] http://lib.eshia.ir/ http://mizan.hadith.net/ https://www.noorlib.ir/view/fa/default https://hadith.inoor.ir/fa/home http://hadith.net/ [UR] https://www.hubeali.com/online-books/online-urdu-books/ {Downloads} {Downloads} Al-kafi: http://www.momin.com/Books/Kitab++Usool+E+Kafi+-+Volume+I-64/Usool+E+Kafi+-+Volume+1-6749.html, https://www.hubeali.com/online-books/online-urdu-books/alkafi-urdu-vol6/, https://hubeali.com/books/Urdu-Books/AlKafi-Vol7-Arabic-Urdu.pdf [TK] {Navigable} Al-kafi: http://www.islamkutuphanesi.com/turkcekitap/t1/El-Kafi-1/index.htm, http://www.caferilik.com/kutuphane/book/usul-u-kâfi, http://alhassanain.org/turkish/?com=book&id=51 [FR] {Downloads} http://shiacity.fr/telecharger-des-livres-de-hadiths-chiites/ Other useful links for Shias: https://www.iqraonline.net/translations/ https://www.iqraonline.net/list-of-famous-quranic-tafaseer-exegeses-throughout-history/ https://www.iqraonline.net/approaching-the-quran/ https://www.al-islam.org/al-tawhid/vol1-n12-3/outlines-development-science-hadith-mustafa-awliyai https://www.al-islam.org/articles/al-hadith-analysis-and-overview-hashim https://www.al-islam.org/elementary-arabic-syntax-1-rashid-al-shartuni http://al-quran.info/pages/translation/ali_quli [Ali Quli Qarai: Translator's Preface] http://www.theislamicseminary.org/wp/pdf-edition-the-holy-quran/ [Muhammad Sarwar Qur'an Translation: pdf download]
  4. This is quite embarrassing, but I really need those ahadiths. I know I have seen a lot of them, but I never saved them :-/. I need as many of ahadiths that clearly states from the Prophet (pbuh & hf) that he said there will be 12 Imams (FROM SHIA SOURCES. I DONT WANT SUNNI SOURCES). And that Imam Ali (3) was appointed etc. I know I have seen a hadith where the Propbet (pbuh & hf) said all of these Imams (3) by name. And can you get the grading as well? Jazakullah alfi khair!
  5. salam, i need an ahadith that disputes people to say they have guided others to the light or true path, as they them are not on the truth by saying so... tx ws
  6. Salam everyone, I hope you're all having a wonderful day. I was just wondering from which hadith collections I can find the following narration attributed to Imam Ali (as)? All of your responses are greatly appreciated
  7. As salam aleykum, I don't believe te Prophet (saws) commanded the killing of the dog. There is another famous tradition about that, I paste you below,it's is discused by Allama Tabatabai in AL-Mizan (volume 10 of English translation: Also, he says, "al-Fãriyãbī, Ibn Jarīr, Ibnu 'l-Mundhir, Ibn Abī Hãtim, at-Tabarãnī and al-Hãkim (who has said that the tradition is correct) and al-Bayhaqī have narrated from Abū Rãfi‘ that he said, 'Jibrīl came to the Prophet (s.a.w.a.), and asked permission to enter. The Prophet gave him permission but he tarried (in entering). The Prophet took his cloak, came out, and said, "We have already given you permission." (Jibrīl) said, "Yes, but we do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture." They looked around and lo! There was a puppy in one of their houses.' "Abū Rãfi‘ said, 'Then he (the Prophet) ordered me to kill every dog in Medina, and this I did. People came and said, "O Messenger of Allãh! What is allowed to us from this group, which you have ordered to be killed?" The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) was silent. Then Allãh revealed: They ask you as to what is made lawful for them. Say: "The good things are made lawful for you and what you have taught the beasts of prey, training them to hunt . . ." Then the Messenger of Allãh (s.a. w.a.) said, "When a man releases his dog and recites the name of Allãh and it holds the prey for him then he should eat what the dog has not eaten." ' " (ibid.) The author says: What the tradition describes about the coming down of Jibrīl is very strange. Moreover, it does not stand on sound footing because it shows that Jibrīl did not come to the Prophet because there was a puppy in one of their houses. But the story does not tally with the apparent meaning of the verse where both the ques- tion and its reply are unrestricted. More probably, the tradition is a forged one.
