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  1. Rajab-ul-Murajjab, the one of those four months, which are called Hurmat Waley Maheenay (the months in which Jidal-o-Qital (fighting) was prohibited and they are Rajab, Zeeqa'ad, Zilhajj and Muharram), is the 7th month of Islamic calendar. Allah has bestowed it honour, respect, glory and preference. A saying of Holy Prophet (peace of Allah be upon him his progeny) goes: "Rajab is the month of Ali (A.S), Shabaan mine while Ramazan of Allah's" There are two types of Rajab Amaal: 1- Amaal, which are not specified with any specific day or night; 2- Amaal that are specified with some specific days and nights Amaal, which are not specified with any specific day or night:- Person who keeps fast in this holy month deserves the pleasure of Allah Almighty. - It is reported that he who is not capable of keeping fast in this month should recite following 'Tasbeehat' daily for hundred times: 'Glory be to the deity Who is glorious, praise be to Him that no one is worthy of Tasbeeh save He. Praise be to God Who is honourable and Exalted. Glory be to Him Who wore the dress of respect and He is worthy of it.' -Mo'alla bin Khunais has reported from Hazarat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (as) that He (as) said for the recitation of following duaa in this blessed month:-Holy Prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his progeny) said that he who recites hundred times in this month will be pardoned by Allah. -A two-rakaat prayer, to be offered in any of this month's nights, has been reported from Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP). In each rakat following suras are to be recited: Sura Hamd---once Sura Kaferoon---once and Sura Ikhlaas----thrice.-The first Shab-e-Jum'a (the night between Thursday and Friday) of this month is called 'Laila tur Ragha'ib'. A special amal of Holy Prophet has been reported in this night with great fazeelat (merit). The amal is as under:Keep fast on the first Thursday of Rajab then at night, which is shab-e-jum'a, 12-rakaat prayer-each two rakaat with one salam is to be offered between Maghrib and Esha prayer. In each rakat following suras should be recited: Sura-e-Hamd---once Sura-e-Qadr----thrice Sura-e-Ikhlaas---12 times After prayer recite this 70 times: Then recite 70 times following in prostration: After prostration, recite 70 times. Then again recite 70 times in prostration and ask Allah for his wishes and needs, which will be, fulfilled Insha Allah (God willing). -Ziarat of Hazrat Imam Raza (AS) is desirable in this month. -Many reports have come down about the great merit acquired by performing off seasonal pilgrimage to Mecca (umrah) in this month. -There is great fazeelat reported of offering namaz-e-Salman Farsi in this month. (mafatihul jinan may be consulted for detail). Amaal that are specified with some specific days and nights: Ist night of Rajab is the night of blessings. There are many amaal to be performed in it. Some of them are: 1-Recite following at the time of sighting moon: 2- Take bath-it is reported that he who takes bath in the 1st, 15th and last night becomes as (sinless) pure and innocent from his sins as he just has born. 3- Cease to sleep and spend night in ibadat is also a source of great reward. 4-Recite Ziarat-e-Imam Hussain (AS) 5-It is reported from Hazrat Imam Muhammad Taqi (AS) that recitation of following duaa in this night is desirable:'and then ask Allah for his wishes. 1st day of Rajab is a glorious day as the 5th descendant of Holy Prophet Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S)-the son of Hazrat Imam Zain-ul-Abedeen bin al Hussain (AS) and Hazrat Fatima Umm-e-Abdallah, the daughter of Imam Hassan bin Ali ibne Abi Talib (AS) was born in Madina al Munawwara in 57 A.H. His Holy grave is in the cemetery of al-Baqee in Madina, the city of the Apostle (peace of Allah be upon Him & His progeny). Imam Baqir (AS) was present in Karbala at the time of the gruesome tragedy of the wholesale massacre of his grand father Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions. One of his saying goes: 'The height of perfection is excellence in the understanding of the religion, endurance in hardships and administration of the affairs of life according to one's means, in the right measure." Some aamal of this day are as under: 1- Keeping fast 2- Reciting Ziarat of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) 3- Taking bath 4- Wearing new clothes Rajab 3 is the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Imam Ali Naqi (A.S)-the 10th descendant of Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace of Allah be upon him & his progeny). He was martyred at Samrah in the year 254 A.H. At that time He was 42 years. His holy mausoleum is in Samrah, a city of Iraq. The period of His Imamate was thirty-three years. 