In the Name of God بسم الله
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Salaam everybody: Here's an opportunity to increase blessings throughout this community and throughout the whole world. I remember seeing old threads from years past about salawat pledges, but this thread will be slightly different. The only goal of this thread is to post the salawat as often as we can, and nothing more: اللّهُمّ صَلّ عَلَى مُحَمّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمّدٍ Allahumma salli `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad Rules of this thread: 1. All members are encouraged to post the salawat as often as they like, English or Arabic (but only once per post please) 2. Like as many posts as possible (reciting it yourself out loud while you like the post) 3. No other discussions or statements please, this is purely for salawat only Let's see how long this chain will go, and how much blessing we can all accumulate from posting and liking. More information on the salawat: I'll get started: Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad wa ali Muhammad
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I have two daughter. My elder daughter saw a grey snake with six corner geomatrical shapes on his body. He is running behind both sisters. Younger tried to kill the snake. Elder daughter saw blood coming out of snake head. He is weeping in very MANHOOS vouce of women. He bite younger one under neck. They come in my room. I'm not there. She cleans younger sister wound. Snake comes in that room. Elder one comes in front and climbs on bed. Snake bite her on foot. She waked up with cry. She has pain in foot since then.
Respected ShiaChat members and team, I would like to suggest something if I may. We have a thread for daily Salawat and I believe a button/shortcut/emoji for Salawat that can increase the Salawat and make it easily accessible throughout the forum would be a great and a blessed addition to ShiaChat. اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ، وَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ I would like to gauge your opinions on the suggestion? If there is consensus, would ShiaChat staff/volunteers/development team kindly cosider the idea? Please read a Salawat and vote in the poll. Thank you.
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Salam, Just had a debate with a Pakistani community member bent on creating divisions between people. I found the discussion futile and unnecessary but apparently the division monger group finds it big enough to create fitna. The person was implying that in the famous Durood on Prophet, all those who say "Muhammad wa aal-e-Muhammad" were wrong and all those who say "Muhammad-din wa aal-e-Muhammad" were right. As in the full salawat "Allah humma Salli Ala Muhammad wa aal-e-Muhammad". What is your opinion from the Hadith and classical text? Does all this even matter in our opinion?
IN THE NAME OF Allah THE BENEFICENT THE MERCIFUL Çóááóøåõãóø Õóáöø Úóáóì ÇáÕöøÏöøíÞóÉö ÝóÇØöãóÉó ÇáÒóøßöíóøÉö ÍóÈöíÈóÉö ÍóÈöíÈößó æó äóÈöíöøßó O Allah send blessings on the truthful Fatimah, the pure, the dearest darling of Thy most beloved friend, Thy Prophet, æó Ãõãöø ÃóÍöÈóøÇÆößó æó ÃóÕúÝöíóÇÆößó ÇáóøÊöí ÇäúÊóÌóÈúÊóåóÇ æó ÝóÖóøáúÊóåóÇ æó ÇÎúÊóÑúÊóåóÇ Úóáóì äöÓóÇÁö ÇáúÚóÇáóãöíäó The mother of Thy friends and close supporters, whom Thou chose, favoured and gave preference over all the women of the worlds. Çááóøåõãóø ßõäö ÇáØóøÇáöÈó áóåóÇ ãöãóøäú ÙóáóãóåóÇ æó ÇÓúÊóÎóÝóø ÈöÍóÞöøåóÇ æó ßõäö ÇáËóøÇÆöÑó Çááóøåõãóø ÈöÏóãö ÃóæúáÇóÏöåóÇ O Allah call to account those who wronged her and made light of her rights, and take revenge from those who killed her children, Çááóøåõãóø æó ßóãóÇ ÌóÚóáúÊóåóÇ Ãõãóø ÇáúÃóÆöãóøÉö ÇáúåõÏóì æó ÍóáöíáóÉó ÕóÇÍöÈö ÇááöøæóÇÁö æó ÇáúßóÑöíãóÉó ÚöäúÏó ÇáúãóáóÅö ÇáúÃóÚúáóì O Allah, in the same manner as Thou chose her to be the mother of the Imams of guidance, the associate of the standard-bearer on the Day of Judgement, and gave her the loftiest position in the highest heaven, ÝóÕóáöø ÚóáóíúåóÇ æó Úóáóì ÃõãöøåóÇ ÕóáÇóÉð ÊõßúÑöãõ ÈöåóÇ æóÌúåó ãõÍóãóøÏò (ÃóÈöíåóÇ) Õóáóøì Çááóøåõ Úóáóíúåö æó Âáöåö so, send blessings on her and on her mother, blessings that brighten the face of her father, Muhammad, blessings of Allah be on him and on his children, æó ÊõÞöÑõø ÈöåóÇ ÃóÚúíõäó ÐõÑöøíóøÊöåóÇ æó ÃóÈúáöÛúåõãú Úóäöøí Ýöí åóÐöåö ÇáÓóøÇÚóÉö ÃóÝúÖóáó ÇáÊóøÍöíóøÉö æó ÇáÓóøáÇóã which give joy and delight to her children, and convey my heartfelt salutations and greetings to them just now.
