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On the auspicious occasion of Milad al-Nabi, learn more about the Holy Prophet (saww) by reading Sunan an-Nabi.
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The relationship between the Holy Qur'an and Imam al-Husayn (a)
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Salaam Alaykum The saudi regime is once again planning to destroy islamic heritage. Their target this time includes the green dome above the holy grave of the Holy Prophet (saww), his prayer niche, his mimbar and masjid-e-ghamama among others. I will post an article from the Independent which has more details in my post below. The troubling issue is that many muslims are not aware about this. And those who eventually get aware usually dont raise their voices against it.. Take a look at To protest and petition against this move, two petitions have been setup. Please sign these petitions and share them with others either via email, facebook or twitter. Petition 1: Petition 2: For more info visit Admins: Kindly email these petition links to all members so that we can get maximum response and support. Admin: Please email out these petition links to members of sc so that all can be aware and can sign the petitions Admins: Kindly email out the links to the above petition to all members of SC.
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“Ali (A.S.) turned to the grave (of the Messenger of Allah [a]) and said, “O Brother! The people deem me weak, and they almost killed me.” Muhammed ibn Jarar ibn Rustam al-Tabari has recorded the following: “We have been informed by Makhal ibn Ibrahim al-Nahdi who says that Matar ibn Arqam has said that Aba Hamzah al-Thumali has said that Ali (A.S.) ibn al-Husain (A.S.) has said the following: When he (A.S.) passed away, and when Abu Bakr received the oath of allegiacne, Ali (A.S.) lagged behind, so `Omer said to Abu Bakr, “Are you not going to send someone to this lagging man to come and swear the oath of allegiance to you?” He (Abu Bakr) said, ‘O Qunfath! Go to Ali and tell him that the successor of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) tells you to come and swear the oath of allegiacne.” <a href=""> Ali (A.S.) raised his voice saying, “Praised be Allah! How quickly you have told lies about the Messenger of Allah (A.S.)!” He returned and informed Abu Bakr of it. `Omer again said, “Are you not going to send someone to this lagging man to come and swear the oath of allegiance to you?” He (Abu Bakr) said to Qunfath, “Go to Ali and tell him that the commander of the faithful tells you to come and swear the oath of allegiance.” Qunfath went there and knocked at the door. He said, “Who is it?” He said, “It is I, Qunfath.” He said, “What brought you here?” He said, “The commander of the faithful tells you to go and swear fealty.” Ali (A.S.) raised his voice as he said, “Glory to Allah! He claims what is not his!” Qunfath returned and told Abu Bakr everything. `Omer stood up and said, “Let us go to this man to bring him here.” A group of men went with him. They knocked at the door. When Ali (A.S.) heard their voices, he said nothing. A woman spoke and inquired who they were. They said, “Tell Ali to come out and swear fealty.” Fatima (A.S.) raised her voice as she said, “O Messenger of Allah (A.S.)! What have we suffered at the hands of Abu Bakr and `Omer after you?!” When the men heard her voice and words, many of them wept. Then they went away. `Omer remained, accompanied by a number of men. They took Ali (A.S.) out and led him to Abu Bakr till they seated him in front of the latter. Abu Bakr said to him, “Swear fealty (to me).” Ali (A.S.) said, “What if I don’t?” Abu Bakr said, “Then, by Allah, the One and only God, your neck shall be struck with the sword.” Ali (A.S.) said, “You do that to me although I am a servant of Allah (A.S.) and the Brother of His Messenger.” Abu Bakr said, “Swear it.” Ali (A.S.) said, “What if I don’t?!” Abu Bakr said, “Then, by Allah, the One and only God, your neck shall be struck with the sword.” Ali (A.S.) turned to the grave (of the Messenger of Allah [a]) and said, “O Brother! The people deem me weak, and they almost killed me.” He swore fealty then left.[1] This is an article taken from the book - TRAGEDY OF AL-ZAHRA’ (A.S.). DOUBTS CAST AND REBUTTALS By: Ayatullah `Allama Sayyid Ja’far Murtada al-`Amili Translated from the Arabic By: Yasin T. al-Jibouri Published By: Imam Hussain Foundation Read This Book Online [1]Al-Mustarshid fa Imamate Ali ibn Abi Talib, pp. 65-66
