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  1. Name: Fatima Title: Al Zahra Born: Friday 20th of Jamadi-ul-Akhar in Mecca Father's Name: Holy Prophet Muhammad Ibn-e-Abdulla صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم Mother's Name: Khadija bint-e-Khuwailid Died: 13th Jamadi-ul-Awwal at Medina at the age of 18 years (due to injury inflicted upon her through force of a falling door). Buried: The cemetery of Jannatul Baqi at Medina
  2. Her Name is Fatima An orphan is the name of a child who lost his mother, But what is the name of a mother who loses a child? Crushed between the door and the wall along with the souls of Hassanain, Robbed of her child, her right, her husband's, she fights through the pain. Her name is Fatima. The one whose essence mankind will never reach, For God Himself has shielded her with a protection that none can breach, Mistress of my soul and the women of the worlds, With her name and her hand the secret of this life unfurls, The strength of my heart and the strength of Haidar, The strength of the lion who conquered Khaybar, For who else can converse with such beauty and power, Fight the usurpers after the loss of Mohsen, the wilted flower? Her name is az-Zahra, the radiant light, illuminating a path, For those who want to see and be away from God's wrath, For he who angers az-Zahra has evoked the Messenger's displeasure, And no doubt, God's own wrath which follows is that beyond any measure, For who is so aligned with the will of her Creator, Which woman did He create, that other than her there is no greater? Her name is al-Batool, unsurpassed in every way, Be it the chastity, the virtue, or the worship she did display, No man equalled her strength the day she fought her right, Look around you now- see the destruction of Fatima's might. For which woman could have such eloquence and knowledge of the Book? Fadak was hers then and now, no matter what they took. Quoting the verses to them that were revealed to her very door, Every lie, every plot of theirs and tactic, into shreds she tore. For she is as-Siddiqa, the truthful, no matter who calls himself this too, A name is just a name but the truth lies in what we do, Ali is with the truth, truly this is no lie, And the truth is with Ali, but she will shortly die, Leaving behind a house that is both so full and bare, Full of Ali's grief, but of a mother's warmth, left bare, A homely nest no more, for its mother is no longer, A house that used to buzz with life, now remains mourning and sombre. Hassan holds her feet and Hussain cries on her chest, An imagine after which the heart of Ali will never find rest, Zainab and Kulthum sob as they await the darkness of night, One final farewell they crave before facing a new plight. And Ali...? A broken man, half a human, dealt his biggest blow, He sits with his head in his hands, and tears of anguish now freely flow. The lion, the warrior, the hero that roared with such might, Now quietly sobs for her pain and her loss, a flame of grief now alight. Two souls intertwined...now world's apart, A long journey of loneliness Ali has to start, Her orphans, her prayer mat, the memories of her days, With these he will survive, and he now says... 'A flower, nipped in the bud. From paradise it came, and to paradise it went, but has left its fragrance in my mind'.
  3. Qudsiyaa Taahera sardaar-e-nisaa hai Zehraa, Himmat-e-hasti-e-aurat ki sada hai zehraa, Aalam-e-jehl ke toofaañ na bujhaa paaye jise, Khalq-e-zan meiñ quvvat-e-shamm-e-haya hai zehraa Apna haqq jaanna laazim hai so ye yaad rakheñ Markaz-e-haqq-e-haqiiqi ka pata hai Zehraa, Ilm-o-Irfaan ka meyaar khirad se hai pare, Ilm ke shehr ki raunaq hai ana hai zehraa, Malka-e-khalq kahaañ or kahaañ baagh-e-fadak, Past-fitrat ko khaber kya ho ke kya hai Zehraa Majlis-e-sheh meiñ jab aao to khuloos-e-dil se, Mehv-e-riqqat jo sar-e-Farsh-e-aza hai Zehraa Gulshan-e-Ahmed-e-mursal hai mu.atter jis se, Paiker-e-sabr-o-gul-e-arsh-e-ulaa hai Zehraa Fakhr-e-rab ruu-e-muqaddas hai saraapaa ismat, Dasht-e-pasti meiñ balandi ki naba hai Zehraa, shakl-o-seerat meiñ baseerat ki har ek jumbish meiñ, Apne hi aap meiñ qur.aan-e-khudaa hai Zehraa Parda-e-azmat-e-niswaañ pe likha ho goya, Deen-e-islam ki zeenat ki ridaa hai Zehraa Shafqat-o-rehmat-e-khaaliq ki ziyaa hai Zehraa, noor ko noor ki naayaab ata hai Zehraa Zikr jinka hai ibadat ki har ek zeb-o-'zain', Lauh-e-mehfooz paa tehreer-e-baqaa hai Zehraa
