Bismillah Rahmane Rahim, (In The Name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful), In Order to Serve the Interests of All of Mankind and all of God's Creatures, We would like to usher in The Lion of Allah Court of Justice. The Lion of Allah Court of Justice will examine all matters of Justice brought within this Court. This Court As Witnessed By Allah Himself, All His Angels, and All His Servants, will determine all matters within this court. Allah, at His will, will Allow all matters brought to this Court, to be determined by His Servants, based only on His Laws, on the Conditions of Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil, with no margin of error, as determined by Him. Anything brought within this Court, is under Close Jurisdiction as determined by Allah. 'Dear Allah, Give Us Strength to Enjoin Good and Forbid Evil and Carry Out Justice For All of Your Creatures.' Alhamdolelahe Rabel Alamin. (Thanks to God, Cherisher and Sustainer of All the Worlds) Please Bring Forth Your Matters, Please be reminded this is a Public Court, and Manners, Mercy, and Forgiveness will Be Closely Witnessed and Judged By Allah.