5th Rajab is the birth anniversary of Hazrat Imam Ali Naqi bin Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S) and Hazrat Sausan (A.S). He was born at Surya in Madina in the year 212 A.H. In the time of Mutawakkil there was a woman named Zaineb who claimed to be a descendant of Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP). Mutawwakil sought the confirmation of Zaineb's claim from the Imam. Imam said 'as the beasts are prohibited to eat the flesh of the descendants of Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) so he should throw Zaineb to the beasts and test her claim'. On hearing this, she began to tremble and confessed that she was false. Mutawwakil then ordered the Imam to be thrown to the beasts to test the claim. To his great surprise, he witnessed the beasts prostrating their heads before the Imam (A.S). Night of 7th Rajab The Holy prophet (saws) says that if a person recites 4 unit namaaz on the night of 7th rajab, (such that in each unit after Surah al Hamd recites Surat at Tawheed thrice, Surah alFalaq once, Surah an Naas once. After finishing namaaz recites Salwaat &10 times Tasbeehate Arba’). Allah will offer him shelter under the Arsh, & give him reward of a person fasting in the month of ramdhan. Till the time he finishes the prayers, the angels pray for his forgiveness. Allah will ease the pangs of death on him & save him from the squeeze in the grave. He will not die unless he sees his place in Paradise, & will be safe from the hardships of Qiyamat. 9th Rajab is the birth anniversary of Hazrat Ali Asghar (A.S), the son of Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S) and Hazrat Rubab (A.S). 6-month old Hazrat Ali Asghar-the beloved brother of Hazrat Sakeena (A.S) was the youngest martyr of Karbala. Rajab 10 is a glorious day as Hazrat Imam Muhammad Taqi bin Ali Raza (A.S)-the 9th descendant of Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP), was born on this day in the year 195 A.H. at Medina. His epithet was Abu Jafar and his famous tittles were al-Jawad and Al-Taqi. The period of his Imamat after his father was seventeen years. His mother's name was Hazrat Sabika (A.S), (Khaizran). He was martyred in Baghdad in the year 220 A.H. At that time he was 25 years of age. He was buried beside his grand father, Imam Moosa Kazim (AS)-the 7th Imam, in Kazmayn, Iraq. Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqhe jafariya Pakistan has announced to observe Rajab 1 to 10 as 'Ashra-e-Mawaddat" throughout the world. Ameer ul Momineen Hazrat Ali ibne Abi Talib (A.S), the brother of the Apostle of Allah and his paternal cousin, and his helper (wazir) Khalifa bila fasl in his affairs, his son in law (being married) to his daughter--- Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (A.S), mistress of the women of the worlds was born in the sacred house 'Khana Ka'aba' in Makkah on 13th day of Rajab, 30 years after the year of elephant (Aamul Feel). The imamate of the Lord of the testamentary trustees of authority (Syed ul Ausiya) was for thirty years after the Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP). He was the son of Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S)-the protector of Risalat and Hazrat Fatimah binte Asad---under her care Holy Prophet was brought up and to whom Holy Prophet called 'mother'. A saying of Holy Prophet about Hazrat Ali (AS) goes: 'I am the city of knowledge and Ali (A.S) is its gate.' Imam Shafei---one of Aaimmah Arba'a said about Ali ibne Abi Talib (A.S): 'The love of Ali (A.S) is a shield (against sins), and He Ali (A.S) is the distributor of Hell and Heaven, in fact He Ali (A.S) is the rightful executive (trustee) of Mustafa (The Prophet) and the leader (Imam) of human beings and jinns'. Great poet and philosopher of the East, Allama Muhammad Iqbal says: 'First of the Muslims and Master (king) of the valiant is Ali (A.S). The treasure of faith for the divine love (of Allah) is Ali (A.S) it is only through his (Ali's) family's love that I am living, and am shining in the world like a jewel (pearl).' TNFJ has announced three-day 'Jashan-e-Murtazawi' to be observed from Rajab 11-13 throughout the world. 