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“Ali (A.S.) turned to the grave (of the Messenger of Allah [a]) and said, “O Brother! The people deem me weak, and they almost killed me.” Muhammed ibn Jarar ibn Rustam al-Tabari has recorded the following: “We have been informed by Makhal ibn Ibrahim al-Nahdi who says that Matar ibn Arqam has said that Aba Hamzah al-Thumali has said that Ali (A.S.) ibn al-Husain (A.S.) has said the following: When he (A.S.) passed away, and when Abu Bakr received the oath of allegiacne, Ali (A.S.) lagged behind, so `Omer said to Abu Bakr, “Are you not going to send someone to this lagging man to come and swear the oath of allegiance to you?” He (Abu Bakr) said, ‘O Qunfath! Go to Ali and tell him that the successor of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) tells you to come and swear the oath of allegiacne.” <a href=""> Ali (A.S.) raised his voice saying, “Praised be Allah! How quickly you have told lies about the Messenger of Allah (A.S.)!” He returned and informed Abu Bakr of it. `Omer again said, “Are you not going to send someone to this lagging man to come and swear the oath of allegiance to you?” He (Abu Bakr) said to Qunfath, “Go to Ali and tell him that the commander of the faithful tells you to come and swear the oath of allegiance.” Qunfath went there and knocked at the door. He said, “Who is it?” He said, “It is I, Qunfath.” He said, “What brought you here?” He said, “The commander of the faithful tells you to go and swear fealty.” Ali (A.S.) raised his voice as he said, “Glory to Allah! He claims what is not his!” Qunfath returned and told Abu Bakr everything. `Omer stood up and said, “Let us go to this man to bring him here.” A group of men went with him. They knocked at the door. When Ali (A.S.) heard their voices, he said nothing. A woman spoke and inquired who they were. They said, “Tell Ali to come out and swear fealty.” Fatima (A.S.) raised her voice as she said, “O Messenger of Allah (A.S.)! What have we suffered at the hands of Abu Bakr and `Omer after you?!” When the men heard her voice and words, many of them wept. Then they went away. `Omer remained, accompanied by a number of men. They took Ali (A.S.) out and led him to Abu Bakr till they seated him in front of the latter. Abu Bakr said to him, “Swear fealty (to me).” Ali (A.S.) said, “What if I don’t?” Abu Bakr said, “Then, by Allah, the One and only God, your neck shall be struck with the sword.” Ali (A.S.) said, “You do that to me although I am a servant of Allah (A.S.) and the Brother of His Messenger.” Abu Bakr said, “Swear it.” Ali (A.S.) said, “What if I don’t?!” Abu Bakr said, “Then, by Allah, the One and only God, your neck shall be struck with the sword.” Ali (A.S.) turned to the grave (of the Messenger of Allah [a]) and said, “O Brother! The people deem me weak, and they almost killed me.” He swore fealty then left.[1] This is an article taken from the book - TRAGEDY OF AL-ZAHRA’ (A.S.). DOUBTS CAST AND REBUTTALS By: Ayatullah `Allama Sayyid Ja’far Murtada al-`Amili Translated from the Arabic By: Yasin T. al-Jibouri Published By: Imam Hussain Foundation Read This Book Online [1]Al-Mustarshid fa Imamate Ali ibn Abi Talib, pp. 65-66
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Narrations from Imam Hasan Mujtaba (as) regarding his mother Hazrat Zahra (sa) “You are the one who hit Fatima (A.S.) daughter of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) and caused her to bleed and she miscarried, thus humiliating the Messenger of Allah (A.S.), disobeying his order and violating his sanctity since the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) had said to her, `O Fatima! You are the Head of all the women of Paradise.’ It is narrated from al-Sha`bi, Abi Mikhnaf, Yazid ibn Habib al-Misri the tradition of Imam al-Hasan al-Mujtaba (A.S.) arguing with `Amr ibn al-`as, al-Walid ibn `Uqbah, `Amr ibn `Othman and `Utbah ibn Aba Sufyan in the presence of Mu`awiyah, and it is quite a lengthy tradition. In it, the Imam (A.S.) says to al-Mugharah ibn Shu`bah, “You are the one who hit Fatima (A.S.) daughter of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) and caused her to bleed and she miscarried, thus humiliating the Messenger of Allah (A.S.), disobeying his order and violating his sanctity since the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) had said to her, `O Fatima! You are the Head of all the women of Paradise.’”