  8. Dear ostensibly devout Shiʿis, This is merely a daily reminder that the majority of the signs indicating the (re?)appearance of “the Mahdi” have already occurred, re: Sufyani has arisen in Syria. The locus manifestation of the Sufyani is Bashar al-Assad. As predicted his mother's side is descended from the tribe of Kalb and he is currently waging war in Syria. Three flags (factions) are currently fighting for control of the Syrian territory, and in the process Syria is being destroyed, the three flags (factions) are: The banner of al-Assad, the Sufyani, AKA the regime. The rebels. The independents. Re: http://www.clarionproject.org/factsheet/whos-who-syrian-war The black standard has emerged from Khorasan and has “slaughtered people in a way you have never seen before”: Re: ISIL or ISIS. ISIL comprises the 2nd flag (faction, banner) in the above point, as they are one of the three contestants for the territory of Syria. Brief note: four predictions have been fulfilled: the emergence of Sufyani, the three banners fighting for control of Sham, the emergence of the black flags, and the near-destruction of Syria. Yemeni has arisen in the United States of America. His locus manifestation is Barack Hussein Obama. He is currently fighting for the restriction of the sale of weaponry, as predicted. The Nafs al-Zakiya was slain in Isla Vista, California. His name was Elliot Rodger, he was martyred by the Dajjal. The loud cry from the sky has not occurred yet, but will ostensibly be completed by the locus manifestation of Gabriel (as), who happens to be a human being, and it will be done via the cloud (both the metaphorical and literal cloud), radio, or Internet, etc. The sinking in the land of Bayda has not yet occurred. Non Shiʿi signs of the coming of the End of Days: The emergence of the Dajjal after the invention of contraception (the combined oral contraceptive pill and condoms), which has lead to the slow sleeping of women into power such that they have dominated the cultural narrative via feminism, social justice, politically progressive liberalism, and political correctness, etc. Via decoupling sex and marriage (kids), women have obtained power by making sex their prerogative because of the necessity of “consent” (which is never defined), thereby causing rape hysteria. The near-push for abortion comes from the unconscious desire of women to be able to hold total control over the world by making sex their prerogative because sex does not mean marriage anymore. Briefly: sex IS marriage in Islam (and all monotheistic religions, hence nikah) because sex means kids/reproduction, and kids means needing a Baby-Mamma and a Baby-Daddy to care for the kids. By decoupling sex and kids the arena inverts (or flips), and sex becomes an endless sole game, or pleasure, however this endless arena or marketplace is an ILLUSION (despite being infinite and playful, AKA a false paradise or oasis). This illusion appears promising to young men because they can ostensibly have sex with infinite women with no strings attached, but this is later revealed to be an intractable solution (false promise), etc. By contraception, women have already obtained power, yet the last vestige of defense against the Dajjal is the illegal nature of abortion, because women who “mess up” will not be able to “erase” their “choices”/“history”/“past” by “deleting” the past. If abortion is legalized, sex becomes a woman's sole prerogative because “kids are optional now.” However, this throws nature into disarray, and the Qur’an tells us that what is natural to man is in fact God's religion (Islam). The Game (or the Dajjal's fake paradise) is the seemingly open Sexual Marketplace available to men who “play their cards right.” However his paradise is in fact hell because men have no pull or leverage in a marketplace wherein women (“[Edited Out]”) are the sole good (in-demand good, whatever) and who distribute their “good” via arbitrary means, answering to no rhyme or reason, and by “consent” or “preference.” Because men have no pull in the marketplace, they are not wanted, which inevitably leads to a lack of argument or protest against the legalization of gay marriage (since marriage has been diluted). Frequent transgender-ism becomes inevitable because the sexes have become diluted (“fire becoming water,” etc.). Without going into too much detail, this is the System of the Dajjal, and it is what killed Elliot Rodger, who was al-Nafs al-Zakiya. Further evidence for the Dajjal: The emergence of women in: Politics. Finance. Academia. Cultural dialogue, social discussion. Etc. In essence: Women being taken seriously. However this is solely due to the fact that their “consent” is needed now, thereby causing men to attempt to “please” them and obtain their (non-binding, irrational, possibly fickle) “boon” or “decision.” Hence the majority of the Dajjal's followers being “women, Jews (people who make money off of sexual advertising, and ignorant ones.” The slight shift in the narrative of the movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The emergence of the Dajjal was an implicit milestone in the act of creation and it was inevitable. The Dajjal is not necessarily bad. It is however, an evolutionary impasse, namely: The distribution of sex. The Dajjal has seeped the narrative gradually and invisibly over the past ~100 years or so, however pointing to a specific moment in time as to its emergence is impossible as it is done via acceleration. (Incidentally the acceleration of time, is another prediction that has been fulfilled, namely the rapid shrinking of the time interval between massive societal, social, and technological changes that complete invert, or twist the structure of society, religion, and how people think. This is noticeably evident over the past 100 years. Over the past 100 years the population of the world has more than tripled, religion has been removed from the center-stage of society, feminism has emerged, social structure has been eradicated, inverted, or altered; people worship celebrities, food and medicine has become abundant, technology and rapid travel has shrunk the world, the lifestyle and beliefs of people have warped or changed immensely, what were previously considered grave offenses are now considered commonplace, etc.) This seeping is due to a physical changes in circumstances (the physical facts dictate the current cultural thinking and philosophy, not the other way around), namely the emergence of a Sexual Marketplace and the prevalence of cheap, easy access to contraception. Forgetfulness has enabled believers and non-believers alike to forget that the vast majority of reproduction (sex) that occurred in history was between married individuals. The locus manifestation of the Dajjal is Harun Yahya, who is obviously an individual who will be judged according to God, alone, just like everyone else. (If the Dajjal were an actual person this would mean there was someone destined for hell, and that would be unfair. For this reason everyone gets their fair shot of emerging from ignorance. Yahya is an individual acting out of his own free will and is very likely a disbeliever, and someone going to hell. In fact, Yahya's disbelief is so prevalent it may as well be written on his forehead (another prediction that came true).) Yahya may also be one of the thirty minor liars. The ruwaybidah speaking out in public (namely feminists and social justice warriors dominating the public dialogue). The thirty liars, namely: L. Ron Hubbard. The Báb. Bahá'u'lláh. Aleister Crowley. Joseph Smith. Adi Da Samraj. Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad. Jeremy Griffith. Meher Baba. Adnan Oktar. Claude Morilhon. Etc. The tip of a man's whip speaking to him: Headphones. A man's thigh or hip speaking to him: Smartphones in one's pant pockets. Poor, barefoot, and naked shepherds competing in the construction of tall buildings: Tall hotels in Dubai, and skys[Edited Out]ers around the world in general. Wild animals speaking to humans: Koko the Gorilla. Female singers becoming popular: Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, et al. “Nations will call each other to destroy Islam by any and every means” and “they will gather around you as a group of hungry individuals gather around a dish”: The situation in the Middle East. The pious individuals of Syria (the abdal) being preserved: The Alawites. Brief notes, here are some interesting mentions: The followers of the Mahdi (the 313), will receive instructions on their palm: Smartphones. The only animal that will consent to carrying the Dajjal is a donkey: With a wide forehead, blazing white. Almost a mile-span between its ears. It covers a fast distance very quickly. Namely: an airplane. Various other signs: telecommunications, the Internet, the world becoming smaller, globalization. Unfortunately, the signs are too numerous to mention. As a last aside, I will interpret a list of times I have taken from this thread: http://www.shiachat.com/forum/topic/53448-33-signs-of-reappearance-of-imam-mahdi-as/ Peace