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Going to happen or not going to happen. A good thing or a bad thing. What do people think?
Bloomberg Follow Israel’s Top Spy Worried Russia Could Sell Iran Advanced Weapons Story by Marissa Newman •9h (Bloomberg) -- Israel believes Russia could sell advanced weaponry to Iran, the director of the Mossad intelligence agency said, in rare public criticism of Moscow by an Israeli official. “We are concerned that the Russians will meet Iran’s demands to supply it with weapons and raw materials that will put Israel at risk,” Mossad’s David Barnea said in a speech on Sunday. Iran has been seeking sophisticated new air-defense systems from Russia, people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg News in March. Russia hasn’t said if it will supply the S-400s, which Israeli officials believe would hamper their ability to strike Tehran’s nuclear program. Israel has repeatedly vowed it won’t allow arch-nemesis Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and frequently threatens military action. Russia and Iran have bolstered their ties over the war in Ukraine, while Israel has issued only mild criticism of Moscow to keep its relations warm with the Kremlin on Middle East issues. In his public remarks Barnea said his agency foiled over two dozen planned attacks by Iran targeting Jewish and Israeli sites around the world this year, without providing specifics. The Mossad director threatened to strike Iranian officials and policymakers “from the bottom all the way to the top” should any attack plot linked to Iran harm Jews or Israelis. Israel’s retaliation would strike “deep inside Iran, in the heart of Tehran,” he warned.
As i been reading in the news and reserching things, i come to a conclusion, that the protests in Iran and the war in Ukraine, were not a normal action and were carefully planned and orchestrated by the powers. As for Iran, i think the plan was to cause internal strife because of the failed nuclear deal, and a potential US or Isreali strike on its nuclear facilities. The plan was to start turmoil in iran from the inside, i guess a military strike would most likley lead to a wider conflict and i guess the idea was to cause internal strife or try to bring iran down from the inside to avoid this possibility. as For Russia and ukraine,i think this was the same strategy as the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. To Arm and support the opposition like they did with the afghan mujahideen, to lower the moral of the russian army, to inflict losses and to possibly cause a strain finiancially like with the soviet union. Also to possibly incite a coup against Putin. So the whole plan was to shake these two regimes and possibly make it easier for the west to avoid any futrure or possible confrentations or conflicts,WWIII.
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Russian president Vladimir Putin has put a ban on same-sex marriage and transgender adoptions, in a huge blow for LGBTQ+ rights. Putin officially changed the country’s constitution on a number of issues earlier this week, following a national referendum in which 77% of people in Russia voted in favour of the ban in July 2020. The new amendments mean same-sex couples will not be able to legally get married in Russia, because the country’s constitution now says that marriage can only exist between a man and a woman. It also means that transgender members of the community will not be able to adopt. The anti-LGBT amendments are rooted in ‘a belief in God’ within the country, in which many LGBTQ+ people choose to hide their true identity for their own safety. Homosexuality was first decriminalised in Russia in 1917, before being re-criminalised in 1933 and then later legalised once more in 1993; however. homophobia remains rife in the country. One of the politicians who supported the recent constitution changes, Pyotr Tolstoy, described his home country as being ‘a stronghold of traditionalism,’ telling the Associated Press that Russia would not ‘repeat the mistakes that exist in the West’. PA Images He added: Elsewhere in the constitution change, Putin managed to slip in a reset on his own term limits as president, meaning he can now serve an extra two six-year terms, despite his current term being due to end in 2024.
Can anyone inform me about Shias in Russia? I'm planning to study there next year and I hope I would be able to find a Shia community there. I know there are a significant minority in Dagestan and urban Moscow but are there any other places with a Shia minority? I tried to search it online but I can't seem to find anything. If anyone knows of any Shia centers in Russia then please kindly inform me about it and maybe even give me a google maps link.
