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  1. Salam, Anybody who could add knowledge to the title, naming who and how many ashaab of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w travelled to the sub continent? Wasalam
  2. Read the Reddit comments to understand what the thread was about, since the post has since been deleted. ....................................................................................... I'm so tired of the utterly nonsensical and VERY COMMON Sunni notion of 'I am happy to seek unity with Shias as long as they don't curse/insult/abuse any Sahaba, and especially NOT Aisha, Abu Bakr, Omar, Uthman. Firstly, any Shia claim regarding the sahabi that happens to go against the Sunni narrative is considered insulting. Secondly, and more importantly, is that the same notion is true for Shias... You are insulting the Ahlul Bayt by not accepting them as divinely appointed leaders of Allah, and infallible individuals, and perfect preservers of the religion of Islam, and a high means of seeking closeness to Allah (intercession). Not only are you insulting revered Shia figures by not following them, you are commiting MAJOR shirk by giving a false attribute to Allah, by saying that Allah has not always appointed an infallible leader on this Earth, and that there currently isn't an infallible leader. Furthermore, the real kicker is that plenty of revered Shia figures, such as Abu Talib (رضي الله عنه), are considered kuffar by Sunnis. Is this not insulting? So, how can we Shias unite with Sunnis based on their own fallacious logic? Shias are the minority, and Sunnis are the majority. It makes Sunnis think that they are Orthodox and that they have to unite with Heterodox for political and humanitarian reasons, and that Shias must make [ridiculous] compromises. Shias are far more receptive to the unity message, because we actually understand Sunni Islam, and can see the commonalities. We understand that we can't make Sunnis compromise on their beliefs. Simply by being the minority within Islam, by nature we Shias already understand Sunni beliefs, whereas Sunnis have a basic strawman understanding of Shia beliefs... which is natural, considering that they are the majority. Anyways, the point of my post is the following: Let's compile a list of revered Shia figures that are not given their proper status by Sunnis, according to Shia Islam... with an explanation given. ...This is to show that we Shias and Sunnis can unite, but we cannot unite upon revered figures and imamah. ...This will also serve as a way of showing Sunnis that this argument of theirs makes no sense. Another important question we may ask is "What about commonly revered figures like Imam Ali (عليه السلام) who is given different status in both sects? Can we unite upon Imam Ali (عليه السلام)?" ...a common Sunni criticism of political unity is that "Ali ibn Abi Talib (رضي الله عنه) is given an improper status in Shia religion because they call upon him... tawassul (intercession) of the 'dead' is Shirk! So there is absolutely no room for unity since we can't even agree on the status of the sahabi" [yes, I am aware that the Imams (عليه السلام) are still alive, but Sunnis don't believe this...] I would love to hear your thoughts. Wassalam. JazakAllah Khair. Fi sabilillah.
  3. The purpose of the thread is to analyze the differences between Sahabi / companions of the prophet saww and the members of the Ahl albayat in academic manner. Few are outlined below: 1- The members of the Ahl albayat of the prophet saww are covered by the prophet under the cloak / kissa. while no companion / sahabi can come under it 2. The members of Ahl albayat are taken alone by the prophet saww in Mubahila against the Christians and no companion / sahabi can come with the prophet for such representation 3. The members of Ahl albayat are never separated from quran but the companions / sahabi do not have such affiliation with the quran 4. The members of Ahl albayt alone can come at the back of the prophet in his prayer and companion / sahabi remain in their prayer behind the prophet saww as their Imam. ......Many more. Wasalam