be upon you. Referring to crimes being committed in public in broad daylight, people being more ostentatious. Referring to the construction of tall buildings, namely urban living, skys[Edited Out]ers, etc. Musicians, rappers, American Idol, etc. Fitnah in the Middle East. Casinos, boxing matches, etc. Crime, terrorism, etc. Explicated above. Actually the prediction is the opposite: the deserts will return to being green. This is a reference to people living in places like California. No comment. Too subjective. The cult founders and messiah-claimants mentioned above. Too many vlogs on YouTube, discussion boards (forums), places like Reddit, people blogging on WordPress and Blogger, etc. . . . . . And when Our verses are recited to them, they say, "We have heard. If we willed, we could say [something] like this. This is not but legends of the former peoples." (8.31) . The Internet, people blogging about spiritual journeys, Yahoo Answers, etc. Facebook especially. This refers to any sort of credit card debt, loans from banks, loans from the government. As you all know, charging interest is illegal in Islam. This is especially pertinent to college students in the United States of America. Referring to atheists and religiously apathetic people mocking followers of Christianity and Islam for being irrational, illogical, superstitious or “believing in an imaginary God.” This happens all the time in America and on the Internet. . . . . . Referring to “emo” or “depressed” teenagers constantly saying that their parents don't understand them and that they want to kill themselves. . . . . . Last notes: There is a hadith that states that paying zakat will become a burden, but this is a reference to the existence of charitable organizations whose entire duty (with full-time, paid, staff) is to distribute donations, such as Red Cross, the Peace Corps, the Salvation Army, etc. Re: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wealthiest_charitable_foundations There is a hadith (might be an Shiʿite tradition, however), that fire (and redness) will appear in the sky and rain on people. This is a reference to bombs over Baghdad. There is a tradition (possibly Shiʿite) that states that science and knowledge will appear in Qom. This is a reference to the development of nuclear technology in Iran. A tradition states that there will be much harj, harj, and this is ostensibly a reference to mass shootings. A tradition (non End of Times related) states that there will be women who are dressed but appear naked and whose hair is like the humps of a Bactrian camel and that they would lead their husbands astray, and this ostensibly a reference to groups like these: https://www.instagram.com/tazsangels_/?hl=en Safe for work, but racey, you get the idea though: http://40.media.tumblr.com/712ff241a3c74c31656b3bd7820a9cf8/tumblr_nwjecgXOxW1rk74v1o1_1280.jpg A more obvious photo showing the hair like the humps of a Bactrian camel: https://i.gyazo.com/327d8f47175941f7f09059b79d608c21.jpg A tradition (non End of Times related) states that there will be a group in the Fire (whom the Prophet had not seen) who will be whipping people with whips like the tails of cattle and that they would go to bed under the wrath of Allah and that they would get up in the morning under the wrath of Allah, this is ostensibly a reference to the American slave trade. That's all I have. Cheers, al-Sadiq P.S. Usama b. Zaid reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: I have not left after me any (chance) of turmoil more injurious to men than the harm done to the men because of women. — Muslim It was narrated from Abu Sa’eed that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “No morning comes but two angels call out: ‘Woe to men from women, and woe to women from men.’” — ibn Majah
  9. Salam Alaikom, here this topic is about angels and to gather mainly material about angels for all of us to benefit from islamic sources. Have you ever thought why so little of speech in our communities about angels, are we not maybe, part angelic and part animal like, and maybe from spiritual realm perspective we are like this. Gathering of information is by this priority: From the Holy Quran Ahadith of Ahl al-Bait Peace upon Them What our Maraje say based on aql and naql of course Any speech from a scholar in your community, this includes your virtual community also, try to find one speech lo. Any books in any language is also welcome, on this topic both from Maraje and high scholars and other researches that is Muslims.