13th day is also the beginning of 'Ayyam ul baiz'. A person who wants to perform 'amal Umme Da'ud' should keep fast on 13, 14 and 15 Rajab. 15th night of Rajab (night between 14 and 15) is honourable night. Some aamal to be performed in it have been reported: 1-to take bath 2-cease to sleep and spend night in ibadat 3-recite ziarat of Hazarat Syedush Shuhada Imam Hussain (A.S) 4-Da'ud bin Sarhan reported from Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S) he said that 12 rakaat prayer be performed in this night. After offering prayer recite following Sura-e-Hamd---4 times Sura-e-Naas----4 times Sura-e-Falaq---4 times Sura-e-Ikhlaas----4 times Ayat al Kursi-----4 times Then recite: After this recite following for 4 times: Rajab 15 is blessed and glorious day. some aamal for this day are as under: 1-take bath 2-Ziarat of Hazarat Imam Hussain (A.S) Ibne abi Nasr reported that he asked from Imam Raza (A.S) 'in which month should I visit Imam Hussain (AS)? He (A.S) replied '15th Rajab and 15th Shaba'an' 3- Salat-e-Salman Farsi--- (for this prayer mafateeh ul Jinnan may be consulted) 4-Amal Umm e Da'ud--- it is the best amal of the day (mafateehul jinnan may be consulted). On 22nd day of Rajab momineen arrange Niyaz in Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S)'s name. Rajab 25 is the martyrdom day of the 7th descendant of Holy Prophet, Hazrat Imam Moosa-e-Kazim (A.S) bin Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S). His kunyas (epithet) were Abul Hassan, Abu Ibrahim and Abu Ali. He is known as Al Abdus Saleh (the pious worshipper of Allah). One of his tittles is 'Babul Hawa'ij' (the door to fulfilling needs). Generosity was synonymous with his name and no beggar ever returned from his door empty handed. Even after his martyrdom, he continues to be obliging and is generous to his devotees who come to his Holy tomb with prayers. The period of his Imamate was thirty-five years. The patience and forbearance of imam Moosa-e-Kazim was such that he was given the title of Al-Kazim (one who suppresses his anger). In other words he was called Al-Kazim because of his restraint of anger and the patience (which he showed) in the face of the acts of the oppressors right up until the time he martyred. He was the embodiment of virtue, generosity, gallantry, boldness, forgiveness, and tolerance. It is reported that he used to pray supererogatory prayers throughout the night so that he would make them extend until the morning prayer, then continue them until the sun rose. He would remain prostrating himself before God without raising his head from prayer and praising God until the sun came near to descending. He used to weep so much out of fear of God that his beard would be wet with tears. Imam Moosa-e- kazim (AS) martyred in 183 A.H. in prison where he passed 14 years of his life till he was poisoned by Haroon ar Rasheed, the most cruel and tyrannical king of Abbasid Emperor. His holy corpse was taken out of the prison and left on the bridge of Baghdad. Then an announcement was made: "This man Moosa bin Jafar (PBUT) has died." His son Hazrat Imam Raza (AS) undertook the washing and shrouding of his holy body. At that time Imam Moosa Kazim was 55 years of age. TNFJ observes this day as 'Youm-e0Babul Hawa'ij' throughout the world with respect and reverence. The night between 26 and 27 Rajab is one of the blessed nights. It's the night of Annunciation and Accession of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP). Many aamal of this holy night have been reported---following are some of them: 1-take bath 2-cease to sleep and spend night in ibadat 3-Hazrat Imam Muhammad Taqi (AS) told a special amal to be performed in this night reward of which is equal to 60 years of ibadat. That amal is: Before midnight 12 rakaat prayer with 6 salams is to be offered by reciting Sura-e-Hamd and any other Sura in it. After prayer recite all following suras 7 times each: Sura Al-Hamd Sura-e-Naas Sura-e-Falaq Sura-e-Ikhlaas Sura-e-Kaferoon Sura-e-Qadr and Ayat al Kursi. Then after reciting the following dua'a, pray for his wishesThe best amal of this night is Ziarat of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and Ameerul Momineen Hazrat Ali ibne Abi Talib (AS). There are three specified Ziaraat of Hazrat Ali (AS) to be recited in this night. One of them is Ziarat-e-Rajabiya:(Mafteehul Jinan may be consulted for complete ziarat). 