(5:51) - O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah doesn't guide the unjust people.Commentary: In a nutshell, Allãh warns the believers against taking the Jews and the Christians for friends, and threatens them most severely; then points in an apocalyptic way where such friendship was to take them and how it would turn into ruins the magnificent structure of religious character; then Allãh will bring on scene a people who will manage the affairs and restore the religion's structure to its original splendor.Refrence of tafseer: Certainly you will find the most violent of people in enmity for those who believe (to be) the Jews and those who are polytheists, and you will certainly find the nearest in friend-ship to those who believe (to be) those who say: "We are Christians"; this is because there are priests and monks among them and because they do not behave proudly. Commentary: Allah has described in the preceding verses the depravities found in the People of the Book in general, and some which apply to only a particular group among them, e.g., the saying of the Jews that the hand of Allah is tied up; and the saying of the Christians that surely Allah, He is the Messiah son of Mary. Now, He describes their attitude vis-à-vis the believers and Islam; and adds to it the attitude of the polytheists, in order to present a complete picture of the non-Muslim communities' mental disposition towards Islam, and how near or far they are from accepting it. Its sum-total is that the Christians are the nearest of all those groups in friendship to the Muslims and readier to listen to the call of the truth.They have been counted as the nearest in friendship to the believers, because a group of them did believe in the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) as the next verse shows: And when they hear what has been revealed to the Messenger you will see their eyes overflowing with tears on account of the truth that they recognize; they say: "Our Lord! We believe, so write us down with the witnesses(of truth). " [5:83]. Refrence of tafseer: (8:73) And those who disbelieve. they are allies of one another; and unless you act likewise. there will be oppression in the world and great corruption.Commentary: If the words 'unless you also help one another' in the verse are regarded as a continuation of the preceding verse, they would mean that if Muslims do not support each other in the way, unbelievers do, this would give rise to much mischief and disorder in the world. However, if these words are considered to be connected with the directives embodied in (verse 72) onwards, their purpose would be to emphasize that the world would become full of mischief and disorder if the Muslims of Dar al-Islam (a) failed to help one another(b) failed to provide political support and protection to the Muslims who have settled down in non-Islamic states and have not migrated to Dar al-lslam(c) failed to help the Muslims living under oppression in territories outside Dar al-Islam when they ask for it(d) failed to sever their friendly ties with the unbelievers.
Why release now your mantra Mr. Putin ? It has been quite long time the dog barking.
BBC Reports say that Russia has won the Syrian war, the article describes it at link given below: The article also raises the concern over the peace process in Syria. Comments from members are welcome.
Salam, Ever since Russia sided with Assad in the war lots of brothers and sisters seem to adopt the notion that the Russians are the saviors. Fortunately most of you are aware and knowledgeable about this issue. The reason I'm saying this that following constantly the news on all sides, I noticed that the Russians seem to be winning the war of Information, and it does not only include news. This video is a review about a book that tries to explain how the Russian power is consisted:
Declaration of war’: Russian MPs blast US plans to enforce N. Korea sanctions on foreign territory The realization of this [US] bill includes a proposed force scenario in which the US Navy would conduct compulsory inspections of all ships. Such a scenario is simply unthinkable because it means a declaration of war,” RIA Novosti quoted upper house Committee for International Relations head Konstantin Kosachev as saying. What immediately draws attention is the list of nations where US congressmen want to have special control over sea ports,” he said. “These are Russia, China, Iran and Syria. The United States is again trying to expand its jurisdiction all over the globe. It is as if they were telling Russia, China, Iran and Syria that these nations are suspects in crime, which is nonsense, according to international law.”
RUSSIA has claimed it can disable the entire US Navy in one fell swoop using powerful electronic signal jamming. A news report from the country – where the media is essentially controlled by the state – said the technology could render planes, ships and missiles useless. 4 Russia claims it can disable US ships with cutting edge technology 4 A news report boasted a single Russian plane was able to disable a US warship The newsreader says: “Today, our Russian Electronic Warfare (REW) troops can detect and neutralise any target from a ship’s system and a radar, to a satellite.” The news report claims a single Russian war plane flew several times around American destroyer the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea several years ago, disabling its systems and leaving it helpless. The report also claims they are capable to creating electronic jamming domes over their bases that make them invisible on radar screens. 4 It is claimed the technology can disable all kind of electronic equipment And the commander-in-chief is said to be bolstering American deployment in the region by sending the USS Ronald Reagan and the USS Nimitz to the Sea of Japan next week. Russia, along with China, is said to have sent a spy ship to the area to ward off the task force amid rising tensions in the region. The ship movements followed comments by Russian president Vladimir Putin who urged the US to show “restraint”.