  10. (bismillah) As-Salamu `Alaykum jami`an, could someone verify/ correct this translation (word-for-word)? عن الإمامْ الصّادِقْ جَعفَر بِن مَحَمَد, عَن أبِيهِ, عَنْ جَدِه عَليَهم الَسلام ْأن الحُسيَن بِن عَليّ بِنْ أبي طَالِب (ع) دَخَلَ يوَماً إلى الحُسَّن (ع), فلَما نَظَرَ إليه بَكَى, فَقالَ له: ما يبُكّيكَ يا أبا مُحَمَّد؟ قالَ: أبّكْي لِما يُصنَع ُبِكَ, فقالَ له الحُسَن (ع): إنّ الذيَ يُؤتى إليَّ سُمٌّ يُدَسُّ إليّ فأقُتَلُ بِهِ, ولكنّ لا يَوم ْكَيَومِكَ يا أبا عَبّد ُالله, يزَدَلِفّ إليكَ ثَلاثونَ ألفَ رَجُلْ, يَدعّونَ أنَهمٌ ِمن ْأُمة جَدُنا مُحَمَد (ص), وَينتَحلِونَ ديّنُ الإسّلام, فيَجتمعون َعلى قتَلَكَ, وَسفّكِ دَمَُك, وآنَتِهاكِ حُرّمتِكَ, وَسبي ذّراريّك ونَسائُك,َ وانتِّهابُ ثُقلَك, فَعِندُها تَحِلّ بِبنَي أُميّة اللَعنَة, وَتمُطرُ الَسماّء ُرَمَاداً وَدَماً, وَيبَكي عَليكَ كُل ُّشَيء حَتى الوُحوُش ُفي الفَلَوات, والحِيتاّنُ في البِحارْ. From Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (Ja`far b. Muhammad) from his father, from his grandfather. Al-Husayn b. `Ali b. Abi Talib entered on the day al-Hasan (was poisoned). When his (Imam Husayn’s) eyes fell on him he started crying. Imam al-Hasan asked, ‘What makes you cry, O Aba Muhammad?’ He (Husayn) said, ‘I am crying because of what is going to happen to you’. He (Hasan) said, ‘What is in my destiny is that I have been poisoned with trickery and the… kill me (?). However, no day is like your day O’ Aba `Abdillah! On that day, thirty thousand individuals from those who claim to be the ummah of our grandfather Muhammad (s) and Muslims will collaborate to spill your blood and kill you and to violate your honour and take your women and children as prisoners and to plunder your assets. It is in that time that Allah will allow the cursing of Bani `Umayyah and it will rain blood and ashes from the sky and all creatures, even the wild animals and fishes in the sea will cry for you.’ [bihar al-Anwar, volume 22, page 274]
  11. Sallam Alikum! Question: So I hear this a lot and I'm sure a lot of you have also heard it "It's the intention that counts" and I know and understand there is a ton of ahadith that say that intentions are more important than actions. I mostly hear this from non-hijabi Muslimat who say that they don't wear the hijab because it's their intention that matters. I never understood this. Or like if someone says I am a Muslim but I pray sometimes but it's the intention that matters? I don't know what I want to ask, but I don't get it. So I can take off the hijab and say "oh I'm not wearing but I will dress modestly and act properly without the hijab because it's the intern that counts? I hope I make sense, thank you.
  12. (bismillah) This is something about ORIGIN of Sunnis and Shiites: All Muslims believe that GOD is the guider of humans and we need to get our program schedule from GOD. But 99.9999% of humans do not have direct connection with GOD. So, God sent Prophets to Guide them on be half of him (GOD). All Muslims accept the Mohammad (pbuh) is the Last prophet from God. He left Quran between the Muslims as a GUIDE book to find out what God wanted from humans. But, to get all the DETAILS of GOD orders, Quran is not enough. Quran is the Guidance book but with its special language. It has around 500 Ahkam ayas and many Ayas about heaven and hell and... But there are so many things which Quran is empty from them, For Example: The way to Pray. How to pray in the morning, in the noon ... ? How many Rakaats in Salat? How exactly to make Ghosl ? Both Shiites and Sunnis refer to Mohammad (pbuh) as the Describer of God orders. > So, our duty is to reach the Exact and Real words of Prophet (pbuh) as a Guider from God. We name the Words : HADITH > One of the Big issues in Shiat and Sonat is to determine the True Hadith from Fictitious Hadith. > The specialists have their own ways to understand if A Hadith is True or Not, 1. They review the Tellers of each Hadith If all the Tellers are Good people about Telling the Hadith they will accept the Hadith. 2. .... 3. .... What happened , after Death of Mohamad (pbuh) ? Caliphs (Abubakr, Omar Ibn Khatab, Othman, Mo'avia) announced that: WRITING THE AHADITH IS FORBIDDEN. Quran is enough for us! This was due to avoid TAHRIF Al Quran as they say. A period (around 100 Years) Writing the hadith was FORBIDDEN. > People who heared the Sentences of Rasoolollah (pbuh) started to Die, to Forget. Many of written Sentences have destroyed and burned by Colapha. No one allowed to write. Results After this 100 Years : 1. Every one forgot the Prophet (pbuh) words 2. New generation didn't have enough info about Prophet (pbuh) words. 3. Fake and fictitious words came to the mouth one by one. 4. ... After this 100 BLACK DIRTY YEARS, new Caliph Omar Ibne Abdol Aziz braked this rule. Everyone started to write Ahadith. Everything they Heard from Every one. Hundred Thousands of Ahadith have been written. FYI: Bokhari collected a few of these Ahadith in his Book because there were a lot of FAKE Hadithes. RESULT: More than 95% of AHADITH HAVE BEEN DESTROYED and what we have now is just some ORAL words through this 100 Years including Fake Ahadith. Islam just have Quran which is really from God and we accept it (WITHOUT ANY DOUBT). It has all the God's words without any TAHRIF. But, it is a Book and doesn't contain all Details. 1 Book and a few accepted Ahadith "Originaly" from Prophet (pbuh) is not enough. So, this Religion (Islam) BASED on imprecise documents. So, Islam is not a good religion at all. Because it doesn't guide us directly to God orders. Like Jewish and Christianity. Dear Sunnis, Please tell us how we can reach to God orders?