[1] The great `allama and mentor Shaikh al-Tibirisi, in his Introduction to his book Al-Ihtijaj, has said, “Most of what we cite of news we quote it according to its own isnad either because there is a consensus in its regard, or it agrees with what other thinkers have pointed out, or it is famous in biography books of those who disagree as well as those who agree with us except what I have cited of the speech of the father of Muhammed, namely (Imam) al-Hasan al-`Askari (A.S.), for nothing is more famous than it, although it contains similarly to what we have already introduced. For this reason, I mentioned its isnad at the beginning of each news of the same…”[2] The researching `allama and mentor al-Tehrani has said the following in Al-Thara`a, “This statement of his is quite clear in that everything he has cited in this regard is famous as agreed upon by both those who disagree as well as who agree with us. It is one of the highly regarded books upon which scholars such as `allama al-Majlisi and the traditionist al-Hurr al-`amili and their likes depend.”[3] This is an article taken from the book - TRAGEDY OF AL-ZAHRA’ (A.S.). DOUBTS CAST AND REBUTTALS By: Ayatullah `Allama Sayyid Ja’far Murtada al-`Amili Translated from the Arabic By: Yasin T. al-Jibouri Published By: Imam Hussain Foundation <a href="" target="_blank" title="Tradegy on Az-Zahra">Read This Book Online [1]Al-Tibrisi, Al-Ihtijaj, Vol. 1, p. 414. Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 43, p. 197. Mir’at al-`Uqal, Vol. 5, p. 321. Diya’ al-`alaman (manuscript), Vol. 2, p. 64. [2]Al-Tabrisi, Al-Ihtijaj, Vol. 1, p. 4. [3]Al-Thara`a, Vol. 1, p. 282.
Narrations From Imam Ali (as) About The Persecution On Hazrat Fatema (sa) Imam Ali (as) said to Umar, “It is the fire that you ignited at the door of my house in order to burn me and to burn Fatima (A.S.), daughter of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.), and burn my sons, al-Hasan (A.S.) and al-Husain (A.S.) and also burn my daughters Obtainable and Umm Kulthum…, etc .” SALIM ibn Qais has narrated saying that `Umar ibn al-Khattab once fined all his governors half of their salaries, exempting Qunfuz al-`Adawi from such a fine, and he was one of such governors. He even returned to him what he had taken away from him, the sum of twenty thousand dirhams. Nor did he deduct the tilth, nor half the tilth. Aban said that SALIM has said, “I met Ali (A.S.) and asked him about what he thought regarding what `Umar had done. He said, `Do you know why he (`Umar) exempted Qunfuz and did not fine him or deduct anything from his salary?’ I said, `No.’ He said, `Because he is the one who hit Fatima, peace and blessings of Allah be upon her, with the whip when she came to act as a barrier between me and them. So she died, peace and blessings of Allah be upon her, and there was still a mark on her wrist like a bracelet.’”[1] Aban has said that SALIM said, “I went to a study circle at the Mosque of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.). The non-Hashemites were Salman, Abu Tharr, al-Miqdad, Muhammed ibn Abu Bakr, `Umar ibn Aba Salamah and Qais ibn Sa`d ibn `Abadah. Al-`Abbas said to Ali (A.S.), `I wonder what stopped `Umar from fining Qunfuz as he did to all his other governors.’ Ali (A.S.) looked around him, then his eyes were filled with tears. He then said, `He did so in appreciation of his hitting Fatima (A.S.) with the whip, so she died and her wrist bore the mark of the hit like a bracelet.’”[2] SALIM quotes Ibn `Abbas saying, “I visited Ali (A.S.) at Tha Qar. He took out a tablet and said to me, `O son of `Abbas! This is a tablet written according to what the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) dictated to me, and it is in my own handwriting.’ I said, `O Commander of the Faithful! Please read it for me.’ He read it, and it contained a narrative of the events from the demise of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) to the martyrdom of al-Husain (A.S.), detailing how he would be killed, the name of his killer, the names of his supporters, and who would be martyred in his company. He wept profusely, causing me to weep, too. Among what he read to me was what would happen to him (to Ali [a]), how Fatima (A.S.) would be martyred, how al-Hasan (A.S.) would be betrayed by the nation then be martyred, etc.”