Salam , Probably it is not recommended to share dreams but I really want help since It is very much needed to understand a very strange Dream that I had last night. OK....It was Laylatul Juma...I had prayed the Prayer of Imam Ali as ......and before this I had done extreme amounts of sins both major and minor. NOW THE DREAM... I walked into a door.....a place I guess ...(note: It was feeling as If I was observing the whole dream and was a part of the dream as well). I was told that Imam Ali as is on a room. I was very much shy and scared and shameful as well to show him my face.To be honest this feeling was there in my body as well.Ok....So I went to this room and say him sleeping.....I remember exactly I even saw his yawn and another personality was right beside him as well probably one of his very dear companion as it felt at that time.I came back again thought whether it is appropriate to meet him or not. I wanted to meet him because I had a persons head in my hand , the same person who beheaded me once but due to the Imam as healing my head came back upon my neck. Finally I went and he greeted ( gets a bit vague here) then I gave him the head...I can recall that he laughed a very pleasant and modest smile....He thn perhaps told me something which I can recall.....BUT I DO REMEMBER THIS THAT HE TOOK A PAPER( DEERS SKIN) AND WROTE A VERSE FROM THE QURAN on it..and told me to go...(dont know which verse it was ) howvever do know that that it was about 5 or 6 words. I took it with me and kissed it while crying and I do believe that he gave the verse as part of a an advice......THEN I LEFT........ ANYONE WILLING TO INTERPRET OR GIVING THEIR THOUGHTS PLEASE DO SO,,,,,,,,,,,,
Can anyone tell me the virtues of reciting a salawat? :) Also what is the difference between: Çóááóøåõãóø Õóáöø Úóáóìٰ ãõÍóãóøÏò æóÂáö ãõÍóãóøÏò æóÚóÌöøáú ÝóÑóÌóåõã ` and just Çóááóøåõãóø Õóáöø Úóáóìٰ ãõÍóãóøÏò æóÂáö ãõÍóãóøÏò as some people send the salawat without the æóÚóÌöøáú ÝóÑóÌóåõãú.
(salam) Salawat is a truly beautiful thing. The virtue of salawat is truly great. We should aim to say salwat at any time we can because remembrance of the Ahlul Bayt (as) is remembrance of Allah (swt) What is Salawat? The Prophet Muhammad (saws) when he was asked how to send blessings on him (salawat), he replied "Say : O Allah, Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, just as you blessed Abraham and the family of Abraham, verily you are Praiseworthy and Glorious." (in arabic : Allah Humma Sale ala Muhammad wa ale muhammad) That is the method of invoking blessings onto the Prophet (saws) and his family as prescribed by RasoolAllah (saws) Virtue of Salawat "Indeed Allah and his angels bless the Prophet: O you who have faith! Invoke blessings on him and invoke Peace upon him in a worthy manner"-Surah Ahzab 33:56 (Quran) Allah (swt) is COMMANDING the people to recite salawat upon the RasoolAllah (saws) and as mentioned in the first hadith, the method he said to use was to bless his progeny as well. The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said :"Wherever you may be, invoke blessings on me for verily your blessing reaches me" The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said "The invocation of blessing on me is a light on the sirat" The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said "Whoever invokes blessings on me, writing it on paper, the angels continue to seek forgiveness on his behalf as long as my name remains written on the paper" SubhanAllah! Such an easy thing to say and yet so much reward for uttering one sentence! The Hadith about writing it on a paper, it is something I will definitely get around to doing, it takes maximum 1 minute to do and place it in a frame or somewhere safe, and the angels will always be asking forgiveness for you! But this is the hadith that struck me most Imam Baqir (as) or Imam Al sadiq (as) said:"The heaviest thing to be placed on the scales on the day of resurrection is the invocation of blessings on Muhammad and his household (as) If you think about it, its the HEAVIEST THING, yet it is such a simple formula! Think about if you recite it so much on a daily basis, A) you won't be sinning because instead you'll be doing salawat. B ) The salawat will outweigh the previous sins on the Day of Reckoning InshaAllah Surely dhikr of Allah (swt) is better? Also participate in dhikr of Allah (swt) but the Remembrance of Allah (swt)'s divinely sent Household is also remembrance of him. And as mentioned in above hadiths about the virtues it is the HEAVIEST thing on The day of Judgement! That means if place one on one with ANYTHING else, the salawat will outweigh it. InshaAllah this thread has helped you guys, and InshaAllah we are given the towfiq to recite salawat as a daily activity whenever possible May Allah (swt) bless you all. (wasalam)
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