  4. (salam) there have been written various issues in Sunni historical books about Muawiyah’s actions for founding Yazid’s caliphate and he tried his best to reach this intention, for example: pay attention to these two events: 1- When Muawiyah’s kingdom was established, he had in mind to nominate his son as successor and make people to swear allegiance and establish a stable dominion of Umayyads in his family, therefore he got continuously agreement of people on swearing allegiance to Yazid during seven years, he gave gifts to his relatives and won the hearts of others[1], sometimes he did not talk about it, and sometimes he declared it, and he prepared the way for swearing allegiance to Yazid in this way. Abu Umar writes in “al- Istia’b”[2] that: “Muawiyah had given a sign of swearing allegiance to Yazid at the time of Hasan (a.s.), but he did not announce that until the departure of Hasan (a.s.) and he did not decided to put it in practice.” 2- When groups and people, among them Ahnaf ibn Qays were gathered from various cities in Damascus by Muawiyah’s order, Muawiyah called Zahak ibn Qays Fahri to come to him and told him that: "ÇÐÇ ÌáÓÊ Úáí ÇáãäÈÑ æ ÝÑÛÊ ãä ÈÚÖ ãæÚÙÊí æ ˜áÇãí ÝÇÓÊÇÐäí ááÞíÇã¡ ÝÇÐÇ ÇÐäÊ á˜ ÝÇÍãÏ Çááå ÊÚÇáí æ ÇÐ˜Ñ íÒíÏ¡ æ Þá Ýíå ÇáÐí íÍÞ áå Úáí˜ ãä ÍÓä ÇáËäÇÁ Úáíå¡ Ëã ÇÏÚäí Çáí ÊæáíÊå ãä ÈÚÏí¡ ÝÇäí ÞÏ ÑÇíÊ æ ÇÌãÚÊ Úáí ÊæáíÊå¡ ÝÇÓÇá Çááå Ýí ÐÇᘠæ Ýí ÛíÑå ÇáÎÈíÑÉ æ ÍÓä ÇáÞÖÇÁ." “When I went over pulpit and expressed a part of my sayings, you ask me to speak and when I allow you, you should praise Allah then mention Yazid and speak in praise of him which is his right on you, and you should ask me that I make him caliphate after myself; because I decided to nominate him as my successor, and I seek mercy and good destiny in this matter and otherwise. Then he called Abdul-Rahman ibn Uthman Thaqafi, Abdullah ibn Musa’dah Fazari, Thur ibn Mua’n Salami and Abdullah ibn Usam Asha’ri to come to him and ordered them that when Zahak finished his speech, you should raise and certify his speech, and you should invite him to swear allegiance to Yazid. … After that Muawiyah sermonized and they spoke to invite people swearing allegiance to Yazid according to Muawiyah’s order. Then Muawiyah appointed Zahak as governor general of Kufa and Abdul-Rahman as governor general of Algazirah. At this time Ahnaf ibn Qays stood and said that: “O commander of the believers, you are more aware than us about Yazid’s day and night, his inward and outward aspect, and his commuting. Therefore, if you think that Allah is satisfied with Yazid and he is good for people, do not consult with people anymore, and if you know other than that, do not make him owner of the world while you are going to the next world and in that world just good acts will stay with you, be aware that if you prefer Yazid to Hasan and Husayn (a.s.) while knowing that who they are and what belief they have, your excuses will not accepted by Allah and we should just say that: "ÓãÚäÇ æ ÇØÚäÇ¡ ÛÝÑÇä˜ ÑÈäÇ æÇáí˜ ÇáãÕíÑ" “We just heard it and obeyed it, O Allah, we seek forgiveness to You and to You is our return”.[3] [4] [1] - al- Iqd al- Farid, vol. 2, p. 302 and vol. 4, p. 161. [2] - al- Istia’b, vol. 1, p. 142, [al- Qism al-Awal, p. 391, no. 555]. [3] - al- Imamah wa al- Siasah, vol. 1, p. 138 – 142 and vol. 1, p. 143 – 148. [4] - Shafi'i Shahrudi, A comprehensive selection of Al- Ghadir, p. 999.
  5. (salam) Sa’id ibn Uthman ibn Affan asked Muawiyah for governing of Khurasan. Muawiyah said that: “Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad is its governor”[1]. Sa’id said that: "ÇãÇ áÞÏ ÇÕØÚä˜ ÇÈí æ ÑÝǘ ÍÊí ÈáÛÊ ÈÇÕØäÇÚå ÇáãÏíÇáÐí áÇ íÌÇÑí Çáíå æ áÇ íÓÇãí¡ æ æÇááå áÇäÇ ÎíÑ ãäå ÇÈÇ æÇãÇ ÝãÇ Ô˜ÑÊ ÈáÇÁå æ áÇ ÌÇÒíËå ÈÇáÇäå¡ æ ÞÏãÊ Úáí åÐÇ – íÚäí íÒíÏ Èä ãÚÇæíå – æ ÈÇíÚÊ áå æ äÝÓÇ" “He was my father who trained you and brought you up, and ennobled you until under his care and by his graces you reached a position which is ineffable and gained such a place that no one can do that, but you were ungrateful and did not repay his kindnesses, you prefer Yazid to me and make people to swear allegiance to him, I swear to Allah that my father and my mother are better than his and I am also better than him”. Muawiyah said that: "ÇãÇ Çä ʘæä ÎíÑÇ ãä íÒíÏ¡ ÝæÇááå ãÇ ÇÍÈ Çä ÏÇÑí ããáæÁÉ ÑÌÇáÇ ãËᘠÈíÒíÏ¡ æá˜ä ÏÚäí ãä åÐÇ ÇáÞæá æ Óáäí ÇÚؘ" “But about your superiority over Yazid, I swear to Allah, I do not like that my house be full of men like you instead of Yazid, now finish this conversation and say your request to be granted”. Sa’id said that: “O