[3] Ali (A.S.) is quoted, at the time when he buried al-Zahra’ (A.S.), as saying, “… And your daughter shall inform you of how the nation assisted each other in oppressing her, so inquire of her and ask her about the conditions, for there are many agonies filling her chest for which she found no outlet…”[4] His speech, peace be upon him, above, although free from frankly stating what took place to al-Zahra’ (A.S.), is indicative of the fact that there were many injustices that remained inside her chest, peace be upon her, for which she found no outlet. Among such injustices are: the confiscation of Fadak, the confiscation of her inheritance, the usurpation of the caliphate that belonged to her husband, because these issues she did publicly and clearly announce, using them as proofs indicting the oppressors, delivering a great sermon in explaining them. Refer to what is mentioned by the mentor al-Kaf`ami, who died in 905 A.H., in his book titled Al-Misbah which he compiled from about two hundred and forty books. He states that he compiled it “… from books the authenticity of which is reliable and upholding them mandated, and this cannot be altered by the evil efforts of time or by the endeavor of those with twisted minds.” Books, like the sun, whose light Is written above the most high of height.[5] He, may Allah have mercy on him, recorded a supplication transmitted by Ibn `Abbas and which Ali (A.S.) used to recite in his qunat. In a footnote, he described it as, “a great supplication, one of a lofty status.” About this supplication, Ali (A.S.) says, “One who recites it is like one who shot a million[6] arrows in defense of the Prophet (A.S.) during the battles of Badr and Hunain.” Among the rext of that supplication is the following with reference to the Household of the Prophet (A.S.): “… and they both killed his children, vacated his pulpit from his wasi and the heir of is knowledge, reneging from their fealty to his Imamate… and a womb which they cut open, and a fetus which they caused to miscarry, and a rib which they crushed, and a covenant which they tore to pieces…, etc.”[7] In a comment which he made about it and which he included in a footnote of his book, Misbahallama al-Majlisi, “The mentor/scholar As`ad ibn `Abd al-Qahir said the following in his book titled Rashh al-Bala’: `When he referred to their demolition of the House of Prophethood, he was referring to the harm inflicted by the first (caliph) and the second against Ali (A.S.) and Fatima (A.S.), their desire to burn the house of Ali (A.S.), how they led him away like a wounded camel, how they squeezed Fatima at her door till she miscarried al-Muhassan… She ordered to be buried at night and that neither the first nor the second should be present at her funeral.’”[8] He also referred to the rib that was crushed, the covenant that was torn to pieces, a reference to what they committed against Fatima (A.S.), how they tore her property’s title (of the real estate of Fadak) to pieces, and how her rib was crushed.[9] Muhammed ibn al-Hasan ibn Ahmed ibn al-Walid cites Ahmed ibn Idras, Muhammed ibn Yahya al-`Attar, who all quote Muhammed ibn Ahmed ibn Aba Hamzah al-Bata’ini quoting Ibn `Umayrah quoting Muhammed ibn `Utbah quoting Muhammed ibn `Abd al-Rehman quoting his father quoting Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.) saying, “While I, Fatima (A.S.), al-Hasan (A.S.) and al-Husain (A.S.) were all in the company of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.), he turned to us and wept. I asked him, `What is that for, O Messenger of Allah (A.S.)?!’ He said, `I weep for you and how you will be hit on the head with the sword, and I weep for Fatima (A.S.) and how she will be slapped on the cheek.”[10] Al-Majlisi describes this narrative as reliable; so refer to his work.