  13. (637) For the realization of three things I (earnestly) swear: charity causes no reduction in one’s wealth, patience against injustice causes God, the Great and Powerful, to enhance one’s dignity and begging makes God to open to the beggar the doors of poverty. And keep in mind what I tell you. There are four groups of people in the world. First, those gifted with knowledge and wealth, who fear their Lord in dispensing them, who give a hand to their kinds and who know that God has a share in their possessions. This group has the highest status. The second group is those gifted with knowledge but not wealth, who are truthful of intention in saying, `if we possessed wealth, we would practice what the wealthy do’. This group will gain the results of their own intentions and are equal in reward with the first one. The third group are those gifted with wealth but not knowledge, who make use of their wealth ignorantly, fear not their Lord in dispensing their wealth, give no hand to their kinsmen and observe no share for God in their possessions. This group has the lowest status. The fourth group is those on whom God has bestowed neither wealth nor knowledge, who keep on saying, `If we possessed wealth, we would practice much the same as the wealthy’. This group too will pick the fruits of their own intentions and are equal in vice with their leaders. (641) Forgetfulness ruins knowledge, and the knowledge transmitted to incompetent people will be ruined(too). (2) A believer does not resort to jealousy or flattery, save in seeking knowledge. (78) A hypocrite is devoid of two traits: reputation and deep knowledge of religion. (90) A little bit of action accompanied by knowledge is useful, and a lot of deeds followed by ignorance is of no use. (125) A scholar who avails himself of his own knowledge is superior to a thousand simple worshipers (of God). (126) A scholar who does not act upon his knowledge is like unto a niche providing people with light but burning itself. (128) A seeker of knowledge among the ignorant is like unto a living creature among the dead. (158) Neither is stammering a defect of tongue; stammering comes from deficient knowledge of Truth (God). (162) Acquire knowledge and through it, peace (of mind) and soberness gain, and to your teacher humble remain. (167) Advise each other in the acquisition of knowledge and do not spare your knowledge from one another, for treachery in this respect is worse than treachery to wealth. (177) All holders of knowledge hunger for new knowledge. (179) All kinds of knowledge will entail evil results in the Day of Judgment, save that which is put to practice. (205) An hour of seeking knowledge is better than praying one whole night, and a day of seeking knowledge is better than fasting three months. (218) Angels spread out their wings for the seekers of knowledge, for they are pleased with what they seek. (233) Ask God (to give you) useful knowledge, and take refuge with Him from useless knowledge. (611) Fetter knowledge through writing. (566) Everything has its own path, and the path to Paradise is (acquiring) knowledge. (347) Blessed is the one whose faults stop him attending to people's, who dispenses from his lawfully-earned wealth, who makes friend with men of deep knowledge and wisdom, and who keeps aloof from men of sins and vices. (264) Be an early bird in seeking knowledge, for early-rising brings you blessing and prosperity. …. Not quite the 'Ilm noo bus karay ho yaar, aik alf terey darkaar' type of religion', :-) Ref: Nahjul Fasaha
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