Assalamalaikum, I have been watching news .... Im still not able to figure out who are the good guys .... Can you tell me , which countries are the good guys... P. S: Dont be biased pls.. . Be Truthful n Honest
So, I've been reading a book, and speaking with the author via his fan mail email address. And I've become so fascinated with not just a character that is minor, but the premise to the life of that character. And this lead me to decide to write a Novella about a Spy that reincarnates with new convictions, and new afflictions. The incarnations happen between the Soul's Partner as a spy. What I have written so far, is summarized as: a Syrian refugee born in England, that is deaf, and who's mother is in MI-6 as a spy to the crown with no living family because of Russian bombing, assigned to uncover the death of the Prada Llama, who in turn reincarnated in her daughter My question to the community, and concern, is if that would be crossing a line. And also, is there anyone I may speak with to help me develop further the characters?
Salam all, Just finished my sixth vlog on Youtube called "Can Iran Still Trust Russia?" which deals with the purchase of the S-300 system and Russia's attitude vis-a-vis Iran. Let me know what you think. Watch it here: More detailed description of the video: After nine years, Russia delivered Almaz-Antey's S300 missile to Iran in April, 2016. But why the delay? Find out here. The political détente between Iran and Russia began in 1989. In that year, Russian Foreign Minister Shevardnadze met Ayatollah Khomeini after the Soviet pullout in Afghanistan. A few months later, president Rafsanjani met with Mikhail Gorbachev to discuss cooperation on the use of peaceful atomic energy. These series of meetings spawned atomic cooperation agreements to be signed in 1992. The Soviet Union's weakness and its ultimate dissolution accelerated calls within Russia to revive Russia's nuclear industry abroad. From the mid-2000s, both countries had seen relations deteriorate. In Iran, the deregulation of the Khatami administration shifted towards an autarky-minded Ahmadinejad government insisting on Iran autonomously developing a full nuclear cycle. Russia's buildup after the Soviet collapse left it desperate to maintain Iran as a purchasing market. The Russians provided Iran with light-water nuclear reactors (LWRS) in 1992, the Bushehr plant was reconstructed through a $1 billion contract in 1995 and other side agreements included the negotiated delivery of a gas-centrifuge uranium enrichment facility. With the prospects of an increasingly independent Iran ahead and rapprochement with Washington, Russia decided to punish the Iranians through various international mechanisms. The delay of the S300 therefore serves as a case study illuminating the selfish economic interests of two states on the one hand, and the indifference by Russia to enhance regional security on the other.
NATO Buildup on Russia's Borders: Mobilization for War or 'Just Business'? NATO General Says Eastern Buildup Is Response To Russian 'Aggression' Russia censures NATO troops deployment near its borders Putin: Russia will respond to 'aggressive NATO rhetoric' What do you think the results of the NATO deployment near russian borders may be?
Iran is ranked number forth in the world after North Korea, China, and America. Keep it up Iran
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(salam) Hezbullah and Iran has suffered huge loss particularly after intervention of Russia in Syria. Some people believe that Russia can not be trusted. Russia is protecting Israeli interest in Syria and the series of senior Iranian and Hezbullah Officials is due to Russia. What you have to say about this? Can Russia be trusted?
By now it is clear that Iran and/or Russia will never give up on Syria, and as it seems the west + Wahabi Gulf dictators are working on plan-B to invade Syria, attack ISIS regions, train the so called 'moderate terrorists' and enable them to take over ISIS cities... then from there they will/might expand the 'moderate terrorists' rules and will help them directly to go after Syrian army. Is it a crucial time for Shias/Iran to make sure that doesn't happen and a massacre of Shias/Alawites and other Syrians who reject Takfiris rules and laws does not happen? And prevent the western-Wahabi alliance to overthrow the Syrian government? Should Iran just send troops or should it just increase its aids to Shia groups/Syrian government/Hizbullah instead?
- The bitcoin value has dropped significantly, if they step up security measures to prevent fraud and money laundering it's possible they can make a come back. Is this the end of the crypto currency frenzy? Is this an opportunity for Litecoin investors? What's Iran's stance on crypto currencies?