[11] Ahmed ibn al-Khasab, citing Ja`fer ibn Muhammed al-Mufaddal quoting Muhammed ibn Sinan al-Zahiri quoting `Abdullah ibn `Abd ar-Rahman al-Asam quoting Madah ibn Haran ibn Sa`d saying, “I heard the father of al-Tufayl, namely `amir ibn Wa’ilah citing the Commander of the Faithful (A.S.) saying to `Umar, among other things, the following: It is the fire that you ignited at the door of my house in order to burn me and to burn Fatima (A.S.), daughter of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.), and burn my sons, al-Hasan (A.S.) and al-Husain (A.S.) and also burn my daughters Zainab and Umm Kulthum…, etc.”[12] What proves violence against Ali (A.S.) and forcing him to swear fealty is a letter which Mu`awiyah wrote him and his answer to it. Mu`awiyah said to him that he was too slow to swear fealty to the “caliphs,” so he was taken to swear it against his wish as a run-away camel is taken.[13] Among what he said to him was, “You envied Abu Bakr, swerved from his path, wished his attempt would fail, kept sitting at home and attracted a group of people to you till they lagged behind rather than swear fealty to him.” He continued to say, “None of these except that you sought the upper hand over him and were sluggish to swear fealty to him till you were taken to him by force like a frightened camel.”[14] The Commander of the Faithful (A.S.) answered him with a letter wherein he said, “And you aid that I was led like a frightened camel in order to swear fealty. By Allah! You intended to speak ill of me but praised me, and to expose me but exposed your own self. There is no harm in a Muslim being oppressed so long as he does not entertain any doubts about his religion…, etc.”[15] This narrative proves that they entered his house and took him out by force, underscoring the fact that they did not have any respect for the privacy of al-Zahra’ (A.S.) who tried to keep them away from him as much as she could as indicated in many narratives although this particular narrative did not disclose how they were directly involved in harming al-Zahra’ (A.S.). Al-Daylami has stated that al-Zahra’ (A.S.) detailed what she had to go through. Among what she said was the following: “… Then they sent to our house Qunfuz accompanied by `Umar ibn al-Khattab and Khalid ibn al-Walid in order to get my cousin Ali (A.S.) to the saqifa of Bana Sa`idah for their lost fealty, but he would not go out to meet them, being busy carrying out the will of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) and with his wives, with compiling the Qur’an and with the repayment of eighty thousand dirhams which he (A.S.) had instructed him to pay on his behalf: the price of equipment and of debt. They collected plenty of firewood at our door. Then they brought a flame to set it to fire and to burn us. I stood at the door’s knob and pleaded to them in the Name of Allah to leave us alone and to come to our aid. `Umar took the whip from the hand of Qunfuz, slave of Abu Bakr, and hit me with it on the wrist. The whip twisted itself around my wrist, leaving a mark like a bracelet on it. He kicked the door with his foot. Ali (A.S.) shut it back, and I was pregnant. I fell on my face as the fire kept burning, parching my face. He slapped me with his hand, causing my ear-ring to fall on the ground into bits and pieces. Labor overtook me, so I miscarried al-Muhassan who was killed without having committed any crime. Is this a nation that blesses me?! Allah and His Messenger disowned them and I, too, disowned them.” The Commander of the Faithful (A.S.) carried out her will. He did not inform anyone about her demise. At al-Baqi`, he dug up forty graves during the night wherein he buried Fatima (A.S.). Then the Muslims, having come to know about the death and burial of Fatima (A.S.), went to the Commander of the Faithful (A.S.) to offer their condolences. They said, “O Brother of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.)! Order us to prepare her for burial and to dig up her grave.” He (A.S.) said, “She has already been buried, joining her father (A.S.).” They said, “We belong to Allah, and to Him shall we return. How can the daughter of our Prophet Muhammed (A.S.), his only offspring, die and we do not perform her funeral prayers?! This is truly very serious!” He (A.S.) said, “Suffices you what you have committed against Allah, the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) and his Progeny. By Allah! I would not violate her will which she entrusted to me, that is, that none of you should perform her funeral prayers, and there is no blame on one who carries out someone’s will.” Those folks shook the