27th day of Rajab is Eid day as the Apostleship of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) was annunciated on this day. This is also the day of his accession (meraj). Some aamal of this day are: 1-take bath 2-keep fast-this day is one of those four days of the year in which keeping fast is distinctive. This day fast is equal to 70 years fast in reward. 3- to recite ziarat of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and Hazrat Ali ibne Abi Talib (AS). 4-Da'ud bin Sarhan reported from Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S) he said that 12 rakaat prayer be performed in this night. After offering prayer recite following Sura-e-Hamd---4 times Sura-e-Naas----4 times Sura-e-Falaq---4 times Sura-e-Ikhlaas----4 times Ayat al Kursi-----4 times Then recite: After this recite following for 4 times: On 28th Rajab Imam Hussain (AS) made his departure from Madina Munawwara to Karbala. General To fast for 4 days is beneficial to save oneself from punishment in the grave. Whoever fasts for six days in Rajab will find peace in Qiyamat & walk over the Pul-e-siraat easily without accounting. Night of 1st Rajab Recite 20 rakat namaaz on the night of 1st Rajab after Maghrib namaaz such that in every Rakat after Surah al- Hamd recite Surah Tawheed once. The reciter & his family will be saved from punishment in the grave & will cross Pul-e-siraat like lightening without any accounting. 1st of Rajab Recite 10 Rakat Namaaz on the 1st of Rajab such that in every Rakat after Surah al Hamd, recite Surah Tawheed 3 times. A person who prays this Namaaz will be saved from the squeeze of the grave. Lailatul Raghaib & first Thursday of Rajab It is related that the person who recites Surah-al Yaseen before going to bed & Namaaz -e -Lailatul Raghaib will be saved from the terror of the grave. The first Friday night of Rajab is known as Lailatul Raghaib. Hazrat Muhammad (saws) used to fast on the first Thursday & between Maghrib & Isha recite 12 Rak’at namaz in six sets of 2 units. In every Rak’at after surah al Hamd recite 3 times Surah al-Qadr & 12 times Surah an Naas. After salam recite 70 times: Allahumma s’ale a’laa muh’ammadin nabiyyil ummi wa a’laa aaleh. Then go into sajdah & recite70 times: subbuh’un quddoos rabbul malaaaekate war-rooh’ Then sit erect & say 70 times: rabbighfir war-ham watajaawaz a’mma ta’lamo innaka antal a’liyyul a’zeem. Then go into sajdah & say 70 times: subbooh’un quddoos rabbul malaaekate war-rooh’. Middle of month of Rajab & the night of 16th&17th Rajab To recite 30 rakat namaaz in the middle part of the month such that in each rakat after Surah alHamd recite Sura Tawheed 10 times is beneficial to save oneself from punishment in the grave. In the same manner to recite the above naamaz on the night of 16th &17th Rajab is also beneficial 22nd Rajab To recite the following 8 Rak’at namaaz on the 22nd of Rajab is beneficial during death. In each Rakat after al-Hamd , recite Surah Tawheed 7 times. After finishing Namaaz, recite sawaat 10 times & recite Astaghfirullah Rabbi wa atooboIlayh 10 times. 24th of Rajab Fasting on the 24th of Rajab carries great reward. One of its merits is that the angel of death comes in the form of a handsome youth carrying a bowl of the pure drink(Sharaabe Tahoora) & offers it to the dying man. The dying person drinks it & dies in peace. Last day of Rajab. For the person who fasts on the last day of Rajab, Allah will save him from the after effects of death. Reference: English translation of Manazelul Akherah by Sheikh Abbas Qummi. Pl refer other books for more aamal for Rajab. May Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì forgive us all and bless us with a happy life in this dunya and the Hereafter. We pray to Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì to keep us firm on His path, and to always protect us from negligence in discharging our duties towards Him and our Living Imam (A.J), and to also include us among the Imam (A.J) helpers and companions
