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  1. Do Iraqi Shias believe in possesion by the jinn, do they belive in jinns and possesion. A Study Claims 52% of Iraqis belive in it.
  2. Hello i'm a syrian sunni muslim (Asha'ari sunni) and i'm wondering why shias are fighting in Syria !! Defending Assad's regime ? Please note that shias are fighting before the creation of The islamic front (Jabhat Al-nusra)... is it because the sufyani and Mahdi thing ?
  3. Deutsche Welle Follow 8.9K Followers Afghanistan: 14 killed in attack claimed by 'Islamic State' Story by Deutsche Welle • 11h Followers of a religious minority have been targeted by extremists in Afghanistan. The so-called "Islamic State" extremist group claimed responsibility for the attack.At least 14 people were killed and six wounded in an attack by unidentified gunmen in Afghanistan on Thursday night, a Taliban spokesperson said Friday without giving further details. "While we share our deep sorrow with the innocent victims of the incident, we are also making serious efforts to search for the corrupt perpetrators of this act and bring them to justice," spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement. What is known about the attack According to the Afghan news channel Tolonews, the incident took place on the border between the central provinces of Daikundi and Ghur. Most people in that area are Shia Muslims and it was considered one of the safest provinces. The victims had gathered to greet pilgrims returning from Karbala in Iraq, Tolonews said. Local Shiites went there about three weeks ago for the important religious festival of Arbain. 'Islamic State' claim responsibility The so-called "Islamic State" (IS) terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack. "Soldiers of the caliphate" had fired assault rifles "at a group of apostates," according to an IS statement broadcast on its usual propaganda channels. Let's bring in Marine veteran and Benghazi annex security team FOX News Taliban flaunting US failures in Afghanistan three years after botched withdrawal: 'Slapping us in the face IS considers Shiites to be apostates according to their extremist interpretation of Islam. Islamic State-Khurasan, a local affiliate of the Middle East-based Islamic State, has waged an insurgency against the Taliban, whom they see as their enemies. Although the Taliban promised greater security after taking power in August 2021 and also claimed to have largely crushed the group, IS regularly carries out attacks. sh/kb (dpa, Reuters) Copyright 2024 DW.COM, Deutsche Welle. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
  4. Letter 4 U | Ayatollah Khamenei letter for western Youths Imam Khamenei letter against Bin laden letter (a campaign for spreading truth of Shia Islam against Zionism & rogue state of Israel & wahhabism) please everyone share the letter (4U/for you) among everyone who you can for defending the truth & Palestine (Palestinians) against sheer evil the rogue state of Israel & global zionism.
  5. Will Shias view Taliban differently this time after repots of taliban attending majils, and i saw a video of that itapperas to be sunnis participating in matam, is this staged or a hoax, or a prapaganda tool? What do Shias think?
  6. Do Shia Muslims still think most Americans are friendly and still a Christian nation? i have heard and seen otherwise but i was wondering the Shia muslim view on this?
  7. I saw on quora people were asking questions about the Shia most of them were rumers and slander from Wahabbis and propaganda! For respect of the mods and forum rules i will not post them on here!, but you can already guess what about!!!! And it is disgusting!!!! i dont kno weather its trolls or wahabbis indirectly spreading propaganda pretending to ask them as questions, but i dont know! i was thinking i could have something to do with irans protesting conflict or the fact that the Shias in dearborn are protesting liberals and graphic material in school textbooks, i was thinking it was related or a conincidence. Because soon as tese things happen the questions and prapaganda startedto appear, ill let you see for yourselves!!!
  8. Civil War were to break out in the USA,which side will Shias back?Would it be the African Americans and liberal Socialist Democrats? Conservatve American Muslims and Christians with religious Values, leftist, socialist, or no one.
  9. Ive been told by people that shias dont really say ya hussain when they do matam. A lady told me her husbandwas in us military in iraq and shias never said ya hussain, also a person asked some one on the internet do shias really do ya hussain and they said they dont, i tld them yes and they said how do i know i live in america! IS this true, or did i mis understand?
  10. Im asking this because Iran Supports the African American community. The NOI has some relation to Iran nd it supports thre cause. The NOI also supports the hip hop music industry. So does that mean Iran supports the rap industry because NOI and African Americans support it.Even though music is haram? Do Shias support them?