dust off their clothes and said, “We have to perform the funeral prayers for the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.).” They immediately went to al-Baqi` and found forty graves freshly dug up. They could not tell which one of them was hers. People exchanged blame and accusations and said, “You did not witness the demise of the daughter of your Prophet, nor did you perform the funeral prayers for her, and now you do not even know here her grave is so you may visit it!” Abu Bakr said, “Let a number of trustworthy Muslims dig up these graves till you find her grave so that we may perform her funeral prayers and visit it.” The Commander of the Faithful (A.S.) heard about it, so he went out of his house angrily. His face was red with anger, his eyes burning, his cheeks puffed up, and he was carrying on his hand his yellow outer garment which he never put it on except on an ill-fated day. He was using his sword, Thul-Fiqar, like a walking stick till he reached al-Baqi`. Prior to his arrival, news reached people that he was going there. A warner said to them, “Here is Ali (A.S.) coming as you can see swearing by Allah that no brick of these graves will be moved from its place except that he will let his sword do its business against the unlucky from among this nation. People fled away in hordes.[16] Among the verses of poetry which were narrated by traditionists and historians and which were composed by al-Zahra’ (A.S.) eulogizing the greatest of all Prophets (A.S.) are the following: Why should one who sniffs the earth Where Ahmed is buried that he shall not As long as he lives sniff musk at all? Calamities were poured over me had they Been poured on the light of days, They would have turned it into nights. So today I am submitting to humiliation Shunning the oppression, Defending myself against the oppressor Even with my own outer garment.[17] Had the calamities to which she is referring in these lines been one relevant to the demise of her father, she would not have used the plural, nor has she resorted to submitting to humiliation or to defending herself with her outer garment. Another verse of poetry refers to her defending herself against her oppressor with her own mantle, referring to the oppression which was not confined to usurping her inheritance, and Fadak, for these do not need to defend against the oppressor with her outer mantle, but she went out and demanded restitution, providing arguments. Add to all the above the fact that one who used her outer mantle to defend against oppression is one who exerts a physical endeavor which she, peace be upon her, had to exert. She did not confine herself to delivering a speech and to provide arguments supporting her claims. This is an article taken from the book - TRAGEDY OF AL-ZAHRA’ (A.S.). DOUBTS CAST AND REBUTTALS By: Ayatullah `Allama Sayyid Ja’far Murtada al-`Amili Translated from the Arabic By: Yasin T. al-Jibouri Published By: Imam Hussain Foundation Read This Book Online [1]Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 30, pp. 302-03 and the book of Salam ibn Qais, Vol. 2, pp. 674-75. Al-`Awalim, Vol. 11, p. 413. [2]Refer to the references listed in the previous footnote. [3]Refer to the book of Salam ibn Qais as edited by al-Ansari, Vol. 2, p. 915. Ibn Shathan, Al-Fada’il, p. 141. Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 28, p. 73. [4]Al-Kulayni, Al-Kafi, Vol. 1, p. 459. Mir’at al-`Uqal, Vol. 5, p. 329. Nahjul-Balagha (Sermon No. 202). [5]Al-Kaf`mi, Misbah, p. 4. [6]The word “million” does not exist in Arabic. Instead, Arabs say “a thousand thousands.” __ Tr. [7]Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 82, p. 261. Al-Kaf`ami, Misbah, p. 553. Al-Balad al-Aman, pp. 551-52. `Ilm al-Yaqan, p. 701. [8]Refer to the footnotes of p. 553 of Al-Misbah by al-Kaf`ami, to pp. 551-52 of Al-Balad al-Aman and to p. 701 of `Ilm al-Yaqan. [9]Refer to p. 555 of the previous reference and to p. 261, Vol. 82, of Bihar al-Anwar. [10]Shaikh al-Saduq, Amali, p. 118. Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 28, p. 51; also refer to Vol. 44, p. 149. Ithbat al-Hudat, Vol. 1, p. 281. `Awalim al-`Ulam, Vol. 11, p. 397. Jala’ al-`Uyan, Vol. 1, p. 189. `Abd ar-Razzaq al-Muqarram, Wafat al-Siddaqa AL-ZAHRA’ (A.S.), p. 60. Ibn Shahr ashab, Al-Manaqib, Vol. 2, p. 209 (published by Intisharat `Alamah, Qum).