  4. Reading Time: 2 minutes Some Saudi Salafi scholars invited Allamah Amini ((رضي الله عنه).) – the author of the Al-Ghadeer, arguably the most decisive book on the event of Ghadeer – for dinner. However Allamah Amini ((رضي الله عنه).) turned down their invitation. They insisted that Allmah Amini ((رضي الله عنه).) accompany them. On insistence, Allmah Amini ((رضي الله عنه).) acceded to their request. However, he put a condition that there would be no discussion or debate over dinner. They agreed. After dinner, a Salafi scholar in the assembly (there were around 70-80 of them) attempted to initiate a discussion. However, Allamah Amini ((رضي الله عنه).) refused to be drawn into a debate. Some of them suggested that in order to increase divine blessings, every scholar in the gathering should narrate a tradition from the Holy Prophet ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم).a.) so that the gathering is illuminated through it. Those present there were are renowned traditionalists (Haafiz-e-hadees), a title conferred on those who have memorized at least a hundred thousand traditions. They started narrating traditions one by one until it was Allamah Amini’s ((رضي الله عنه).) turn. CLICK HERE FOR MORE STORIES Allamah Amini ((رضي الله عنه).) said – My condition for narrating the tradition is that when I have narrated the same, each one should confirm whether he considers this tradition authentic or not. All those present agreed. Thus Allamah Amini ((رضي الله عنه).) narrated the famous tradition of the Holy Prophet of Islam ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم).a.): قال رسول الله (صلوات الله علیه و آله ) : من مات و لم یعرف امام زمانه مات میته جاهلیه ‘One who dies without recognising the Imam of his time dies the death of ignorance.’ Thereafter he asked each and every person to testify the authenticity of the tradition. Everyone testified that the tradition was indeed authentic. Then Allamah Amini ((رضي الله عنه).) said: Now that you all accept this tradition, I have a question for each one of you: Did Fatima Zahra (s.a.) recognise the Imam of her time or not? And if she did, who was the Imam of Fatima Zahra (s.a.)? All the scholars present fell silent for a long time, with their heads bowed down. And since they didn’t have any reply, they began leaving the assembly one by one. Clearly they were in a fix. If they claim – she didn’t recognize (her Imam), then they are saying Fatima Zahra (s.a.) left the world in a state of disbelief (Allah forbid), and it is impossible that the Chief of all Women of the Worlds dies a disbeliever (Allah forbid)! If they say she did recognize (her Imam), then they have to find another Imam for her in place of Abu Bakr, since Bukhari (the most prominent scholar of Ahle Tasannun) says: ماتت و هي ساخته عليهما Fatima (s.a.) left the world in a state of intense anger at Abu Bakr (and Umar – as the narration says علیهما i.e. both of them) Since the Ahle Tasannun scholars were cornered and had no option but to testify to the legitimacy and leadership Ali b. Abi Talib ((عليه السلام).), they left the assembly with their heads hanging in shame.
  5. عيد الزهراء عليها السلام مبارك 9th Rabee Awwal Eid Al Zahara (عليه السلام) & The first day of the Imamat of Al Hujja Al Mehdi (ajf) Mubarak to All sisters, brothers, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and all of Allah's creations! NARAAAYYYYY HAIDERIII YAAAAA Ali
  6. Salam! Did Imam Ali (as) love Um al baneen like he loved Fatima al zahra? Or did he marry her just so that she could take care of Imam Hussein and imam Hassan?