  11. Does Chicago have a large shia comminity.Is it diverse?
  12. Is music addiction a problem among shia muslims especially youth?
  13. Are there Shia apologetist, like islam apologetist, meaning apologetist to sunni?
  14. Do Shia sisters engage in mutahoften like males or is it mostly done by shia men?Is it mostly virgins or widows who do it?
  15. Do Shias think hip hop is good or bad? DO someshias support the industry?
  16. as salaam alakim! I heard a tale that in Shia culture Shia women cant ,arry left handed people and its a sin!! Is this true or is this a myth?
  17. salaam Some people(espcially wahabbis)accuse Shias of being involved with the occult and say Shias uses occult symbols and are in bed with the occult!!! What do you all have to say about this!!
  18. Salam Aleykom, I heared from Sunni brothers that Kuffi Shias killed Imam Husain (as) not sunnies. What do you think about this Claim ? Of course I can answer too but I want to hear from you first...
  19. salaam I was wondering if shia split started when Imam Ali(عليه السلام) moved the khalifate to iraq from hijaz. What developments happened, is that why shias home turf is Iraq rather then mstly in the west penensila.
  20. as salaam alakim!!! is it true in a narration that even some misguided munafiq shias will wage war against Imam Mahdi(عليه السلام)? I heard a hadith mention Baghdad and Syria? Which hadith is this?
  21. How does a Shia respond to this? I thought it was just Sunni? Brethren of Sincerity The Sabians were an important influence on the fifty-two treatises of the Ikhwan al Safa wa Khullan al Wafa, or “The Brethren of Sincerity and Loyal Friends,” a brotherhood that flourished in the city of Basra in Iraq, which was an important source of inspiration for much of Sufi tradition, as well as Jewish scholars of Kabbalah.[14] It is also generally agreed that the Epistles of the Ikhwan al Safa wa Khullan al Wafa were composed by leading proponents of the Ismailis, a sect of the Shia.[15] According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, the Shia sect was founded by a Yemeni Jew named Abdallah ibn Saba who embraced Islam. When Mohammed’s son-in-law Ali became Caliph, Abdallah ascribed divine honors to him whereupon Ali banished him. After Ali’s assassination, Abdallah is said to have taught that Ali was not dead but alive, that a part of the Deity was hidden in him and that after a certain time he would return to fill the Earth with justice. Until then, the divine character of Ali was to remain hidden in the Imams, who temporarily filled his place. As the Jewish Encyclopedia notes, “It is easy to see that the whole idea rests on that of the Messiah in combination with the legend of Elijah the Prophet.”[16] This office of Imam was thought among the Shia to have been passed on directly from Ali to the sixth Imam, Jafar as-Sadiq, and then on through to the twelfth Imam, who disappeared in 873 AD. The Shia majority, following twelve Imams, were known as Twelvers. Some of Jafar’s followers, however, remained loyal to his son Ismail, and were known as Ismailis, or Seveners.
  22. Ok so I don't understand why there are so many ridiculous stereotypes against Shias. Some of these ridiculous stereotypes and allegations are like Shias putting blood in their food and spitting in water. And for some reason Many Deobandis and Wahabis in my area say that Shias don't do salah and that they eat pork. (Nauzbillah). Where the hell do these allegations come from in the first place? Another allegation which is obviously false is that Shia Muslims exploit Mutah for intercourse only. When will these lies ever end?
  23. @Zainab Razvi Assalamualaikum, Would like to know if there are any shias from Paris,France
  24. Salam! Como estas? Hey guys! I just wanted to begin a thread about Soccer. I wanted to form a group of intellectual Shia followers of Football (Soccer) and discuss transfer news, events, and everything else with them. I'm a teenage passionate Soccer fan. Are there any regular Soccer lovers out there who want to have a group of us in which we unite and discuss and also share knowledge regarding Islam. There will be Banter, Trolling, and discussion about Football (Soccer) of all times and analysis of matches. Please reply here so we can think and discuss more about this. Ps. I'm an Atletico Madrid fan! Soy un Rojiblanco. ;)
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