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Narrations from the Messenger of Allah (sawa) about persecutions on Hazrat Zahra (sa) As for my daughter Fatima (A.S.), she is the Head of the Women of Mankind… When I saw her, I remembered what she will have to endure after me. It is as if humiliation entered inside her house, violating her privacy, confiscating her rights, depriving her of her inheritance, breaking her side, causing her to miscarry as she will call our: `O Muhammed!’ but there will be none to respond to her. She will seek help, but she will not be helped. She will remain after me grieved, depressed, weeping… Then she will see herself humiliated after being, during her father’s lifetime, honored and dignified… She will be the first to rejoin me from among my Ahl al-Bayt. She will come to me sad, depressed, usurped, murdered. It will then be said by the Messenger of Allah (A.S.), `O Lord! Condemn whoever condemned her! Punish whoever confiscated what belonged to her! Humiliate whoever humiliated her! And keep in Your Fire whoever hit her on her side till she miscarried her son!’ SALIM ibn Qais has quoted `Abdullah ibn al-`Abbas, when Jabir ibn `Abdullah [al-Ansari] was sitting beside him, saying that the Prophet (A.S.) said to Ali (A.S.) at the conclusion of a lengthy sermon, “Quraish will revolt against all of you, and they will be unanimous in oppressing you. So, if you find supporters, you should fight them. But if you do not find supporters, hold your hand away and do not shed your blood. Martyrdom is behind you, and may Allah condemn your killer.” Then Prophet (A.S.) faced his daughter (A.S.) and said, “You will be the first to join me from among my Ahl al-Bayt, and you are the Head of the Women of Paradise. You will face oppression and malice, so much so that you will be hit, and one of your ribs will be broken; may Allah condemn your killer…”[1] <a href="">'>"> Ibrahim ibn Muhammed al-Juwayni al-Shafi`i, relying on the isnad of Ali bin Ahmed ibn Masa al-Daqqaq from Muhammed ibn Aba `Abdullah al-Kafi from Masa ibn `Imran al-Nakh`i from al-Nawfali from al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Aba Hamzah from his father from Sa`ad ibn Jubayr from Ibn `Abbas, has narrated saying that the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) was once sitting when al-Hasan (A.S.) came. When he saw him, he wept. Then he said, “Come to me, come to me, O son!” Then al-Husain (A.S.) came, then Fatima (A.S.). After that the Commander of the Faithful (A.S.) came. His companions asked him, and he answered them. Among what he (A.S.) said to them was: “As for my daughter Fatima (A.S.), she is the Head of the Women of Mankind… When I saw her, I remembered what she will have to endure after me. It is as if humiliation entered inside her house, violating her privacy, confiscating her rights, depriving her of her inheritance, breaking her side, causing her to miscarry as she will call our: `O Muhammed!’ but there will be none to respond to her. She will seek help, but she will not be helped. She will remain after me grieved, depressed, weeping… Then she will see herself humiliated after being, during her father’s lifetime, honored and dignified… She will be the first to rejoin me from among my Ahl al-Bayt. She will come to me sad, depressed, usurped, murdered. It will then be said by the Messenger of Allah (A.S.), `O Lord! Condemn whoever condemned her! Punish whoever confiscated what belonged to her! Humiliate whoever humiliated her! And keep in Your Fire whoever hit her on her side till she miscarried her son!’ The angels will at that time say, `ameen!’”[2] Shaikh al-Islam, `allama al-Majlisi, wile citing this narrative, says, “This is narrated by al-Saduq in his Amali depending on a reliable isnad from Ibn `Abbas.” `Allama al-Majlisi has said: I have found something handwritten by Shaikh Muhammed ibn Ali al-Jib`i, grandfather of Shaikh al-Baha’i, transmitted via the handwriting of the martyr, may Allah raise his status, who cites the Musbah of Shaikh Abi Mansur, may Allah make his resting-place good, saying that it has been narrated that the Prophet (A.S.) entered once the house of Fatima (A.S.) who prepared for him some food comprised of dates, a round loaf of bread and some oil. They all sat down to eat, he, Ali (A.S.), Fatima (A.S.), al-Hasan (A.S.) and al-Husain (A.S.). Once they have finished eating, the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) prostrated. Then he smiled. Then he wept. Then he sat. The most daring to speak up was Ali (A.S.) who said, “O Messenger of Allah (A.S.)