  2. How we can find our true identity. What are the practical steps in knowing the self (nafs).how to achieve the state of “man 'arafa nafsahu faqad 'arafa Rabbahu”. This particular Hadith is highly focused, qualified for achieving and realizing closeness to Allah (S). What practical steps are needed in order to recognize the self so that we will be able to recognize the RUBB"
  3. I was reading about Grand Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Behjat Fumani when I stumbled this: "His famous advice to youths is ‘to read and practise one hadith daily from the Chapter of Jihad al-nafs in Wasail al-Shi’a of Shaykh Hurr al-Amili." I presume it is the same book as penned below. I couldn't find in pdf online but I found most the chapters can be read here. --- Combat With Self, ed. 2003 Author: Muhammad b. al-Hassan al-Hurr al-Amali Publisher: ICAS Press, UK ISBN 1 904063 14 4
  4. Salaamu alaykum all, I've decided to begin a new personal project in which I try to implement a new sunnah of the Prophet every day of the following week (and till the 40 days after such that it becomes a habit.) I will start with the duas of the Prophet SAWS. He had a unique one for nearly every action in his daily routine. This will help us remember Allah throughout the day, as a matter of course. My motivations behind starting this project are in this post entitled A Sunnah a Day Keeps the Devil Away. I invite you all to join me in this project which will begin July 15th inshaAllah (I decided to give it a week to get more people on board.) We will hold each other accountable and encourage one another to righteousness, inshaAllah. Make sure to subscribe to the email list for updates!
  5. The topic doesn't imply 'Putting yourself before others'. Altruism is a beautiful virtue; not many possess, but the great ones did. What's as important or perhaps even more important than putting others before yourself, is to improve your own-self before doing so. It should be kept in mind that the one who's drowning can't save the others, who're drowning. The one who's sick, cannot properly heal other sick ones. Someone gave a good example of how they ask you to "Put your own oxygen mask before assisting others" on an airplane during the safety walk-through. It's for the same reason that if you're unconscious, you cannot help others. Imam Ali (as) said, Whoever wants to be a leader should educate himself before educating others. Before preaching others, he should first practice himself. Whoever educates himself and improves his own morals is superior to the man who tries to teach & train others. Buddha in regards to the same thought said, A man who conquers himself, is better than a man who conquers a thousand men in battle. So, before you go out there to help others, be your own doctor & check whether you're suffering from the same disease or not. Improve yourself, before you go out to improve others.
  6. In the name of God. Salam. Dear brothers and sisters. While googling shiachat to browse it, I realized the search term suggestions of google. Here is the result on my pc: Ismailism or black magic, etc.? For God's sake! We have more important topics and discussions on the website. And I thought that before browsing shiachat, it would be better to access it while promoting certain subforums over other search terms, like ethics and self development subforum of shiachat. If you agree, would you please search for important terms like "shiachat ethics" before accessing the website? Thank you so much. May Allah bless you.
  7. A beautiful video about pride and arrogance and breaking ones ego I thought I would like to share, even though it is from the scholars of ahl al sunnah...
  8. Assalam aliakum brothers and sisters in faith I hv been seeking knowledge form many religeous forums about how to fix myself and rid myself of sins. I feel helpless as if caught in swamp of sin and disabled. I want to stop bad habits, stay clean, pray and to follow Allahs instructions. I want to be pious. Right now i am completely 'godless' but i believe in good and in islam. Maybe u shia ppl hv some good advice for a dark soul like me???
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