  7. latmeya in memory death of sayeda fatima al zahraa - 1438 - Artist s.hani alwedaei - Bahrain
  8. Salam brothers and sisters, As Ayyam e Fatimiyya go by, I thought that I share some information about tasbeeh Fatima Zahra. Origins Imam Ali ibn Talib (as), Fatimah Zahra's husband, once told Ibn Wahid a story about Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) most beloved daughter. Imam Ali ibn Talib (as) said, Fatimah Zahra's (pbuh) hands were blistered from constant grinding; her neck had become sore from carrying water; her clothes would become dirty from sweeping the floor. When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had received an influx of servants from some place, Imam Ali ibn Talib (as) suggested to his wife that she approach her father and ask for a servant. Fatimah Zahra (pbuh) went, but could not speak to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) because of the people who were surrounding him. Next day, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came to their house, and asked Fatimah Zahra (pbuh) as to why she wanted to see him. Imam Ali ibn Talib (as) told the whole story to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and said that Fatimah Zahra (pbuh) went to him on his advice. "Fear Allah (SWT), Fatimah," Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Fulfill your obligations to the Lord, and continue with your housework."Then, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said he would give her something that would be better than a helper or anything else she wished in this world, this is when Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gives Fatimah Zahra (pbuh) the gift of this Tasbih/Tasbeeh and its is known as Tasbih/Tasbeeh of Fatimah Zahra (pbuh). And said when you go to bed at night, read the following: 34 times - Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) 33 times - Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah) 33 times - Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah) Most of us are well aware of the spiritual benefits of this tasbeeh. We know that reciting this after our wajib prayers is highly recommended, and that it secures our place in the heaven. But, someyhing new I learned in this year's ashra were the medically proven benefits. Well, there's two ways you would recite this tasbeeh, either roll the beads or recite it keeping count on your fingers. When you recite it on your fingers, you're gently pressing the pads of your fingers. This gentle press stimulates the pressure points on your fingers. The pressure points regulate the flow of blood to specific parts of body and keep them well and healthy. This study of pressure points is called "acupuncture". Then, this part of your gums between the front teeth as shown in the picture, is linked to your heart When you recite this tasbeeh, you sah Allah 100 times. SubhanAllah, alhamdullilah, Allahuakbar The emphasis on the "L" you put, between your front teeth, regulates flow to heart. So, along with spiritual benefits, tasbeeh Fatima (a.s) also has physical benefits. Subhanallah. Thankyou for reading. Khudahafiz!
  9. Sallam Alikum, and I sent my condolences to the Muslim Ummah for the tragic death anniversary of the Holy Lady Fatima (AS). I have been looking all over the place to find where Fatima Al-Zahra is mentioned in mainly Sahih Muslim and Bukhari about Omar Ibn Alkhattab attacking the house of Bibi Fatima? Can someone help locate these narration? Also other than the reason of "different translations" what do you say about this? http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/showthread.php?37869-Did-Umar-(R-A-)-tried-burn-the-house-of-Fatima-(R-A-)
  10. Ya Zahra! In order to shed more light on the tragic events that unfolded after the death of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Safeer TV has made a short video depicting the incident of the door. Please share with your friends and most importantly to our younger generation to ensure the tragedy of Lady Fatema (sa) is never forgotten.