! We have seen you today doing what we have never seen you doing before!” He (A.S.) said, “When I ate with you, I was pleased and felt happy for your safety and your assembling together, so I prostrated to Allah to thank Him. It was then that Gabriel (A.S.) descended and asked me, `Have you prostrated for being happy among your family?’ `Yes,’ I said. He said, ‘shall I inform you of what will happen to them after you?’ I said, `Yes, O my Brother, Gabriel! Do so.’ He said, `As for your daughter, she will be the first to rejoin you after being oppressed, what belongs to her will be taken away from her, and she will be deprived of her inheritance, and he husband will be dealt with unjustly. Her rib will be broken. As regarding your cousin, he will be dealt with unjustly, he will be deprived of his right (to be caliph), and he will be killed. As for al-Hasan (A.S.), he will be dealt with unjustly; he will be deprived of his right and will be poisoned. As for al-Husain (A.S.), he will be dealt with unjustly; he will be deprived of his right, his progeny will be killed, and his body will be crushed under the horses’ hoofs. His belongings will be plundered; his women and offspring will be taken captive; he will be buried shrouded in his blood, and strangers will bury him.’ I, therefore, wept and asked him, `Will anyone visit his grave?’ He said, ‘strangers will visit it.’ I asked him, `What rewards will be received by those who visit it?’ He said, `Each one of them will be written down in his/her book of deeds the rewards of performing the pilgrimage a thousand times and the `umra a thousand times, all in your own company,’ so I smiled.”[3] Omer ibn al-Khattab asked Huthayfan ibn al-Yaman about a statement made by the Prophet (A.S.) regarding a dissension that would treat people as the raging waves treat a ship in the sea. Huthayfah said, “It is a dissension between which and yourself is a closed door.” `Omer said, “Will the door, O Huthayfah, be opened or will it be broken?” Huthayfah said, “It will be broken.” `Omer said, “If the door is broken, then it ought not to be closed till the Day of Judgment.”[4] Then they attributed to Huthayfah the statement that what is meant by the broken door is the assassination of `Omer ibn al-Khattab and by the gate of dissension is `Othman taking charge.[5] We say the following: Had Huthayfah really said so, such ijtihad is not precise because the “shara” which was invented by `Omer was the one that brought `Othman to power, albeit whether `Omer was to be killed or to die naturally. He invented it after someone stabbed him in the stomach. Installing `Othman as the caliph was not the cause of the dissension which still remains till our time and will continue till the Judgment Day. Rather, it was the issue of Imamate which was usurped through the violence that manifested itself by the assault on Fatima’s house, by breaking her door and taking Ali (A.S.) out by force to swear the oath of allegiance against his wish. It is a well known that the most serious dissension among the nation is the one regarding the issue of Imamate. No sword was ever taken out of its scabbard based on a theological basis like the one taken out against the Imamate in every time and clime, as al-Shahristani and others have stated.This is an article taken from the book - TRAGEDY OF AL-ZAHRA’ (A.S.). DOUBTS CAST AND REBUTTALS By: Ayatullah `Allama Sayyid Ja’far Murtada al-`Amili Translated from the Arabic By: Yasin T. al-Jibouri Published By: Imam Hussain Foundation Read This Book Online [1]Cited from the book of Salam ibn Qais (edited by al-Ansari), Vol. 2, p. 907. [2]Fara’id al-Simtayn, Vol. 2, pp. 34-35. Al-Saduq, Amali, pp. 99-101. Ithbat al-Hudat, Vol. 1, pp. 280-81. Irshad al-Qulab, p. 295. Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 28, pp. 37, 39 and Vol. 43, pp. 172-73. Al-`Awalim, Vol. 11, pp. 391-92 in the footnote of which a citation of p. 48 of Ghayat al-Maram, p. 48 and p. 109 of Al-Muhtadir. Al-Majlisi, Jala’ al-`Uyan, Vol. 2, pp. 186-88. [3]Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 98, p. 44. [4]Ibn Salam al-Abazi, Bid’ al-Islam wa Shara’i` ad-Dan, p. 107. Al-Bukhari, Sihah, Vol. 1, pp. 67, 164, 212 (1309 A.H. edition). Ibn Majah, Sunan, Vol. 2, p. 1306. Al-Bayhaqi, Dala’il al-Nubuwwa, Vol. 6, p. 386. [5]Refer to the references listed in the previous footnote.
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