"International investors from the U.S., Europe and Asia are betting that sanctions will be lifted sooner rather than later, and many think Iran is the Next Big Thing: an underdeveloped, oil and gas-rich country that -- with foreign money and expertise -- will generate profits on an epic scale. They're getting ready to plunge in." The rest are details. What set the stage for all this though was the Great Retreat on Syria. The gigantic events which unfolded in front of our eyes in the month of September 2013 created a whole lot of winners and losers. Winners: 1. Syrian Regime - Got rid of 'good for nothing' CW at UN's expense. Bought time to crush the Suadi led insurgency. Regime will remain intact. 2. Syrian People - Will first time taste some semblance of democracy. Regime will offer sweeter governing deals to citizens making it a citizen inclusive government from the 2014 elections forward. 3. Russia - Managed to regain some of its lost place in international politics and has become relevant again. 4. Iran - Gained respect and legitimacy as a pivotal Middle Eastern player. Can't be ignored or sidelined from here on. "Supremacy of Iran" what the dictator Shah of Iran dreamed as only a political slogan would finally come to fruition at the hands of People's Government of Iran lead by WeF. 5. USA - Being in North American continent gives you some advantages. One of those is, if you play both sides right, you could come out with some gains in every situation. For everybody else, that includes Iran, Russia, China, Turks,and Saudi sphere, it was Win-Lose game. For USA it was a Win-Win game no matter how the events turned out in Syria. Losers: 1. Israel - It will be all too evident what Israel lost in Syria. The loss is beyond the borders of ME and the 'gift keeps giving' till North America. Left wing Liberal Jewish are definitely coming out as winners at the expense of crazy psychopath superiority complexed but immensely fearful right wing. 2. Saudis - Takfiri Saudi evil alliance is soon to be abandoned by big powers (another 3-4 decades don't mean much in the game of worlds). Saudi financed Wahabism as we know it would get a serious beating soon, almost like Star-Wars scenario when the forces of evil just vanish in the end. 3. War Profiteers - USA, UK, French war mongers have not been handed such an immense defeat in past 2 decades. Not to mention, they are planning to resurface themselves in African conflicts, but ME for now will be spared. Smart countries and nations would start aligning their interest now seeing the new direction of the world. Old world losers will remain stagnant holding their proverbial baggage.
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(salam) Dear Brother's and Sister's, I decided to make this thread, because I seen and heard some thing's that were a little disturbing today. I left the television on, and I was in another room, and I heard gunshots and screaming, and I was wondering if there was some sort of action movie going on in the background. Shortly after hearing the screaming, I came to the room after hearing: "Allahu Akbar!" Out of pure curiosity, I sat and decided to watch the infomercial. The advertisement was for supporting elderly Jew's, who are needy and in Russia. They were Holocaust survivor's, who fled to Russia to get away from Germany during World War II. Again, out of curiosity, I was wondering what Germany and Islam had to do with their suffering, May Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala help them, Insha'Allah. The infomercial was explaining that many of these elderly Jew's were outcastes in the Russian area they dwell therein, and how 'we' people can help them by sending 50.00 dollars to their organization to give a 3 meal's, each week, for one month. I sat and watched, of course I felt bad; naturally, because I don't like to see anyone suffer from malnourishment. What bothered me was the extent that the organization was going to, in order to get people to call-in and donate their money to support the cause. Now, growing up; World History, was probably one of my best subject's, and I never heard anything relating to Islam in relation to World War II. Nevertheless, I continued to watch; and they basically, said: "We are worried about radical Islam, and soon the elderly Jew's wont be able to reside in Muslim countries, etc..." "Please donate to save the Jew's." What was interesting to me; the radical Islamist's today (in the media) are directed to the Shi'ites. The infomercial was playing latom video's and showing pictures of black hijab wearing women (supposedly, these were the radical Islamist's they were referring to). One thing that really bothered me after watching the said video, they made a notion about Allah. A Jewish or Christian (I'm not really sure) said: "They say 'Allahu Akbar' which means God is great, but this is not the meaning. Allahu Akbar means 'Allah the God' is great." "Please donate now before it's too late for the elderly Jew's." Now, I'm not trying to make a mockery of the advertisement, but I still don't see the relevance of adding this information to get people to donate money to feed elderly Jew's. I even got more curious, I was they have website? Sure enough; they did, and it's as follows: I also found another video on the website (if you click video at the top), that also explained that Jews are getting bombed daily by Lebanon extremist's (as mentioned in the video) called "Israel 911" Now, I rarely pay attention to the media; as you can see from this thread, our media is brainwashing people and making false accusation's. It was interesting to me, that you have a window of 30-45 minutes to make an advertisement, and out of that timeframe, you choose to throw Islam into it for good