  11. IMI ~ HUSSAINIA - BIRMINGHAM Monday 23rd - Wednesday 25th March 7pm SHARP After Maghribayn Namaaz 3 DAY MAJALIS SHAHADAT SYEDA FATIMA-E-ZAHRA (S.A) Monday : Molana Abid Bilgrami {India} Tuesday : Molana Syed Abbas Abidi {Hidayat TV} Wednesday : Molana Syed Zeeshan Zaidi {India} Packed Niaz on Monday & Wednesday Full Niaz on Tuesday PLEASE ATTEND ON TIME Jazakallah Hussainia Regents Park Rd B10-0QP 0121-773-6212
  12. Objection 6: If rivalry existed, why Ali (a) named his sons Umar, Abu Bakr and Uthman? Pattern of Objection Shia claim that the first and second Caliphs attacked the house of Fatima ® whereas we know that Ali (a) named some of his issues after the Caliphs. This shows that the Caliphs are exonerated from these allegations. Does anyone name his children on his enemies? Logical reply A. Absence of restricting the name to a particular person Names are never related to any particular person. In the same way, names like Umar, Abu Bakr and Uthman were not limited to these persons and numerous other people were also named as such. That is why names like Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman were common names and numerous persons during the time of the Prophet were known by these names. Thus, overlooking the replies that follow, it cannot be said that selection of these names was due to attachment and friendly relations between His Eminence and the Caliphs, because it is possible that His Eminence had attachment with other people having the same names. VISIT OPPRESSIONS UPON JANABE ZAHRA (SA) FOR MORE B. Naming as Abu Bakr Especially with regard to naming one of the sons of Amirul Momineen (a) on the name of Abu Bakr; if it was as some have claimed, Abu Bakr was an agnomen (Kunniyat) and not a name, His Eminence should have named his son after one of the real names of Abu Bakr: That is Abdul Kaaba, Ateeq, Abdullah or his other names (with attention to differences, which exist with regard to his names) and he would not chosen his Kunniyat. Another point is that: What attention to the fact that Abu Bakr is a Kunniyat and not a name, and Kunniyat is chosen by a person himself according to the circumstances of his life and it is not selected by the father of that person. From this aspect, if we say that Amirul Momineen (a) named one of his sons as Abu Bakr it would be a false and baseless statement. Finally: According to a report the real name of this son, whose Kunniyat was Abu Bakr, was Abdullah and he was martyred at Kerbala aged twenty-five years. Since his real name was Abdullah and from the aspect that he had a son named Bakr they referred to him as Abu Bakr. Abul Faraj Isfahani writes: Abdullah bin Ali was twenty-five years of age when he was martyred in Kerbala.[1] On the basis of this, the birth of Abdullah occurred during the early period of the Caliphate of His Eminence, Ali (a) and the Imam during that period severely condemned the Caliphs preceding him. This is another proof of the absence of relation between these names with that, which is publicized by the objection makers. C. Naming as Umar With regard to naming of a son of Amirul Momineen (a) as Umar: 1- Firstly: One of the habits of Umar was that he used to change the names of people. Thus, according to historians, he changed the names of many people. Balazari has written in Ansabul Ashraf: Umar bin Khattab named the son of Ali after himself.[2] In the same way, Dhahabi has written in Seer Alaamun Nubla: A son was born to Ali (a) during the period of Umar bin Khattab and the latter named the child after his own name.[3] For further emphasis, I would present the example of three other persons, whose names were changed by Umar: A- Ibrahim bin Harith Abdur Rahman bin Harith was named by his father as Ibrahim, whose name Umar changed to Abdur Rahman.[4] B- Ajda Abi Masruq Umar bin Khattab changed the name of Ajda bin Malik to Abdur Rahman.[5] C- Thalaba bin Saad The name of Mualla was Thalaba; Umar changed it to Mualla.[6] 2- Supposing we don’t accept the previous statement as was also mentioned in the beginning, can it be said that this naming was due to the attachment of Amirul Momineen (a) to Umar bin Khattab and only his name was Umar? Ibne Hajar has mentioned in Isabah, ‘Chapter of those named as Umar’, twenty-one persons among companions of the Prophet who were named as Umar.[7] How and according to which evidence was this naming due to the attachment to Umar bin Khattab? [1] Maqatilut Talibiyyin, Vol. 1, Pg. 22, Abul Faraj Ali bin Husain Isfahani (d. 356). [2] Ansabul Ashraf, Vol. 1, Pg. 297, Ahmad bin Yahya bin Jabir Balazari (d. 279 A.H.). [3] Seer Aalamun Nubla, Vol. 4, Pg. 134, Shamsuddin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthman bin Qaimaz Dhahabi, Abu Abdullah, (d. 748), Mausisatur Risala, Beirut, 1413, Ninth edition, Edited: Shuaib Arnaut, Muhammad Naeem Arqasusi. [4] Al-Isabah fee Tamizus Sahaba, Vol. 5, Pg. 29, Ahmad bin Ali bin Hajar Abul Fazl Asqalani Shafei, Edited: Ali Muhammad Bajawi, Darul Jeel – Beirut, First edition, 1412 – 1992. [5] Al-Isabah fee Tamizus Sahaba, Vol. 1, Pg. 186, No. 425, Ahmad bin Ali bin Hajar Abul Fazl Asqalani Shafei, Edited: Ali Muhammad Bajawi, Darul Jeel – Beirut, First edition, 1412 – 1992. [6] Al-Ansab, Vol. 1, Pg. 250, Abul Manzar Salma bin Muslim bin Ibrahim Sahari Autabi (d. 511 A.H.) [7] Al-Isabah fee Tamizus Sahaba, Vol. 4, Pg. 587-597, Ahmad bin Ali bin Hajar Abul Fazl Asqalani Shafei (d. 854), Edited: Ali Muhammad Bajawi, Darul Jeel – Beirut, First edition, 1412 – 1992.