commander of believers! As long as you support Yazid, he will not remain alone, and I will not be satisfied with a part of my right, but now that you refrain from doing that, give me something from what Allah has given to you”. Muawiyah said that: “the governing of Khurasan is yours”, Sa’id said: “what value has khurasan?!” Muawiyah said: “it is only a daily bread for you and your family”. Sa’id left happily, while saying: "1- ИÑÊ ÇãíÑÇáãæãäíä æ ÝÖáå ÝÞáÊ: ÌÒÇå Çááå ÎíÑÇ ÈãÇ æÕá 2- æ ÞÏ ÓÈÞÊ ãäí Çáíå ÈæÇÏÑ ãä ÇáÞæá Ýíå ÂíÉ ÇáÚÞá æ ÇáÒáá 3- ÝÚÇÏ ÇãíÑÇáãæãäíä ÈÝÖáå æ ÞÏ ˜Çä Ýíå ÞÈá ÚæÏÊå ãíá 4- æ ÞÇá ÎÑÇÓÇä ᘠÇáíæã ØÚãå ÝÌæÒí ÇãíÑÇáãæãäíä ÈãÇ ÝÚá 5- Ýáæ ˜Çä ÚËãÇä ÇáÛÏÇÉ ã˜Çäå áãÇ äÇáäí ãä ãá˜å ÝæÞ ãÇ ÈÐá" “1- I mentioned commander of believers (Muawiyah) and his bounty, then I said that Allah blesses him for what he gave. 2- Before that I had spoken angrily with him and said some sayings in which there were signs of wisdom and anxiety. 3- Therefore commander of believers gave me his bounty, whereas before giving that he was not inclined to do that. 4- He told me that: Khurasan is a daily bread for you, Allah rewards commander of believers for his act. 5- If Uthman was in place of him today, I would not be given more than this. When these poems were delivered to Muawiyah, he ordered Yazid to accompany him and give him clothes, and Yazid accompanied him for one parasang (about 6 kilometer).[2] [3] [1] - he went to Khurasan near the end of the year 53 A.H. and stayed there for two years; Tarikh Tabari, vol. 6, p. 166 and vol. 5, p. 297. [2] - Al- Imamah wa al- Siyasah, vol. 1, p. 157 and vol. 1, p. 164. [3] - Shafi'i Shahrudi, A comprehensive selection of Al- Ghadir, p. 1001.
  6. (salam) Followers of Muawvia are blind like Sonodar. it is written in “Muruj al- Zahab” that: “a Kufic person came to Damascus on his camel, while returning from Siffin (Battle of Siffin); one of men of Damascus claimed that this “Naqih” (female camel) was his and it has been taken from him in Siffin. They went to Muawiyah to solve the problem, the Damascene man called fifty men to witness that this “Naqih” is his, so, Muawiyah considered him to be rightful and ordered to Kufic man to give the camel to the Damascene man, Kufic man said to Muawiyah that: “sorry but, this camel is male, not a female one”. Muawiyah said that: “but it has been adjudicated”, and he played tricks on him. When Damascene men went, Muawiyah called Kufic man to come and asked the price of his camel and paid him double that amount, Muawiyah treated him kindly and told him that: “tell Ali (a.s.) that I has begun a war against you with one thousand hundred men who do not know the difference between male and female camel”. They were so obedient to Muawiyah that while leaving for Siffin, they said the Friday Prayer with him on Wednesday without raising any objection to his act. They sacrificed their heads for Muawiyah and held him in high esteem, and accepted saying of Amr A’s that: “Ali is the killer of Ammar ibn Yasir, because he has brought Ammar along to support him”, and were so obedient to Muawiyah that they cursed Ali as a tradition according to Muawiyah’s order, and follows it from childhood to the death”.[1] This story clearly shows the status of faith and understanding of Muawiyah’s followers.[2] [1] - Muruj al- Zahab, vol. 2, p. 72 and vol. 3, p. 42. [2] - Shafi'i Shahrudi, A comprehensive selection of Al- Ghadir, p. 983.
  7. (salam) Once Zeid Ebne Arqam came to Moavieh and saw Amro Aas sitting beside him. He sat between them. Amro Aas told him: Did you not find any other place as you intervened us? Zeid replied: In one of the battles in which both of you accompanied Prophet (s.a.), he worried when looking at you. On the second and third day, he looked at you for a longer period. On the third day, he said: «ÅÐÇ ÑÃíÊã ãÚÇæíÉ æÚãÑæ Èä ÇáÚÇÕ ãÌÊãÚóíäö ÝÝÑöøÞæÇ ÈíäåãÇ¡ ÝÅäøåãÇ áä íÌÊãÚÇ Úáì ÎíÑ» Whenever you saw Moavieh and Amro Ebne Aas besides each other, intervene between them, because these two do not gather each other for a good deed. Ebne Mazahem has narrated the story in the book, æÞÚå ÕÝíä, so. Please refer also to the book, ÇáÚÞÏ ÇáÝÑíÏ by Ebne Abde Rabbeh too. 2, 3 1- æÞÚå ÕÝíä: 112 (page 218) 2- ÇáÞÏ ÇáÝÑíÏ 2:290 (145/4) 3- Shafiei Mazandarani/a general extract from Alghadir, page 172
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