Imam al-Jawad (as) Community and Education Centre To our loyal supporters We hope you have benefited from our recent programs and services, including the new projects running at our Harrow Imam al-Ridha School. We are fortunate to have completed the purchase details of our new Imam al-Jawad (as) Education and Community Centre and now need to raise funds for the deposit and completion, which totals £625,000. This your chance to become a donor in a new project that the community desperately needs (especially a Mughtasal). Donors who give large amounts (£1000+) will have a memorial plaque engraved on the Centre walls in memory of their loved ones. The following links will allow you to make a one-off or regular donation, via Direct Debit, credit card, Paypal,Text SMS or bank transfer. Please give any amount to this fundraising effort, we appreciate all the support we get from our friends. Finally, if you haven't already seen the other projects that we are also working on, then please read our porfolio booklet here. We have finalised details of the purchase of this building in Willesden, now we need your help to raise funds. Read details about the centre here » Donate via Text Text IMAM99 10 to 70070 to donate £10 to our fundraising efforts, it's quick and you can add Gift Aid too. Standing orders The Foundation is a registered charity and we have many projects that need your support! You can create fundraising pages and set up a standing order on our JustGiving minisite. Gift Aid adds 25% to donations We accept Gift Aid on your donations, which can increase their value by an extra 25%! Visit our fundraising website to donate today. Spread the word Please forward this to others even if they may not donate, we want our community to know that we are working hard to deliver projects that will benefit future generations. Contact For more information please e-mail us at: or call us on 02084513322 Alternatively you can check out our website: Or add us on Facebook: https://www.facebook...214551601897844