  13. A Quiet Funeral In the darkness of the jet-black night, when eyes were asleep and voices were silent, a Heavenly procession left Imam Ali's house while carrying the Messenger of Allah's daughter to her final abode. This was on the night of the third of Jamadi Al-Thani (the second), 11 A.H. The heartbreaking procession moved towards an unknown location followed by a small number of devoted ones... They were Ali(A.S.), Hasan(A.S.), Hussain(A.S.), Zainab(A.S.) and Umm Kulthum(A.S.)... Abu Dhar, Ammar, Miqdad, and Salman were following them. Where are the thousands who inhabited Medina?! One asks, and the answer came: Fatima (A.S.) requested that they may not be present at her funeral! The family and their friends hurry to bury Fatima... then they rush back to their own homes so that no one would know where Fatima was buried! In such a matter, the first start from Ahlul-Bayt set after the sun (the Prophet) and left everyone with the only light of Imamate! Here I was asked: "What do you think about the end of the life of Fatima(A.S.)? What will be the position of those who oppresses her in the hereafter!?" I waved my hand to him... So long... with no word...dead silence...So long! But wait..can't you hear the Commander of the faithful...the known hero...Ali...Don't you realize that he is crying? Yet, who would not cry for being separated from the Mistress of women? Listen to him, he is speaking to the Prophet(S.A.W.): "O Prophet of Allah, peace be upon you from me and from your daughter who has come to you and who has hastened to meet you. O Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.)! My patience about your chosen (daughter) has been exhauted and my power of endurance has weakened, except that I have ground for consolation in having endured the great hardship and heart-rending event of your seperation. I laid you down in your grave while your last breath had passed (when your head) between my neck and chest. 'Verily we are Allah's and verily unto Him shall we return.' (2:56) Now the trust has been returned and what had been given has been taken back. My grief knows no bounds, and my nights will remain sleepless till Allah chooses for me the house in which you are now residing. Certainly your daughter would apprise you of the joining together of your Ummah (people) for oppressing her. You ask her in detail and get all the news about the position. This happened when a long time had not elapsed and your remembrance had not disappeared. My salam be on you both, the salam of a grief stricken not of a disgusted or a hateful person; for if I go away, it is not because I am weary (of you); and if I stay, it is not due to lack of belief in what Allah has promised the endurers." At sunrise people gathered to participate in Hadrat Fatima's funeral, but they were informed that the darling of Allah's Messenger (S.A.W.) had been secretly buried during the night. Meanwhile, Ali (A.S.) made the shapes of four fresh graves in Baqi' so as to conceal the location where Fatima was buried. When the people entered the graveyard, they were confused as to which spot was actually Lady Fatima Zahra's grave; the people turned towards each other and with feeling of guilt said: "Our Prophet (S.A.W.) has not left behind but one daughter, yet she has died and was buried without our participation in the funeral or the prayer rituals. We do not even realize the place where she has been buried!" Noticing that a revolt might be ignited because of the emotional atmosphere that event created, the governing party announced: "Select a group of Muslim women and ask them to dig these graves so that we may find Fatima(A.S.) and perform prayers on her. " Yes! They attempted to execute the plan, violating Hadrat Fatima's will and causing Imam Ali's (A.S.) attempts to hide the grave to lay veinly. Have they forgotten Ali's sharp sword and his well-known courage! Did they really think that Imam Ali(A.S.) would remain indifferent to their outrageous actions up to the point of letting them dig Fatima's grave?! Imam Ali (A.S.) did not fight back after the Holy Prophet's (S.A.W.) demise because he considered the Muslim's unity and overall interests. Yet, this did not mean that he would ignore their villainous crimes against Hadrat Fatima(A.S.) even after her death. In other words,Imam