measure. I mean; literally, they mentioned Islam for one minute, and then it was back to the 'story' of feeding the needy. I actually felt really bad for the elderly Jew's; and I still do, because it's unfortunate that people don't have food and medicine (like many other's in the world). I wonder if I called them and said I was Muslim, and I'd like to make a donation, would they accept it? Well, being the person that I am; I did call, and they had no issue taking my money. I asked: "How can you take my money when you told million's of people to beware of Muslim's taking over?" Their response: "Oh, we were just targeting (interesting word he used) extremist's around the world, and those who are threatening Israel today." Well, I pondered, and said: "This isn't the case, because of the video footage you were displaying on TV was directed towards Shi'ite Muslim's." I explained to the man, I felt really bad about the situation in relation to the elderly Jew's in Russia; but I was taken back, because they threw all of Islam "under-the-bus." He said: "We know not all Muslim's are criminal (again, interesting word he used), but we only want justice for the poor." I replied: "I am sure there are bad people in every religion; I don't think it's limited to one. So, if I donate 50.00 dollar's to support your mission, will you let the public know that a Shi'ite Muslim contributed to your organization?" He replied: "No, this isn't about religion, this is about the poor." I replied: "The video footage and the comment's therein would suggest otherwise." I am going to write a letter to the corporation about this interaction. Even if I get no feedback from them, I will do my part to let the public know; I did care, and tried to send fund's. Your Shi'ite advocate and Sister in Faith, (wasalam) AB313
Any scoop on why is Russia supporting Bashar and is opposed to Wahabi terrorism? What is that they have to gain?
- Russia has accused the US of blocking a draft UN Security Council statement condemning the suicide bombings in the Syrian capital, which were among the deadliest in the two years of the armed conflict. The US blamed Russia in return. The draft document submitted by Russia was aiming to express condolences to the victims of the Thursday attack on Damascus, which killed at least 53 people and wounded more than 250, and to condemn terrorism in any form. But the adoption was blocked by the US and its allies, which wanted to add language condemning the Syrian President Bashar Assad, a move that Russia could not accept. “Unfortunately, such an indispensable reaction by the Security Council to this terrorist attack has been once again blocked by the US delegation linking it with other questions,” the office of, Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s envoy to the UN, said. “We consider unacceptable this search for justifications for terrorist actions. It is obvious that by doing so the US delegation encourages those who have been repeatedly targeting American interests, including US diplomatic missions,” the statement added. The words are a thinly-veiled reference to the September 2012 attack on the US diplomatic mission in Libya’s Benghazi, in which America’s ambassador to the country and three other staff members were killed by Al-Qaeda-linked militants. Russia’s embassy in Damascus was among the buildings damaged by the suicide bombings, which Syria says were also carried out by Al-Qaeda-linked militants. Spokeswoman for the US mission to the UN, Erin Peltin, said“We strongly condemn all indiscriminate terrorist attacks against civilians or against diplomatic facilities. “We agreed with the Russian draft of a statement from the Security Council and only sought to add similar language on the regime’s brutal attacks against the Syrian people. Unfortunately, Russia refused to engage on a credible text.” Opponents of the Syrian regime both among the rebel fighters and the international backers of the opposition have been pressuring Assad to step down. They accuse Russia of supporting him despite the thousands of lives the confrontation has claimed, saying most of the violence is his and his government’s fault. “The problem is that the opposition saying every five minutes that they don’t want to talk to Bashar Assad,” told RT in an interview UN and Arab League special envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi. The latest opposition demand for Assad to step down comes in a political statement from the Western-, Arab- and Turkish-backed Syrian National Coalition, which the body adopted after a late session on Thursday in Cairo. The statement was passed after an angry debate, in which some members both Islamist and liberal camps of the 70-strong body criticized their chief Moaz Khatib for his earlier proposal of talks without setting a “clear goal”, as the critics said. “We have adopted a political document that sets the parameters for any talks. The main addition to the draft is a clause about the necessity of Assad stepping step down,” said Abdelbasset Sida, a member of the coalition's 12-member politburo and one of Khatib’s critics. Russia has on many occasions insisted that the personal fate of Assad is not Moscow’s concern. But Moscow insists that Assad staying in power or stepping down can only be discussed after the violence is stopped and a diplomatic solution to the conflict in found, and cannot be a precondition for negotiations. It offers itself as mediator for possible talks between Damascus and the opposition, including hosting such a meeting in Moscow. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem is due for talks in Moscow. Russia hopes that Khatib will also visit soon in search of a breakthrough.
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