Ali(A.S.) was asked by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) to have patience, but only to a certain extent; when Imam Ali(A.S.) recieved the news of the about to be executed plot, he put on his fighting gear and rushed towards Baqi'. A man from among the people called out: "This is Ali Ibn Abu Talib(A.S.) leveling his sword and saying: 'If anyone moves even a more stone from these graves, I shall strike even the "back of the last follower of the unjust.' People who realized Imam Ali's seriousness, took his threats with complete belief that he would do just as he said if anyone were to appose him. Yet, a man from the governing ones addressed Imam Ali (A.S.) by saying: "What is the matter, Abu Al-Hasan?! By Allah, we shall dig her grave out and perform prayers on her."Imam Ali (A.S.) then grabbed the man by his clothes, shook him and threw him to the ground and said: "Son of the Sawada! I have abandoned my right to prevent people from forsaking their faith, but as regards Fatima's grave, by Him in whose hand is my soul, if you and your followers attempt to do anything to it, I will irrigate the ground with your blood!" At this, Abu Bakr said: "Abu Al-Hassan, I ask you by the right of Allah's Messenger, and by Him Who is above the Throne: leave him alone and we will not do anything which you would not approve of..." Thus, until this day, the location of Hadrat Fatima Zahra's grave remains a secret. http://www.imamreza.net/eng/imamreza.php?id=269&page=2
  14. 786 This is a beautiful Salam to Lady Fatima az-Zahra (s.a.) by the late Hazrat Pir Sayyid Naseeruddin Naseer Shah Gilana of Golra Sharif: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Sp1ILLn_8k PaRa hoon dar pe tere misl e kaah Ya Zahra Mile faqeer ko khairaat e jaah Ya Zahra I am lying at your door like straw O Zahra Give this beggar some charity Ya Zahra!
  15. Attack on Fatima( s.a) By Umar bin Khattab. Some Sunni ulamas lies their mass, So this video is made from the book Musannaf , Ibn Abi saiba, Vol 13 Bab Kitab Magazi, Every narrator of this chain is siqa. FOR MORE VIDEOS CLICK HERE
  16. RECOGNISE ME , I AM FATIMA !(SA) - NEW BOOK If Lady Zahra (s.a.) would not have been there, perhaps the hypocrites through their dirty conspiracies would have martyred Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and Imam Hasan and Husain and no sign would have remained from the progeny of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and till Judgment Day no one would have worshipped the Almighty Allah; and the interpretation of the worship of the Almighty Allah would have become non-existent CLICK BELOW FOR A NEW AND EXCELLENT BOOK ON HAZRAT FATEMAH ZAHRA (SA) RECOGNISE ME I-AM-FATIMA "Fatima is with truth and the truth is with Fatima" (Kitab Sulaym, Vol. 2, Pg. 636)
  17. Salaam Alaikum Can anyone who has hadiths on the actual burning of the door post them on this thread please? Not one's from Tabari- preferably ones that actually state Umar Ibn Al Khattab going into the house and then the rest of the incident. many thanks in advance :)
  19. HISTORY OF OWNERSHIP OF FADAK <p dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;"> On 7th Hijri, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) had given this place as a gift to his beloved daughter Janabe Fatema (s.a.). She used to administer this place through her appointees. Just ten days after the demise of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.), Fadak was snatched away from her. Inspite of providing proofs and witnesses, it was not returned to her. It was not considered as a parented heritage and property. According to Sahih Bukhari the 2nd Caliph had returned it to the successors. The 3rd Caliph took possession of it by force and gifted it to Marwan. Mu’aviya in his time divided it into three parts. Marwan, during the tenure of his Khilafat took all of it in his possession and gifted away to his sons Abdul Malik and Abdul Aziz. It remained in their possession till the time of Umar Bin Abdul Aziz. Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, got his father’s share as inheritance, he bought the share of Abdul Malik and returned it to the children of Fatema (s.a.). Yazid Bin Malik, in his time, took it back from the children of Fatema (s.a.), and kept it in his possession. The 1st Caliph of Bani Abbas, Sa’fah, consider­ing Imam Hasan (a.s.) as a successor of Fatema (s.a.), gave Fadak to him. Mansoor Dawaniqi, again usurped it. Mahdi, the son of Mansoor returned it to the children of Hazrat Ali (a.s.). Moosa, the son of Mahdi, again usurped it. Fadak that was given by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) to Janabe Fatema Zahra (s.a.), was chang­ing hands between the Caliphs of Bani Abbas, till the time of Ma’moun. Ma’moun, had a religious discussion with a follower of Hazrat-Ali (a.s.) (Alawi), and reached to the decision that Fadak is the property of Janabe Fatema (s.a.). Hence he returned it to her children. Mutwakkel Abbasi, usurped it and took it in his possession. He gifted it away to Abdulla Bin Umar Baaq. Abdulla Bin Umar Baaq, ordered Bushraan Bin Abi Umaryyi Taqzi to go and cut down all the trees. He went to Medina and cut all the trees. He even cut those eleven trees that were personally planted by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). When Bushraan returned from Medina to Basrah he was struck by paralysis and died subsequently. We ASK these QUESTIONS If Fadak was not the property of Fatema Zahra (s.a.w.a.), then why the 2nd Caliph, Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, Sa’fah, Mahdi and Mamoon and other Umayyid Caliphs had returned it to Janabe Fatema (s.a.)? If Fadak was the property of Fatema Zahra (s.a.w.a.) why the 3rd Caliph, Mu’aviya, Yazid Bin Abdul Malik, Mansoor Dawaniqi, Moosa Bin Mahdi and Mutewakkel added it in their property? And why they gifted it away to others? If Fadak, was the property of Government Treasury, every Muslim was having a right over it; why only a few favorites were considered for keeping it? Why the 1st Caliph did not do justice by it? And he did not try to earn the pleasure of Janabe Fatema Zahra (s.a.), by giving it to her. This would have resulted in earning the pleasure of Allah as well as of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.).
  20. I look upon the stars ... And I see a head Hussein has been martyred ... And the lands are red Your mother weeps for you ... she looks upon your head Hussein has been martyred ... And the lands are red *** Hussein I am Fatima, and today I come to see you I come now to Karbala, the Sky is Red instead of blue I walk towards your body, I cannot believe this is true I break a Tear, O' Hussein my heart cannot see this view * The Sky cries out for you, and so Does the Land Nothing is left of you, on this Bloody Land My eyes cannot take this … lay on the ground your head Hussein has been martyred ... And the lands are red ** I enter Karbala searching, searching for that shining Star I see many shining lights, which one is yours its so far I see Abbas, your brother, he has no hands and he's afar The death of my son Abbas, O' Hussein has left me a scar * You have left a Deep scar, in my heart you have You are my shining star, and your all I have I cry for your daily ... tears of blood I now shed Hussein has been martyred ... And the lands are red ** On the hot sands you were killed, and on there now you than lay They will all be Judged my Hussein, that day will come and its Doomsday They have no shame O' Hussein, what is this horrid display Even though you're drenched in blood, you still look like a rose Bouquet * And on the ground you lay… Hussein you’re my rose To God I pray and say … they martyred my rose This bouquet I pick up … why is it drenched in red Hussein has been martyred ... And the lands are red ** They raised your head on a spear, O’ Son this display hurts me Here I am on the hot sands, I cannot describe what I see May Allah curse your killers, O’ Allah please here my plea The prayer of a mother, Allah will accept easily * You recite the Qur’an … with every last breath You call out Fatima … with your final breath The nail and the door … O’ Hussain now your head Hussein has been martyred ... And the lands are red Mountather Al-Karbalai, Ottawa – 11/11/2012 * I wrote this for Muhharam 2012, But I have not had time to post it and here it is *
  21. Excellent lecture by Maulana Mirza Athar Sahab on fadak...A Must Watch It is in 8 parts . TO WATCH CLICK HERE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fsik4Vjpbgw
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